PhD Admission process for Odd Semester 2025-26 has started.


1. Mehta R.C., and Deopa N.S., “Measurement and analysis of velocity and pressure distribution behind hydraulic turbine runners”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Mech. Engg. Division, Nov. 1985.

2. Mehta R.C., and Soundranayagam S.,”Surging in draft tubes of hydraulic turbines”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India),Mech. Engg. Division, Jan. 1987

3. Paliwal, D.N., Gupta, R., Jain, Anuj, The Analysis of an Orthotropic Ellipsoidal Shell on an Elastic Foundation, Int. J. Pressure Vessel and Piping, vol. 51, pp. 133-141, 1992.

4. Singh SP and Negi S (1992) Antibacterial and antifungal activities of Mentha arvensis essential oil. Fitoterapia 63(1):76-78.

5. Singh SP and Negi S (1992) Antibacterial properties of essential oils from Zingiber chrysanthum leaves and rhizomes. Fitoterapia. 63(1):73-75.

6. Paliwal, D.N., Gupta, R., Jain, Anuj, Stress Analysis of Ellipsoidal Shell on an Elastic Foundation, Int. J. Pressure Vessel and Piping , vol. 56, pp. 229-242, 1993.

7. Mehta R.C.,Rao C.R.,and Dubey Y.N.,”Resistance of two inclined parallel flat plates placed in tandem on a streamwise flat plate in two-dimensional flow”,Journal. Inst. Mech. Enggs.(London), Vol. 207, Part C-6, 1993.

8. D. N. Paliwal, H. Kanagasbapathy and K. M.  Gupta, “The Large Deflection of an Orthotropic Cylindrical Shell on a Pasternak Foundation”, Composite Structures, pp. 31-38 Vol. 31, No.1, 1995.

9. D. N. Paliwal, H. Kanagasabapathy and K. M. Gupta, “Vibrations of an Orthotropic Shallow Spherical Shell on a Pasternak Foundation”, Composite Structures, pp. 31-38 Vol. 33, No. 3, 1995.

10. D. N. Paliwal, H. Kanagasabapathy and K. M. Gupta, “Vibrations of an Orthotropic Shallow Spherical Shell on a Kerr Foundation”, The International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, pp. 17-24, Vol. 64, No. 1, 1995.

11. H. Kanagasabapathy, D. N. Paliwal and K. M. Gupta, “Large Deflection of an Orthotropic Shallow Spherical Shell on a Pasternak Foundation”, The International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, pp. 117-122, Vol. 62, No. 2, 1995.

12. D. N. Paliwal, N. Malhotra and K. M. Gupta, “Design of Loose Type Orthotropic Flange”, The International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, pp. 127-136, Vol. 65, No. 2, 1996.

13. D. N. Paliwal, H. Kanagasabapathy and K. M. Gupta, “Orthotropic Shallow Spherical Shell on a Kerr Foundation” - a Technical Brief, ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, pp. 131-133, Vol. 119, No. 1, 1997.

14. Paliwal, D.N., Pandey, R.K. and Shukla, K.K., (1999) “Parametric study on the vibration of a cylindrical shell on an elastic foundation”, J. of Structural Engineering, 26(2), 149-153.

15. Shukla, K. K. and Nath, Y., (2000)" Nonlinear analysis of moderately thick laminated rectangular plates", J. Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 126(8), 831-838.

16. Nath, Y and Shukla, K. K., (2001) "Post-buckling of cross-ply laminated rectangular plates under in plane thermal loading", Int.J.of Nonlinear Modelling in Science. and Engg,1, 1-16.

17. Nath, Y and Shukla, K. K., (2001) "Post-buckling of angle-ply laminated plates under thermal loading", Communications in Nonlinear Sciences & Numerical

Simulation, 6(1), 1-17.

18. Nath, Y. and Shukla, K.K., (2001) “ Nonlinear transient analysis of  moderately thick laminated composite plates”, J.Sound and Vibrations, 247 (3), 509-526.

19. Shukla, K.K. and Nath, Y., (2001) “Analytical solution for buckling and post- buckling of angle-ply laminated composite plates under thermomechanical

loading”, Int. J. Nonlinear Mechanics, 36(7), 1097-1108.

20. D. N. Paliwal and Ramesh Pandey (2001), “Free Vibrations of an Orthotropic Thin Cylindrical Shell on a Pasternak Foundation”, AIAA J., 39 (11), 2188-2191.

21. Shukla, K.K. and Nath, Y., (2002) “ Thermomechanical postbuckling of cross- ply laminated rectangular plates”, J. Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 128(1), 93-101.

22. Shukla,K.K. and Nath,Y. (2002) “ Buckling of laminated composite rectangular plates under transient thermal loading”, J. Applied Mechanics, ASME., 69(5),


23. Kumar, Shalendra, Jain, Anuj, Mohanty, B., Gupta, S.C., Recirculation Model of Kettle Reboiler, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 46, no. 15, May- June, 2003, pp. 2899-2909.

24. Shukla, K.K., Chen, Jhao-Ming, and Huang, J.H., (2004) “Nonlinear dynamic analysis of composite laminated plates containing spatially oriented short fibers”, Int. J. Solids & Struct., 41/2, 365-384.

25. Patel, B.P., Shukla, K.K., and Nath, Y., (2004) “Thermal buckling of laminated cross-ply oval cylindrical shells”, Composite Structures, 65/2, 217-229.

26. Shukla, K.K., Huang, J.H., and Nath, Y. (2004) “Thermal postbuckling of laminated composite plates with temperature dependent properties”, J. Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 130(7), 818-825.

27. Shukla, K.K., Nath, Y., Kreuzer, E., and Sateesh, K.V. (2005), “Buckling of Laminated Composite Rectangular Plates”, J. Aero. Engg., ASCE, 18 (4), 215- 223.

