PhD Admission process for Odd Semester 2025-26 has started.


Right to Information Act 2005

  1. About Act


Name and Title of the Act


Right to Information Act, 2005 (English)



सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम, २००५ (हिंदी)



RTI Guidelines

Definition [S.2.(F) of RTI Act]


"Right to information" means the right to information accessible under this Act which is held by or under the control of any public authority and includes the right to –

(i)            inspection of work, documents, records;

(ii)          taking notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or records;

(iii)         taking certified samples of material;

(iv)        obtaining information in the form of diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in any other electronics mode or through printouts where such information is stored in a computer or in any other device;

Objective/purpose of the Act


An Act to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central information Commission and State Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

It is expedient to provide for furnishing certain information to citizens who desire to have it.

Users [S.3 of RTI Act]


Citizens of India. [Subjects to the provisions of this Act, all citizens shall have the right to information]


  1. Particulars of the Organization, its Functions and Duties

About Institute: The Institute's Website ( includes all the information regarding detail of academic calendar, all academic notifications, M. Tech & Ph.D. admissions, workshops/ conferences/training programmes, jobs (Teaching/Non Teaching/Project/Contractual), purchases. The details are periodically updated. In addition Cumulative Professional Development Allowance (CPDA) and other rules pertaining to recruitment, hostels, consultancy etc minutes of BoGs/Finance Committee/BWC/ Senate meetings etc. are also available on the institute website.

The annual report covering all details viz., Introduction, Institute, Central Facilities, Administrative Bodies, Staff, Academic Programmes, Students Details, Research and Development Activities including ongoing and completed projects, Scholarship and Assistance ship provided to students, Faculty Achievements, Financial and Account Details including separate audit report of CAG are available on Institute website.

The Institute follows GFR of Govt. of India for all finance/purchase related matters and CCS rules for administrative matter.

The Library of the Institute is open from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 mid night (Monday to Sunday and for circulation opens from 9.00AM to 7.30 PM. (Monday to Sunday). In addition, e-journals/e-books are available for 24 x 7 days.

As per NIT Act, and First Statutes of all NITs

  1. Powers and Duties of officers and employees of MNNIT
  1. Procedure followed in the decision-making process, including channels of supervision and accountability.

The decisions are at different levels mainly at BoGs/Director/HoD and some cases it is at the ministry level. In addition, the process (decision making, provisions, acts , rules, supervision and accountability etc) and other guidelines as per NIT Act 2007and First Statute for all NITs are followed.

  1. Norms set by MNNIT for the discharge of its functions

The Institute's Website ( provides a channel for interactive communication for consultation all stakeholders.. The e -Sahyog system on Institute website contains a Web based Grievance Management System where all stakeholders can lodge their Feedback in the overall interest of the Institute online addressed to Director, MNNIT. In addition a student notice board, women grievance, public grievance portal, SC/ST cell and grievance cell is available on the Institute website. In addition to statutory committees, the institute follows a practice of constituting committees on issues pertaining to stake holders or representations by stake holders to examine. Decision follows the recommendations of the committees.

  1. The Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records held by MNNIT or under its control, or used by its employees, for discharging its functions.
  1. Statement of the categories of documents that are held by MNNIT or under its control

A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control

As per section 18 of NIT Act, Registrar of the Institute shall be the custodian of records, the common seal of the fund of the Institute and such other property of the Institute as the Board shall commit to his charge..

  1. The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of MNNIT's policy or implementation thereof
  • The Board of Governors is the apex decision making body of MNNIT and the Senate for academic and the Finance Committee for financial matters are constituted as per NIT Act and statutes to help in the formulation and implementation of the policies and programmes.
  • In addition various other committees are formed on base of requirement to advice and other aspects in routine functions of the Institute.
  1. A statement of the boards, councils, committee and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.
  • Meetings are open only to the Members
  • Minutes are accessible for public






Finance Committee

The Finance Committee of the Institute has the responsibility to look after resource mobilization, control of expenditure, etc. It is also responsible for simulating resource generation from sources other than Government such as sponsored projects research, consultancy, etc and promotes Industry Institute Interaction.

Chairman BOG is the Ex officio Chairman of Finance Committee while Registrar is the Ex-officio Member Secretary.

Buildings and Works Committee

BWC of the Institute comprises of various statutory members who advised upon the building & other infrastructural requirements of the Institute keeping in view its future plans and projections.

Director, MNNIT is the Ex-officio Chairman of the Building & Works Committee.


Anti Ragging Committee



Women Advisory Cell


The committee has been formed to prevent the sexual harassment of women at workplace. The Committee works as per directions issued by the Board of Governers/Govt.


Institute Health Center


The arrangement of the Para-Medical Staff is to be made for proper functioning of Health Center in the Institute.


  1. Directory of its officers and employees:

MNNIT Telephone Directory

  1. The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations.

Pay Structure of Institute's Faculty, Officers & Employees:

  1. Programmes conducted for Awareness.
  1. Manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes.

 MNNIT does not operate any subsidy program.

  1. Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by the MNNIT

No such Scheme is established in MNNIT

  1. Details in respect of the information available to or held by the MNNIT reduced in electronic form

Important information about functions and activities being performed is available in electronic form on the website of Institute. However, remaining is stored in the related files and documents and steps are being initiated to put it on the website.

