
Three Days NIDM Training-cum-Workshop Programme On  Satellite Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence Role in Development of Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (EOAIDRI-2022) November 11-13, 2022 Jointly Organized By Department of Civil Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Prayagraj - 211004, INDIA & National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi –110042


SERB Sponsored  Online Training Program on  Applications of High-Performance Computing in Drug Designing which is to be organized on August 6, 2022.


An online Self-Financed Short Term Courses (STC) on  “ Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy Technologies (ETRET-2022)” during June 20-24, 2022 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad.


Online one-week short-term course on “ Drought & Flood Analysis and their Management (DAM-2022) ”, April 14-18, 2022, jointly organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad, and National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Govt. of India, New Delhi.
There is no registration Fee. The link for the course registration is https://forms.gle/HjMPSPmhZ1ZUErGv8 and also it is essential to register at: https://training.nidm.gov.in/ .


Self financed online Short Term Course on  Emerging Trends in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ETLSCM-2022) 10-14 june, 2022 Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Prayagraj - 211004, UP, INDIA


One-Week National Training Program under DST-STUTI: Hands on Training on Microwave & Photonics Related Sophisticated Equipment and Components  during June 6-12, 2022 organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj


An online Self-Financed Short Term Courses (STC) on “ ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION” during April 11-15, 2022 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad.


S elf financed short term course on  NOVEL APPROACHES IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT (NAWT-2022) during February 01-05, 2022 organized by the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering.


3rd one week self-financed short term course on “ Advances in Power Technologies (APT-2021)” during 20th to 24th December, 2021 (Online Course) organised by Department of Electrical Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad. [Click here for Registration Form ]


SPARC sponsored online  Short Term Course (STC) on “ UNPACKING E-MOBILITY TECHNOLOGIES FOR INDIA” [Module-1 of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies of Electricity Grids],  Duration:  20-24 November 2021 (05 days).


One-week short term course on “ MODELING AND SIMULATION IN SOLID AND FLUID MECHANICS-I (MSFM-2021)”, November 15-19, 2021 organized by Applied Mechanics Department.


An Online One Week Short Term Course on " Power Electronic Interface and Drives for Electric Vehicles(PEIDEV-2021)" during November 13th -17th, 2021. Conducted by the Electrical Engineering Department, MNNIT Allahabad. [The Last date for course registration is extended till November 12, 2021.]


One week Short term course on  Modelling of Multiphase Flows(MMF-2021) September 27th –October 1st , 2021 Organized by Department of Applied Mechanics Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology-Allahabad Prayagraj-211004.  [For Registration Click Here]


Self-Financed Short-term Course on “ Modeling and Simulation of Dynamical Systems (MSDS)” 27th September -1st October, 2021 Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad.


One week Short term Course on Machine Learning and Its Applications in IoT, Computer Vision and Cloud Computing  from September 20-24, 2021,
organized by CSED. [Registration ]


"Software Application for Analysis and Design of Structures (SAADS-2021)" which is going to be organized on July 26- 30, 2021, by the Civil Engineering Department.


Online one week short term course on  Computational Physics from March 01-05, 2021 Organized by Department of Physics Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Short Term Course on " Recent advances in Structural Bioinformatics"  at the Department of Biotechnology, during February 27-March 3, 2021. [Click here for Registration]


Short Term Course "  Design of Water Retaining Structure (DWRS-2021)"  to be organized on March 11–15, 2021, by the Civil Engineering Department. [Regisration Form]


One week Short term Course on Research Trends in Machine Learning and IoT from March 15-19, 2021, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India -211004. (For Registraion Click Here)


A one day online ISEA-II sponsored  Awareness Program on Information Security Awareness 2021 (ISA 2021) organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, scheduled on February 27, 2021. Last Date to Receive Online Registration: 25th February , 2021. For Detailed Information [click here ]


Webinar on Covid-19 Pandemic: Infection, Prevention, and Control.


Short-Term Course on "Design of Water Retaining Structure (DWRS-2020)" from November 23–28, 2020, organized by the Civil Engineering Department, is postponed .


One Week Short Term Course in Online mode on,  Numerical and Optimization Techniques (NOT-2020) from January 09 -13, 2021. [Registration Form]


Short Term Course on  Future trends in Wide Area-based Power Systems Control and Protection (WACP-2020)  , from October13-17, 2020 organized by Electrical Engineering Department.


Short Term Course on  Structural Integrity and Reliability (SIR 2020) from October 28 - November 01, 2020 is organised by Mechanical Engineering Department MNNITA.
(Click to register: 
https://forms.gle/7c9HVCF6UwHTmE7F7 )


Short Term Course on " Design of Water Retaining Structure (DWRS-2020)" from November 23–28, 2020, organized by the Civil Engineering Department. [Registration form [POSTPONED]


  1. An Online One Week Short Term Course on "Power Electronics and Renewable Integration for Consumer Applications (PERICA-2020)", September 16th to 20th,2020.(Last date for registration extended till 15/09/2020 and No short listing criteria- All the applications will be considered.)

    Lecture schedule of "Power Electronics and Renewable Integration for Consumer Applications (PERICA-2020)", September 16th to 20th,2020.

  2. A self-finance short term course on “Safety Aware Peaceful Life in COVID-19 (SAPLC- 2020): A Computer Science Perspective” organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering scheduled on 28th July– 02nd August, 2020. Last Date to Receive Online Registrations: 27th July, 2020. For Detailed Information [Click Here ]
  3. Five days Online Workshop on Emerging IT Technologies, May 29-Jun -02, 2020.
  4. TEQIP-III Sponsored Five days Online Workshop cum Faculty Development Program on Data Sciences, May 04-08, 2020. [Jointly Organized by MNNIT Allahabad & KNIT, Sultanpur].
  5. ATAL Online Faculty Development on Artificial Intelligence  May 18-22, 2020.
  6. ATAL Online Faculty Development on Artificial Intelligence  May 04-08, 2020.
  7. ATAL Online Faculty Development on Artificial Intelligence  May 11-15, 2020.
  8. ATAL Online   Faculty Development on Artificial Intelligence  April 27 - May 01, 2020.
  9. One week  self financed course on" Foundation: Analysis Design and Construction Technique (FACT-2020)".
  10. A one week online ISEA-II sponsored Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Information Security and Privacy 2020 (ISP 2020) organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, rescheduled on 26th – 30th May, 2020. Last Date to Receive Applications: 24th May, 2020. For Detailed Information. [click here] [Shortlisted candidate list of ISP 2020][Registration Closed]  [The scheduled FDP on ISP 2020, during 13th -17th March, 2020, was postponed due to COVID 19 pandemic.]
    [Brochure ] [Registration From] [PDF][DOC

  11. Short Term Training Program on Data Analytics and its Applications in Management (STTP-DAAM) to be organized by SMS MNNIT Allahabad from 04/02/2020 to 08/02/2020. [APPLICATION FORM]
  12. Self-Financed Short-term Course on “Resilient Operation and Control of Microgrid (ROC-μG)” January 6-10, 2020 Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad.
  13. Workshop on Author Development Workshop from November 30 to December 04, 2019 Organized by: School of Management Studies.

