PhD Admission process for Odd Semester 2025-26 has started.

List of Publications


2010-2011 (July, 2010 – June 2011)



1.       Kumar, S. Datta, D., Babu, B.V. Experimental Data and Theoretical (Chemodel Using the Differential Evolution Approach and Linear Solvation Energy Relationship Model) Predictions on Reactive Extraction of Monocarboxylic Acids Using Tri-n-octylamine. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2010, 55, 4290–4300.

2.       GaurA., Jin-Won Park , Sanjeev Maken , Ho-Jun Song and Jong-Jin Park. Landfill Gas (LFG) processing via adsorption and alkanolamine absorption” Fuel Processing Technology, 91, 2010, 635-640.

3.       Gaur, A., Jin-Won Park, Jung-Hwa Jang. “Metal-carbonate formation from ammonia solution by addition of metal salts-An effective method for CO2 capture” Fuel Processing Technology, 91, 2010, 1500-1504

4.       Ho-Jun Song, Jaehoon Lee, GaurA., Jong-Jin Park, Jin-Won Park. “Production of Gaseous Fuel from refuse plastic fuel via co-pyrolysis using low quality coal and catalytic steam gasification” Journal of Material Cycle and Waste Management, 12, 2010, 295-301.

5.       KamsonlianS., Chandrajit Balomajumderm Shri Chand. Removal of As (III) from aqueous solution by biosorption onto maize (Zea mays) leaves surface: Parameter optimization, sorption isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamics studies. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2011, 1(5), pp. 73-79.

6.       KamsonlianS., Surresh S., Majumder C.B., Chand S. Characterisation of banana and orange peels: biosorption mechanism.International Journal of Science Technology and Management, 2011, 2(4), pp. 1-7.

7.       KamsonlianS., Chandrajit Balomajumder, Shri Chand, Surresh. Biosorption of Cd (II) and As (III) ions from aqueous solution by tea waste biomass. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2011, 5(1), pp. 1-7.


Conference Proceedings


1.       Datta, D., Kumar, S. Separation of Nicotinic Acid from Aqueous Solution by Reactive Extraction using Tri-n-butyl phosphate and Tri-n-Octyl-amine in Decane-1-ol + Cyclohexane (1:1 v/v). Proceedings of 17th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE2010), Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand, November 22-23, 2010.

2.       Kumar, S., Babu, B.V. Reactive Extraction of Nicotinic Acid using Tri-n-Octylamine (TOA) Dissolved in Different Diluents. Proceedings of 2010 Annual Meeting of AIChE, Salt Convention Centre, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, November 7-12, 2010.

3.       Datta, D., Kumar, S. Reactive Extraction of Itaconic Acid using Tri-Octylamine (TOA) Dissolved in Different Diluents. Proceedings of International Symposium & 62nd Annual Session of IIChE (CHEMCON-2010), Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, December 27- 29, 2010.

4.       Kumar, S., Mavely R.T., Babu, B.V. Reactive Extraction of Carboxylic Acids (Butyric-, Lactic-, Tartaric-, Itaconic- Succinic- and Citric Acids) using Tri-n-Butylphosphate (TBP) Dissolved in 1-Dodecanol and n-Octane (1:1 v/v). Proceedings of Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology (RACET-2011), Annamalai University, Kochin, March 10-12, 2011.

5.       Kumar, S., Chomal N. Recovery of Itaconic Acid from Aqueous Solution using Reactive Extraction with Tri-n-Butylphosphate (TBP) in Dichloromethane (DCM). Proceedings of Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology (RACET-2011), Annamalai University, Kochin, March 10-12, 2011.

6.       Datta, D., KumarS. Reactive Extraction of Pyridine-4-Carboxylic (iso-Nicotinic) Acid with Tri-n-Butyl Phosphate and Tri-n-Octylamine Dissolved in Benzyl Alcohol. Proceedings of Advances in Chemical Engineering (AChemE 2011), Department of Chemical Engineering, Thapar University, February 27-28, 2011.