  1. The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.

Citizens have the facility to obtain information from the CPIO. MNNIT Allahabad observes five working days a week from Monday to Friday and follows the weekly holiday on Saturday and Sunday with provision exists for adjustment of some holidays as per the local importance. The working hours of the Institute are from 09.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

  1. The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers and the Appellate authorities
  • Appellate Authority

Prof. Rama Shanker Verma


Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad

Teliarganj, Allahabad – 211004

Tel No.0532-2545404/07

Email :

Fax : 91-532-2545341

  • Nodal Officer / Central Public Information Officer (CPIO)

Prof. Ramesh Pandey

Associate Professor

Department of Applied Mechanics

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad

  • Alternate Central Public Information Officer (ACPIO)

Shri G.K. Tiwari

Asst. Registrar

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad

  • Central Assistant Public Information Officer (CAPIO)

Shri Ritesh Kumar Sahu

Deputy Librarian

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad

Earlier CPIO and FAA

OFFICE TIMING : 9.00 AM - 5.30 PM

On all working days ( Except Saturday & Sunday )

Training sessions of the concerned functionaries on various aspects of RTI and related matters has been conducted from time to time by the experts/advocates at Allahabad..

  1. Such other information as may be prescribed information related to student admission procedures, academic programmes, examination schedules, results etc.

All such information is updated time to time and available on the website of the Institute

As per Academic Calendar

  1. Office Orders / Circulars

Various Office Orders are uploaded on Institute website for the information of all stakeholders.

  1. The rates of fees payable for obtaining information under RTI Act 2005 are as under :
    1. A request for obtaining information under sub-section (1) of section 6 shall be accompanied by an application fee of rupees ten by way of cash to be deposited between 9.00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. on all working days, five days a week with Finance & Account Division against proper receipt or by demand draft or bankers cheque or IPO payable to the Director MNNIT Allahabad.
    2. For providing the information under sub-section (1) of section 7, the fee shall be charged by way of cash to be deposited with Finance & Accounts Division against proper receipt or by demand draft or bankers cheque payable to the Director, MNNIT Allahabad at the following rates –
  • Rupees two for each page (in A-4 or A-3 size paper) created or copied.
  • Actual cost or price for samples or models; and
  • For inspection of records, no fee for the first hour; and a fee of rupees five for each fifteen minutes or fraction thereof on each occasion for the same case.For information provided in diskette or floppy, if available, rupees fifty per diskette or floppy; and for providing information in printed form at the price for such publication or rupees two per page of photocopy for extracts from the publication.
  • For providing the information under sub-section(5) of section 7, the fee shall be charged by way of cash to be deposited between 9.00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. on all working day, five days a week with Finance & Accounts Division against proper receipt or by demand draft or bankers cheque payable to the Director MNNIT Allahabad at the following rates:-
  1. Format of the Application (Annexure-I)
  2. Number of employees against whom disciplinary action as on July - 2023.

  3. Time limit for taking a decision, if any
    As per Academic Calendar available on
    Time limit for achieving the target as per Citizen Charter 
  4. Channel of supervision and accountability
    NITSER Act 2007, Amendment in 2012, First Statutes of All NITs, all academic ordinances like UG, PG, Doctoral ordinances available on and
    Every employee of the Institute is accountability for their task allotted to him by the authority of the Institute.
  5. System of compensation as provided in its regulations
    As per NITSER Act, 2007, Amendment in 2012 and First Statute of All NITs
    Apart from this CCL and LTC etc, shall be governed by the Rules for Central Government Organizations.
  6. Educational programmes

    Students and other stake holders are duly briefed about various programmes including RTI during orientation session.
    Training of CPIO/ACPIO
    CPIO and ACPIO were Registrar and Assistant Registrar till 2016 who are well aware of rules and regulations and custodian of all records. Later on it was realized to involve few faculty members also to incorporate technical and research aspects for dealing with RTI cases in totality covering all possible aspects of services. We have a strong legacy of training our CPIOs and ACPIOs by previous experienced officials in our various orientation programmes and other experts visiting our institute at various occasions or available in the nearby institutions. To the best of our memory, no adverse remarks has been issued till date only because of our experienced CPIOs and ACPIOs. We are looking forward eagerly to participate in an International conference/workshop specially dedicated for the RTI theme to strengthen knowledge spectrum of CPIO and ACPIO.

  7. Transfer policy and transfer order
    There is no specific transfer policy in the Institute. Transfer of employees is done as per functional requirement of the department/section and on need basis. Copy of the transfer policy during last one year.
  8. CAG and PAC paras and the action taken reports (ATRs) after these have been laid on the table of both houses of the parliament.
  9. Arrangements for consultation with or representation by - (a) Members of the public in policy formulation/ policy implementation, (b) Day & time allotted for visitors,(c) Contact details of Information & Facilitation Counter (IFC) to provide publications frequently sought by RTI applicants

    Various Govt. Schemes viz., Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, Digital India, Innovation, Namami Gange are being implemented in Institute with involvement of faculty members.
    Day & Time: Monday-Friday (All Working Days)
    Time: 9.00 am to 5.00PM
    Contact Details: Office of CPIO, MNNIT Allahabad

  10. List of materials available Free of cost
    NITSER Act, First Statutes of All NITs, all academic ordinances like UG, PG, Doctoral ordinances and academic calendar available on and
    List of materials available At a reasonable cost of the medium
    The experimental facilities available at CIR (Central for Interdisciplinary Research) can be availed on a reasonable cost.
    Citizen can obtained the material available at the website by paying fees fixed under RTI Act, 2005
  11. Grievance redressal mechanism

    Various stake holders (Faculties, Students and Staff) can address their grievance to concerned Head/Incharges of various sections/ Registrar/Director.
    Others may address their grievance to Director MNNIT Allahabad or use Online Grievance portal for this purpose.

  12. STQC certification obtained and its validity
    Institute is trying for STQC certificate.
  13. Publish all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing decisions which affect public to make the process more interactive - Policy decisions/ legislations taken in the previous one year
  14. List of completed scheme/Project/Programme  
  15. List of Scheme/Projects/Programme underway