PhD Admission process for Odd Semester 2025-26 has started.


Notice regarding Refund of Fee for the post of Junior Assistant against Advertisement No. 03/2014, dated February 28, 2014.

 Recruitment Rules for Non – Teaching posts in National Institutes of Technology (NIT)

Noticeregarding cancellation for the post of Junior Assistant against Advertisement No. 03/2014, dated February 28, 2014.


Result for the post of Part-Time Trainers/Coaches on purely Contract basis against the advertisement no. 03/2017 dated July 27, 2017.

Advertisement for the post of Field Assistant (on contract) in the UPPCB Project of Prof. Ram Pal Singh, PI, Department of Civil Engineering

Result of Walk-In-Interview held on July 01, 2017 for the posts of Computer Operator cum Office Assistant & Supporting Staff in the office of MNNIT Alumni Association, MNNIT Allahabad-211004

Advertisement No. 03/2017, dated July 27, 2017 Recruitment for Part-Time Trainers/Coaches [Cricket, Athletics, Basketball, Lawn-Tennis, Taekwondo, Karate, Badminton, Table Tennis, Football, Volley ball, Gym Trainer, Music, Dramatics, Dance] and Part-Time Yoga Instructor on Purely Contract basis through Walk-In-Interview on August 16, 2017.

Result for the post of Academic Support Staff, Technical Officer, Internal Auditor, Horticulture Assistant, Security Assistant, Legal Assistant, Secretary and Stenographer on purely contractual basis against the advertisement no. 01/2017 dated March 24, 2017.

List of Screened Candidates for the Post of Registrar against Advertisement No. 03/2016, dated July 22, 2016 [ELIGIBLE] [NOT ELIGIBLE].

Result for the post of the Senior Medical Officer, Medical Officer, Part Time General Duty Doctors, Part Time Specialist Doctors on purely contractual basis against the advertisement no. 01/2017 dated March 24, 2017.

List of ELIGIBLE Candidates and their Schedule of Test/ Personal Interview for the Post of Internal Auditor, Legal Assistant, Horticulture Assistant, Security Assistant, Secretary and Stenographer against Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 [Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis].

List of NOT ELIGIBLE Candidates for the Post of Internal Auditor, Legal Assistant, Horticulture Assistant, Security Assistant, Secretary and Stenographer against Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 [Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis].

Result of Technical Manpower on purely contractual basis against the advertisement no. 01/2017 dated March 24, 2017.

Personal Interview for the Post of Senior Medical Officer, Medical Officer, Part Time General Duty Doctors and Part Time Specialist Doctors against Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 [Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis] is POSTPONED and is RESCHEDULED  on July 14, 2017 & July 15, 2017.

List of SHORTLISTED Candidates who have qualified the Skill Test and their Schedule of Personal Interview for the Post of Technical Manpower, Technical Manpower (Network Assistant) against Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 [Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis].

Advertisement for the post of Office Staff in the office of MNNIT Alumni AssociationAdvertisement for the post of Office Staff in the office of MNNIT Alumni Association. [PDF] [DOC]

List of Screened Candidates for the Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis against advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017:-

List of ELIGIBLE Candidates and their Schedule of Skill Test/ Personal Interview for the Post of Technical Manpower, Technical Manpower (Network Assistant) against Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 [Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis].

List of NOT ELIGIBLE Candidates for the Post of Technical Manpower, Technical Manpower (Network Assistant) against Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 [Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis].

List of ELIGIBLE Candidates and their Schedule of Personal Interview for the Post of Senior Medical Officer, Medical Officer, Part Time General Duty Doctors and Part Time Specialist Doctors against Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 [Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis].

List of NOT ELIGIBLE Candidates for the Post of Senior Medical Officer, Medical Officer, Part Time General Duty Doctors and Part Time Specialist Doctors against Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 [Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis].

List of ELIGIBLE Candidates and their Schedule of Skill Test/ Personal Interview for the Post of Academic Support Staff against Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 [Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis].