7.       GaurA., Sangwon Park, Ho-Jun Song, Jin-Won Park “Carbonation of Ammonia solution via passing the LFG” APLAS October 2010 Seoul, South Korea.

  1. S. Rugma, S. Gunjan, and Sawarkar, A. N. Power generation from bagasse- A step towards sustainable development.” Proc. ofInternational Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy, June 22-24, 2010, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal, India, pp. 210-221.
  2. KamsonlianS., Chandrajit Balomajumder and Shri Chand. Removal of As (III) from solid waste (fly ash) by kitchen garden (KG) waste: Studies on parameter optimization and isotherm model. The Twety – Sixth International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management on March 27-30, 2011 at Philadelphia, USA.

10.   Kamsonlian, S., Chandrajit Balomajumder and Shri Chand. Removal of As (III) from aqueous solution by Tea waste biomass: Characterization of biosorbent and optimum parameters study. Young Researchers’ Conference on January 13 – 14, 2011 at ICT, Mumbai.

11.   Hasan S.U., Syed Akhlaq Ahmad, “Modeling of Start-up of Ethyl Acetate Reactive Distillation Column”, Proceedings of 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010 & 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering - ECCE-7, Prague (Czech Republic), 28 August - 1 September, 2010.


Book/Book Chapter





2011-2012 (July, 2011 – June 2012)




1.       Datta, D., Kumar, Sushil. Reactive Extraction of 2-Methylidenebutanedioic Acid with N, NDioctyloctan-1-amine Dissolved in Six Different Diluents: Experimental and Theoretical Equilibrium Studies at (298 ± 1) K. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data (American Chemical Society). 2011, 56(5), 2574-2582.

2.       Datta, D., Kumar, Sushil. Reactive Extraction of Glycolic Acid using Tri-n-Butylphosphate and Tri-n-Octylamine in Six Different Diluents: Experimental Data and Theoretical Predictions. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (American Chemical Society). 2011, 50, 3041–3048.

3.       Kumar, Sushil., Datta, D., Babu, B.V. Differential Evaluation Approach for Reactive Extraction of Propionic Acid using Tri-n-Butyl Phosphate (TBP) in Kerosene and 1-Decanol. Material and Manufacturing Processes (Tailor and Francis). 2011, 26, 1222–1228.

4.       Datta, D., Kumar, Sushil. Reactive Extraction of Benzoic Acid and Pyridine-3-Carboxylic Acid using Organophosphoric- and Aminic Extractants Dissolved in Binary Diluent Mixtures. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data (American Chemical Society). 2011, 56(8), 3367–3375.

5.       Kumar, Sushil., Datta, D., Babu, B.V. Estimation of Equilibrium Parameters using Differential Evolution in Reactive Extraction of Propionic Acid by Tri-n-Butyl Phosphate Dissolved in n-Decane & 1-Decanol. Chemical Engineering Processing: Process Intensification (Elsevier). 2011, 50(7), 614-622.

6.       Datta, D., Kumar, Sushil. Modeling and Optimization of Recovery Process of Glycolic Acid using Reactive Extraction. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications (IACSIT). 2012, 3(2), 141-146.

7.       GaurA., Jin-Won ParkJung-Hwa Jang, Ho-Jun Song. “Precipitation of Barium Carbonate from alkanolamine solution – Study of CO2 absorption from LFG” Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2011, 86, 153-156.

  1. “Denitrification of simulated nitrate-rich wastewater using sulfamic acid and zinc scrap” Jung-Hwa Jang, GaurA., Ho-Jun Song, and Jin-Won Park. Chemical Papers. 2011, 65(4), 437-446.
  2. Ho-Jun Song, Min-Gu Lee, Hyuntae Kim, GaurA., Jin-Won Park. “Density, viscosity, Heat Capacity, Surface Tension and solubility of CO2 in aqueous solutions of Potassium Serinate” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 2011, 56, 1371-1377.

10.    SinghH., Yung Ho Chang, Navdeep Singh Sodhi and Narpinder Singh (2011). Influence of prior acid treatment on acetylation of sorghum starch. Starch/ Stärke (Wiley-VCH), 63, 291-301.

