Prof. Geetika

Prof. Geetika

School of Management Studies
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: geetika[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 1553(O) 9415317843(M)

Research Publications


Geetika, Piyali Ghosh, P. Roychoudhury, (2017) Managerial Economics, Third Edition Tata-McGraw-Hill India.
Geetika, T. Nandan, GP Sahu, T. Singh, P. Ghosh, V Tripathi, (2016), (Ed.) Management and Technology, New Horizons of Research, McGraw-Hill Education, India
Geetika, T. Nandan, T. Singh, P. Ghosh, V Tripathi, (2015) Advances in Technology and Management, (Ed.) McGraw-Hill Education, India
Geetika, Piyali Ghosh, P. Roychoudhury, (2011) Managerial Economics, Second Edition Tata-McGraw-Hill India.
Geetika, Piyali Ghosh, P. Roychoudhury, (2008) Managerial Economics, First Edition Tata-McGraw-Hill India.
IC Agarwal, PR Agrawal, Geetika (2003), Ed. Management Dynamics and Integrating World Markets, SMS, MNNIT, Allahabad.
PR Agrawal, Geetika, GP Sahu, (2002), Ed. Integrating World Markets, Living Excellence through Technology and Beyond, SMS, MNNIT, Allahabad.
AD Sharma, Geetika, (1995), WTO-GATT and New Economic Order, Kitab Mahal, Allahabad.
AD Sharma, Geetika, (1994), Glimpses of Indian Economy, Allahabad Centre for Research and Development, Allahabad.

Book Chapter:

Richa Singh, Geetika (2020), Conceptualising Change Implementation Effectiveness through Human Resource Management Interventions, Innovations and Futuristic Practices in Business and Management (ed) Shefali Nandan and Ajai Kr,. Singhal, Bloomsbury India, pp 132-150.
Rosanpuii Hmar, Geetika, (2019). Linkages between Skill and Intention to Migrate for Economic Opportunities: Perception of Students of Higher Technical Education in Allahabad.
Geetika, (2016), International Trade and India: Trends, Alternatives and Strategies, (Ed.) Management and Technology, New Horizons of Research, McGraw-Hill Education, India pp 160-168
Geetika, Tanu Agarwal, (2015), A Relationship Study of Foreign Institutional Investments and Mutual Fund Investment in India, Frontiers of Infrastructure Finance, Ed. Rudra P Prdhan, Bloomsbury Publishing India Limited. Pp30-41.
Ashish Mohan Dubey, Geetika, GP Sahu, (2015), Determinants of Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Indian Civil Aviation Industry, in Advances in Management and Technology, McGraw Hill Education; pp 9-14.
Nidhi Tiwari, Geetika, (2015), A Conceptual Model of Determinants of Women Entrepreneurship Based on Literature Review, in Advances in Management and Technology, McGraw Hill Education; pp 78-86
Geetika and Agarwal, T. (2015) A Relationship Study of Foreign Institutional Investment and Mutual Fund Investment in India. (Rudra P. Pradhan, Eds.) Frontiers of Infrastructure Finance Problems and Prospects, pp 30-41. Bloombury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-84898-88-5
Anvita Gupta, Geetika, (2012) Organisational Perspective on Strategic Dimension of Expatriate Adjustment, in Management Perspective: Business Continuity, Growth and Sustenance, (Ed) Vinitaa Agrawal, Samar Sarabhai; Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, pp 145-150.
Geetika, Nandan, S., Ghosh P. (2011) A Socio-cultural Perspective on Father-daughter Succession in Family Business in India, in, Father-Daughter Succession in Family Business (ed) Halkias, D., et al. (Eds.). Gower Publishing Limited, London, UK, pp 35-44.
Geetika, Nandan, S., Rishi, M., Liasides, J., Kondilis, B., (2010) India: Female Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Uttar Pradesh, in, Female Immigrant Entrepreneurs: The Economic and Social Impact of a Global Phenomenon (ed) Halkias, D., et al. (Eds.). Gower Publishers, London, UK, pp 11-24.
Geetika and Shefali Nandan, (2010) A Study of Women Entrepreneurs: Motivators and Deterrents, in book Women Entrepreneurship Development Issues and Perspectives (Ed) Usha Kiran Rai and Alok Kumar Rai, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd.
Dileep Singh and Geetika (2009) Competitive Advantage via Synergy in processes and operations: The International Joint Ventures Way, published in Emerging Issues and Challenges in Business and Economics, Ed. Francesco Ciampi, Firenze University Press, Italy, pp 497-511.
Geetika, Rajesh Tripathi, (2008) ICT and Strategic Product Management: A case study of Newspaper Industry, in Critical Thinking in E-Governance (ed), Jaijit Bhattacharya, GIFT Publishing, Global Institute of Flexible System Management, New Delhi, India, December, pp. 249-255.
Neeraj Pandey, Geetika, (2008) Strategic Marketing of E-Government for Technology Adoption Facilitation, in Critical Thinking in E-Governance (ed), Jaijit Bhattacharya, GIFT Publishing, Global
Geetika, Rajesh Tripathi, (2007) E-Government Approach to Management of Intellectual Property in Indian Folklore, in Foundations of E-Government, (ed.), Ashok Agarwal and V. Venkataraman, GIFT Publishing, Global Institute of Flexible System Management, New Delhi, India, December, pp. 302-312.
Geetika, Neeraj Pandey, (2007) National E-Governance Plan Revisited: Achievements and Road Ahead, in Foundations of E-Government, (ed.), Ashok Agarwal and V. Venkataraman, GIFT Publishing, Global Institute of Flexible System Management, New Delhi, India, December, pp. 86-94.
Geetika, Neeraj Pandey (2006) Competitiveness through E-Government in Power Sector: Identification of Critical Success factors to Acquire Winning Edge, in E-government: Macro Issues, December, GIFT Publishing, R. K. Mitra (Ed.) Global Institute of Flexible System Management, New Delhi, India, pp. 313-324.
Geetika, Piyali Ghosh (2005) The Indian IT Industry: Re-Thinking Retention, Strategic Human Resource Management: Emerging Dimensions and Trends, Industry-Academia Interface, (ed.), Excel Book.