  15. GIAN Program on Econometric Techniques for Research in Management and Social Sciences, from 25 to 29 November 2019, organized by School of Management Studies.

  16. Short Term Training Programme on “Structural Integrity and Reliability"  from December 23 to 27, 2019 Sponsored by TEQIP-III and Jointly Organized by Mechanical Engineering Department MNNIT Allahabad and KNIT, Sultanpur.
  17. AICTE Training And Learning  (ATAL) Academy  sponsored Programme on Block Chain to be held from September 16-20, 2019. [Registration Form]
  18. Short Term Training Program on Developing Massive Open Online Courses Sponsored under TEQIP-III Project
  19. Self-Financed Short Term Course on, 'Numerical and Optimization Techniques (NOT-2019)’, from November 08 -12, 2019.
  20. Self- financed Short Term Course on Food and health biotechnology solutions to life: An improved way to living (FHBS- 2019) 20-26 December, 2019.
  21. Work shop on INGSA Science Advice on Nutrition and Health during December 17-18, 2019 at MNNIT Allahabad.
  22. Short Term Course " Design of Water Retaining   Structure (DWRS)" which is going to be organized on October 14-18 2019.
  23. A Workshop on “NBA Accreditation: Regulations and Procedure" on July 27, 2019 Sponsored by TEQIP-III, Jointly Organized by MNNIT Allahabad & KNIT, Sultanpur.
  24. Short Term Training Program on Publishing Research in High-Value Journals during July 30 - August 03, 2019, Organized by School of Management Studies, MNNIT Allahabad.
  25. One week short term course on Numerical techniques for scientific computations (NTSC-2019) during july 15-19,2019 jointly organised by Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, KNIT, Sultanpur and Department of mathematics , MNNIT, Allahabad.
  26. InSAR: Theory, Processing and Application form August 12- 16, 2019. [Registration form  ]
  27. GIAN course on "Interface between Nanoparticles and Living Systems : Ethical and Translational Dimensions" scheduled during July 15 - 26 , 2019.


  1.  Short Term Course " Software Application in Design of Structures (SADS-2019)" which is going to be organized on 8 JULY- 12 JULY 2019, by Civil Engineering Department.
  2. Self financed short term course on Food and health biotechnology solutions to life: An improved way to living (FHBS-2019) in the department of Biotechnology.
  3. Self-Financed Seven days Workshop on Applied Research Methodology in Social Sciences scheduled during June 17 to June 23, 2019  is being organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.  [Registration Form]
  4. Skill development program on “Basic Computer Training (BCT-2019)” from 24th – 29th June, 2019.
  5. One Week 2nd National workshop on “Advances in Wireless and Optical Networks (AWON-2019)” during May 27, 2019-June 01, 2019.
  6. Gian brochure on "Introduction to Image based modeling and simulation: Applications in Musculoskeletal Biomechanics" from 22 to 26 April,2019.
  7. One week self financed Workshop On Power System Practices: Analysis & Design (PSPAD-2019) 20-24 May, 2019.
  8. One week short term course on Emerging Power Technologies & Management (EPTM-2019) in collaboration with the Department of Electrical Engineering, KNIT Sultanpur under the twinning scheme of TEQIP-III at KNIT Sultanpur.
  9. Workshop on "Advanced Embedded System and Microelectronics AESM-2019" scheduled from 1st to 5th April 2019.
  10. 2- day National Workshop on “Water Treatment Options for Priority Drinking water Pollutants in Rural Areas”
  11. Short Term Course On "Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Low Dimension Materials [SCALDM 2019]" April 08-12, 2019 Jointly Organized By Department of Physics Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj - 211004 (INDIA) & Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities (APSH) KNIT Sultanpur, U. P.-228118, India under twinning activity of TEQIP-III MNNIT Allahabad. [Brochure] [Postponed till further notice]

  12. ACADEMIA-INDUSTRY Conclave- 2019: Department of Biotechnology MNNIT Allahabad  .
  13. Short Term Course On "Application of MATLAB in Science and Technology (AMST-2019)" April 01-05, 2019 Jointly Organized By Department of Physics Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj - 211004 (INDIA) & Department of Electrical Engineering KNIT Sultanpur, U.P.-228118, India under twinning activity of TEQIP-III MNNIT Allahabad.  [Brochure]

  14. Self sponsored summer Training cum Internship Programme in Civil Engineering (STIPCE-2019) to be held from 10th June to 05th of July, 2019. [Brochure] [Registration Form]
  15. Self-financed Workshop cum Summer Training Programme on "RESEARCH ASPECTS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING" (RACE– 2019), May 24 - July 06, 2019.   [POSTER]

  16. NEW TRENDS IN "WASTE WATER TREATMENT AND ITS REUSE (NTWT-2019)"  from March 12-16, 2019.
  17. GIAN Course on " Emerging Biophotonics Solutions for Disease Diagnosisscheduled during April 01-12, 2019
  18. TEQIP-III Sponsored National Workshop on Advances in Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics (ACFD-2019) scheduled during 6-11 March 2019 at MNNIT Allahabad.
  19. A Self Financed Short Term Course on "Emerging Trends in Thermal Engineering" (ETTE-2018) being  organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad (postponed to March 1-5, 2019).
  20. GIAN Course on "Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer" scheduled during 12-17 March 2019 at MNNIT Allahabad.
  21. National Workshop on BioTechnological Approaches for Industrial Waste Management and Renewable Energy ( 1 - 7 Apr 2019 )
  22. TEQIP-III SPONSORED ONE WEEK SHORT TERM COURSE on " Emerging Trends in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ETLSCCM-2018)".(postponed to 18- 22 feb 2019)
  23. A self sponsored training programme “In vitro Diagnostic Platforms for biomarker detection” is scheduled to be held from Feb 18-24, 2019.


  1. Short term training programs on Case Methods
  2. GIAN course entitled " Contaminated Sites: Assessment, Remediation and Risk  (GIAN-CS 2018)" in Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad, India from November 19– 23, 2018.
  3. Short Term Course on "Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis" at the Department of Biotechnology,during December 17-23, 2018.
  5. Short-Term Course on 'Advances and Applications of Nanofluids' (NanoFluids-2018) scheduled during 23-28 October 2018 at MNNIT Allahabad.
  6. Department of Chemical Engineering, M.N.N.I.T., Allahabad is organizing  a one week course titled "Renewable and Sustainable Technologies for Fuels, Chemicals and Power Production (GIAN-RST-2018)" under GIAN programme of MHRD, Govt. of India from September 24 – 28, 2018.
  7. SHORT TERM COURSE ON “Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (AMM-2018)” during October 12-16, 2018.
  8. National Workshop on Foldscope (Under the DBT Foldscope initiative) 31st August –01st September, 2018 Organised by: Dr. Vishnu Agarwal Principal Investigator Department of Biotechnology Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad ALLAHABAD, 211004, India
  9. 2nd Short Term Course On Advances in Power Technologies (APT-2018) 10th – 14th September, 2018 Sponsored by TEQIP-III Jointly Organized By Department of Electrical Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Allahabad, U. P.-211004, India & Department of Electrical Engineering KNIT Sultanpur, U. P.-228118, India [Registration]
  10. Renewable and Sustainable Technologies for Fuels, Chemicals and Power Production (GIAN-RST-2018)
  11. GIAN course entitled "Renewable and Sustainable Technologies for Fuels, Chemicals and Power Production (GIAN-RST-2018)" India from September 24 – 28, 2018
  12. "2nd One Week Short Term Course on Advances in Power Technologies (APT-2018)" [Registration]
  13. Self-Financed Short Term Course on, 'Numerical and Optimization Techniques (NOT-2018)"from October 12-16, 2018.
  14. Short Term Course on Design of Water Retaining Structure (DWRS-2018) September 24–28, 2018 Organised by Department of Civil Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad (U.P.)- 211004, India [POSTPONE]

