Prof. Geetika

Prof. Geetika

School of Management Studies
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: geetika[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 1553(O) 9415317843(M)

Other Academic Achievements

Keynote Address/Invited Talks in Conferences & Workshops:

‘Professional Ethics and Success’ as Chief Guest of orientation Programme, GNIOT, Greater Noida, December 15, 2020.
‘Equity and Equality’ during National Workshop on Gender Sensitivity, at APS University Rewa, January 9, 2020.
Unbiasing Genders at Work places:an ethical-legal perspective’, at Prayagraj Tax conference 2018, organised by All India Federation of Tax Practioners, Northzone, November 24-25, 2018.
Impact of Gender, International Experience and Location on Expatriate Adjustment: A Study of Indian Expatriates, BESSH-2017, April 1-2, 2017, Athens.
Expatriate Adjustment: An Imperative of Outsourcing, 6th International Conference on Issues in Applied Business, Management, Social Sciences Research (IABMSR-MARCH-2017), March 30-31, 2017, Athens, Greece.
Managing Change, at a Course on General Management organized for Audit Officers, at Regional Training Institute, IA&A Department, Allahabad, November 24, 2016.
Intellectual Property Rights and Relevance to Design Theme at Institute of Professional Studies, University of Allahabad, November 9, 2016.
Leadership organized by D. H. National Board for Workers Education and Development, (Regional Directorate, Allahabad), organized for officers of NTPC, on November, 8, 2016.
National Workshop on Case Study Method, RSMT, Varanasi, on August 13, 2015

Chair in Conferences:

International Conference on Advances in Technology and Management, January 29-31, 2015, MNNIT Allahabad.
Conference on Economic Crisis Management: Strategies for Survival and Growth, March 12-13, 2010, MNNIT, Allahabad.

Award and Honors:

Best Professor in Strategic Management, Devang Mehta National Education Award, 2017.
Best Paper Award at 12th Annual World Congress of the Academy for Global Business Advancement, November 16- 19, 2015, Malaysia.
Best Paper Award (Kamla Award), 2010, by Indian Society for Training and Development.
Best Paper Award (2007) at Global Conference on Business and Economics, held at Oxford University, UK.
Second in Order of Merit in MA Economics examination of University of Allahabad (1979).

Conferences/ Workshops/Symposium/ Short-term Courses Organized:

Advisory Chair, ICAMT: III-2021, MNNIT Allahabad.
Chairperson, Workshop on Gender Sensitivity at Workplace: Equity and Equality, held on September 21, 2019, organised by Women Advisory Cell, MNNIT and Chief Warden Girls, sponsored by TEQIP III.
Chairperson, Workshop on Gender Sensitivity at Workplace, held on August 11, 2019, organised by Women Advisory Cell, MNNIT, and Chief Warden Girls, sponsored by TEQIP III.
Chairperson, Workshop on Gender Sensitivity at Workplace, held on March 27, 2017, organised by Women Advisory Cell, MNNIT, sponsored by TEQIP II.
Coordinator, National Workshop on Teaching-Learning-Assessment: Techniques and Practices, held on March 24-25, 2017, organised by Office of Dean Academic, MNNIT, sponsored by TEQIP II.
Coordinator, Symposium on Strategic Imperatives of Growth, held on January 21, 2017
Coordinator, Symposium on Strategic Imperatives of Sustainability, held on January 21, 2016
Chairperson, Seminar on Teaching Learning Assessment: Techniques and Practices: TLA-TP 2016.
Member, Advisory Committee, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Management Technologies, organised by SPMIT Allahabad held on February 26 and 27, 2016
Convener, An Interactive Workshop on Patent Filing, November 2, 2015 for faculty of MNNIT Allahabad
Coordinator, Symposium on Multi-partnership Model of Self Sustainable Shelters for Urban Homeless Poor, August, 2015, sponsored by HUDCO-HSMI, New Delhi.
Chairperson, Symposium on Innovative Human Resource Practices, 1st April 2015, MNNIT Allahabad.
Coordinator, Workshop on Housing for Homeless Urban Poor, February 7, 2015, sponsored by HUDCO-HSMI, New Delhi.
Coordinator, Training Programme on People Skills Development, August, 2014.
Chairperson, Short Term Training Programme on Advanced Research Methods, (self-financed) July 7-21, 2014.
Convenor, Journal Equivalence Workshop at SMS, MNNIT on March 20, 2013
Co-ordinator, Faculty Development Programme on Innovation and Entrepreneurship during December 22, 2008 to January 3, 2009 at MNNIT Allahabad, sponsored by AICTE and MHRD Government of India.
Co-ordinator, Faculty Development Programme on Creativity and Soft Skills Development during June 30-July 12, 2008 at MNNIT Allahabad, sponsored by AICTE and MHRD Government of India.
Co-ordinator, Training Programme on Communication Skills and Personality Development (for Women and SC/ST candidates) during June 15-30, 2006 sponsored by TEQIP, Government of India.
Convener, Workshop on Emerging Management Issues held during March 29-31, 2006 in Collaboration with All India Council for Technical Education and INAE.
Co-ordinator, Workshop on Communication Skills and Personality Development (for SC/ST candidates) during November 10-12, 2005 sponsored by TEQIP, Government of India.
Coordinator, Workshop on Marketing Practices and Trends, during 14-15 March, 2005 at MNNIT Allahabad.
Member, Organising Committee, National Seminar on Advanced Product Development, February 26-28, 2005, organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNNIT, Allahabad.
Member, Executive Committee, National Seminar on Supply-Chain Management Thru IT, February 14-15, 2003, MNNIT, Allahabad in association with Computer Society of India, Allahabad Chapter.
Member, Executive Committee, National Seminar on Supply-Chain Management Thru IT, February 14-15, 2003, MNNIT, Allahabad in association with Computer Society of India, Allahabad Chapter.
Convener, Workshop on Trade Related Property Rights, November 11, 2002 in Collaboration with Ministry of Industry, Govt. Of India
Coordinator, Curriculum Development Workshop for new programme MBA-IBIT, May, 2002.
Convener, Short Term Training Programme for young teachers on Human Values in Technical Education, March 20-25, 2002, MNREC, Allahabad. The Programme was sponsored by ISTE, New Delhi.
Organising Secretary, International Conference on Integrating World Market, Living Excellence through Technology and Beyond…, January 5-6, 2002, MNREC, Allahabad.
Convener, National Conclave on Turnaround and Corporate World, January 22-23, 2000, MNREC, Allahabad
Convener, National Seminar on Recession and Alternate Management Strategies, March 26, 1999, MNREC, Allahabad
Convener, Workshop on Turnaround, December 17, 1999, MNREC, Allahabad
Convener, Management Development Programme on Know Yourself organised at JayPee Cement, Rewa for senior executives on 19 July 1999.
Organising Secretary, National Seminar on Currency Turmoil in East and South East Asia , April 6, 1998, MNREC, Allahabad

