Presently, Dr. Dwivedi is working as an Associate Professor in GIS Cell, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj since August 2023. He has served the institute as Assistant professor in GIS Cell from October 2012 - August 2023. Dr. Dwivedi completed his Bachelor's from BIET Jhansi in Civil Engineering, and master' from IIT Kanpur in Geoinformatics. He completed his Ph.D. from MNNIT Allahabad under the guidance of Prof. A. K. Singh (MNNIT Allahabad) and Prof. Onkar Dikshit (IIT Kanpur) . During his Ph.D. his research area was Multi-temporal SAR Interferometry for deformation analysis of landslide.
Dr. Dwivedi's Core area of specialization is Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Advanced SAR Interferometry (InSAR), and his research interest also expands till Spatio-temporal analysis of extreme weather events, Water Vapour Tomography, Geoid modelling, Development of Multi-temporal InSAR algorithms for estimating geophysical parameter of interest, Geodetic network design, deformation analysis, Precise Point Positioning (PPP). He has also been consulting different government organization for Land Surveying for large scale Topographical mapping, DEM generation, Natural hazard mapping (Earthquake, landslide, subsidence) using High-precision Geodetic techniques, Structural Health Monitoring, Earth observations for various applications.
Dr. Ramji is member of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Associate Member of Institution of Engineer, India, Affiliate Member of American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) and Member of IEEE and IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.