  15. A Self Financed Short Term Course on "Emerging Trends in Thermal Engineering" (ETTE-2018) being  organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad (postponed to March 1-5, 2019).[Replaced Brochure]



  1. Short Term Training Program on Publishing Research in High Value Journals July 16-21, 2018 Origanized by SMS MNNIT Allahabad.
  2. Short term course on "Composite Materials: Overview, Characterization and Applications (CMOCA-2018)" during July 16-20, 2018.


  1. Seven days long self financed workshop on Qualitative Research Methodology in Social Sciences being organised by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, MNNIT Allahabad during June 11-17, 2018.  [Registration form]

  2. "10 days short term course on Algorithms & Automata". Registration deadline extended till June 10, 2018.

  3. Short Term Course on Software Application inDesign of Structures (SADC-2018) June 4–8,2018Organised by Department of Civil Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad (U.P.)- 211004, India 

  4. “National Instructional Workshop on Cryptology-2018 (NIWC-2018), 6-10 June 2018”  [Form ]


Short-term course FACT 2018

TEQIP III sponsored one week workshop on " Soft Skills" ( SS - 2018) from May 21, 2018 to May 25, 2018 [Registration form]. [Last Date Extended to: 16th May 2018].

A Self Financed Short Term Course on "Matlab based Machine Learning and Optimization" (STCMED-2018) being  organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad during  May 28 – June 01, 2018.

One week self-financed workshop on Data Analytics and Machine Learning with R (DAMLR-2018) from28th May 2018 to 1st June 2018at CSED, MNNIT Allahabad [Information Brochure ] . For details visit - damlr.mnnit.ac.in

Workshop on Image and Video Analytics (WIVA-2018) from March 29, 2018 to April 02, 2018, at CSED, MNNIT Allahabad. [RegistrationForm ] [Poster]   "last date of registration extended till 22nd March 2018"


GIAN Course on "Active Flow Control: Concepts and Applications" scheduled during 12 -17 March 2018 at MNNIT Allahabad.

One day Workshop on “Recent Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (RAGE-2018)”,February 5, 2018 Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad.  [REGISTRATION FORM]

One week workshop on "Current Trends in Cyber Crime and Security (CTC2S 2018)" Sponsored by ISEA –Phase II, Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering during January 27 – 31, 2018. [REGISTRATION CLOSED]

[List of participants:CTCCS-2018]

"Research- Academia-Industry Interaction (RAII-2018)" workshop to be held during February 3-4, 2018

Gain Course on POWER SYSTEM VOLT / VAR CONTROL AND VOLTAGE STABILITY December 26 –30, 2017 Department of Electrical Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad India-211004.

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Organizing one week Short Term Training Program on Publishing Research in High Quality International Journals November 24 - 28, 2017.

Short Term GIAN Training Program "Nanomedicine with nanoparticle-based diagnostics and therapy " November 6-10, 2017, Organized by Department of Chemistry

Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) International Winter Course – 2017 on Advances in Nanotechnology and its Application in Future Electronics (ANFE-2017) November 6-10, 2017.

GIAN sponsored Short Term Course "Experimental Techniques for Nanomagnetic Materials – (ETNM 2017)" October 30-November 04, 2017, Organized by Department of Physics.

GIAN sponsored Short Term Course "X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and its Application to Nanomaterials (XASAN-2017) " December 21-28, 2017, Organized by Department of Physics

Short term course on "Recent Advances in Biofilms and Environmental Biotechnology" organized by Dept. of Biotechnology during Sept 21-27, 2017.

Self-Financed Short Term Course on, "Numerical and Optimization Techniques (NOT-2017)" from September 22, 2017 to September 26, 2017.

One week workshop on, "Communication and Antenna Design for loT" (CADIT 2017)" from September 22, 2017 September 27, 2017

"National Workshop on Research Methodology during 21- 27, August, 2017, Organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad and  Allahabad School of Education, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad"


"On-Spot Registration accepted against few vacant seats for one weak workshop, Workshop on Network Simulation - 2017 (WNS-2017) from 8th -12th July, 2017 at CSED, MNNIT, Allahabad."

Seats Available - Registration allowed till 7th July 2017, for one week self-financed short term course on "Machine Learning and its Applications (MLA-2017)" from 10th July, 2017 to 14th July, 2017 at CSED, MNNIT, Allahabad.

GIAN sponsored Course on Active Learning Techniques and Robust Assessment Methods in “Train the Trainer” Format during 10-15 July 2017 at MNNIT Allahabad.

One week Workshop on Network Simulation (WNS-2017) scheduled on 8th 12thJuly, 2017.  Extended Date to Receive Applications:5th July, 2017. For Detailed Information [click here]

“Two-week Self-financed short term course on Data Structures and Algorithms, (DSA-2017) Enhance your skills as a programmer scheduled during June 19th  2017– July 01st 2017, at CSED MNNIT Allahabad, Allahabad. Extended Date to Receive Applications: 8th June, 2017. For Detailed Information [click here]

National Mission on Power Electronics Technology STC APERER-2017 from July 21-23, 2017.

Registration Deadline extended till 20th May for one week workshop on "Data Analytics and Machine Learning with R (DAMLR-2017)" from 29th May 2017 to 2nd June 2017 at CSED, MNNIT Allahabad

Two Weeks Self Financed Workshop On Multimedia Processing and its Security (WMPS - 2017) “A view through eyes of researchers” Date: 29th May, 2017 – 09th June, 2017 Organized CSED MNNIT AllahabadExtended Date to Receive Applications: 23 rd May, 2017. For Detailed Information [click here]

Ten days Research Methodology Programme for Ph.D students in Social Sciences (ICSSR Sponsored) (During 02- 11, June, 2017) Organized by: Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology

A Workshop on “Techniques in Molecular Biology” JUNE 12 - JUNE 18, 2017 Organized by Department of Biotechnology Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad-211004, India

Department of Electrical Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad is going to organize a one week Short Term Course on “Advances in Power Technologies (APT-2017)” from 15th – 20th May, 2017.


A self financed "First Short Term course on Energy Management & Audit" from March 22, 2017 to March 28, 2017.

GIAN sponsored Course on Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics in Sports during 3-8 April 2017 at MNNIT Allahabad.

One week workshop on “Antenna Design and Signal Processing Techniques for 5G Networks and IoT”.

GIAN course entitled "Electroacoustic Transducer – Product Design and Development (ETPDD 2017)" during Feb. 26 – March 3, 2017.

