Dr. Skylab P Bhore

Dr. Skylab P Bhore

Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: skylabpbhore[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: +91- 8934049275(O)

Thesis Supervised

S.No Research Topic Name of Student Completion/Registration Year
Ph.D. Completed:
1Numerical and experimental study on meso scale air journal bearing with texture effectNilesh D Hingawe2022
2Numerical and experimental study on the tribological characteristics of bump-type foil journal bearingVishal Mourya2024
Ph.D. Ongoing
1Development of filament for 3D printingPretesh John2020
2Life cycle management of pump with the signatures of noise, vibration and currentVishal Kannaujia2020
33D printing technologies and applicationSrishti Massey2023
M.Tech Students
1Nonlinear Dynamics of Gear DriveBhupendra Pratap Sharma2015
2Some Studies on Dynamics of Roller Chain DriveDeepak Singh2015
3Investigation on the Characteristics of Plain and Herringbone Groove Journal Bearing used in HDD SpindleSarvagna M N2016
4Rotor Dynamic Analysis of Turbocharger ShaftDhirendra Kumar2016
5Finite Element Analysis of Gas Turbine Rotor with Base Excitation.Tushal Verma2017
6Investigation on Micro/Meso scale air bearing with texture effectNivedika Gautam2017
7Finite Element Analysis of Aircraft Rotor Under Maneuvering.Rakesh Yadav2017
8Design and Development of Egg Shell Remover.Sameer Kumar Gautam2018
9Design and Development of Agricultural Weeder. Deepak Kumar2018
10Design and Development of Wheat Reaper and Binder.Tejas Patil2018
11Design of Robotic Manipulator for Waste Management.Naga Venkatesh Gowrabathuni2018
12Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Rotor with Rub Impact and Maneuver Load. Ajay M Akhade2018
13Nonlinear dynamic response analysis of a cracked Jeffcott rotor.Sumit Srivastava2019
14Design and development of metal mesh gas foil journal bearing Patel Dhaval Kumar Hasmukhbhai2019
15Nonlinear dynamic response analysis of a Jeffcott rotor with rub impact.Ranjeet Kumar2019
16Investigations on dynamic characteristics of meso scale air journal bearing with texture effect.Vyshakh V2020
17Design and optimisation of gas foil journal bearing. Nilabh Vishwakarma2020
18Hydrodynamic characteristics of gas foil journal bearing with texture effect. Ankush Atyalkar2020
19MEMS Based and IoT Enabled Low-Cost Product Development For Vibration AnalysisSyed Faizan Shah2021
20Eco-Friendly Poultry: Product Designers ApproachRushikesh H Yede2021
21Design and Development of Optical Sensor for Detection of Water ContaminantTanmay Prabhakar Sardar2021
22Vibration Analysis And Ride Comfort In E-RickshawRachana Verma2021
23Noise, vibration and fault diagnosis of exhaust fan using MEMS sensorsAbhimanyu Kumar2022
24Investigation on the foil bearings through simulationAvinash Anand2022
25The minimalist design for the bamboo made items in the low cost houseRishabh Verma2022
26Investigation on the bushings and fan blade of the kitchen mixer for possible noise and vibration reductionOnkar Uday Dhobale2022
27Physics informed neural network for fluid film lubricationParag Gajanan Wandale2023
28Design and development of conical metal mesh foil bearingUday Kiran Pala2024
29Machine learning approach for preventive maintenance of electrical submersible pumpKunwar Utkarsh2024
B.Tech Students
1Dynamics of Micro Rotors Supported on Hydrodynamic Gas Bearingsgroup2014
2Some Studies on Micro Cantilever Type Sensorgroup2015
3Design and Development of Jeffcott Rotor Test Riggroup2017
4Design and Development of Vibration Test Riggroup2018
5Design and Development of Gas Foil Journal Bearinggroup2018
6Study on vibration based fault diagnosis of worm gear drivegroup2020
7Study on vibration based fault diagnosis of ball bearinggroup2020
8Online Delivery of Fresh Mutton,Chicken and Fish in North India :Product Designers Approach group2021
9Design and development of a robot for the poultry farmgroup2023
10Design and development of patient bed attached with toilet commodegroup2023