List of NOT ELIGIBLE Candidates for the Post of Academic Support Staff against Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 [Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis].

List of ELIGIBLE Candidates and their Schedule of Personal Interview for the Post of Technical Officer against Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 [Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis].

List of NOT ELIGIBLE Candidates for the Post of Technical Officer against Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 [Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis].

Advertisement No. 01/2017, dated March 24, 2017 Recruitment for Non-Teaching positions on Contract Basis.

List of Selected Candidates against advertisement No. 01/2016, dated February 25, 2016, for the Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis [Technical Manpower in CMDR, Executive in EDC, Office Assistant in EDC, Junior Engineer [CIVIL / ELECTRICAL]

List of Shortlisted Candidates and Schedule for Personal Interview against advertisement No. 01/2016, dated February 25, 2016, for the following Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis - 

A- Technical Manpower [for Clinical Diagnostics and Pathological Studies, Animal Tissue Culture, Immunodiagnostics, PCR/ Molecular Based Diagnostics Lab].

B- Executive in EDC

C- Office Assistant in EDC

D- Junior Engineer [CIVIL]

E- Junior Engineer [ELECTRICAL]

Walk-in-Interview for the post of Office Assistants and Account Assistants (on contract) in Office of the Dean (R&C)


(Application Form & Summary Sheet- [PDF], [DOC])

Advertisement No. 01/2016, dated February 25, 2016 for recruitment of Project Supervisors [Junior Engineers [Civil/ Electrical)], Executive in Executive Development Centre [EDC], Office Assistant in EDC, Technical Manpower [for Clinical Diagnostics and Pathological Studies, Animal Tissue Culture, Immunodiagnostics, PCR/ Molecular Based Diagnostics Lab] on purely Contract basis.

Advertisement for the post of Account Assistants.

List of Shortlisted Candidates and Schedule for Personal Interview against advertisement No. 08/2015, dated November 02, 2015, for the following Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis - 

List of Shortlisted Candidates and Schedule for Personal Interview against advertisement No. 08/2015, dated November 02, 2015, for the following Non-faculty posts on Contract Basis -

A- Internal Auditor
B- Technical Manpower in Centre for Interdisciplinary Research [CIR]
C- Technical Officer in Centre for Interdisciplinary Research [CIR]

CALL LETTER for Written Test (Paper- II) against advertisement No. 03/2014, dated February 28, 2014, for the post of -

List of Shortlisted Candidates and Schedule for Written Test & Personal Interview against advertisement No. 08/2015, dated November 02, 2015, for the post of Secretary (on Contract basis).

Recruitment for the post of Technical Assistant / Junior Engineer / SAS Assistant Against advertisement No. 03/2014, dated February 28, 2014)

Recruitment for the post of Technician/ Laboratory Assistant/ Work Assistant (Against advertisement No. 03/2014, dated February 28, 2014)(Against advertisement No. 03/2014, dated February 28, 2014)

 Filled in documents needed to be produced while appearing for interview for the posts against advertisement No. 07/2015, dated October 14, 2015, Special Recruitment Drive for filling up of Backlog Vacancies under Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Category in respect of Non-Faculty Posts

Written Test and Interview against advertisement No. 07/2015, dated October 14, 2015, Special Recruitment Drive for filling up of Backlog Vacancies under Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Category in respect of Non-Faculty Posts -

1. Technical Assistant (SG-II), AEE, SAS Assistant (SG-II) – OH
(a) Roll Number wise List of Shortlisted Candidate
(b) Duplicate Call Letter
(c) Flow Chart for Selection Process

2. Superintendent / Accountant – [VH]
(a) Roll Number wise List of Shortlisted Candidate
(b) Duplicate Call Letter
(c) Flow Chart for Selection Process

3. Sr. Assistant – [HH]
(a) Roll Number wise List of Shortlisted Candidate
(b) Duplicate Call Letter
(c) Flow Chart for Selection Process

4. Sr. Technician, Sr. Lab Assistant, Sr. Work Assistant – [OH]
(a) Roll Number wise List of Shortlisted Candidate
(b) Duplicate Call Letter
(c) Flow Chart for Selection Process

List of Candidates who were Absent in Paper-II for the Post of Junior Assistant for Advertisement No. 03/2014, dated February 28,2014 and shall NOT be required to appear for Personal Interview to be held from November 30, 2015 to December 04, 2015.

