PhD Admission process for Odd Semester 2025-26 has started.

Research Areas

The Department is actively engaged in intensive research in various thrust areas. Some of the specific areas include:

1. Fatigue & Fracture

2. Computer Aided Design (CAD)

3. Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

4. Supply Chain Management

5. Advanced Manufacturing Processes

6. Laser Material Processing

7. Design Engineering

8. Heat Transfer

9. FEM Applications

10. Neural Network & Fuzzy Logic Applications

11. DOE Applications

12. Pressure Vessel Design

13. Knowledge Management

14. Energy Management

15. Operations Management

16. Nanocomposites and Nanotechnology

17. Reverse Engineering

18. Surface Coating Technology

19. Robotics and Mechatronics

20. Rapid Prototyping Technology

21. Manufacturing Science and Technology: Casting, Forming, Machining, Welding

22. Computational Fluid Dynamics

23. Vibrations & Modal Testing

24. Mechanism Analysis

25. Tribology

26. Combined Power Cycle

27. Turbo Machinery

28. Non-conventional Energy Resources

29. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Drying

30. Gear Design

31. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

32. Additive Manufacturing Processes

33. Micro-nano Manufacturing

34. Microfluidics and Drug Delivery System

35. Bio tribology

36. Friction stir welding

37. Rotor Dynamics

38 Condition monitoring and diagnostics

39. Joining of composite and metal materials

40. Solar Energy Applications

41. Aerothermodynamics

42. Composite materials

43. Characterization of metals and composites

Consultancy Services

Areas in which Consultancy services are being provided or can be provided:

1. Lubrication and Bearings

2. Fatigue and Fracture

3. Testing of Metals and Composites

4. Measurements and Control

5. Vibration Frequency Measurement

6. Advanced Machining Processes

7. Determination of Thermal Conductivity & Heat Transfer Coefficient

8. Consultancy related to CNC Machining and Retrofitting

9. Solar Energy

10. Compressible Fluids

11. Mechanism Analysis

12. Maintenance Engineering

13. Gear Design

14. Stress Analysis of Machine Components using FEM

15. Micro-nano Manufacturing

16. Bio tribology

17. Microfluidics and Drug Delivery System

18. Powder Metallurgy

19. Rotor Dynamic Analysis

20. Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of turbomachinery

21. Testing of adhesive bonded joints

22.Pipeline and Pumps

24. Quality Implementation services and certification

25. Extraction of nanocellulose

26. Development of metal matrix composites

27. Development of polymer matrix composites

28. Dynamic mechanical analysis

29. Wear analysis of metals and composites

30. Water absorption test of polymer composites