"GIAN sponsored Course on Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics in Sports during 3-8 April 2017 at MNNIT Allahabad"

Self financed Short Term Course on “Modelling and Optimization of Chemical & Biochemical Processes” (MOCBP-2017), January 16-21, 2017

Self Financed Short Term Course on Recent Advances in Biomass Utilization & Fermentation Technology (SFC-BUFT, 2017) January 9-15, 2017.

Short Term Training Program on Chitin & Chitosan Science: A Research Gateway, December 14-20, 2016.

Self Financed Short Term Course on “Research methodologies, Data analysis and Stress tolerance in Plants” 21 to 27January, 2017.

One-Week Self Financed Short Term Course On Application of MATLAB in Science,Technology and Management (AMSTM-2016) (December 01-07, 2016) http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

GIAN Course on "Emerging Trends in Bio-Robotics for Development of Prosthetic and Orthotic Devices"http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Soft Switched & Resonant DC to DC Converter Topologies & their control A GIAN COURSE Venue: MNNIT ALLAHABAD Date: 19 to 23 December 2016 By Prof. Praveen Jain. http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

GIAN brochure for  Computational Simulation of Bio-fluid Systemshttp://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on "Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering" during 19-25, 2016 http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

ONE WEEK SHORT TERM COURSE on " ROLE OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (RMSET-16)" schedule to be held during October 19-23, 2016.http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

"TEQIP SPONSORED 1 WEEK SHORT-TERM COURSE on "ADVANCES IN COMPOSITE MATERIALS (ACM-2016)" during October 21-26, 2016"http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

One Week Short-Term Course on Social Issues and Technology (October 20-26, 2016)http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on “Current Advances in Applied Biotechnology” October 13 –19, 2016http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Short Term Training Program on Qualitative Research Methods from 18th to 24th October 2016   [brochure ]http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures (LSDSS-2016) 11 October -16 October, 2016 Department of Civil Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Allahabad-211004, India .http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

One week Workshop on Network Simulation (WNS-2016) scheduled on September 28 th - 2 nd October,
2016. Extended Date to Receive Applications: 20 th September, 2016. For Detailed Information [click here]

National Workshop on Networked and Embedded Control of Energy & Systems (NECES-2016) being organized by the department of Electrical Engineering on the dates 14-15 October 2016.

3 Days Workshop on Water Chemistry: Some Basic Aspects September 23-25, 2016

Faculty Development Program On Advanced Embedded System and Microelectronics (AESM-2016) July 14 - 20, 2016


Two week course on “Thermal Sprayed Coatings & Composites: Science, Engineering and Applications (TSCC) 

One Week Self-Financed Refresher Course On Data Structures (DS-2016) From: 4th July- 8th July, 2016 .[Registration Date Extended upto  June 20, 2016]

Self Financed Short Term Course on “Nanostructures in Diagnostics” May 16-20, 2016[Registration Open] 

National Workshop Know your polymers: An understanding from basic to applied July 9 - 10, 2016 Organized By Department of Chemistry 

One week self financed short-term course on “Advances in Concrete Technology (ACT-2016) during April 04-08, 2016."

Short listed candidates WISRIC-2016.

"One Week Workshop On Information Security: Research Issues and Challenges March 17 – 21, 2016 Sponsored by: ISEA – Phase II.[click here for more information]" 

" One week short term course on " Modeling and Simulations at Nanoscale and Nanostructures (MSNN 2016)" under GIAN scheme " 

Department of Biotechnology is organizing a self-financed short term course on “Genomics for crop improvement” during December 23 –29, 2015.

Last Date for Online Registration Extended to 27 November, 2015 for ISTE STTP on “Introduction to Structural Engineering” being conducted by IIT Kharagpur and Coordinated by MNNIT Allahabad (RC ID: 1330), under the Project “NMEICT”, during January 4-9, 2016.

Click Here for online Registration

Self Financed Workshop on "Flow Cytometry: Applications in Research, Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation is scheduled on December 15-21, 2015

A Self Sponsored Second National Workshop On Simulation of Image, Audio & Video with Matlab, OpenCV and Documentation with Latex (SIMDOC-2015).

Short Term Course on Water Research by Chemistry Department.

Self Financed Workshop on "Flow Cytometry: Application in Research, Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation is scheduled on December 15-21, 2015

Self Financed Workshop on "DNA Sequencing : Applications in Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation" 

Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures-2015

A workshop on Information and Cyber security (“SURAKSHA-2015”) is scheduled on August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open for details please click on [suraksha.mnnit.ac.in].

"Self Financed Short Term Course on, 'Numerical and Optimization Technique (NOT-2015)'"

International Workshop on "Advances in Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics" (ACFD-2015) is scheduled on August 12-16, 2015.     [Brochure]    [Registration Form] ----->>>> A few seats are left for ACFD-2015. For Registration, please email to cfdworkshop2015@gmail.com

List of selected candidates in  National Workshop on Research on Biopolymers: Challenges & Opportunities (RBCO-2015)

"Self Financed Short Term Course on -Matlab based Optimization and Statistical Data Processing, June 12 – 17, 2015"."Spot Registration open up to 12th June 2015. Pl contact the organizers for details".

Self Financed "STTP on Robotics and Automation" during June 08-12, 2015 ". Spot Registration open up to 8th June 2015 till 9.30 AM".

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD-2015) - 22-26 June, 2015 .Few Seats are Left and Registration are Still Open. Contact cfdworkshop2015@gmail.com for details.


National workshop entitled "Research on Biopolymers: Challenges and Opportunities (RBCO-2015)" during June 05-06, 2015

"Environmental Studies" (NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India), from 02nd to 12th June 2015. 

Short-term training program on “VLSI Design and Embedded Systems”  (VDES-2015). [Advertisment] [Form]

Self Financed Summer Internship Program (SFSIP-2015) From 8th June - 11th July 2015, Organized By Department Of Computer Science & Engineering http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

STTP on Introduction to Algorithms (NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India), May 25-30, 2015. http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Self financed Short term Course on Construction management in water Supply Sector (CMWSS-2015) to be held during April 06-10, 2015 & organized by Department of Civil Engineering. http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

SELF FINANCED SHORT TERM COURSE On Digital Prototyping with Autodesk Tools (DPAT - 2015) February 27-March 4, 2015 http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Short term course on "Bio-Inspired and Geospatial Techniques" (BIOGEOS) from Feb. 27-March 03, 2015. http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Short Term Course PCRER in EED from 29 Jan.-03 to Feb. 2015.

Distributed Generation Resources and its Integration Impact on Grid (DGSIG-2015), January 28-February 1, 2015

Self financed Short Term Course On WATER POLLUTION AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT (WPWT-2015)January 27-31, 2015

Self Financed Short Term Course on “Plant and Enzyme Technology” Date: 24- 28 January 2015.

Self Financed Short Term Course on Recent Advances in Fermentation Technology (SFC-RAFT) January 14-18, 2015

Self financed short term course on “Microbial Technology and Biofilms: Avenues and Applications” from January 10 –14, 2015.

Short Term Course on Geotechnical Investigations for Civil Engineering Projects (GICP-2015).