List of Screened candidates against advertisement No. 07/2015, dated October 14, 2015, Special Recruitment Drive for filling up of Backlog Vacancies under Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Category in respect of Non-Faculty Posts -

1. List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Principal Scientific / Technical Officer [OH]

2. List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Technical Assistant (SG-II), AEE, SAS Assistant – OH

3. List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Sr. TA / AE / Sr. SAS Assistant – [HH]

4. List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Superintendent / Accountant – [VH]

5. List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Technician (SG-II), Lab Assistant (SG-II), Sr. Work Assistant(SG-II) – [HH]

6. List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Sr. Assistant – [HH]

7. List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the post of Sr. Technician, Sr. Lab Assistant, Sr. Work Assistant – [OH]

Corrigendum : Recruitment for various Non-faculty Posts on Regular and Contract basisAnti Ragging

Filled in documents needed to be produced while appearing for interview of the post of Junior Assistant.Anti Ragging

List of candidates for Interview for the post of

Account Assistant  &

Office Assistant (on contract) [Click Here for interview on 21st Nov. 2015 & Click Here for interview on 22nd Nov. 2015

against the Advertisement No. 01/2015 dated 29/09/2015 for Office of the Dean (Research & Consultancy) 

Schedule of Interview for the post of Junior Assistant.Anti Ragging

Proforma for Call Letter of the Computer Test/Written Test for post of Junior Assistant.Anti Ragging

Schedule for the Computer Test/Written Test for post of Junior AssistantAnti Ragging

Recruitment for various Non-faculty Posts on Regular and Contract basisAnti Ragging

List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Office Assistant (on contract) against the Advertisement No. 01/2015 dated 29/09/2015Anti Ragging

List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Account Assistant (on contract)Anti Ragging

Schedule for the Computer Test/Written Test/Interview for post of Junior AssistantAnti Ragging

अनुकम्पा के आधार पर संस्थान में वर्ग 'ग' के पदों पर नियुक्ति की प्रस्तावनाAnti Ragging

Special Recruitment Drive for filling up of Backlog Vacancies under Persons with Disability (PWD) Category for appointment on various Non-Faculty [Administrative/Technical/Ministerial] Posts on regular/deputation/contract basis for various departments/sections of the Institute.

List of screened candidates on the basis of screening test against advertisement No. 03 /2014, dated February 28, 2014

1. List of screened candidates on the basis of Screening Test for the post of Technical Assistant/Junior Engineer/SAS  Assistant

2. .List of screened candidates on the basis of Screening Test for the post of Technician/Work Assistant/Lab Assistant

3. List of screened candidates on the basis of Screening Test for the post of Junior Assistant

Advertisement and application format for the Post of Account Assistant and Office Assistant (on contract) for Office of the Dean (Research & Consultancy).

Revised list of Shortlisted Candidates for Recruitment for the post of Technician/ Laboratory Assistant/ Work Assistant, Technical Assistant/ Junior Engineer/ SAS Assistant and Junior Assistant against advertisement No. 03 /2014, dated February 28, 2014

 1.Technician/ Laboratory Assistant/ Work Assistant

  1. Revised list of Shortlisted Candidates.
  2. Duplicate Call letter for Written Test.
  3. Revised Flow Chart for Selection Process.
  4. Roll No. wise list of Shortlisted Candidates.