28. Huang, J.H., and Shukla, K.K. (2005) “Post-buckling of cross-ply laminated rectangular plates containing short random fibers, Composite Struct., 68/3, 255- 265.

29. Patel, B.P., Shukla, K.K., and Nath Y.(2005)  “Thermo-elastic stability behaviour of laminated cross-ply elliptical shells,” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 19 (6), 749-755.

30. Patel, B.P., Shukla, K.K., and Nath Y. (2005)  “Thermal Postbuckling analysis of Laminated Truncated Circular Conical Shells with Temperature Dependent Properties”, AIAA J., 43, No. 6, 1380-1388.

31. Shukla, K.K., Nath, Y., and Kreuzer, E. (2005) “Buckling and transient behaviour of layered composite plates under thermomechanical loading”, ZAMM, 85, No.3,163-175.

32. Patel, B.P., Shukla, K.K., and Nath, Y. (2005), “Thermal postbuckling analysis of laminated cross-ply truncated circular conical shells ”,Composite Structures, 71/1, 101-114.

33. K. M. Gupta and S. J. Pawar, “A Nonlinear Steady State Diffusion Model Incorporating Edge and Surface Texture Effects to Predict Absorption Behaviour of Composites”, International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A, Special Issue of Elsevier Science: Recent Advances in Composite Materials, 412, pp 78-82, 2005.

34. Jain, Anuj, Mohanty, B., Pitchumani, B., Rajan, K.S., Studies on Gas-Solid Heat

Transfer in Cyclone Heat Exchanger, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol 128, no 8, August 2006, 761-768

35. Patel, B.P., Shukla, K.K., and Nath, Y. (2006) “Nonlinear thermoelastic stability characteristics of laminated oval cylindrical/conical shells,” Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 42, 1061-1070.

36. Patel, B.P., Nath, Y., and Shukla, K.K. (2006) “Thermal buckling/post-buckling analysis of laminated joined cylindrical-conical shells,” Int J. of Solids and Structures, 43, 4810-4829.

37. Wu, T.L., Shukla, K.K., and Huang, J.H. (2006), “Nonlinear static and dynamic

analysis of functionally graded plates”, Int. J. Applied Mechanics & Engineering, 11 (3), 679-698.

38. S Negi and R Banerjee (2006) Optimization of amylase and protease production from Aspergillus awamori nakazawa in single bioreactor through EVOP factorial design technique. Food Technology Biotechnology 44: (2) 257–261.

39. Sangeeta Negi, Veena Pande, R.L. Singh and Laxmi Chand (2007). Studies on seed storage proteins and their synthesis during seed development in pigeon pea. Advances in Life Sciences. 2.1-5.

40. Wu, T.L., Shukla, K.K., and Huang, J.H. (2007), “Post-buckling analysis of functionally graded rectangular plates”, Composite Struct., 81(1), 1-10.

41. Tripathi, Vivek, Singh, B.N., and Shukla, K.K., (2007), “Free vibration of laminated composite conical panels with random material properties”, Composite Structures, 81(1), 96-104

42.  Singh,S., Sharma, A., Patel, B.P., Shukla, K.K., and Nath,Y. (2007), “Nonlinear Stability and 
Dynamics of  Laminated Composite Plates and Shells’, Vibration  Problems ICOVP-2005, Springer, 
415 – 427.

43. Shukla, K.K., Ravi Kumar, K.V., Pandey, R., and Nath, Y. (2007), “Post buckling Response of Functionally Graded Rectangular Plates Subjected to Thermo-mechanical Loading”, Int. J. Structural Stability and Dynamics,  7(3), 519-541.

44. Paruchuru S.P., Jain Anuj, Wang X., Size Requirements of Compact Sandwich Specimen for Testing of Bone, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 7, no. 4, 2007, pp. 419-431

45. Paruchuru S.P., Jain Anuj, Wang X., Size Requirements of Compact Sandwich

Specimen for Testing of Bone, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 7, no. 4, 2007, pp. 419-431.

46. Paruchuru S.P., and Jain Anuj, Finite Element Modeling and Experimental Validation of Computational Procedures for a Fracture Mechanics based Bone Test Method, Trends in Biomaterials & Artificial Organs, vol. 21, no. 1, July 2007, pp. 1-7.

47. K. M. Gupta and Arunesh K Srivastava,” Development and Characterization of Natural (Palmyra) Fiber Reinforced Composite”, International Journal Of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Research India Publications (ISSN 0973-6085), Volume 2, Number 1-2, December 2007, pp. 71-80.

48. K. M. Gupta and Arunesh K Srivastava,”Palmyra (Natural Fibre) and Glass (Synthetic Fiber) Reinforced Hybrid Composite”, International Journal Of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Research India Publications (ISSN 0973-6085), Volume 2, Number 1-2,December 2007, pp. 81-88.

49. Paruchuru S.P., Jain Anuj, Normalised Specimen Thickness Requirements of Compact Sandwich Test for Measuring Bone Fracture Toughness, Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Biomechanics, Accepted, 2008


50. Paruchuru S.P., Jain Anuj, Loading Rate Requirements of Compact Sandwich Specimen for Fracture Toughness Testing of Bone, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Communicated, 2008


51. K. M. Gupta, and Arunesh K Srivastava “Experimental Characterization of Natural Palmyra Fibres under Different Conditions”, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Research India Publications (ISSN 0973-6085), Volume 3, Number 1, March 2008, pp. 41-51.

52. K. M. Gupta, “Investigation of the Elastic Behaviour of an Orthotropic Mitre Bend”, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Research India Publications (ISSN 0973-6085), Volume 3, Number 1, March 2008, pp. 65-72.

53. Singh, B.N., Umrao, A., and Shukla, K.K. (2008), “Second order statistics of natural frequencies of smart laminated composite plates with random material properties”, Smart Structures and Systems: An Int. J., 4(1).