Hmar, R., Geetika, & Tiwari, N. (2022) “Entrepreneurship in a Protected Region with Limited Infrastructure: A Study of Mizoram State in India”. International Journal of Business Excellence. (2), 288–305 (Scopus)
Tiwari, N., & Goel, Geetika (2020). Empirical Analysis of Women Entrepreneurs and their Success Perception. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Vol. 39 No. 4, pp 501-529. (Scopus)
Shukla, A., Goel, Geetika, & Shukla, N. (2019). Evaluating the impact of corporate social responsibility expenditure on profitability of energy sector firms in India. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 11(3), 220-234. Scopus
Yadav, S. K., Tripathi, V., & Goel, Geetika (2019). Mediating effect of innovation with market orientation and performance relationship. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. Vol. 17 No. 2, 2019 pp. 152-167 (ISSN: 1536-5433, Publication date: 17 July 2019) Scopus, H index-15
Ghosh, P., Goel, Geetika, Dutta, T., & Singh, R. (2019). Turnover intention among liquid knowledge workers: a study of Indian insurance professionals. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, Vol. 12 No. 2, 2019 pp. 288-309, Scopus
Shukla A, Geetika, Tiwari N, (2019), Consumer Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Purchase Behavior, International Journal of Business Excellence Vol. 18, No. 1, pp 22-41, published by Inderscience. (Scopus)
Ghosh, P., Geetika, Ojha, M. (2018), Homeless Shelters in Urban India: Life sans Dignity, International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, EmeraldInsight (SSCI) doi/10.1108/IJHMA-06-2017-0057 (Scopus).
Ghosh, P., Ojha, M. Geetika, (2017). Determining Passenger Satisfaction out of Platform-based Amenities: A Study of Kanpur Central Railway Station, Transport Policy, Vol 60, pp108-118, Elsevier. (SSCI and Scopus) Impact Factor 2.269
Geetika, Ghosh, P. and Ojha, M., Shukla A. (2017). Urban Homeless Shelters in India: Miseries Untold and Promises Unmet, Cities, (Elsevier), Vol 71, pp 88-96. (SSCI and Scopus)
Dehigama NDP, Igel B, Geetika G; Fernando AJ; (2017). The link between creativity and credibility with sustainable growth of entrepreneurial firms: evidence from Sri Lanka, Journal for Global Business Advancement, Vol. 10 No. 2, 210-226, published by Inderscience. (Scopus)
Tanu Agarwal, Geetika, Peeush Ranjan Agrawal, (2017) "Direction and Durability of Causality between Foreign Institutional Investment and Selected Economic Variables in the Indian Context during Pre and Post Sub-Prime Crisis", Indian Journal of Finance, vol.11,issue.2, pp.08-22 (Scopus)
Geetika, Akanksha Shukla, Tanu Agarwal, (2017) Causal Relationship between Foreign Institutional Investment and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of Energy Sector, IIMS Journal of Management Science, pp. 01-08.
Geetika, Piyali Ghosh, Ashutosh Shukla, (2016) State of Urban Homeless Poor in India: A Stock-taking of the City of Allahabad, Urban India, Volume 35, Issue1, 2016, pp 8-29.
Geetika, Ghosh, P. and Ojha, M. (2016). Journey towards World Class Stations: An Assessment of Platform Amenities at Allahabad Junction, Journal of Public Transportation, Vol. 19, No.1, pp. 31-46. (SSCI)
Geetika, Piyali Ghosh, Alka Rai, JP Joshi, Priya Singh (2014) Measuring Workers’ Satisfaction with Grievance Handling Procedure: Study of a Power Distribution Major in India, Asian Journal of Management Cases, Vol.11 Issue 2, ISSN: 0972-8201, pp 139-157. (Scopus)
Ashish Mohan Dubey, Geetika, GP Sahu, (2013), Effective implementation of competitive advantage and sustainable competitive advantage: a conceptual model, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Vol 7, Issue 5, pp 519-533; Inderscience Publishers. (Scopus)
Geetika, Meenakshi Rishi, (2012), Tackling the menace of poverty by capacity building: case-based evidence on multi-sectoral partnerships in India, International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp 361-372.
Geetika, Deepesh Tiwari, Preeti Gupta, (2012), A Study of Indian Consumers’ perception on Telemarketing, International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2012, pp97-102.
