PhD Admission process for Odd Semester 2025-26 has started.

Prof. S. N. Pandey  

Designation: Professor & Head
Qualification: Ph.D.
Area of Interest:
  1. Experimental: Nanostructured Thin Films, Functional Oxide Nanomaterials, Carrier Transport in Thin Films, Gas Sensors, Supercapacitor.
  2. Theoretical: Dynamics of Nonlinear and Damped Systems, Symmetry and Integrability, Fractal and Multi-Fractal Analysis, Quantum Computing: Entanglement Dynamics.
Phone No.: +91-532-2271269 (O), 2271679 (R),+91-9450957095, 7570916815
Email: ,
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Prof. Animesh Kumar Ojha

Designation: Professor
Qualification: M. Sc.,Ph.D.
Area of Interest:

Research Areas:
(i) Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

  • Synthesis, and Optical Properties of Graphene, Graphene Quantum Dots,     Graphene-metal Oxide Composites and Their Applications as Charged     Storage and Photo-catalytic Materials.
  • Synthesis and Studies on Size and Shape Dependent Optical and Magnetic Properties of Low Dimensional Materials.

(ii) Theoretical Physics

  • Designing and Simulation of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Peroveskite Materials for Solar Cell Applications
  • Density Functional Theory (DFT) Studies on Molecular Association e.g. Hydrogen Bond and Other Weak Interactions.
Phone No.: +91-0532-2271289  (O), +91-0532-2271968  (R), 09532830699  (M)
Email:  , , 
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Prof. Naresh Kumar

Designation: Professor 
Qualification: M. Sc.,Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Synthesis of functional oxide nano materials, magnetic and multiferroic materials (Bulk and thin films) and understanding of their Physical (structural, electrical, magnetic and optical)
properties.Study of laser produced plasmas and pulsed laser deposition of thin films.
Phone No.: +91 532 227 1264  (O), +91 532 227 1914  (R)
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Dr. Ravi Prakash

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph. D., JNU
Area of Interest: Quantum chaos, Random matrix theory and its applications, Embedded ensembles of random matrices, Dissipative/open quantum systems, Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems, Quantum entanglement, Out-of-time-order-correlators. Entanglement entropy and operator entanglement.
Phone No.:


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Ravi Prakash

Dr. Sandeep Kumar

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc. (IIT Delhi), Ph.D. (IIT-BHU)
Area of Interest:
  • Novel Nanostructures (Nanoparticles, Nanorods, Nanoribbons etc): Synthesis, characterizations and their applications
  • Nanophosphors: Latent fingerprint imaging, anti-counterfeiting and security ink for forensics
  • Thin film epitaxy/Memory devices/Applications
Phone No.:

 +91 9990670267(O)


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Dr. sandeep kumar

Dr. Richa Arya

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. in Physics
Area of Interest: Theoretical Physics, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology, High Energy Physics
  • Cosmic inflation and its imprints
  • Gravitational wave signatures from the                 early Universe
  • Primordial black holes formation
  • Dark matter and Dark energy
  • Tests of modified gravity theories
  • Cosmological tensions and their resolution
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Dr. Richa Arya