11.    SinghH., Yung Ho Chang, Jheng Hua Lin, Navdeep Singh, Narpinder Singh. Influence of heat-moisture treatment on functional properties of sorghum starch. Food Research International2011, 44, 2949-2954.

12.    Lin, J.H., Singh, H., Chia-Ying Wen, Yung-Ho Chang. Partial-degradation and heat-moisture dual modification on the enzymatic resistance and boiling-stable resistant starch content of corn starches. Journal of Cereal Science, 2011, 54, 83-89.

13.    Lin, J.H., Ciao-ling Pan, You-Hong Hsu, Singh, H., Yung-Ho Chang. Influence of moisture content on the degradation of waxy and normal corn starches acid-treated in methanol. Food Hydrocolloids (Elsevier), 2012, 26, 370-376.

14.   KamsonlianS., Surresh S., Majumder C.B. and Chand S. Biosorption of As (V) from contaminated water onto tea waste biomass: sorption parameters optimization, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies. Journal of Future Engineering and Technology, 2011, 7(1), pp. 34-41.

15.   KamsonlianS., Surresh S., Majumder C.B. and Chand S. Biosorption of As(III) from contaminated water onto low cost palm bark biomass.International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 2012, 2 (1), pp. 153-158.

16.   KamsonlianS., Chandrajit Balomajumder and Shri Chand. A potential of biosorbent derived from banana peel for removal of As(III) from contaminated water. International Journal of Chemical Sciences and Applications, 2012, 3 (2), pp. 2278-6015.

17.   KamsonlianS., Chandrajit Balomajumder and Shri Chand. Process parameter optimization and isotherm modeling: Removal of arsenic(V) from contaminated water using palm bark biomass. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2012, 2(4), pp. 2334-2339.




Conference Proceedings


1.       Kumar, S., Babu, B.V. Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies on Reactive Extraction of Propionic Acid using Tri-n-Octylamine (TOA) Dissolved in Cyclohexane+1-Decanol (1:1v/v). Proceedings of 2011 Annual Meeting of AIChE, Minneapolis, MN, USA, October 16-21, 2011.

2.       Datta, D., Kumar, S. Statistical Modeling and Differential Evaluation Optimization of Reactive Extraction of Glycolic Acid. 2nd International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry (ICBEC 2011), Dubai, UAE, December 28-30, 2011.

3.       Datta, D., Kusuma, R., Kumar, S. Reactive Extraction of Itaconic Acid with Tri-n- Octylamine Dissolved in Active and Inactive Diluent Mixtures. Proceedings of 64th Annual Session of IIChE (CHEMCON-2011), M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, December 27-29, 2011.

4.       Kumar, S., Sheth, P.N., Suraj, K., Zade, S. Ionic Liquids as Green Solvents for the Extraction of Organic Compounds, Metals and Bio-molecules: A Brief Review. International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (ICSM-2011). Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, November 10-12, 2011.

5.       Sheth, P.N., Kumar, S. Sustainable Manufacturing and Recovery of Chemicals from Bio-oil generated from Jatrapha Residue Cake: A Brief Review. International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (ICSM-2011). Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, November 10-12, 2011.

6.       Datta, D., Kumar, S. Reactive Extraction of Nicotinic Acid Using Tri-n-Octylamine and Aliquat-336 Dissolved in Sunflower Oil as a Non-toxic Diluent. International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (ICSM-2011). Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, November 10-12, 2011.

7.       Datta, D., Kumar, S. Reactive Extraction of Picolinic Acid with Tri-n-Octylamine Dissolved in Petroleum Ether, MIBK and Iso-amyl Alcohol. International Congress of Environmental Research (ICER-2011), Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), SURAT, December 15-17, 2011.

8.       Kumar, S., Datta, D., Chomal, N., Zade, S. Equilibrium Studies on Reactive Extraction of Itaconic Acid with Tri-n-Butylphosphate: Effect of Diluent. Proceedings of 64th Annual Session of IIChE (CHEMCON-2011), M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, December 27-29, 2011.