Projects Completed:

Principal Investigator (2013-2016), Title: Multi-partnership Model of Self-sustainable Shelters for Urban Homeless Poor; sponsored by HUDCO, New Delhi.
Lead Author (India) (2010-11), an international project on Father-Daughter Succession in Family Business: Socio-cultural Aspects.
Principal Researcher (India) (2009-10) on an international project of Hellenic American University, Athens, titled “Female Immigrant Entrepreneurship Project”.
Principal Investigator (2004-07): Major Research Project titled: “Technology Development: A Strategic Tool for Indian Industry”, sponsored by University Grants Commission of India (UGC).
Israel Government Internship (1995) for Post Doctoral Research in Economic Development.
Research Associate, University Grants Commission of India (1991-93) for post doctoral research on ‘Women Workers in Unorganised Sector in India’.
Junior Research Fellow, University Grants Commission of India, (1980-84) for doctoral work on the topic, ‘Population Factor in Growth Models with special reference to Underdeveloped Countries like India’.

Expert Lectures:

Values and Ethics’ in AICTE sponsored Short Term Training Programme on Moral Values, Attitude and Behaviour Sciences (Phase 3), organised by GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Gr. Noida on 11 March, 2021.
Expert lecture on ‘Ethics in Academics’ in AICTE sponsored Short Term Training Programme on Moral Values, Attitude and Behaviour Sciences (Phase 2), organised by GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Gr. Noida on 26, February, 2021.
‘Ethics in Research and IPR’ at Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Research Methods, organised by Department of Humanity and Social Sciences, MNNIT Allahabad, December 9, 2020.
Research Design’ at Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Research Methods, organised by Department of Humanity and Social Sciences, MNNIT Allahabad, December 8, 2020.
Slowdown in Indian Economy’ at DAV College, Kanpur, 11th October, 2019.
‘Skill-training Mapping’ as Guest of Honour at the Annual Function of D. H. National Board for Workers Education and Development, (Regional Directorate, Allahabad), September 16, 2019.
‘Ethical Nuances of Teaching Profession’, Orientation programme for Young Faculty, MNNIT Allahabad, September 18, 2019.
‘Entrepreneurship and Design theme’ at IPS, Allahabad University, April 3, 2019.
‘Creativity, Invention and Innovation’, NIT Hamirpur, September 23, 2018.
Lecture on Workers Education as Guest of Honour at the Annual Function of D. H. National Board for Workers Education and Development, (Regional Directorate, Allahabad), September 16, 2018.
‘Tenets of Effective Teaching’, Orientation programme for Young Faculty, MNNIT Allahabad, July 19, 2018.
‘Intellectual Property Rights and Ethics in research’, FDP on Publishing in High Quality Journals, SMS MNNIT Allahabad, 16-21 July, 2018.
Ethics in engineering profession’, Summer Training Program on VLSI Design and Embedded Systems (VDES-2018), Department of Electronics Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad, June 13 –July 12. 2018.
‘Importance of Ethics and Intellectual Property Rights in Research’, Short Term Training programme for Faculty, organised by Department of Humanity and Social Sciences, MNNIT Allahabad, 11 -17 June. 2018.
Lecture as Guest of Honour on ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’, at National Seminar, organised by South Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, January 19-20, 2018.
Habits of Effectiveness at Skill Development Programme organized by Indian Society of Training and Development at University of Allahabad, January 20, 2017
Habits of Effectiveness at Skill Development Programme organized by Indian Society of Training and Development at University of Allahabad, January 20, 2017