PhD Admission process for Odd Semester 2025-26 has started.

Objectives and Members of the Cell

Grievance Cell is constituted for redressal of the grievances of faculty, staff & students. Meeting of the cells is conducted regularly to examine the grievances of faculty, staff & student, received and the Cell proposes necessary measures to be taken by the Administration to resolve the same. The Cell is also responsible for notifying the actions taken by using the newly created online e-grievance facility.

The Cell consists of the following members: 

1. Prof. P. K. Dutta, Department of Chemistry, Chairman

2. Dr. Rajesh Gupta, EED, Member

3. Dr. Tripti Singh, SMS, Member

4. Mr. Ziauddin, UDC, Office of the Chief Proctor, Member

    [Staff Representative]

5. Mr. Saurabh Mishra, Regn. No. 20095027, ECED, Member 

               [Student Representative: Male]

6. Ms. KhushbooShukla, Regn. No. 20102055, EED, Member

    [Student Representative: Female]



Contact Address:


Grievance Cell

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad

Allahabad – 211004, India

Telephone No.: 91-0532-2545404, 2545407