9.       Prakash N, Kumar S. Sharma A K, Effect of Reaction Parameters on Propylene Polymerization with the Me2Si(2-Me-Ind)2ZrCl2 Catalyst: An Artificial Neural Network Approach, Conference on Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (TACEE-2012), BITS Pilani, March 23-24, 2012.

10.   Kumar S., Acharya C, Thakur S, Role of Ionic Liquid in the Extraction of Aromatic Compounds from Aliphatic Compounds, Conference on Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (TACEE-2012), BITS Pilani, March 23-24, 2012.

11.   Datta D, Kumar S., Chellappan S, Ghosh A, Effect of Modifier on Reactive Extraction of Glycolic and Glyoxylic Acids, Conference on Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (TACEE-2012), BITS Pilani, March 23-24, 2012.

12.   Datta D, Chellappan S, Kumar S. Experimental Design and Modeling of Itaconic Acid Reactive Extraction using Response Surface Method, Conference on Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (TACEE-2012), BITS Pilani, March 23-24, 2012.

13.   Rarotra S, Rajput K, Kumar S. Applications of Ionic Liquids in the Extraction of Organic Acids: A Brief Review, Conference on Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (TACEE-2012), BITS Pilani, March 23-24, 2012.

14.   Chomal N, Kumar S., Kumar A. Green Technology for Extraction of Bio-Compounds Using Ionic Liquids, Conference on Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (TACEE-2012), BITS Pilani, March 23-24, 2012.

15.   Dharaskar S.A., Wasewar K.L., Varma M.N., Shende D.Z., Kumar S. New Design Approaches to Ultra-Clean Diesel Fuels by Deep-Desulfurization, Conference on Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (TACEE-2012), BITS Pilani, March 23-24, 2012.

  1. Sawarkar, A. N., Pandit, A. B., Joshi, J. B. “Studies in delayed coking of Arabian mix asphalt.” 61st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference held at London, Ontario, Canada during October 23-26, 2011.
  2. Sawarkar, A. N. “Studies in delayed coking of Bombay high vacuum residue.” National conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering held at UDCT, Jalgaon on 4th February, 2012.
  3. Kasture, P. K., Sawarkar, A. N. “Utilization of dairy waste for the production of biodiesel and glycerin” National conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering held at UDCT, Jalgaon on 4th February, 2012.

19.   Sharma,U.C., Sinha, S., SachanS. Polymer layered silicate nano composites (PLSN) High performance polymeric material, TACEE-2012, BITS Pilani, India, 23-24 March, 2012.

20.   Patel, P.B., SachanS. Study of thermal characterization ofxyloglucon (polysaccharides) and its copolymer, TACEE-2012, BITS Pilani, India, 23-24 March, 2012.

21.   Kamsonlian, S., Chandrajit Balomajumder and Shri Chand. Sorption parameters optimization and equilibrium studies: biosorption of As (III) from contaminated water onto low cost palm bark (PB) biomass. The 6th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress on 14-16 November, 2011 at Almora.

22.   Kamsonlian, S., Chandrajit Balomajumder and Shri Chand. Adsorptive Removal of Arsenic From Water Using Kitchen Garden: Parameter Optimization. Nanotech Conference and Expo 2012 on 18 -21 June Santa Clara, California, USA.

  1. Kaushal Kishor, Abhishek K. Chandra, P. K. Mishra, Alam, M.S. Mass Transfer in the Two-Phase Microfluidic Devices, RACEE-2012, National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, January, 20-21, 2012, pp 178, Chemical Engg. Department, NIT Rourkela-769 008, Orissa, India.
  2. Abhishek K. Chandra, Kaushal Kishor, P. K. Mishra, Alam, M.S. A review on liquid-liquid mass transfer in microchannel system, Proceedings of conference, Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (TACEE), held at BITS – Pilani, on March 23 – 24, 2012, pp 159.


