Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: ashwini[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532-227-1504(O) 6386583678(M)
Larsen & Toubro Build India Scholarship for M.Tech. at IIT Delhi
On-going Projects:
Thermal Performance Evaluation of Earth air tunnel assisted Greenhouse in tropical conditions like Uttar Pradesh (CST-UP 1929)
Funding Agency: Council of Science and Technology, UP,
Amount - Rs. 8 lakh
Role: PI
Experimental Investigations on Nucleate pool boiling with enhanced surface geometries using EDM process (CRG/2022/001001).
Funding Agency: DST-SERB
Amount: Rs 17.21 lakh
Role: PI
Project: Vetting of solar panel structure, Sponsoring agency: M/s Solar Circle Power Project Ltd, Amount: Rs 1,18000/- (Role: Co-PI)
Expert Lectures:
“Emerging trends in thermal engineering (ETTE-2019)” at Mechanical Engg. Deptt., MNNIT Allahabad
Structural Integrity and Reliability” at Mechanical Engg. Deptt., MNNIT Allahabad
One-week e-Faculty Development Program on “Solar Energy Utilization - 2020” in Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Patna, Patna, Bihar, India.
AICTE-ISTE sponsored one week online induction/refresher programme on “solar energy in the present era” at Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, Chhattisgarh.
Emerging Technologies in Thermo-Fluids and Energy Systems (ETTES-2023)" April 11-16, 2023 at NIT Delhi
Overseas Assignments:
Post Doctoral Experience at Korea Atomic energy research Institute (2 years): Developed experimental facility to access transient behavior of cladding under Design extended condition with modeling
Reviewer for Transactions / Journal / Conferences:
Reviewer of " Nuclear Engineering and Design", Elsevier.
Reviewer of " Nuclear Engineering and Technology", Elsevier.
Reviewer of " Heat and Mass Transfer", Springer.
Reviewer of "Sadhana" Journal, Springer.
Reviewer of "Heat transfer" Journal, Wiley.
Reviewer of "Building and Environment" Journal, Elsevier.