54. Pandey, R., Shukla, K.K., and Jain, A (2008), “Nonlinear flexural analysis of laminated composite plates”, Int. J. Applied Mechanics & Engineering, 13(3), 707-733.

55. Sangeeta Negi and Rintu Banerjee (2008). Extraction and purification of protease produced concomitantly with amylase by Aspergillus awamori under SSF. Advances in Life Sciences. 3:5-10.


56. Pandey, R., Shukla, K.K., and Jain, A (2009), “Thermoelastic stability analysis of laminated composite plates: An analytical approach”, Communications in Nonlinear Sc. Numerical Simulation, 14(4), 1679-1699.

57. Sangeeta Negi and Rintu Banerjee (2009). Optimization of Extraction and Purification of Glucoamylase Produced by Aspergillus awamori in Solid-State Fermentation. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering. 14: 60-66.

58. Sangeeta Negi and Rintu Banerjee (2009). Characterization of Amylase and Protease Produced by Aspergillus awamori in a single bioreactor. Journal of Food Research International. 44: (2) 257–261.

59. Sangeeta Negi and Rintu Banerjee (2009). Optimization of Culture Parameters to Enhance Production of Amylase and Protease from Aspergillus awamori in a Single Fermentation. African Journal of Biochemistry Research. Revised manuscript communicated.

60. Sangeeta Negi  (2009). Energy needs of growing Indian economy- biofuel an alternative. Indian Journal of Biotechnology. Communicated.


1. Mehta R.C., and Soundranayagam S., “Unsteady flow behind axial and mixed flow turbine runners”, Proc. 7th Nat. Conf. on Fluid Mech. And Fluid power, Baroda, 1977.

2. K. M. Gupta, “Analysis and Design of Underground Spherical Pressure Vessel”, M. E. Thesis, Allahabad University, January 1977.

3. Mehta R.C., and Soundranayagam S., “Vortex breakdown in draft tubes”, Proc. All India Seminar on Fluid Power Engineering, Calcutta,1978.

4. Soundranayagam S., and Mehta R.C., “Swirl at exit from water turbine runners and its effect on draft tube surge”, Proc. Sixth Conference on Fluid Machinery,Vol. 2, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest,1979.

5. Mehta R.C., “Experimental investigation of Hydraulic transportation of sand through pipeline”, Proc. 10th Nat. Conf. on FMFP,R.I.T., Jamshedpur, 1981.

6. Mehta R.C., and Tripathi K.S., “Head loss in pipe and bend in solid-liquid flow”, Proc. 11th Nat. Conf. on Fluid Mech. And Fluid Power, Hyderabad,1982.

7. Mehta R.C., Gupta M.D., and Deopa N.S., “Head loss in solid-liquid flow and effect of solid concentration on the pump head”.,Proc. 12th Nat. Conf. on Fluid Mech. And Fluid Power, Delhi,1983.

8. Mehta R.C., and Deopa N.S., “Wear in pipeline in Hydraulic transportation of solids”, Proc. International Symposium on Hydraulic transportation of coal and other minerals, Bhubneswar, Jan. 1988

9. K. M. Gupta, “Experimental Characterization of Diagonally Reinforced Composite”, Proceedings of National Workshop on Advanced Materials, Hotel Oberoi Grand, Calcutta, Sept. 1-3, 1988.

10. K. M. Gupta, A. K. Govil and S. N. Sinha, “Experimental Characterization and    Theoretical Prediction of Arched – in – Plane Fibre Composite”, 8th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-8), Hawaii, USA, July 15-19, 1991.

11. Mehta R.C., Chandra V., and Kumar S., “Pressure drop in Fluidized beds”, 18th Nat. Conf. on FMFP,GSITS Indore, Dec. 1991

12. Mehta R.C.,Rao C.R., and Gupta S.K., “Measurement of discharge by Eccentric and Segmental orifice plates”, Proc. Nat. Symp. on Experiments in Fluids, I.I.T.,Kanpur, Dec. 1992.

13. Sai, A.S.R., Jain Anuj, Durability Performance and Fuzzy logic Based Evaluation of Ferrocement Structures, Int. Sym. on Innovative World of Concrete (ICI-IWC93), Bangalore, India, pp. 2/137-2/149, 1993

14. Jain, Anuj, Sai, A.S.R., Fuzzy logic Based Evaluation of Ferrocement Folded plate Umbrella, Proceeding of Second Asia Pacific Symposium on Ferrocement, Roorkee, India, 25-27 Feb. 1994, pp. 1/11-1/21

15. K.K.Shukla and Jai Prakash (1995), “Light Weight Precast Slab”, Proc. National Seminar on High Rise Structures”, Institution of Engineers, Allahabad, V62-66.

16. K. M. Gupta, “Development, Analysis and Design of Glass – reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessel”, Ph.D. Thesis, Allahabad University, January 1996.

17. K. M. Gupta and A. K. Govil, “Development and Experimental Characterization of Inherent Sandwitched Arched In-Plane Fibre Composite”, Proceedings of National Seminar on “Alternate Construction Materials in Civil Engineering, REC, Hamirpur, India Dec. 10-11, 1996.

18. K. M. Gupta, A. K. Govil and R. P. Nikhed, "Experimental Determination Of Diffusivity of Diagonally Reinforced Fibre Composite with Different Surface Area and Surface Texture", Proceedings of National Seminar on "Alternate Construction Materials in Civil Engineering, REC, Hamirpur, Himachal Predesh, Dec. 10-11, 1996.

19. Jain, Anuj, Gulyani, B.B., Kumar, Shalendra, Mohanty, B., Mathematical Analysis of Correlations for pipe flow friction factor, Proceeding of Conference on Mathematics & its Applications in Engineering and Industry, Roorkee, 16-18 Dec, 1996, Narosa Publication, New Delhi, India, pp. 314-320.

