- Mr. Saurav Kandpal, PhD scholar (Reg. No. 2024RCL02) was adjudged with the HABIT-2025 Young Researcher Award for the paper titled “Hydrogen-rich syngas production through co-gasification of biomass and petcoke in a horizontal tubular furnace and modeling the intricate process through machine learning” authored by Saurav Kandpal, Mohammad Anas, Suantak Kamsonlian, and Ashish N. Sawarkar, in the session “Interdisciplinary approaches in Health, Food, Agriculture, and Environment” of International Conference on Health and Agricultural Biotechnology: Interdisciplinary Trends (HABIT-2025), organized by Department of Biotechnology, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India during February 28-March 2, 2025. He is pursuing his Ph.D. under the guidance of Dr. Ashish N. Sawarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering.
- Mr. Saurav Kandpal [M.Tech. (2023-24)] (Reg. No. 2022CL02) bagged Ambuja’s Young Researcher’s Award [2024] for doing post-graduate studies in India after GATE Examination for the thesis titled "Prediction of Biochar Yield and Higher Heating Value from Biomass Pyrolysis through Machine Learning" by the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE), during inaugural function of the 77th Annual Session of IIChE, Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON-2024) held at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab, India during December 27-30, 2024. He did his thesis work under the guidance of Dr. Ashish N. Sawarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering.
- Mr. Saurav Kandpal [M.Tech. (2023-24)] (Reg. No. 2022CL02) is adjudged with the Best M.Tech. Thesis Award for the thesis titled "Prediction of Biochar Yield and Higher Heating Value from Biomass Pyrolysis through Machine Learning" in the 4th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (PYROASIA 2024), a flagship annual event of Pyro Asia Forum, organized by IIT Guwahati, India and Frontier Laboratories, Japan, held during November 28-29, 2024 at IIT Guwahati. He did his thesis work under the guidance of Dr. Ashish N. Sawarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering.
- Certificate of Appreciation for Participation in Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav.
- Paper titled "An in-depth analysis of biochar synthesis via slow pyrolysis of banana agro-residue: characterization and emerging applications" by Ankita Tagade, Saurav Kandpal, and Ashish N. Sawarkar, Department of Chemical Engineering was awarded as the BEST PAPER in one of the technical sessions of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Biotechnology Research–HAPTEN2024, organized by Department of Biotechnology, Arunai Engineering College, Affiliated to Anna University, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, India in association with Biotech Research Society of India held on March 22, 2024.
- Mr. Saurav Kandpal, M.Tech. (II year) (Reg. No. 2022CL02), Department of Chemical Engineering received BEST PAPER AWARD for the paper titled “Novel rotary kiln reactor for biochar production through biomass pyrolysis and its application in microbial fuel cells” authored by Saurav Kandpal, Ankita Tagade, and Ashish N. Sawarkar, in one of the technical sessions of International Conference on Advancement in Energy (ऊर्जाSangam-2023) organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad during December 18-20, 2023. Mr. Saurav Kandpal is pursuing his Masters’ under the guidance of Dr. Ashish N. Sawarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering.
- Dr. Ashish N. Sawarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, has been elected as “Fellow” of “Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE), India” by the President and Members of the Council of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers.
- Dr. N. K. Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, conferred with "Biotechnology Research Excellence Award" by the Biotech Research Society, India (BRSI) and the Society of Life Sciences (SLS), India on the occasion of 2nd International Conference on "Advances and Innovations in Biotechnology for Sustainable Bioresources and Bioeconomy" (AI-BSBB2023) on November 24, 2023, organized by Department of Biotechnology, AKS University, Satna, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Dr. Ashish N. Sawarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, conferred with "Biotechnology Research Excellence Award" by the Biotech Research Society, India (BRSI) and the Society of Life Sciences (SLS), India on the occasion of 2nd International Conference on "Advances and Innovations in Biotechnology for Sustainable Bioresources and Bioeconomy" (AI-BSBB2023) on November 24, 2023, organized by Department of Biotechnology, AKS University, Satna, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Prof. P.K. Dutta (Chemistry Dept.), Dr. M.K. Gupta (Mechanical Eng. Dept.), Dr. Deepak Gupta (Comp. Sci. and Eng. Dept.), Prof. Y. K. Prajapati (Electronics and Com. Eng. Dept.), Dr. Dipayan Guha (Electrical Eng. Dept.), Dr. Ashish N. Sawarkar (Chemical Eng. Dept.), Prof. Rajesh Gupta (Electrical Eng. Dept.), Prof. P.P. Sahay (Physics Dept.), Prof. Mukul Shukla (Mechanical Eng. Dept.), Dr. Anand Sharma (Electronics and Com. Eng. Dept.), Dr. Gorakh Nath (Mathematics Dept.), and Prof. Haranath Kar (Electronics and Com. Eng. Dept.) have featured in the coveted list of TOP 2% SCIENTISTS WORLDWIDE, created by Stanford University, United States, for the year 2023.
- Published research paper "Pyrolysis of garlic husk biomass: Physico-chemical characterization, thermodynamic and kinetic analyses" authored by Rajnish Kumar Singh, Trilok Patil, and Ashish N. Sawarkar, Department of Chemical Engineering, has featured in the list of most cited articles in Bioresource Technology Reports, an Elsevier publication (The list comprises most cited articles published since 2020 extracted from Scopus). https://www.journals.elsevier.com/bioresource-technology-reports/most-cited-articles.
- Ms. Lakshmi Rajpoot [M.Tech. (2021-22)] (Reg. No. 2020CL06), who worked under the guidance of Dr. Ashish N. Sawarkar, Asst. Prof. (Grade-I), Department of Chemical Engineering was adjudged with Ambuja’s Young Researcher’s Award [2022] for the thesis titled "Pyrolysis of Flaxseed De-oiled Cake: Physico-chemical Characterization, Kinetics, and Thermodynamic analysis" by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE), Kolkata.
- Ms. Ankita Tagade (PhD scholar) and Dr. Ashish N. Sawarkar, Asst. Prof. (Grade-I), Department of Chemical Engineering, received Best Paper Award for the paper titled "A comprehensive evaluation on the synthesis and characterization of biochar derived from slow pyrolysis of sorghum millet straw for its prospective applications" in the National Conference on "Sustainable Technologies in Chemical-Biological Systems" (STCBS 2023) organized by Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, India in association with BRSI, IIChE and ISTE held during April 5-6, 2023.
- One of the published papers titled "Kinetics of co-gasification of rice husk biomass and high sulphur petroleum coke with oxygen as gasifying medium via TGA" authored by Zavin R. Gajera, Komal Verma, Shyam P. Tekade, and Ashish N. Sawarkar has featured in the list of most cited articles in Bioresource Technology Reports, an Elsevier publication (The list comprises most cited articles published since 2020 extracted from Scopus). https://www.journals.elsevier.com/bioresource-technology-reports/most-cited-articles
- Dr. N.K.Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, MNNIT Allahabad, received a Dr. Ziauddin Ahmad Vishist Krishi Vaigyanic Puraskar (Crop Improvement in Wheat) from Uttar PradeshAcademy of Agricultural Science and Uttar Pradesh council of agricultural research Lucknow by Honorable Governor Uttar Pradesh and Agriculture Minister Uttar Pradesh on June 14, 2017 in ICAR- IISR Lucknow. [Award Cetificate] [PHOTO]