Books/Book Chapters


1.       Kumar, S., Prakash, N., Datta, D. Biopolymers based on Carboxylic Acids Derived from Renewable Resources, Biopolymers: Biomedical and Environmental Applications. Susheel Kalia and Luc Avérous (eds.), Scrivener Publishing LLC, USA, 2011, 169-182 (ISBN No.:9780470639238).

2.       Kumar, S., Jain, A. (edited) Proceedings, Conference on Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. Excellent Publishing House, New Delhi, March 23-24, 2012 (ISBN No.: 978519381583-31-9).





2012-2013 (July, 2012 – June 2013)




1.       Kumar, P., Rao, R., Chand, S., Kumar, S., Wasewar, K.L., Yoo, Ch. K. Adsorption of lead from aqueous solution onto coir-pith activated carbon. Desalination and Water Treatment (Tailor and Francis). 2013, 51, 2529–2535.

2.       Datta, D., Kumar, S. Reactive Extraction of Pyridine Carboxylic Acids with N, N Dioctyloctan-1-amine Dissolved in Five Different Diluents.Separation Science and Technology (Tailor and Francis). 2013, 48(6), 898-908.

3.       Datta, D., Kumar, S. Intensification of Recovery of Formic Acid from Aqueous Stream using Reactive Extraction with N, N-dioctyloctan-1-amine: Effect of Diluent and Temperature. Chemical Engineering Communications (Tailor and Francis). 2013, 200(5), 678-700.

4.       Kumar, S., Babu, B.V. Investigations of Biocompatible Systems for Reactive Extraction of Propionic Acid Using Aminic Extractants.Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering (Springer). 2012, 17, 1252-1260.

5.       Datta, D., Kumar, S. Reactive Extraction of Picolinic Acid with Tri-n-Octylamine Dissolved in Petroleum Ether, MIBK and Iso-amyl Alcohol.Journal of Environmental Research and Development. Accepted, 2012.

6.       Datta, D., Kumar, S., Wasewar K.L., Babu B.V. Comparative Study on Reactive Extraction of Picolinic Acid with Six Different Extractants (Phosphoric and Aminic) Dissolved in Two Different Diluents (Benzene and Decane-1-ol). Separation Science and Technology (Tailor and Francis). 2012, 47(7), 997-1005.

  1. Kumar, S., Pandey, A. GaurA., Kim, Byung-Hwan. Carbon Capture from vehicles emissionsInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Development. 2013, 2.

8.       Kamsonlian, S., Venkat R., Surresh S., Majumder C.B. Chand S. and Arvind K. (). Biosorptive behavior of mango leaf powder and rice husk for arsenic (III) from aqueous solutions. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2012, 9 (3), pp.165-578. doi 10.1007/s13762-012-0054-6.

9.       Kamsonlian, S., Surresh S., Majumder C.B. and Chand S. (). Biosorption of arsenic from contaminated water onto solid psiduim guajava leaf surface: equilibrium, kinetics and desorption study. Bioremediation Journal, 2012, 16 (2), pp. 97-112.

10.   Kamsonlian, S., Chandrajit Balomajumder and Shri Chand (2012). Studies on surface characterisation and isotherm modelling: Biosorption of arsenic(III) onto low cost biosorbent derived from orange peel. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 2012, 71(12), pp. 810-816.

11.   Kamsonlian, S., Surresh S., Majumder C.B. and Chand S. (2012). Biosorption of arsenic by mosambi (cirus limetta) peel: equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamics and desorption study. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2012, 25(5), pp. 2409-2417.

  1. HasanS.U., Mahajani, S., & Malik, R.K. A conceptual design algorithm for single-feed hybrid reactive distillation column involving azeotropic systems.  Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2013, 32, 313–318.






Conference Proceedings


1.       Kumar, S., Datta, D., Babu, B.V. Reactive Extraction of Nicotinic Acid Using Tri-n- Octylphosphine Oxide (TOPO) Dissolved in a Binary Diluent Mixture. Proceedings of 2012 Annual Meeting of AIChE, Pittsburg, PA, USA, October 28- November 2, 2012.