20. Jain, Anuj, Gulyani, B.B., Kumar, Shalendra, Mohanty, B., New Friction Factor Correlations for Hydraulically Smooth Pipe, National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Design Engineering, Institution of Engineers (India), Allahabad, India, 31 Jan - 2 Feb 1997, pp. IV -121-130

21. K. M. Gupta, A. K. Govil and S. N. Sinha, "Experimental Determination of Parabolic Transverse Shear Weight Function in the Analysis of Composite Circular Plate", Proceedings of National Seminar on "Engineering Trends in Design Engineering", M.N.R.Engg. College, Allahabad, Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 1997.

22. K. Ramakrishna, K.K.Shukla and Arvind Kumar (1997), “ Knowledge based system for assessment of distress in reinforced concrete due to corrosion”, Proc. National Seminar on Role of building chemicals in construction industry”, I.E. Allahabad, III103-108.

23. Mohanty, B., Gulyani, B.B., Kumar, Shalendra, Jain, Anuj, Augmentation in Single Phase Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger, Chemical Industry Digest, Mumbai, India, 3rd Quarter, Sep 1997, pp. 105-122.

24. Gulyani, B.B., Jain, Anuj, Kumar, Shalendra, Mohanty, B., Simple Method Determines Flow Regimes for Friction Factor Calculations, Hydrocarbon Processing, Houston, Texas, USA, Dec 1997, pp. 71-73.

25. Nath, Y, Shukla, K. K., A.K.Sharma and G.Raghvender (1998)," Thermal Buckling of Symmetrically Laminated Cross-Ply Rectangular Plates", ICTACEM 98, 1998, (CD ROM), IIT Kharagpur

26. R.P. Tewari & Dr. R. Patnaik, Alpha EEG Bio Feedback Training, Sixth National Conference on Biomechanics (14 – 16 January 1998), Department of Mathematics & Computer Application, Maulana Azad College of Technology, Bhopal (M.P.).

27. R.P. Tewari, N.P. Rai, and others, Effect of Drug Amrita on Hydraulic Permeability of Cell Membrane, National Symposium on Recent Trends in Membrane Transport (19 - 20 March 1998), I.T. B.H.U., Varanasi.

28. R.P. Tewari, R. Patnaik & R.B. Mishra, Neuro Fuzzy Control of Artificial Lower Limb, National Conference on Biomedical Engineeing (9 – 11 April 1998), Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.


29. K.K. Shukla,Y. Nath, and R.K.Pandey (1999)," Reliability Analysis of a Tall Vertical Pressure Vessels", Proc. 11th ISME Conf. IIT Delhi, pp. 149-154.

30. Gulyani, B.B., Jain, Anuj, Use Engineering Judgement in Analysis of Pipe Flow, South Asian Countries Conference on Challenges to Architects and Civil Engineers During Twenty First Century, Kathmandu, Nepal, April 7-9, 1999, pp. 663-676.

31. Shukla, K. K. and Nath, Y (2000)," Nonlinear Analysis of Rectangular Plates: An Analytical Approach", SEC-2000, IIT Bombay, pp.359-366, 2000.

32. R.B. Mishra, R.P. Tewari & others, A Petrinet Model of Flexible Manufacturing System, National Conference on Manufacturing Challenges in 21st Century (8 – 9 January 2000), Deptt. Of Mechanical Engineering, I.T. B.H.U., Varanasi.

33. R.P. Tewari & R.B. Mishra, Neural Network Based EEG Waveform Pattern Recognition, National Seminar on Intelligent Computing & Software Engineering (25 – 26 March 2000), Deptt. Of Computer Science and Engineering, I.T. B.H.U., Varanasi.

34. R.B. Mishra & R.P. Tewari, Neural Network Based Robot Arm Manipulator Control Analysis, National Seminar on Intelligent Computing & Software Engineering (25 – 26 March 2000), Deptt. Of Computer Science and Engineering, I.T. B.H.U., Varanasi

35. Gulyani, B.B., Jain, Anuj, Temperature Cross based criteria for Multipass Heat Exchanger Design, Hydrocarbon Processing, Houston, Texas, USA, 2000.

36. Kumar, Shalendra, Jain, Anuj, Gupta S.C., Mohanty, B., Boiling Heat Transfer From a Vertical row of Horizontal Reentrant Cavity tubes, ASME - ZSITS International Thermal Science Seminar, Bled, Slovenia, 11-14 June 2000.

37. Gulyani, B.B., Jain, Anuj, Innovaions in the Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger, ASME - ZSITS International Thermal Science Seminar, Bled, Slovenia, 11-14 June 2000.

38. Kumar, Shalendra, Jain, Anuj, Gupta S.C., Mohanty, B., Nucleate Pool Boiling of Distilled Water on REC  tubes, Sixteenth National Convention of Mechanical Engineers, Institution of Engineers (India), Roorkee, India, Sep 29-30, 2000.

39. Jain, Anuj, Mohanti B., Modelling of Non-Newtonian flow through Pipe Network, International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India, Jan 29-31, 2001.

40. Y.Nath, K.K.Shukla and M.P.Janardhana (2001), “Laminated Composite Cylindrical Panels: An Analytical Approach”, 12th ISME Conf., pp.161-168.

41. Singh K, Mehta R.C.,”Characteristics of Air-solid suspension flow through 90 degree pipe bend”, Proc 28th National Conf. on Fluid Mech. And Fluid Power, Punjab Engg. College,Chandigarh, Dec 2001

42. Akshoy Ranjan Paul & Dr. Bireswar Majumdar, “Performance Estimation for Francis Turbine- A Case Study” presented and published in 28th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power’ organized by Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh (December 13-15, 2001), Vol: I, page 331- 336.

