Dr. Skylab P Bhore
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: skylabpbhore[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: +91- 8934049275(O)
Research Publications
Book Chapter:
Bhore, S. P., Darpe, A. K., 2018, “Comparative Study: Linear and Nonlinear Transient Stability Analysis for Meso Scale Rotor with Gas Foil Journal Bearings”, Asset Intelligence through Integration and Interoperability and Contemporary Vibration Engineering Technologies, Springer Cham, pp. 73-83.Hingawe, N. D., Bhore, S. P., 2019, “Tribological Performance of Surface Textured Automotive Components: A Review”, Automotive Tribology, Springer Singapore, pp. 287-306.Hingawe, N. D., Bhore, S. P., 2021, “Improving Tribological Performance of Meso Scale Air Journal Bearing Using Surface Texturing: An Approach of Green Tribology”, Green Tribology, CRC Press, pp. 183-200.Hingawe, N. D., Bhore, S. P., 2021, “Investigation on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Textured Meso Scale Gas Bearing ”, Mechanism and Machine Science, Springer Singapore, pp. 525-535.Mourya, V., Bhore, S. P., 2021, “ Design and Fabrication Errors of Foil Bearings: A Review”, Advances in Materials and Mechanical Engineering, Springer Singapore, pp. 205-220.Shah, S. F., Bhore, S. P., 2022, “ Vibration Measurement using a Low Cost MEMS Accelerometer KIT for the Education”, Smart Innovation and System Technologies 265, Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Sustainability, Springer Singapore, pp. 347-353.Yede, R. H., Bhore, S. P., 2022, “ Design of a Robot for the Welfare of the Poultry ”, Smart Innovation and System Technologies 265, Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Sustainability, Springer Singapore, pp. 209-216.John, P., Komma, V.R., Bhore, S.P., (2022), 4D Printing—A Smart Way of 3D Printing: A Brief Review. Recent Developments in Mechanics and Design. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer chamMourya, V., Bhore, S.P. (2024). Effect of Operating Parameters on the Tribological Characteristics of 3D Printed Textured Journal Bearings. In: Okada, M. (eds) Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science. IFToMM WC 2023. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 149. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-45709-8_17
Bhore, S. P., Darpe, A. K., 2013, “Investigations of characteristics of micro/meso-scale gas foil journal bearings for 100–200W class micro-power system using first order slip velocity boundary condition and the effective viscosity model,” Journal of Microsystem Technologies, 19 , pp. 509–523. Bhore, S. P., Darpe, A. K., 2013, “Nonlinear dynamics of flexible rotor supported on the gas foil journal bearings,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 332, pp. 5135-5150. Bhore, S. P., Darpe, A. K., 2014, “Rotordynamics of micro and mesoscopic turbomachinery: a review,” Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies, 2(1), pp. 1-9.Verma, T., Bhore, S. P., 2017, “Finite element analysis of gas turbine rotor with base excitation”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 8(7), pp.1362-1369.Bhore, S. P., Darpe, A. K., 2019, “Nonlinear transient stability analysis of meso scale rotor supported on gas foil journal bearings,” Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies, 7(4), pp. 399-406.Hingawe, N. D., Bhore, S. P., 2020, “Multi-objective optimization of the design parameters of texture bottom profiles in a parallel slider,” Friction, 8(4), pp. 726-745.Hingawe, N. D., Bhore, S. P., 2020, “Tribological performance of a surface textured meso scale air bearing”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 72(5), pp. 599-609.Hingawe, N. D., Bhore, S. P., 2021, “Optimal design of surface texture in meso scale air journal bearing”, Surface Topograpgy: Metrology and Properties, 9(2021), pp. 034001. Kumar, R, Bhore, S P, 2019, “Rub impact response analysis of Jeffcott rotor for simply supported end conditions and fluid film bearings: a comparative study”, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: 1240 (2019) 012137,doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1240/1/012137Srivastava, S, Bhore, S P, 2019, “Comparative study of cracked rotor responses for simply supported end conditions and fluid film bearings”, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: 1240 (2019) 012099
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1240/1/012099Tanmay Sardar, Shivani Pandey, Satanand Mishra, and Skylab Bhore, 2022, "Sensing Material and Design of an Optical Sensor for Detection of Arsenic- A Review", IEEE Sensors Journal, DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3151661Bhore, S P, Akhade, A., 2018, " Nonlinear Dynamics of Rotor with Air Bearings",International Journal of Mechanical and Production
Engineering Research and Development, 2249-8001, 444-451.
