Dr. Ashwini Kumar Yadav

Dr. Ashwini Kumar Yadav

Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: ashwini[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532-227-1504(O) 6386583678(M)

Thesis Supervised

S.No Research Topic Name of Student Completion/Registration Year
Ph.D. Completed:
1Performance analysis of earth air tunnel assisted green house for tropical climate.Samar Singhal2024/2020
Ph.D. Ongoing
1Energy system design for sustainable habitatArun Kumar Shukla2021
2Nucleate Pool boiling characteristics of Engineered surface with EDM Atul Kumar Ahirwal2021
3Characteristics of Nucleate Pool boiling with Nano FluidsKrishna Kumar Yadav2022
M.Tech Students
1Correlation of engine level testing and vehicle level testing on fuel dilution phenomenon Bhargava Boga2020
2Experimental Investigation on Pool Boiling Phenomenon over Hydrophilic Surfaces Atul Kumar Ahirwal2021
3Performance analysis of Solar assisted Combined cycle Power plant Aakash Mehta2021
4Performance Analysis of Energy efficient buildings in warm Climatic conditions Dinesh Yadav2021
5Design of solar thermal cooling system for the Residential buildingsSagar Kumar2022
6Exergy analysis of combined cycle power plantPravin Gorakh Maske2022
7Life estimation of gas turbine blade with thermal barrier coating and cooling channelsRitik Rathore2022
8Thermal performance investigation of solar-powered micro- cold storage integrated with earth air tunnelMahima (2021TH10)2023
9Numerical Modelling of Nucleate Pool Boiling Over Flat Plate with Nano-fluidsGyanodaya Jaiswal (2021TH32)2023
10Performance Analysis of a Beta Type Stirling Engine for Solar ApplicationsAayush Mishra (2021TH01)2023
11Thermo-Electric Modelling and Analysis of an Electric Driven PowertrainShashwat Chandra (2021TH19)2023
12Battery Thermal Management System with Heat PipeVishak P Nair (2022TH10)2024
13Heat transfer analysis of solar air heater with circular finsBhanwar Singh (2022TH07)2024
B.Tech Students
1Experimental Study Of Reflooding Phenomenon Over a Vertical CylinderManas Jaiswal, Kamal Raizada, Venkat Sumanth Kancharapalli 2019
2Design and Fabrication of Kitchen Waste Disposal SystemAmit Kumar, Akshat Anand, Afeesar Singh Kansana, Rohit Kumar2019
3Design and fabrication of experimental setup to study molten jet and drop fragmentation process in presence of obstruction Devendra varma, Mukesh kumar, Sudhanshu kumar 2020
4Design and Numerical Study Of Pool Boiling PhenomenonSwarnav Parida, Dheerawath Heeraj Chandra2020
5Thermal Performance Analysis of Green BuildingsAmiy Govind Singh, Shantanu Singh, Aniket Mishra 2021
6Numerical Modelling of Pool Boiling PhenomenonPriyam Tripathi, Ganesh Kumar Meena, Rahul Kumar 2021
7Thermal performance analysis of greenhouse using OpenFOAMAnshuman Mishra, Arpan Agnihotri, Pratyush Tiwari 2022
8Inventory management system using machine learning for power plant industry Adya Sharma, Akanksha Khurana, Dhruv Singh 2022
9Experimental and ANN analysis on Jet ImpingementVartika Naryani Srinet (20193126), Shagun (20193127), Anand Kumar Yadav (20193110), Utkarsh Shukla (20193146)2023
10Thermal management of battery using PCMPratik Padmesh (20193118), Satyam Singh (20193139), Sumit Soni (20193008), Abhishek Kumar (20193035)2023
11Nucleate Pool Boiling Investigation Over Flat Surface with NanofluidNeha (20203099), Niharika Nishad (20203101),Shivam Gupta (20203136)2024
12Performance Evaluation of Earth Air Heat Exchanger with Swirl InsertsAyush Chauhan (20203042), Himanshu (20201051), Kuldeep Yadav (20203081),Ayushi Mishra (20203045)2024