Short Term Course on Water & Waste Water Quality Examination (WWQE-2015).

Self Financed Short Term Course on “PLANT TISSUE CULTURE TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS” Date: 23- 27 January 2015.

Self financed short term course on Nanobiotchnology "during January 23-29, 2015.

Self financed short term course on "Biotechnology,Health and Diagnostics" scheduled on January 24-28, 2015.

Self financed short term course on "Biotechnology, IPR and Entrepreneurship" scheduled on January 14-18, 2015.

STC on Hands on training on Molecular Techniques in Biotechnology" in Department of biotechnology" starting from January 16-January 22, 2015.

Short Term Course on Seismic Analysis, Design and Retrofit of bridges (SADRB-2014) scheduled on 19-23 Decemebr, 2014 is postponed. (Revised Schedule of SADRB-2014)

Inspiration Workshop Selected Candidates first list & second/last  list

"National Workshop on Fatigue and Fracture of Engg. Materials and Structures" to be held on December 17-18 2014

"Short term course on Rain Water Harvesting ( RWH-2014) in Civil Department."

TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Eartquake Resistant Desgin & Detailing of Structures(ERDDS-2014) from November 24-28,2014.

Short term course on "Nonlinear Control and their Applications (NLCA 2014)" which will be organized from 12-16 November 2014 in Electrical Engineering Department.

 "Self Financed Short term course on Research Methodology ,Quantitative Techniques using SPSS from 15-21 December,2014 "

“A short term course on Research Methodology and Quantitative Analysis using SPSS during December15-21, 2014"

"Selected Candidates For the workshop NMEICT Awareness. (Outside MNNIT Allahabad)." Short Term Course on “Structural Composite Materials (SCM-2014)” during September 17 – 21, 2014

Interactive Workshop on Communication and People Skills , 22-23 August 2014

Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures (LSDSS-2014) 27 September-01October,2014

"2- Day Workshop On NMEICT Awareness from August 29th to August 30th, 2014 organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department"

Short Term Course on Numerical Optimization Technique (NOT-2014)

TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Seismic Analysis, Design and Retrofit of Bridges (SADRB-2014) December19-23, 2014

List of Short listed candidates for SIMDOC- 2014

"Department of Mechanical Engineering is going to organize a short term on "Design for X" during June 23-27, 2014 on self finance basis" (postponed till further notification)

Self-financed Short-term Course on Advances in Signal and Image Processing (ASIP2014) 07 - 11 July 2014  

Short Term on "Micromanufacturing: Materials, Processes and Systems" during June 17-21, 2014 (last date of receipt of registration forms is extended up to June 15, 2014)

TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Concrete Bridges - Analysis & Design (CBAD-2014) July 07-11, 2014. (deffered/postpone till further notice)

TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Modern Practices in Concrete Technology (MPCT-2014) June 16-20, 2014.(deffered/postpone till further notice)

 "Short Term  Course MATLAB and LaTex: Simulation with Documentation (SIMDOC-2014) "

"2 Week Short Term Training Course (Self financed) in Research Pedagogy with reference to Chitin, Chitosan & Photochemistry during July 4-17, 2014."

"Software Application for Analysis and Design in Civil Engineering" (SAADCE) June16-June27 2014."

"National Workshop on Information Security and Computer Forensics (WISCF-2014) From 23rd June 2014 to 28th June 2014."

"STTP on Structural Integrity from 16-20 June 2014 in Mechanical Engineering Department: Date extended up to 06.6.2014"

"Self Financed Short Term Course on "Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Nanomaterials"from 7th July 2014 to 12th July 2014 in the Institute, by departments of Chemistry, Physics and AMD."

"Self Financed Summer Internship Program(SFSIP) – 2014 in Electrical Engineering (June04-July12, 2014)"

"Short Term Training Programme on Advanced Research Methods, School of Management Studies,MNNIT, July 14-20, 2014." (Registration Closed)

"Department-wise List of Candidates shortlisted for Summer Internship Programme - 2014."

"Short-Term Training Programme on "Basics of Computational Fluid Dynamics (BCFD-2014)" is scheduled during June 23-27, 2014."

"National Workshop on "Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (ACFD-2014)" is scheduled during June 28-July 02, 2014."

"Short Term Course on Application of Soft Computing Methods in Engineering (ASCME 2014)"

"A Workshop on Disasters and Their Management to be held during May-29-31, 2014."

"Short-Term Course on CAD/CAM and Advanced Machining, July 01 - 05, 2014".

“National Workshop on Advances in Wireless and Optical Networks (AWON-2014), June 02-07, 2014”

"National Instructional Workshop on Cryptology-2014 (NIWC-2014), 5-9 June 2014"

A workshop on Information and Cyber security (“SURAKSHA-2015”) is scheduled on August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open for details please click on [suraksha.mnnit.ac.in].


Self financed Short Term Course on “Modelling and Optimization of Chemical & Biochemical Processes” (MOCBP-2017), January 16-21, 2017

Self Financed Short Term Course on Recent Advances in Biomass Utilization & Fermentation Technology (SFC-BUFT, 2017) January 9-15, 2017.

Short Term Training Program on Chitin & Chitosan Science: A Research Gateway, December 14-20, 2016.

Self Financed Short Term Course on “Research methodologies, Data analysis and Stress tolerance in Plants” 21 to 27January, 2017.

One-Week Self Financed Short Term Course On Application of MATLAB in Science,Technology and Management (AMSTM-2016) (December 01-07, 2016) http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

GIAN Course on "Emerging Trends in Bio-Robotics for Development of Prosthetic and Orthotic Devices"http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Soft Switched & Resonant DC to DC Converter Topologies & their control A GIAN COURSE Venue: MNNIT ALLAHABAD Date: 19 to 23 December 2016 By Prof. Praveen Jain. http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

GIAN brochure for  Computational Simulation of Bio-fluid Systemshttp://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on "Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering" during 19-25, 2016 http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

ONE WEEK SHORT TERM COURSE on " ROLE OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (RMSET-16)" schedule to be held during October 19-23, 2016.http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

"TEQIP SPONSORED 1 WEEK SHORT-TERM COURSE on "ADVANCES IN COMPOSITE MATERIALS (ACM-2016)" during October 21-26, 2016"http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

One Week Short-Term Course on Social Issues and Technology (October 20-26, 2016)http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on “Current Advances in Applied Biotechnology” October 13 –19, 2016http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Short Term Training Program on Qualitative Research Methods from 18th to 24th October 2016   [brochure ]http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures (LSDSS-2016) 11 October -16 October, 2016 Department of Civil Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Allahabad-211004, India .http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

One week Workshop on Network Simulation (WNS-2016) scheduled on September 28 th - 2 nd October,
2016. Extended Date to Receive Applications: 20 th September, 2016. For Detailed Information [click here]

National Workshop on Networked and Embedded Control of Energy & Systems (NECES-2016) being organized by the department of Electrical Engineering on the dates 14-15 October 2016.

