Dr. Ashwini Kumar Yadav
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: ashwini[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532-227-1504(O) 6386583678(M)
Research Publications
Book Chapter:
Pravin Gorakh Maske, Vartika Narayani Srinet and Ashwini Kumar Yadav, Effect of ambient conditions on energy and exergy efficiency of combined cycle power plant, CoMSO-2022, 21-23 Dec, NIT Silchar, Paper-8286 (Springer Proceedings)
1. Yadav, A. K; Majumdar, P; Kumar, R; Chatterjee, B; Gupta, A; Lele, H.G; 2013,”Experimental investigation of symmetric and asymmetric heating of pressure tube under accident conditions for Indian PHWR,” Nuclear Eng. and Design, Issue-254, pp-300-307. (SCI, Elsevier)
2. Yadav, A. K; Majumdar, P; Kumar, R; Chatterjee, B; Gupta, A; Mukhopadhyay, D; 2013,”Experimental simulation of asymmetric heat up of coolant channel under small break LOCA condition for PHWR,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, Issue-255, pp-138-145.(SCI, Elsevier)
3. Yadav, A. K; Kumar, R; Gupta, A; Chatterjee, B; Majumdar, P; Mukhopadhyay, D; 2013,”Thermo-mechanical behavior of pressure tube under small break loss of coolant accident for PHWR,” Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, vol. 135/041601. (SCI, ASME)
4. Yadav, A. K; Kumar, R; Gupta, A; Chatterjee, B; Majumdar, P; Mukhopadhyay, D; 2014,”Expermetnal Investigation on circumferential and axial temperature gradient over fuel channel under LOCA,” Heat and Mass transfer, Vol. 50, pp-737-746. (SCI, Springer)
5. Yadav, A. K; Shin, Chang-Hwan; Lee, Sung-UK; Kim, Hyo-Chan; 2018. Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Thermo-mechanical Behavior of Fuel rod under simulated LOCA conditions. Nuclear Engineering and Design, Issue-337, pp-51-65.(SCI, Elsevier)
6. Yadav, A. K; Lee, Chan; Lee, Sung-UK; Shin, Chang-Hwan; Kim, Hyo-Chan; 2019. Experimental investigations on out-of-pile single rod test using fuel simulator and assessment of FRAPTRAN 2.0 ballooning model. Annals of Nuclear Energy, Issue-124, pp-234-244.(SCI, Elsevier)
7. Yadav, A. K; Shin, Chang-Hwan; Lee, Chan; Lee, Sung-UK; Kim, Hyo-Chan; 2019. Numerical Modelling of Fuel rod Transient response under Out of Pile Test Conditions. Progress in Nuclear Energy, Issue-113, pp-62-73.(SCI, Elsevier)
8. Samar Singhal, Ashwini Kumar Yadav, Ravi Prakash; 2023, Numerical modelling of an earth- air- tunnel assisted single span saw-tooth greenhouse for tropical climate. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 187, 108138 (SCI, Elsevier).
9. Samar Singhal, A. K. Yadav, Ravi Prakash, 2023. An Investigation of the Thermal Performance of a Tropical Greenhouse Constructed with an Earth Air Heat Exchanger. Journal of Thermal Sci. and Eng. Applications,15,111013. (SCI, ASME) https://doi.org/10.1115/1.406316410. Arun Kumar Shukla, A. K. Yadav, Ravi Prakash, 2023. Active and passive methods for cooling load reduction in a tropical building: A case study, Energy Conversion and Management, 293, 117490. (SCI, Elsevier) 11. Samar Singhal, Ashwini Kumar Yadav, Ravi Prakash,2024.Thermal performance and Economic analysis of Saw-tooth and Photo-voltaic roof type greenhouse integrated with Earth air heat exchanger. Solar Energy, Vol 283, 113035. (SCI, Elsevier).
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2024.11303512. Arun Kumar Shukla, A. K. Yadav, Ravi Prakash, 2025. Performance investigations of active/passive cooling system assisted with ground source heat exchanger for a building envelope. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol 59, 103308. (SCI, Elsevier)
Conference Proceedings:
Yadav, A. K; Kumar, R; Gupta, A; Chatterjee, B; Mukhopadhyay, D; Lele, H.G; 2011,”Thermal behavior of pressure tube under fully and partially voided conditions using 19 pin fuel element simulator,” NRT-4, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, Page-130.