43. K. M. Gupta, “Analysis and Design for a Circular Cylindrical Composite Shell”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Construction Materials (AICM-2002) at REC, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India, April. 8-9, 2002.

44. K. M. Gupta, “Structural Analysis of a Circular Composite Plate and its Design Comparison with R.C.C. Slab”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Construction Materials (AICM-2002), at REC, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India, April. 8-9, 2002,

45. Akshoy Ranjan Paul & Dr. B. Majumdar, “Studies on Flow Deflector Installation at Inlet of Sigmoid Ducts” published in the proceedings of ‘2nd International Conference on Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power’ organized by IIT-Roorkee (December 13-15, 2002), Vol: I, page 209 –216.

46. Jain, Anuj, Singh B.N., Chopade Dhananjay, Ghunage Sunil, Finite Element Analysis of Ferrocement Component, Interactive Workshop on Ferrocement Technology Transfer For Hill Region, Department of Science and Technology, Technology Transfer Division, Dehradun, India, June 28-30, 2003.

47. K.K.Shukla ,Y.Nath, and B.Rahul Deo (2003), “Thermomechanical Postbuckling Of Laminated Composite Rectangular Plates with Temperature Dependent Properties”, ICCE-10 July 20-26, 2003, New Orleans, USA.

48. K.K.Shukla, Y.Nath and J.H.Huang (2003), “Buckling of laminated composite

rectangular plates under thermomechanical loading: An analytical approach”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Thermal Stresses and Rlated Topics, TS-2003, Blacksburg, VA, USA, TM-5-1-(1-4).

49. K.K.Shukla, Manoj S. Patil, Ramesh pandey and Anuj Jain (2004) “ Thermal Buckling of  Functionally graded Rectangular Plates”, 17th Engineering Mechanics Conf., ASCE  USA, 2004

50. Atul Umrao, B.N.Singh, and K.K.Shukla (2004), “Free vibration response of

piezoelectric laminated composite plates with random material properties”, ICTACEM 2004, IIT Kharagpur, pp. 80-83, 2004.

51. Ramesh Pandey, K.K.Shukla, and Anuj Jain (2004), “ Nonlinear static analysis of laminated composite plates”, ICTACEM 2004, IIT Kharagpur, pp. 140-142, 2004.

52. Sanchayan Mukherjee & Akshoy Ranjan Paul, “A graphical case based solution for determination of optimum values of the guiding parameters in Cooling Towers”, published in the proceedings of ‘National seminar on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering’ organized by Mechanical Engineering Department, K. K. Wagh College of Engineering, Nashik-422 003 (January 16-17, 2004).

53. Ashutosh Goel, K. M. Gupta, and S. Ram, ” A Novel Method for Synthesis of Amorphous Precursor of Ultrafine Magnetic Powders of SrZn2-W type Ferrites” Proceedings of National Conference on Chemistry in the Development of Newer Materials (CDNM-2004), at Department of Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, Feb 23-24, 2004.

54. Shukla K.K., Patil Manoj, Jain Anuj, Pandey Ramesh, Thermal Buckling of Functionally Graded Rectangular Plate, 17th Engineering Mechanics Conference, University of Delaware, USA, June 12-14, 2004

55. K. M. Gupta, Rakesh Kumar and Motee Lal,” Development and Characterisation of   Human-Hair Reinforced Composite (HHRC)”, Published in the Proceedings of Eleventh Annual International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering (ICCE-11) at Hilton-Head Island, South Carolina, USA, August 8-11, 2004.

56. K. M. Gupta and S. R. Vasireddy,”Effect of Shear and Pipe Radius on Flexibility Factor of a Composite Mitre Bend”, Proceedings of Eleventh Annual International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering (ICCE-11) at Hilton-Head Island, South Carolina, USA August 8-11, 2004.

57. K. M. Gupta and Acchelal, ” On Elastic Response of a Anisotropic (Composite) Circular Plate of Non-Uniform Thickness” Proceedings of National Conference on Materials and their Application in Civil Engineering (MACE-2004), at National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, H.P, August 26-27,2004.

58. K. M. Gupta,” Analysis and Design of a Spherical Composite Storage Vessel” Proceedings of National Conference on Materials and their Application in Civil Engineering (MACE-2004), August 26-27, 2004.


59. K. M. Gupta, “Locating the Shear Centre for a Thin Channel Section Made of Multilayered Composite”, Proceedings of National Conference on Materials and their Application in Civil Engineering (MACE-2004), at National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, H.P, August 26-27,2004.

60. K. M. Gupta, “Auxetic Polymer: A Fascinating Material”, National Seminar on Polymer Research in India: Opportunity and Challenges, Department of Chemistry, MNNIT, September 25, 2004.

61. R.P.Tewari & Sachin ,Neural Network Based Inverse Kinematic Analysis for Design & Control of Artificial Leg,National Conference on Biomechanics (19-21 Nov.,2004), IIT ,New Delhi

62. K. M. Gupta, Rakesh Kumar and Motee Lal,” Improving the Strength of Human-Hair by Oil Soaking”, Published in the Proceedings of International Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processing (ISAMAP-2K4), Materials Science Centre, IIT Kharagpur, December 6-8, 2004.

63. Ghunage Sunil, Singh B.N., Jain Anuj, Free vibration of Laminated Composite Plate with Random Geometric Properties, International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS-02), IIT Kanpur, Dec, 2004.

64. K. M. Gupta and S.J.Pawar,”A Nonlinear Diffusion Model Incorporating Edge and Surface Texture Effects to Predict Absorption Behaviour of Composites”, Poster Presentation in International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM 2004), Sponsored by AFOSR - AOARD ( USA ),  IT BHU, Varanasi, December 17-19 2004.