2.       Datta, D., Kumar, S. Extraction and Back-Extraction Studies of Picolinic Acid Using Tri-n-Octylamine Dissolved in 1-Decanol. Proceedings of 2012 Annual Meeting of AIChE, Pittsburg, PA, USA, October 28- November 2, 2012.

3.       Prakash, N., Kumar, S., Sharma, A.K. Modeling and Kinetic Parameter Estimation of Ethylene Polymerization with Silica Supported Dimethylsilylene Bis(η5–inden-1–ylidene)Zirconium Dichloride Catalyst Using Differential Evolution Approach. Proceedings of 2012 Annual Meeting of AIChE, Pittsburg, PA, USA, October 28- November 2, 2012.

4.       Chomal, N., Kumar, S., Kumar A. Ionic Liquids for Extraction of Amino Acids from Aqueous Solution. Proceedings of 65th Annual Session of IIChE (CHEMCON-2012), National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, December 27-30, 2012.

5.       Thakur, S., Kumar, S. Predictions of Liquid - Liquid Equilibria of Aliphatics + Aromatics + Ionic Liquids. Proceedings of 65th Annual Session of IIChE (CHEMCON-2012), National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, December 27-30, 2012.

6.       Prakash, N, Kumar, S. Sharma, A.K. Modeling and Simulation of Metallocene Catalyzed olefin Polymerization: A Logarithmic Differential Evolution Approach. Proceedings of 65th Annual Session of IIChE (CHEMCON-2012), National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, December 27-30, 2012.

7.       Kamsonlian, S., Chandrajit Balomajumder and Shri Chand. Sorption of As(V) ion from Contaminated Water onto Activated Carbon Derived from Palm Bark (PB) biomass: Studies on Process Parameter Optimization and Isothermal Modeling. The 2012 International Conference on Advances in Environmental Science and Technology (AEST’12) on 26 – 30 August 2012 at COEX in Seoul, Korea.

8.       Kamsonlian, S., Chandrajit Balomajumder and Shri Chand. Surface Characterisation, parameter optimization and equilibrium studies: Biosorption of arsenic from contaminated water using orange peel biomass. The International Conference on Environment 2012 (ICENV 2012), Penang, Malaysia, 11-13 December 2012.

9.       M. Siraj Alam, Abhishek K. Chandra, and P. K. Mishra, 2D/3D Simulations: Mass Transfer in Circular Micro-Channels for Liquid-Liquid Slug Flow, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Chemical, Nano and Sustainable Engineering, held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, during March 29 – 31, 2013, pp 70-81.

10.   Kaushal Kishor, A.K. Chandra, P. K. Mishra, Alam, M. S. A Review on Two Phase Pressure Drop Models in Microfluidic Devices, International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE 2013) February 22-24, 2013. IIT Roorkee, India

11.   Abhilasha Dixit, P K Mishra, Alam, M S. A Short Review on Techniques for Copper Removal from Waste Water International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE 2013) February 22-24, 2013. IIT Roorkee, India

12.   Shabih Ul Hasan, Sanjay M Mahajani, Ranjan K Malik, “Conceptual Design of Single-Feed Hybrid Multi-Product Reactive Distillation Column for Selectivity Engineering, Proceedings of AIChE annual meeting 2012Pittsburgh, PA, USA, October 28 – November 2, 2012 David L. Lawrence Convention Centre.

13.   Shabih Ul Hasan, Sanjay M Mahajani, Ranjan K Malik, “A Graphical Design Methodology for Hybrid Multiproduct Reactive Distillation Column involving Complex Reaction Scheme”, Research Scholars Symposium-2012, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay.

14.   Shabih Ul Hasan, Sanjay M Mahajani, Ranjan K Malik., A Conceptual Design Algorithm for Single-Feed Hybrid Reactive Distillation Column involving azeotropic systems, Proceedings of the 23rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 23 June 9-12, 2013, Lappeenranta, Finland.