Yadav, A. K; Kumar, R; Gupta, A; Majumdar, P; Chatterjee, B; Mukhopadhyay, D; Lele, H.G;”Experimental investigation on thermal behavior of fuel channel under small break LOCA in Indian PHWR,”NURETH-15, Pisa, Italy, May 12-15, 2013, Page-60.
Yadav, A. K; Kumar, R; Chatterjee, B; Gupta, A; Mukhopadhyay, D; Majumdar, P; 2013,”Experimental investigation on sagging behavior of full length Pressure Tube with garter springs under LOCA,”ISHMT-ASME, IIT Kharagpur, Dec 28-31, Paper no. HMTC1300048.
Yadav, A. K; Shin, Chang-Hwan; Inn, Wang-Kee; Kook, Dong-Hak; 2016. Experimental facility to study transient thermo-mechanical behavior of the clad tube under high temperature conditions. KNS-Autumn Meeting, Korea, 16A-131, October 27-28.
Yadav, A. K; Lee, Chan; Lee, Sung-UK; Shin, Chang-Hwan; Kim, Hyo-Chan; 2017. Experimental study to predict effect of Azimuthal Temperature Difference on Thermomechanical Behavior of Clad tube. Proceedings of WRFPM 2017,Jeju island, Korea, A-146, Sept 10-14.
Yadav, A. K; Lee, Chan; Lee, Sung-UK; Shin, Chang-Hwan; Kim, Hyo-Chan; 2018. Numerical simulation of thermo-mechanical coupled behavior of clad tube under simulated intermediate break LOCA. Proceedings of IHTC 16-23697,Beijing, China, August 10-15, pages 5727-5734. DOI: 10.1615/IHTC16.mmp.023697Yadav, A. K; Lee, Chan; Lee, Sung-UK; Shin, Chang-Hwan; Kim, Hyo-Chan; 2018. Simulation and Modeling of Cladding Thermo-mechanical Behaviour under LOCA. KNS-Spring Meeting, Korea, 18S-005, May 17-18
Dhruv Singh and A. K Yadav, A comparative study on conventional and green roofing based on the exergy analysis using E-Quest and OpenFOAM. 6th IEEE Students Conference on Engineering &Systems (SCES). July 10-12, 2020, MNNIT Allahabad.Arun Kumar Shukla, Ashwini Kumar Yadav, Ravi Prakash, Modeling of solar thermal cooling system for a hostel building in a tropical climate. Efficient building design (ASHRAE). Oct 20-21, 2022, American university of Beirut.Samar Singhal, Ashwini Kumar Yadav, Ravi Prakash, CFD analysis of different Greenhouse ventilation designs using OPEN FOAM, 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee, paper no. 4898 (Springer Book series)Shashwat Chandra; Arun Chandrasekharan Nair, Ashwini Kumar Yadav, Sachin Singhal;2023, An integrated approach for modelling Electric Powertrain. IEEE: 5th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), Nevsehir, Turkiye.
Atul Kumar Ahirwal, Krishna Kumar Yadav, Ashwini Kumar Yadav, Tej Pratap, “Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Nucleate Pool Boiling Over Flat Surface”, Proceedings of the 27th National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference December 14-17, 2023, IIT Patna, Patna-801106, Bihar, India. Paper No.: IHMTC2023–32.Arun Kumar Shukla, Ashwini Kumar Yadav, Ravi Prakash, “Thermal mass based measures for thermal load reduction of a tropical building”, Proceedings of the 27th National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference December 14-17, 2023, IIT Patna, Patna-801106, Bihar, India. Paper No.: IHMTC2023–418.Samar Singhal, Ashwini Kumar Yadav, Ravi Prakash, “Thermal Performance of Sawtooth and Photovoltaic Roof Greenhouse in natural circulation mode for Tropical Climatic conditions”, Proceedings of the 27th National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference December 14-17, 2023, IIT Patna, Patna-801106, Bihar, India. Paper No.: IHMTC2023–439.