65. Y.V.Hote & R.P.Tewari, Dynamic Control of Robotic Lower Limb Prosthesis ,National Conference on Biomedical Engineering (23-24 Dec.,2004),GITAM College of  Engineering ,Vishakhapatnam

66. Jhao-Ming Chen, K.K.Shukla, Jin H.Huang (2005), “ Analysis and design of double piezoelectric beam driven torsional microactuator”, ICCES05, IIT Madras.

67. Nishu Gupta and K. M. Gupta, “Metamaterial and Auxetic Hybrid Composite                 Antennas”, Presented and Published in the Proceedings of IEEE International Workship on Antenna Technology: Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials, Marina Mandarin, Singapore, March 7-9, 2005.

68. K. M. Gupta and Nagarjun, “Low Emission Transportation Fuels”, National Conference on Development –cum-Environment Friendly Future Industrial Fuels (DEFIF 2005), Centre for Energy Studies, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, May 19-21, 2005.

69. K. M. Gupta, “Determining Stress Intensification for a Composite Mitre Bend”,  International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-15), Durban, South Africa, June 27- July 01, 2005.

70. Vivek Tripathi, B N Singh and K.K. Shukla (2005), “Free vibration study of laminated composite conical panels with random material properties” International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems to be held during July 28-30, 2005 at IISC Bangalore.

71. Vivek Tripathi, B N Singh and K.K. Shukla (2005), “Free vibration study of laminated composite conical panels with random material properties” International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems to be held during July 28-30, 2005 at IISC Bangalore.

72. B. N. Singh, Arun K. Mishra and K. K. Shukla (2005) “Stability of Piezoelectric

Laminated Composite Plates with Uncertain Material Properties” International conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems to be held during July 28-30, 2005, IISC Bangalore.

73. P.Patel, A.Sharma, K.K.Shukla, and Y.Nath, (2005) “ Nonlinear dynamics and

stability of laminated composite plates and shells”, ICOVP, 2005

74. R.P.Tewari,Y.V.Hote,S.K.Pandey&S.K.Dubey,EMG Based Human Gait Analysis Using Artificial Neural Net Work,National Conference on Emerging Trends in Biomedical Engineering(15-16 Sept,,2005),Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University College of Engineering,Pune

75. Dinesh Bhatia, Sneh Anand, J.R.P Gupta, R.P. Tewari, Functional Electrical       Stimulator ,National Conference on Emerging Trends in Biomedical  Engineering (15-16 Sept,,2005), Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University College of Engineering, Pune

76. Gandhi S, Mehta R.C., and Agarwal V.C.,”Analytical solution for the Characteristic of the Hydraulic jump in an abruptly expanding rectangular channel”,Proc.,IAHR symposium,IIT Roorkee,November 2005.


77. Singh C.V.K., Singh B.N., Jain Anuj, Buckling of Random Smart Composite Plate using Thermo-Mechanical Piezoelectric Model, International Conference On Computational And Experimental Engineering And Sciences 2005, IIT Chennai, Dec, 2005

78. K.M.  Gupta, and Sumit Gandhi,” A Theoretical Study of Solid - Liquid Interaction: Diffusion Phenomenon Approach”, 32nd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, College of Engineering Osmanabad, December 15-17, 2005.

79. K. M. Gupta and Nagarjun, “Sustainable Development of Environment”, accepted in International Conference on ‘Resource Utilization and Intelligent Systems (INCRUIS-2006), Kongo Engineering College, Erode, TamilNadu, India, January 4-6, 2006.

80. K.M.   Gupta and Ayusman Srivastava, “ Future Automobiles”, National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (AIME-2006), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, January 20-21, 2006.

81. Nishu Gupta and K.M. Gupta, “Futuristic Automobiles: A Mobile communication centre and Information Superhighways”, National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (AIME-2006), Jamia Millia islamia, New Delhi, January 20-21, 2006.

82. K. M. Gupta and D. N. Paliwal, “Reinforcement Around Pressure Vessel Nozzles of Composite Material”, All India Seminar on Advances in Product Development (APD-2006), Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNNIT, Allahabad & Institution of Engineers, Allahabad Chapter, February 17-18, 2006.

83. S. J. Pawar, “Carbon nanotube synthesis technique: a brief review”, All India Seminar on “Advances in Product Development”, M. N. N. I. T., Allahabad and Institute of Engineers (I) Allahabad Local Centre, February 17-18, 2006

84. Dr. R. P. Tewari, S. J. Pawar, S. K. Pandey, S. K. Dubey, “A Reliable Gait Phase Detection System using Artificial Neural Network”,  National Conference on “Biomedical Engineering”, Sadar Patel Institute of Technology, Andheri, Mumbai, March 28-29, 2006.

85. K. M. Gupta and Sumit Gandhi, “ Whishker-Reinforced Sandwich Composite Modeled Elastic Foundation”, Paper accepted for presentation and publication in Third International Conference on High Performance Structures and Materials(HPSM-2006), Ostend, Belgium, 3-5 May 2006

86. K.K.Shukla, Ravi Kumar, K.V., and Y.Nath (2006), “ Stability Analysis of Functionally Graded Rectangular Plates”, 15th USNCTAM, Univeristy of Colorado, Colorado, USA, June 25-30, 2006.

87. V. Anjani Kumar, Ramesh Pandey, K.K.Shukla, and Jin H. Huang (2006), “Linear vibration analysis of composite rectangular plates: A state space approach”,  ICCMS06, IIT Guwahati.

88. R. Pandey, K.K.Shukla, and A. Jain (2006), “Postbuckling response of laminated composite rectangular plates”, ICCMS06, IIT Guwahati.

89. K. M. Gupta and Arunesh Srivastava,” Development and Characterization of Natural (Palmyra) Fibre and Glass Fibre Reinforced Hybrid Composite”, Presented and Published in the Proceedings of Fourteenth International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-14), Colorado, USA, July 2-8, 2006.