Geetika, Meenakshi Rishi, (2012), Promoting Entrepreneurship to Alleviate Poverty in India: An Overview of Government Schemes, Private Sector Programs, and Initiatives in the Citizens’ Sector, Thunderbird International Business Review, Wiley USA, Volume 54, No 1, pp 45-58. (Scopus)
Geetika, Nandan, S., (2010), Determinants of Customer Satisfaction on Service Quality: A Study of Railway Platforms in India, Journal of Public Transportation, Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida, USA, Volume 13.1, pp 97-113. (SSCI)
Geetika and Pandey, Neeraj, (2010) Strategic Issues at the Largest Power Utility of India, Electrical India, January, Vol. 50 No. 1, Page 150-155
Geetika, Tripti Singh, Vibhava Srivastava, (2009) Quality of Work Life and Organizational Efficiency With special reference to IT-Enabled Service Sector in India, Indian Journal of Training and Development, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4, October, ISTD, New Delhi, pp 5-10.
Geetika, Nandan Shefali (2008) A Study of Socio-Economic Influences on Perceptions of Gender Equality in India: Linkages with Career Choices, Integral Review: A Journal of Management, December Vol I, No. 2, pp 3-17
Geetika, Nandan Tanuj, Upadyaya Ashwini, (2008) Internet Banking in India: Issues and Prospects, Journal of Bank Management, Vol. VII No. 2, May, Institute of Bank Management and Research, Hyderabad, pp 47-61.
Geetika, Nandan Shefali, (2008) Working Women in India: Treading to Remove Imbalances, Journal of Women Studies, Vol II, No. 2, September pp 99-108.
Piyali Ghosh, VP Agrawal, Geetika, (2008) Attribute based Recruitment of Knowledge Workers using MADM Methodology, Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, Inderscience, Vol. 3, Nos 3/4, pp 205-226.
Geetika, Piyali Ghosh, (2007) Dimensions of Recruitment Strategies in Indian Software Industry, World Journal of Organisational Dynamics, World Research Organization/Rosetta Publications, 1(1), pp. 8-15.
Piyali Ghosh, Geetika, (2007) Recruitment Strategies: Exploring the Dimensions in Indian Software Industry, published in Asian Journal of Management Cases, Vol. 4, Number 1, January –June, Lahore University pp 5-25. (Scopus)
Piyali Ghosh, Geetika, (2007) Unionisation: A Feasibility Study for the Indian Software Industry, published in Russian Management Journal, Issue 2, pp 45-56.
Geetika, Tripti Singh, (2007) Strategic Human Resource Management and Competitive Advantage, Indian Journal of Training and Development, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4, October, ISTD, New Delhi, pp 5-10.
Geetika, Neeraj Pandey (2007) Benchmarking: A Strategic Tool for Enhanced Performance and a Study of Power Sector in India, ICFAI Journal of Management Research, Vol. VI No. 7, July, ICFAI, Hyderabad, pp 37-51.
Geetika, Piyali Ghosh (2006) Recruitment Strategies in the Indian Software Industry, ICFAI Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 4, No.3, September, pp 40-54.
Piyali Ghosh, Geetika (2006) Retention Strategies in the Indian IT Industry, Indian Journal of Economics and Business, New Delhi, Vol. 5, No 2, December pp 215-225.
Geetika, (1995) Public Sector Can Strive for Existence and Growth, Indian Journal of Public Enterprise, Vol. VII. Institute of Public Enterprises, Allahabad.
Geetika, (1991) Role of Education in Population Control, Yojana, December, Vol 21, Publication Division, Government of India, New Delhi, pp 15-16.
Geetika, (1986) Only a Very Low Capital Output Ratio Can Save Us, Economic Currents Vol. XXX, No. 32, University of Allahabad, pp 8-11.
Singh, R., Geetika, Ghosh, P., and Sinha, S. (2021). Mergers in Indian Public Sector Banks: Can Human Resource Practices Ensure Effective Implementation of Change? Management Decision, 60(3), 606-633. DOI: 10.1108/MD-09-2020-1279, [Scopus] [B Category]
Singh, R., Geetika and Ghosh, P. (2021). People-centric Interventions in Change Implementation: An Analysis of Change Models: An Analysis of Change Models. Organization Development Journal. (Accepted). [Scopus] [C Category]
Tiwari, N., & Goel, G. (2017). Success factors of women owned micro and small enterprises in India. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 31(4), 590–608. (Scopus)