Books/Book Chapters


1.       Kamsonlian, S. Adsorption, Ion Exchange Processes and Chromatography in “Textbook of Separation Processes” by Suresh S. and Keshav A. (2012), Page no. 330, International Office American Publication, Studium Press (India) Pvt. Ltd (In press).



2013-2014 (July, 2013 – Till date)




1.    Datta, D., Kumar, S.  Modeling using Response Surface Methodology and Optimization using Differential Evolution of Reactive Extraction of Glycolic Acid. Chemical Engineering Communications (Tailor and Francis). Accepted (Inpress) 2013.

2.    Datta, D., Kumar, S. Equilibrium and Kinetic on Reactive Extraction of Nicotinic Acid with Tri-n-Octylamine Dissolved in MIBK.Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (American Chemical Society). Accepted (Inpress) 2013.

3.    Murthy, B.N., Sawarkar, A. N., Mathew T., Deshmukh, N. A. and Joshi, J. B. “Petroleum coke gasification: A review.” The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 9999, 1-28, 2013 (DOI 10.1002/cjce.21908).

4.    Kamsonlian, S.Bipin Shukla. Optimisation of Process Parameters Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM): Removal of Cr (VI) from Aqueous Solution by Wood Apple Shell Activated Carbon (WASAC). Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2013, 3(7), pp. 31-37.

5.    Shabih Ul Hasan, Sanjay M Mahajani, Ranjan K Malik, “Selectivity Engineering with Single-Feed Hybrid Reactive Distillation.Chemical Engineering Science (Accepted in press) 2013.


Conference Proceedings


1.       Kumar, S., Chomal, N., Kumar, A. Investigations of Use of Ionic Liquid in Extraction of Picolinic Acid from Aqueous Solutions. 2013 Annual Meeting of AIChE, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 3-8, 2013.

2.       Datta, D., Kumar, S. Central Composite Design for the Modeling of the Glycolic Acid Reactive Extraction. 2013 Annual Meeting of AIChE, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 3-8, 2013.

3.       Prakash, N, Kumar, S. Sharma, A.K. Metallocene Catalyzed Propylene Polymerization: Modeling, Simulation and Parameter Estimation using Differential Evolution Approach. Proceedings of 66th Annual Session of IIChE (CHEMCON-2013), ICTMumbai during 27-30 December, 2013.

4.       Jain, Shalvi and Sawarkar, A. N. “Role of plant derived-derived biopesticides for sustainable agricultural activities.” International conference on Health, Environment and Industrial Biotechnology held at MNNIT, Allahabad during 21-23 November, 2013.

5.       Sawarkar, A. N. Value addition via pyrolysis of North Gujarat vacuum residue.” 66th Annual session of Indian Chemical Congress (CHEMCON-2013) held at ICTMumbai during 27-30 December, 2013.

6.       Mishra, S., Sachan, S., Upadhyay, M. Preparation and application of SPPEES-TiO2 composite micro-porous UF membrane for refinery effluent treatment, SITCEE-2014, JNU New Delhi, India, 4-5th January, 2014.

7.       Manish Gupta, A. K. Chaudhary, Alam, M. S. Effect of trust, satisfaction and other relationship dimensions on SupplierRelationship Management, Accepted for presentation in SIBR 2014 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, 5th-7th June 2014, Bangkok.

8.       Kaushal Kishor, Alam, M. S., V K Agarwal, Nucleate Pool Boiling of Liquids Binary Mixtures at Sub-Atmospheric Pressures, Proceedings of the 22nd  National and 11th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, December 28-31, 2013, IIT Kharagpur, India, paper code: HMTC1300800.

9.       Ashish Mishra, Kaushal Kishor, R K Patel, Alam, M. S. Heat Transfer Enhancement in Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger with Al2O3–Water Based Nanofluids: A Numerical Investigation, Proceedings of the 22nd National and 11th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, December 28-31, 2013, IIT Kharagpur, India, paper code: HMTC1300651.


Books/Book Chapters


1.       Sharma, U.C., Singh, N., Sachan, S. Nano Biosensors: Fundamental Concepts and ApplicationsNANOTECHNOLOGY Volume 12 (Bio-imaging).