90. K. M. Gupta and Sandeep Kumar, “ Nonlinear Static Analysis of Orthotropic Piezoelectric Shallow Cylindrical Shell on Elastic Foundation”, accepted for presentation and publication in ASME PVP 2006/Eleventh International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology (ICPVT-11), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 23-27, 2006.

91. Gandhi S., Mehta R. C., and Agarwal V.C., “Experimental study on the   characteristics of the hydraulic jump in an abruptly expanding channel”,International symposium “15th Congress of Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydraulic Research and International Symposium on Maritime Hydraulics, I.I.T., Chennai,August 2006.

92. K.M. Gupta and Dharmesh Srivastava,” Ferromagnetic Semiconductor”, National Symposium on Semiconductor Materials and Recent Technologies (SMART 2006), B.M.A.S. Engineering College, Agra, October 12-14, 2006.

93. K.M. Gupta and Dharmesh Srivastava,” Ferromagnetic Semiconductor”, National Symposium on Semiconductor Materials and Recent Technologies (SMART 2006), B.M.A.S. Engineering College, Agra, October 12-14, 2006.

94. K.M. Gupta and Dharmesh Srivastava,” Spintronics (Materials & Devices): A New Generation Technology”, National Symposium on Semiconductor Materials and Recent Technologies (SMART 2006), B.M.A.S. Engineering College, Agra, October 12-14, 2006.

95. Patil B. A., Pawar S. J., “Parametric surface modeling using Reverse Engineering”, National Conference on Advancements & Futuristic Trends In Mechanical & Materials Engineering (Aftmme’06), October 13-14, 2006.

96. S. J. Pawar and B. A. Patil, “Study of Micro-Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) Design Methodologies”, , paper accepted for presentation at National Conference on Recent Developments and Future Trends in Mechanical Engineering (RDFTME-2006), November 3 - 4, 2006 Mechanical Engineering Department, National Insti. of Tech., Hamirpur (H. P.) 177005

97. K. M. Gupta and Niraj Kumar Mishra,” Mechanical Characterization of Palmyra: A Lightweight Natural Fibre Under Different States and Configuration”,  accepted in The Fifth Asian-Australian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-5), Hong Kong, 27-30 November 2006

98. Bose, S., Singh B.N., Jain, Anuj, Thermal Buckling of Laminated Composite Plate with Random Material Properties, International Congress of Computational Mechanics and Simulation 2006 (ICCMS-06), IIT Guwahati, vol 1, Dec 8-10, 2006, 229-235

99. K. M. Gupta and Arunesh Srivastava,” Managing the Air Quality of Automobile Exhaust” , Abstract accepted in The Ravage of The Planet 2006, First International Conference on the management of Natural Resources, Sustainable development and Ecological Hazards, Bariloche, Argentina, December 12-14, 2006.

100. K.M. Gupta and Dharmesh Srivastava,” Emerging Trends in Nanotech Electronic Materials”, National Conference on Technology for Societal Transformation (UTKARSH 2007), V.E.S. Institute of Technology, Mumbai, January 12-13, 2007.

101. Rakesh Kumar, Satish K. Gupta and K. M. Gupta,” Impact, Effect of Heat on Compression and Water Absorption Behaviour of Polymer- Mixed Glass Fibre reinforced Composites”,  accepted in Second International Conference on Advances in Composite materials (ICRACM-2007), New Delhi, India, February 20-23, 2007

102. K. M. Gupta and Arunesh Srivastava,” Tensile Characterization of Individual Palmyra Fibres”, Paper presented and published in the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM-2007), Sponsored by AFOSR - AOARD ( USA ), New Delhi, India, February 20-23,2007 .

103. K. M. Gupta and Dharmesh Srivastava,” Frontier of Composite Materials Research in Nano-Electronics and Nano-Magnetics”, Paper presented and published in the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM-2007), Sponsored by AFOSR - AOARD( USA ),  New Delhi, India, February 20-23,2007.

104. K.M. Gupta and Dharmesh Srivastava,”Diamond: A Futuristic High Temperature and High Power Electronic Material”, 2nd National Conference on Condensed Matter & Material Physics (CMMP-07), Jaipur, April 12-13, 2007.

105. K. M. Gupta and Sandeep Kumar , “ Investigation of the Elastic Behaviour of An Adaptive Composite Shallow Cylindrical Shell on Pasternak Foundation,” accepted for publication in the Proceedings of Fifteenth International Conference on Composites / Nano Engineering ( ICCE – 15 ), Haikou , Hainan Island , China, July 15-21 , 2007.

106. K.M. Gupta and Ms. Sujata Verma, “New Horizons in Materials Development”, National Conference in New Horizons in Theoretical and Experimental Physics (NHTEP 2007), Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala, India; October O8-10, 2007.

107. K. M. Gupta and Ms. Sujata Verma, “Effect of Bulk and Whisker Forms, and Nano-structure on Properties of Materials”, First International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Application (IWNA 2007), Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, at Vung Tau City Vietnam, 15-17 November, 2007.

108. Sangeeta Negi and Rintu Banerjee (2007). “Media engineering to enhance the production of multienzymes, amylase and protease from Aspergillus awamori”, in the proceedings of International Conference on “New Horizon in Biotechnology, [NHBT2007]”, held at Trivandrum, organized by Biotech Research society of India, 26th-29th Nov, 07. Abstract book, Page no.13.

109. V.K.Pandey & R.P.Tewari, “FEA to determine effect of friction at interface for developing  CAD model of prosthetic Socket” CAE 2007, on 13 Dec-15 Dec. 2007, IIT ,Madras, Chennai

110. K. M. Gupta and Ankur Kumar Gupta,”Effect of E-Waste on Environment and their Solution by Reclamation of Green Materials from the Waste”, WASET-XXVI, International Conference on Earth and Space Science and Engineering (ESSE-2007), Bangkok, December 14-16, 2007.

