PhD Admission process for Odd Semester 2025-26 has started.
  • GIS Technology and its applications: Application of GIS in Transportation Engineering, Supply chain management, Vehicle routing and scheduling, Watershed management, Urban planning and utility management, City modeling, Agent Based System, Geometrical Algebra and Computational Geometry.
  • Satellite Geodesy and its application: Developing advance geodetic frameworks for deformation analysis using Multi Earth Observation dataset, Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled feature extractions for Disaster management,Geodetic network design and optimization, Advance InSAR for estimating geophysical parameters of interest, Tropospheric monitoring and extreme weather prediction.
  • Satellite Image Processing and its application: Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation, features extraction and urban sprawl land use mapping using high resolution satellite images fused with airborne LiDAR data; Microwave Engineering and location based services.
  • LiDAR Technology and its application: Airborne, Terrestrial and Mobile LiDAR mapping for topographic survey, urban areas, utilities, transport infrastructure and tunneling; Designing algorithms for processing and post-processing of mobile and airborne LiDAR data; Development of Mobile Mapping System (MMS) including components calibration, integration and synchronization; MMS Simulator and GPS-INS integration.
  • Web GIS and its application: Open Geospatial Consortium Services, Open Source GIS, Service Oriented Architecture, Spatial Data Infrastructure, Spatial Decision Support System and Cloud Computing.

Research Projects Ongoing


S. No.

Name of Research Project

Funding Agency

Amount (Rs. Lacs)

Principal Investigator(s)


Regional Center for Geodesy (RCG) at MNNIT Allahabad (PI) (Funding Agency: DST); (one of the six institutions in the country selected by DST under Hub-spoke model; Hub: National Center for Geodesy (NCG), IIT Kanpur)



Dr. Ramji Dwivedi (PI)


Monitoring & Investigations on lightning phenomena and its associated processes using lightning detection systems (LDS) at Collaborating Institutes



Dr. Ramji Dwivedi (PI)


Landslide monitoring, strain mapping and landslide forecasting using ALOS (L-band SAR) acquisitions (PI) (Data support for ALOS-2) [Agency: JAXA under 3rd Research Announcement]

JAXA, Japan

Data support

Dr. Ramji Dwivedi (PI)


India-European Union (EU) Consortium Research Project (Co-PI) “Sustainable Energy system for Achieving Novel Carbon neutral Energy communities (SUSTENANCE)”; A multinational multi-institutional research project jointly funded by DST India and European Commission (Horizon 2020) and having project partners from IITs, IISc and NITs, European universities (Aalborg University, Denmark; University of Twente (UT), Netherlands), industry partners

DST, India


Dr. Manohar Yadav (PI)


Multi-sensor-multi-platform LiDAR systems integrated with a camera and artificial intelligence for sustainable forest management and urban tree inventories



Dr. Manohar Yadav (PI)


Research Projects Completed


S. No.

Name of Research Project

Funding Agency

Amount (Rs. Lacs)

Principal Investigator(s)


Multi-Temporal Interferometric SAR (MT-InSAR) studies for near real time landslide monitoring



Dr. Ramji Dwivedi



Landslide inventory preparation using Multi- temporal SAR



Dr. Ramji Dwivedi



Multi-sensor approach for landslide monitoring (Jointly with IIT Kanpur)



Dr. Ramji Dwivedi (PI)