3 Days Workshop on Water Chemistry: Some Basic Aspects September 23-25, 2016

Faculty Development Program On Advanced Embedded System and Microelectronics (AESM-2016) July 14 - 20, 2016


Two week course on “Thermal Sprayed Coatings & Composites: Science, Engineering and Applications (TSCC) 

One Week Self-Financed Refresher Course On Data Structures (DS-2016) From: 4th July- 8th July, 2016 .[Registration Date Extended upto  June 20, 2016]

Self Financed Short Term Course on “Nanostructures in Diagnostics” May 16-20, 2016[Registration Open] 

National Workshop Know your polymers: An understanding from basic to applied July 9 - 10, 2016 Organized By Department of Chemistry 

One week self financed short-term course on “Advances in Concrete Technology (ACT-2016) during April 04-08, 2016."

Short listed candidates WISRIC-2016.

"One Week Workshop On Information Security: Research Issues and Challenges March 17 – 21, 2016 Sponsored by: ISEA – Phase II.[click here for more information]" 

" One week short term course on " Modeling and Simulations at Nanoscale and Nanostructures (MSNN 2016)" under GIAN scheme " 

Department of Biotechnology is organizing a self-financed short term course on “Genomics for crop improvement” during December 23 –29, 2015.

Last Date for Online Registration Extended to 27 November, 2015 for ISTE STTP on “Introduction to Structural Engineering” being conducted by IIT Kharagpur and Coordinated by MNNIT Allahabad (RC ID: 1330), under the Project “NMEICT”, during January 4-9, 2016.

Click Here for online Registration

Self Financed Workshop on "Flow Cytometry: Applications in Research, Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation is scheduled on December 15-21, 2015

A Self Sponsored Second National Workshop On Simulation of Image, Audio & Video with Matlab, OpenCV and Documentation with Latex (SIMDOC-2015).

Short Term Course on Water Research by Chemistry Department.

Self Financed Workshop on "Flow Cytometry: Application in Research, Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation is scheduled on December 15-21, 2015

Self Financed Workshop on "DNA Sequencing : Applications in Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation" 

Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures-2015

A workshop on Information and Cyber security (“SURAKSHA-2015”) is scheduled on August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open for details please click on [suraksha.mnnit.ac.in].

"Self Financed Short Term Course on, 'Numerical and Optimization Technique (NOT-2015)'"

International Workshop on "Advances in Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics" (ACFD-2015) is scheduled on August 12-16, 2015.     [Brochure]    [Registration Form] ----->>>> A few seats are left for ACFD-2015. For Registration, please email to cfdworkshop2015@gmail.com

List of selected candidates in  National Workshop on Research on Biopolymers: Challenges & Opportunities (RBCO-2015)

"Self Financed Short Term Course on -Matlab based Optimization and Statistical Data Processing, June 12 – 17, 2015"."Spot Registration open up to 12th June 2015. Pl contact the organizers for details".

Self Financed "STTP on Robotics and Automation" during June 08-12, 2015 ". Spot Registration open up to 8th June 2015 till 9.30 AM".

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD-2015) - 22-26 June, 2015 .Few Seats are Left and Registration are Still Open. Contact cfdworkshop2015@gmail.com for details. 


National workshop entitled "Research on Biopolymers: Challenges and Opportunities (RBCO-2015)" during June 05-06, 2015

"Environmental Studies" (NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India), from 02nd to 12th June 2015. 

Short-term training program on “VLSI Design and Embedded Systems”  (VDES-2015). [Advertisment] [Form]

Self Financed Summer Internship Program (SFSIP-2015) From 8th June - 11th July 2015, Organized By Department Of Computer Science & Engineering http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

STTP on Introduction to Algorithms (NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India), May 25-30, 2015. http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Self financed Short term Course on Construction management in water Supply Sector (CMWSS-2015) to be held during April 06-10, 2015 & organized by Department of Civil Engineering. http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

SELF FINANCED SHORT TERM COURSE On Digital Prototyping with Autodesk Tools (DPAT - 2015) February 27-March 4, 2015 http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Short term course on "Bio-Inspired and Geospatial Techniques" (BIOGEOS) from Feb. 27-March 03, 2015. http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Short Term Course PCRER in EED from 29 Jan.-03 to Feb. 2015.

Distributed Generation Resources and its Integration Impact on Grid (DGSIG-2015), January 28-February 1, 2015

Self financed Short Term Course On WATER POLLUTION AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT (WPWT-2015)January 27-31, 2015

Self Financed Short Term Course on “Plant and Enzyme Technology” Date: 24- 28 January 2015.

Self Financed Short Term Course on Recent Advances in Fermentation Technology (SFC-RAFT) January 14-18, 2015

Self financed short term course on “Microbial Technology and Biofilms: Avenues and Applications” from January 10 –14, 2015.

Short Term Course on Geotechnical Investigations for Civil Engineering Projects (GICP-2015).

Short Term Course on Water & Waste Water Quality Examination (WWQE-2015).

Self Financed Short Term Course on “PLANT TISSUE CULTURE TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS” Date: 23- 27 January 2015.


Self financed short term course on Nanobiotchnology "during January 23-29, 2015.


Self financed short term course on "Biotechnology,Health and Diagnostics" scheduled on January 24-28, 2015.


Self financed short term course on "Biotechnology, IPR and Entrepreneurship" scheduled on January 14-18, 2015.


STC on Hands on training on Molecular Techniques in Biotechnology" in Department of biotechnology" starting from January 16-January 22, 2015.


Short Term Course on Seismic Analysis, Design and Retrofit of bridges (SADRB-2014) scheduled on 19-23 Decemebr, 2014 is postponed. (Revised Schedule of SADRB-2014)


Inspiration Workshop Selected Candidates first list & second/last  list


"National Workshop on Fatigue and Fracture of Engg. Materials and Structures" to be held on December 17-18 2014


"Short term course on Rain Water Harvesting ( RWH-2014) in Civil Department."


TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Eartquake Resistant Desgin & Detailing of Structures(ERDDS-2014) from November 24-28,2014.


Short term course on "Nonlinear Control and their Applications (NLCA 2014)" which will be organized from 12-16 November 2014 in Electrical Engineering Department.

 "Self Financed Short term course on Research Methodology ,Quantitative Techniques using SPSS from 15-21 December,2014 "


“A short term course on Research Methodology and Quantitative Analysis using SPSS during December15-21, 2014"


"Selected Candidates For the workshop NMEICT Awareness. (Outside MNNIT Allahabad)."

Short Term Course on “Structural Composite Materials (SCM-2014)” during September 17 – 21, 2014 


Interactive Workshop on Communication and People Skills , 22-23 August 2014 

Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures (LSDSS-2014) 27 September-01October,2014 


"2- Day Workshop On NMEICT Awareness from August 29th to August 30th, 2014 organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department"


Short Term Course on Numerical Optimization Technique (NOT-2014)


TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Seismic Analysis, Design and Retrofit of Bridges (SADRB-2014) December19-23, 2014

List of Short listed candidates for SIMDOC- 2014

"Department of Mechanical Engineering is going to organize a short term on "Design for X" during June 23-27, 2014 on self finance basis" (postponed till further notification)


Self-financed Short-term Course on Advances in Signal and Image Processing (ASIP2014) 07 - 11 July 2014   


Short Term on "Micromanufacturing: Materials, Processes and Systems" during June 17-21, 2014 (last date of receipt of registration forms is extended up to June 15, 2014)


TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Concrete Bridges - Analysis & Design (CBAD-2014) July 07-11, 2014. ( deffered/postpone till further notice)

TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Modern Practices in Concrete Technology (MPCT-2014) June 16-20, 2014. ( deffered/postpone till further notice)


 "Short Term  Course MATLAB and LaTex: Simulation with Documentation (SIMDOC-2014) "


"2 Week Short Term Training Course (Self financed) in Research Pedagogy with reference to Chitin, Chitosan & Photochemistry during July 4-17, 2014."