111. J.K.Rai, Avinash Kumar & R.P.Tewari, “Modelling & Simulation of Humaniod Robot”, ICTACEM-07, 27 Dec.-29 Dec. 2007, IIT ,Kharagpur.

112. Akshoy Ranjan Paul, K. Kalyan, Navanshu Tripathi, B. Majumdar, “Effects on twin-bladed deflector on flow through S-duct diffuser”, Proc. of Int. Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM 2007), IIT Kharagpur, India, Dec. 27-29, 2007

113. Aftab Alam, Abhishek Kumar “Finite Element Analysis of K-dominance region for functionally graded materials” 4th International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM 2007) and Reunion of the Aerospace Engineering Graduates of IIT Kharagpur, from 27th -29th December, 2007 at IIT Kharagpur.

114. R.Pandey, A.K.Upadhyay, K.K.Shukla, and A,Jain (2007), “Non-linear response of laminated composite plates under hygromechanical loading”, ICTACEM – 07, December 2007

115. Jain, Anuj, Reliability Analysis of Safety Systems in Nuclear Power Reactor, National Conference on Quality, Reliability and Maintainability Aspects in Engineering Systems (QRMAES-2007), NIT Hamirpur, India, Dec 27-28, 2007, pp. 30-39.

116. K.M. Gupta and Ankur Kumar Gupta, ”Behaviour of Sandwich Composite Constructions under Impact and Chaotic Loadings”, International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Science (ICETAETS-2008), Rajkot, Gujrat, January 13-14, 2008.

117. K.M. Gupta and Nishu Gupta, “High End Use Hybridised Electro-Magnetic Materials for the Future”, International Conference on Materials for Future (ICMF-2008), Government Engineering College, Thrissure, Kerala, January 17-19, 2008.


118. K.M. Gupta and Asheesh Kumar,” Emerging High Pressure Materials and Technologies for the Future.” National Conference on Emerging Materials and Technologies for India 2020, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India, January 24-25, 2008.

119. K.M. Gupta and Ankur Kumar Gupta “Biodegradable Natural Fibre Composite in Automobile Applications” National Conference on the Application of Material Science in Service of Society, C.M.P. Degree College, affiliated to University of Allahabad, 5- 6 February 2008.

120. K.M.Gupta and Ms.Sujata Verma,“Superhard Cutting Tool Materials” International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT-2008) for Young Engineers, organized by Indian National Academy of  Engineering (INAE), Chennai, India ,February 6-8, 2008.

121. K.M. Gupta, “Teaching Biodiversity and its Conservation to the Masses”, International Conference on Mountains of the World-Ecology, Conservation and Sustainable Development, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, February 10-14, 2008

122. K. M. Gupta and Ankur Kumar Gupta, “Advances in Sandwich Composite

Constructions”, 15th ISME International Conference on New Horizons of Mechanical Engineering organized by Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India, March 18-20, 2008.

123. Nishu Gupta and K. M. Gupta, “Advance Electronic Materials for Infrastructure Engineering”, The Materials and Processes Society, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, SAMPE EUROPE International Conference (SEICO-2008), Paris, France, March 31-April 02, 2008.

124.    R.P.Tewari delivered special lecture, “Musculo-Skeletal Modelling Of Human Leg for Gait 
Pattern Analysis”, National seminar on Biomedical Engineering – Key to Global Health , AIET, 
Alwar ,April 12-13, 2008,.

125. Rakesh Kumar, Satish K. Gupta and K. M. Gupta,” Fabrication and Determination of Mechanical Properties of Polymer-Mixed Glass-Fibre Reinforced Gypsum Composites”, Published in the Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-14), July 2-8, Colorado, USA.

126. K. M. Gupta, “Analysis of a Variable Thickness Composite Circular Plate” accepted for publication in the Proceedings of Sixteenth International Conference on Composites / Nano Engineering (ICCE – 16), Kunming, China, July 20-26, 2008.

127. Akshoy Ranjan Paul, Kalyan Kuppa, Navanshu Tripathi, Tanmay Rajpathak,“Experimental and computational study of flow improvement through sigmoid air intake ducts using flow deflector”, Paper No. AIAA-2008-7513, 26th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 18-21,  2008.

128. K. M. Gupta, Ankur Kumar Gupta and K.K.Shukla,” Nonlinear Analysis of Sandwich Composite Plate under Impact Loading”, accepted for publication in the Proceedings of  5th Thailand Material Science and Technology Conference  ( 5th MSAT ), September 16-19 , 2008, Bangkok

129. Sangeeta Negi and Rintu Banerjee (2008). “Biochemical characterization of amylase and protease produced concomitantly in a single bioreactor by Aspergillus awamori”, in the proceedings of International Conference on “International Congress on Bioprocesses in Food Industries, [ICBF 2008]”, at Hyderabad, organised by Department of Microbiology, Osmania University, Hyderabad from 6th-8th Nov. Souvenir, Page no.127. Awarded as the Best Poster Presentation.

130. Sangeeta Negi and Rintu Banerjee (2009). “Extraction and Purification of Amylase and Protease produced by Aspergillus awamori in Solid State Fermentation, in a Single Bioreactor”, in the proceedings of National Conference on ‘Frontiers in Food Biotechnlogy”, held at NIT, Durgapur from 8th-9th Jan, 09.

131. K. M. Gupta, Nagarjun and Rakesh Kumar,”Development and Characterization of Flax Fiber (Natural) Reinforced Polymeric Composite and Flax-Glass Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composite “accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Composite Science and Technology (ICCST/7), American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, January 20-22, 2009.