2.Technical Assistant/ Junior Engineer/ SAS Assistant

  1. Revised list of Shortlisted Candidates.
  2. Duplicate Call letter for Written Test.
  3. Revised Flow Chart for Selection Process.
  4. Roll No. wise list of Shortlisted Candidates.  

 3.Junior Assistant

  1. Revised list of Shortlisted Candidates.
  2. Duplicate Call letter for Written Test.
  3. Revised Flow Chart for Selection Process.
  4.  Roll No. wise list of Shortlisted Candidates.

Old List of Shortlisted Candidates for Recruitment for the post of Technician/ Laboratory Assistant/ Work Assistant, Technical Assistant/ Junior Engineer/ SAS Assistant and Junior Assistant against advertisement No. 03 /2014, dated February 28, 2014  [NOT VALID]

Notice for reschedule of the Interview dated 19.08.2015 and 20.08.2015 [Technical Manpower (ECED, MED) and Computer Skilled Manpower (TEQIP)] against advertisement No. 04 /2015, dated May 21, 2015. Notice for reschedule of the Interview dated 19.08.2015 and 20.08.2015 [Technical Manpower (ECED, MED) and Computer Skilled Manpower (TEQIP)] against advertisement No. 04 /2015, dated May 21, 2015. 

Corrigendum advertisement for Recruitment of Part Time General Duty Doctors [Modern Medicine, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic & Dentist], Part Time Specialist Doctors[ Cardiologist, Gynecologist, Skin Specialist, Ophthalmologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, ENT Surgeon, Pediatrician, Neuro-Physician, / Psychiatrist, Pathologist, Physician], Physiotherapist and Clinical Psychologist for the Institute Health Centre on purely contract basis through Walk-in-Interview

Recruitment of Part Time General Duty Doctors [Modern Medicine, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic & Dentist], Part Time Specialist Doctors[ Cardiologist, Gynecologist, Skin Specialist, Ophthalmologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, ENT Surgeon, Pediatrician, Neuro-Physician, / Psychiatrist, Pathologist, Physician], Physiotherapist and Clinical Psychologist for the Institute Health Centre on purely contract basis through Walk-in-Interview.

Advertisement for Appointment of Chartered Accountant Firm.

Shortlisted Candidates: Written Test for the post of Assistant Librarian.

Shortlisted Candidates: Written Test for the post of Superintendent /Accountant.

List of Shortlisted Candidates for Recruitment of Non-Faculty Posts [Junior Assistant, Technical Assistant/ Junior Engineer/ SAS Assistant and Technician/ Laboratory Assistant/ Work Assistant] against advertisement No. 03 /2014, dated February 28, 2014.

1. Junior Assistant.

2. Technical Assistant/ Junior Engineer/ SAS Assistant.

3. Technician/ Laboratory Assistant/ Work Assistant

Admit Card and Roll Number WiseList of Shortlisted Candidates for Recruitment of Non-Faculty Posts [Assistant Librarian, Superintendent/Accountant and Stenographer]against advertisement No. 03 /2014, dated February 28, 2014 

1. Roll Number Wise List of Shortlisted Candidates: Assistant Librarian

    Admit Card: Assistant Librarian

2. Roll Number Wise List of Shortlisted Candidates: Superintendent/Accountant

    Admit Card: Superintendent / Accountant

3. Roll Number Wise List of Shortlisted Candidates: Stenographer

    Admit Card: Stenographer

List of Shortlisted Candidates for Recruitment for the post of Senior Medical Officer against advertisement No. 09 /2013, dated July 31, 2013 and Recruitment of Non-Faculty Posts [Assistant Librarian/ Senior Scientific / Technical Officer/ Executive Engineer/ Superintendent & Accountant/ Stenographer]against advertisement No. 03 /2014, dated February 28, 2014

       1.  Senior Medical Officer

       2.   Assistant Librarian

       3.   Senior Scientific / Technical Officer

       4.   Executive Engineer

  5.   Superintendent & Accountant

  6.    Stenographer