"Software Application for Analysis and Design in Civil Engineering" (SAADCE) June16-June27 2014."


 "National Workshop on Information Security and Computer Forensics (WISCF-2014) From 23rd June 2014 to 28th June 2014."


 "STTP on Structural Integrity from 16-20 June 2014 in Mechanical Engineering Department: Date extended up to 06.6.2014"


 "Self Financed Short Term Course on "Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Nanomaterials"from 7th July 2014 to 12th July 2014 in the Institute, by departments of Chemistry, Physics and AMD."


 "Self Financed Summer Internship Program(SFSIP) – 2014 in Electrical Engineering (June04-July12, 2014)"


 "Short Term Training Programme on Advanced Research Methods, School of Management Studies,MNNIT, July 14-20, 2014."  (Registration Closed)


 "Department-wise List of Candidates shortlisted for Summer Internship Programme - 2014."


 "Short-Term Training Programme on "Basics of Computational Fluid Dynamics (BCFD-2014)" is scheduled during June 23-27, 2014."


 "National Workshop on "Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (ACFD-2014)" is scheduled during June 28-July 02, 2014."


 "Short Term Course on Application of Soft Computing Methods in Engineering (ASCME 2014)"   


 "A Workshop on Disasters and Their Management to be held during May-29-31, 2014."


 "Short-Term Course on CAD/CAM and Advanced Machining, July 01 - 05, 2014". 


 “National Workshop on Advances in Wireless and Optical Networks (AWON-2014), June 02-07, 2014”   


 "National Instructional Workshop on Cryptology-2014 (NIWC-2014), 5-9 June 2014"



A workshop on Information and Cyber security (“SURAKSHA-2015”) is scheduled on August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open for details please click on [suraksha.mnnit.ac.in].




Self financed Short Term Course on “Modelling and Optimization of Chemical & Biochemical Processes” (MOCBP-2017), January 16-21, 2017

Self Financed Short Term Course on Recent Advances in Biomass Utilization & Fermentation Technology (SFC-BUFT, 2017) January 9-15, 2017.

Short Term Training Program on Chitin & Chitosan Science: A Research Gateway, December 14-20, 2016.

Self Financed Short Term Course on “Research methodologies, Data analysis and Stress tolerance in Plants” 21 to 27January, 2017.

One-Week Self Financed Short Term Course On Application of MATLAB in Science,Technology and Management (AMSTM-2016) (December 01-07, 2016) http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

GIAN Course on "Emerging Trends in Bio-Robotics for Development of Prosthetic and Orthotic Devices"http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Soft Switched & Resonant DC to DC Converter Topologies & their control A GIAN COURSE Venue: MNNIT ALLAHABAD Date: 19 to 23 December 2016 By Prof. Praveen Jain. http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

GIAN brochure for  Computational Simulation of Bio-fluid Systemshttp://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on "Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering" during 19-25, 2016 http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

ONE WEEK SHORT TERM COURSE on " ROLE OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (RMSET-16)" schedule to be held during October 19-23, 2016.http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

"TEQIP SPONSORED 1 WEEK SHORT-TERM COURSE on "ADVANCES IN COMPOSITE MATERIALS (ACM-2016)" during October 21-26, 2016"http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

One Week Short-Term Course on Social Issues and Technology (October 20-26, 2016)http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

TEQIP-II Sponsored Short Term Course on “Current Advances in Applied Biotechnology” October 13 –19, 2016http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Short Term Training Program on Qualitative Research Methods from 18th to 24th October 2016   [brochure ]http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures (LSDSS-2016) 11 October -16 October, 2016 Department of Civil Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Allahabad-211004, India .http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

One week Workshop on Network Simulation (WNS-2016) scheduled on September 28 th - 2 nd October,
2016. Extended Date to Receive Applications: 20 th September, 2016. For Detailed Information [click here]

National Workshop on Networked and Embedded Control of Energy & Systems (NECES-2016) being organized by the department of Electrical Engineering on the dates 14-15 October 2016.

3 Days Workshop on Water Chemistry: Some Basic Aspects September 23-25, 2016

Faculty Development Program On Advanced Embedded System and Microelectronics (AESM-2016) July 14 - 20, 2016


Two week course on “Thermal Sprayed Coatings & Composites: Science, Engineering and Applications (TSCC) 

One Week Self-Financed Refresher Course On Data Structures (DS-2016) From: 4th July- 8th July, 2016 .[Registration Date Extended upto  June 20, 2016]

Self Financed Short Term Course on “Nanostructures in Diagnostics” May 16-20, 2016[Registration Open] 

National Workshop Know your polymers: An understanding from basic to applied July 9 - 10, 2016 Organized By Department of Chemistry 

One week self financed short-term course on “Advances in Concrete Technology (ACT-2016) during April 04-08, 2016."

Short listed candidates WISRIC-2016.

"One Week Workshop On Information Security: Research Issues and Challenges March 17 – 21, 2016 Sponsored by: ISEA – Phase II.[click here for more information]" 

" One week short term course on " Modeling and Simulations at Nanoscale and Nanostructures (MSNN 2016)" under GIAN scheme " 

Department of Biotechnology is organizing a self-financed short term course on “Genomics for crop improvement” during December 23 –29, 2015.

Last Date for Online Registration Extended to 27 November, 2015 for ISTE STTP on “Introduction to Structural Engineering” being conducted by IIT Kharagpur and Coordinated by MNNIT Allahabad (RC ID: 1330), under the Project “NMEICT”, during January 4-9, 2016.

Click Here for online Registration

Self Financed Workshop on "Flow Cytometry: Applications in Research, Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation is scheduled on December 15-21, 2015

A Self Sponsored Second National Workshop On Simulation of Image, Audio & Video with Matlab, OpenCV and Documentation with Latex (SIMDOC-2015).

Short Term Course on Water Research by Chemistry Department.

Self Financed Workshop on "Flow Cytometry: Application in Research, Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation is scheduled on December 15-21, 2015

Self Financed Workshop on "DNA Sequencing : Applications in Diagnostics and Health Care Innovation" 

Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures-2015

A workshop on Information and Cyber security (“SURAKSHA-2015”) is scheduled on August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open for details please click on [suraksha.mnnit.ac.in].

"Self Financed Short Term Course on, 'Numerical and Optimization Technique (NOT-2015)'"

International Workshop on "Advances in Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics" (ACFD-2015) is scheduled on August 12-16, 2015.     [Brochure]    [Registration Form] ----->>>> A few seats are left for ACFD-2015. For Registration, please email to cfdworkshop2015@gmail.com

List of selected candidates in  National Workshop on Research on Biopolymers: Challenges & Opportunities (RBCO-2015)

"Self Financed Short Term Course on -Matlab based Optimization and Statistical Data Processing, June 12 – 17, 2015"."Spot Registration open up to 12th June 2015. Pl contact the organizers for details".

