PhD Admission process for Odd Semester 2025-26 has started.

Department Mission: To generate high quality engineering professionals by offering UG (B.Tech.) and PG (M.Tech. and Ph.D.) programmes in Biotechnology and to develop a premier biotechnology teaching and research department to cater the needs and challenges of the region and the country.


Department Vision: The biotechnology program vision is to provide quality teaching with a strong core science concepts and an application-oriented undergraduate and post-graduate education along with solid foundation in the rapidly expanding fields of biotechnology that enable them to produce high quality professionals. Our goal is to provide students with a sound knowledge and understanding of current theories, concepts and laboratory practices in biotechnology.


About the Department

Biotechnology at MNNIT Allahabad was established as a new academic unit under Applied Mechanics in 2006, with the objective of integrating life sciences with engineering and to develop cutting-edge technology through research, training and technological innovation.Initially as a part of the Department of Applied Mechanics, an administratively independent Department of Biotechnology was established in the April, 2012. Since its inception, the department has witnessed a consistent rise in the students demand for the subject. Keeping a beat to the global demands for researchers in this field, a full-fledged post graduate degree course (M. Tech) in Biotechnology was introduced in the year 2010. The department has also started a PhD program in biotechnology since 2009.

The department is well equipped with the all necessary instruments and number of research facilities. The department has a young, enthusiastic and well qualified faculty actively involved in research and teaching. The teachers are available to the students for academic as well as personal counseling. The department has been encouraging the students to independently think as well as implement research ideas.Presently, B. Tech, M. Tech (Biotechnology) and PhD program is being run under Biotechnology with the involvement of thirteen faculty members.

During this short span of time, the discipline has grown in every sphere. The faculty has been able to generate the external funding from various government agencies viz., DST, DBT, UGC, MNRE etc. and published papers in national/ International journals of repute. The department has been able to generate externally funded research grants of approx. more than 1.5 crore within the short span. The faculty is frequently visiting various academic institutes/ research laboratories both in India and abroad. In addition, a national & International conference supported by various government agencies was also organized successfully in February, 2010& November, 2013, respectively. The infrastructure in terms of equipments and other aspects has also grown significantly. The three batches of Bachelor students in Biotechnology have passed, and all of them are either placed in good companies or pursuing their higher studies (MS and PhD programme) in India or abroad. In addition, students of the department have been successful in prestigious GRE, CSIR-UGC (NET), GATE examinations.

The department aims to establish advanced research laboratories in all the identified areas. Apart from fundamental research, the goals of the department are also targeted to meet the demands of the biotechnology based industries.


1. Generate adequate human resources for employment opportunities in the critically important and dynamic biotechnology industry and in the context of a socio-economic and sustainable society.

2. Uniquely combine practical, hands-on biotechnology training with cutting-edge biotechnology research and teaching.

3. Develop trained manpower with strong knowledge base to undertake and execute sponsored and collaborative research programmes and consultancies to promote long term academia industrial collaboration as well as for generating resources.



Departmental Thrust Area


 Visiting Scientist/ Faculty Lecture Series

1.  A lecture is delivered by Dr. RBN Prasad, IICT, CSIR on 21st , July,2012, entitled “ Biotechnological options for the modification of lipids’’

2.  A lecture is delivered by Dr. Rajeev Sukumaran, NIIST, CSIR on 21st, July 2012, entitled “Agriculture residues as raw material for Bioethanol:Fuel from Non-food feedstock-Centre for Biofuels- NIIST initiatives”.

3.   A lecture is delivered by MadhvanNamapootri, NIIST, CSIR on 21st, July, 2012, entitled “Biofuels”.

4.   A lecture is delivered by Dr. Sujakta, TERI, Delhi on 21st, July, 2012, entitled “Renewable energy”.

5.  Dr. VivekMaurya has delivered a lecture entitled “ Target based design and screening of novel skin whitening agents” on 13th August 2013.

6.  Dr. AshutoshTiwari from IFM-linkopings University Sweden, delivered a lecture entitled “Biosensors” on 30th Sep. 2013.

7.   An interactive session of PG/PhD students with Dr. Bernard Paul from Bergundi University, France was held on 18th July 2013.

8.   Guest Scientist Dr. D.P. Sukla has delivered a lecture entitled “Diversity of molecules to bacteria : a story of success on 31st Dec, 2013


Conferences/symposium/Training organized by departmental faculty members

1. Organized an International conference on “Health, Environment and Industrial Biotechnology (BioSangam 2013)” by Department of Biotechnology, MNNIT Allahabad, 21st -23rd Nov 2013.

2. Conducted Self-financed Short Term Training Course on “Human Health and Environmental Sustainability” organized by Department of Biotechnology, MNNIT Allahabad 4th- 8th June, 2013

3.  Conducted Self-financed Short Term Training Course on “Frontiers in Biotechnology” organized by Department of Biotechnology, MNNIT Allahabad 28th May – 1st June, 2013

4. Organized a National conference on “Bioprospecting: Access for Sustainable Development”, (As Organizing Secretary) organized by Department of Applied Mechanics (Biotechnology), Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, 19th-20th Feb, 2010.