Self Financed "STTP on Robotics and Automation" during June 08-12, 2015 ". Spot Registration open up to 8th June 2015 till 9.30 AM".

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD-2015) - 22-26 June, 2015 .Few Seats are Left and Registration are Still Open. Contact cfdworkshop2015@gmail.com for details. 


National workshop entitled "Research on Biopolymers: Challenges and Opportunities (RBCO-2015)" during June 05-06, 2015

"Environmental Studies" (NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India), from 02nd to 12th June 2015. 

Short-term training program on “VLSI Design and Embedded Systems”  (VDES-2015). [Advertisment] [Form]

Self Financed Summer Internship Program (SFSIP-2015) From 8th June - 11th July 2015, Organized By Department Of Computer Science & Engineering http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

STTP on Introduction to Algorithms (NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India), May 25-30, 2015. http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Self financed Short term Course on Construction management in water Supply Sector (CMWSS-2015) to be held during April 06-10, 2015 & organized by Department of Civil Engineering. http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

SELF FINANCED SHORT TERM COURSE On Digital Prototyping with Autodesk Tools (DPAT - 2015) February 27-March 4, 2015 http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Short term course on "Bio-Inspired and Geospatial Techniques" (BIOGEOS) from Feb. 27-March 03, 2015. http://mnnit.ac.in/images/new.png

Short Term Course PCRER in EED from 29 Jan.-03 to Feb. 2015.

Distributed Generation Resources and its Integration Impact on Grid (DGSIG-2015), January 28-February 1, 2015

Self financed Short Term Course On WATER POLLUTION AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT (WPWT-2015)January 27-31, 2015

Self Financed Short Term Course on “Plant and Enzyme Technology” Date: 24- 28 January 2015.

Self Financed Short Term Course on Recent Advances in Fermentation Technology (SFC-RAFT) January 14-18, 2015

Self financed short term course on “Microbial Technology and Biofilms: Avenues and Applications” from January 10 –14, 2015.

Short Term Course on Geotechnical Investigations for Civil Engineering Projects (GICP-2015).

Short Term Course on Water & Waste Water Quality Examination (WWQE-2015).

Self Financed Short Term Course on “PLANT TISSUE CULTURE TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS” Date: 23- 27 January 2015.


Self financed short term course on Nanobiotchnology "during January 23-29, 2015.


Self financed short term course on "Biotechnology,Health and Diagnostics" scheduled on January 24-28, 2015.


Self financed short term course on "Biotechnology, IPR and Entrepreneurship" scheduled on January 14-18, 2015.


STC on Hands on training on Molecular Techniques in Biotechnology" in Department of biotechnology" starting from January 16-January 22, 2015.


Short Term Course on Seismic Analysis, Design and Retrofit of bridges (SADRB-2014) scheduled on 19-23 Decemebr, 2014 is postponed. (Revised Schedule of SADRB-2014)


Inspiration Workshop Selected Candidates first list & second/last  list


"National Workshop on Fatigue and Fracture of Engg. Materials and Structures" to be held on December 17-18 2014


"Short term course on Rain Water Harvesting ( RWH-2014) in Civil Department."


TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Eartquake Resistant Desgin & Detailing of Structures(ERDDS-2014) from November 24-28,2014.


Short term course on "Nonlinear Control and their Applications (NLCA 2014)" which will be organized from 12-16 November 2014 in Electrical Engineering Department.

 "Self Financed Short term course on Research Methodology ,Quantitative Techniques using SPSS from 15-21 December,2014 "


“A short term course on Research Methodology and Quantitative Analysis using SPSS during December15-21, 2014"


"Selected Candidates For the workshop NMEICT Awareness. (Outside MNNIT Allahabad)."

Short Term Course on “Structural Composite Materials (SCM-2014)” during September 17 – 21, 2014 


Interactive Workshop on Communication and People Skills , 22-23 August 2014 

Short Term Course on Limit State Design of Steel Structures (LSDSS-2014) 27 September-01October,2014 


"2- Day Workshop On NMEICT Awareness from August 29th to August 30th, 2014 organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department"


Short Term Course on Numerical Optimization Technique (NOT-2014)


TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Seismic Analysis, Design and Retrofit of Bridges (SADRB-2014) December19-23, 2014

List of Short listed candidates for SIMDOC- 2014

"Department of Mechanical Engineering is going to organize a short term on "Design for X" during June 23-27, 2014 on self finance basis" (postponed till further notification)


Self-financed Short-term Course on Advances in Signal and Image Processing (ASIP2014) 07 - 11 July 2014   


Short Term on "Micromanufacturing: Materials, Processes and Systems" during June 17-21, 2014 (last date of receipt of registration forms is extended up to June 15, 2014)


TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Concrete Bridges - Analysis & Design (CBAD-2014) July 07-11, 2014. ( deffered/postpone till further notice)

TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Course on Modern Practices in Concrete Technology (MPCT-2014) June 16-20, 2014. ( deffered/postpone till further notice)


 "Short Term  Course MATLAB and LaTex: Simulation with Documentation (SIMDOC-2014) "


"2 Week Short Term Training Course (Self financed) in Research Pedagogy with reference to Chitin, Chitosan & Photochemistry during July 4-17, 2014."


"Software Application for Analysis and Design in Civil Engineering" (SAADCE) June16-June27 2014."


 "National Workshop on Information Security and Computer Forensics (WISCF-2014) From 23rd June 2014 to 28th June 2014."


 "STTP on Structural Integrity from 16-20 June 2014 in Mechanical Engineering Department: Date extended up to 06.6.2014"


 "Self Financed Short Term Course on "Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Nanomaterials"from 7th July 2014 to 12th July 2014 in the Institute, by departments of Chemistry, Physics and AMD."


 "Self Financed Summer Internship Program(SFSIP) – 2014 in Electrical Engineering (June04-July12, 2014)"


 "Short Term Training Programme on Advanced Research Methods, School of Management Studies,MNNIT, July 14-20, 2014."  (Registration Closed)


 "Department-wise List of Candidates shortlisted for Summer Internship Programme - 2014."


 "Short-Term Training Programme on "Basics of Computational Fluid Dynamics (BCFD-2014)" is scheduled during June 23-27, 2014."


 "National Workshop on "Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (ACFD-2014)" is scheduled during June 28-July 02, 2014."


 "Short Term Course on Application of Soft Computing Methods in Engineering (ASCME 2014)"   


 "A Workshop on Disasters and Their Management to be held during May-29-31, 2014."


 "Short-Term Course on CAD/CAM and Advanced Machining, July 01 - 05, 2014". 


 “National Workshop on Advances in Wireless and Optical Networks (AWON-2014), June 02-07, 2014”   


 "National Instructional Workshop on Cryptology-2014 (NIWC-2014), 5-9 June 2014"



A workshop on Information and Cyber security (“SURAKSHA-2015”) is scheduled on August 19-23, 2015. Registration is open for details please click on [suraksha.mnnit.ac.in].