Vishal Mourya, Skylab P Bhore,2022, “Modelling, analysis and optimization of design parameter of bump-type gas foil journal bearing”, IOP Science Journal, Engineering Research Express, , https://doi.org/10.1088/2631-8695/ac6121Vishal Mourya, Skylab P Bhore,2022, “Investigation and optimization for performance characteristics of bump type foil journal bearings with various foil materials”, Tribology in Industry, DOI: 10.24874/ti.1334.07.22.11Vishal Mourya, Skylab P. Bhore, (2023),Experimental investigation and optimization of tribological characteristics of wooden journal bearings, Biotribology, 35–36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biotri.2023.100241 Pretesh John, V. R. Komma, S. P. Bhore, (2023), Development of MATLAB code for tool path data extraction from the G code of the fused filament fabrication (FFF) parts, IOP Science Journal, Engineering Research Express, DOI 10.1088/2631-8695/accc6fVishal Mourya, Skylab P. Bhore and Parag Wandale, (2023), Multiobjective Optimization of Tribological Characteristics of 3D Printed Texture Surfaces for ABS and PLA polymers, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite MaterialsVishal Mourya, Skylab P. Bhore, (2023), Experimental Investigation of Tribological performance of 3D Printed Textured Journal Bearings for Various Polymers, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite MaterialsVishal Mourya, Skylab P. Bhore, (2023), Comparative Investigation on Wear Characteristics of 3D Printed Textured Journal Bearings, Journal of Manufacturing Processes , Elsevier, Impact factor: 6.2
Vishal Kannaujia, Skylab P. Bhore, H.S. Goyal, (2023), A case study on the failure analysis of 1 hp house hold electrical submersible pump in Prayagraj India, Engineering Failure Analysis, Elsevier, Impact factor 4.0Mourya, V., Bhore, S.P. (2024). Comparative Study on Tribological Behavior of Foil Journal Bearings with Micro Pocket, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, DOI 10.1088/2051-672X/ad221bMourya, V., Bhore, S.P. (2024), Impact of Heat Treatment on the Rubbing Behavior of Bump-Type Foil Journal Bearing, Tribology Online 19 (3), 178-193Mourya, V., Bhore, S.P. (2024), Experimental evaluation of tribo-performances of bump foil journal bearing with different materials of foil, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, DOI 10.1088/2051-672X/ad4dbcMourya, V., Bhore, S.P. (2024),A failure analysis of foil journal bearing under low-speed operating conditions, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, https://doi.org/10.1177/09544062241253981
Conference Proceedings:
Bhore, S. P., Joshi, S. G., 2007, “ Torsional vibration analysis of a typical high speed roller chain drive”, International conference on recent trends in mechanical Engineering (ICRTME), 4-6 October 2007, Ujjain (M. P.)Bhore, S. P., Joshi, S. G., 2007, “ Some studies on transverse vibrations in timing belts and roller chains”, International conference on recent trends in mechanical Engineering (ICRTME), 4-6 October 2007, Ujjain (M. P.)Bhore, S. P., Darpe, A. K., 2009, “ Transient vibration analysis of micro-rotor supported on air foil bearings due to shock load excitations”, IUTAM Symposium on emerging trends in rotor dynamics (IUROTOR), 23-26 March 2009, New Delhi, India.Bhore, S. P., Darpe, A. K., 2010, “ Rotordynamics of micro and mesoscopic turbomachinery: a review”, International conference on vibration engineering and technology of machinery (VETOMAC-VI), 13-15 December 2010, New Delhi, India Bhore, S. P., Darpe, A. K., 2011, “ Investigations of characteristics of micro/meso scale gas foil journal bearings (MMGFB) using 1st order slip velocity boundary condition and effective viscosity model”, National symposium on rotor dynamics (NSRD), 19-21 December 2011, Chennai, India.Bhore, S. P., Darpe, A. K., 2012, “Nonlinear frequency response analysis of rotor supported on air foil journal bearing under amplitude and frequency dependent external disturbances”, (ISMA2012), 17-19 September 2012, Leuven, Belgium. Gautam, N., Bhore, S. P., 2017 "Investigation on the characteristics of micro/meso scale gas bearing with texture effect", (NCRAME 2017), 2-3 June 2017, NIT KurukshetraVerma, T., Bhore, S. P.,2017, "Investigation of gas turbine rotor subjected to base excitation", Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM 2017),5-7 July 2017,NIT AllahabadBhore, S P, Gautam, N., 2017, “Micro/Meso Scale Bearing Characteristics with Texture Effect”, 9th International Conference on Industrial Tribology (ICIT-2017), December 6-9,2017, Kolkata, IndiaBhore, S P, 2018, "Shock load analysis of rotor for rolling element bearings and gas foil bearings: A comparative study," AIP Conference Proceedings 1943, 020021 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5029597, NIT Surathkal, Karnataka.Hingawe, N D, Bhore, S P, 2018, “Investigation on hydrodynamic characteristics of textured meso scale gas bearing”, IFToMM Asian Mechanism and Machine Science, IISC Bangalore, 2018.Hingawe, N D, Bhore, S P, 2018, "Influence of texture bottom profile on the hydrodynamic characteristics," Proceedings of Asia International Conference on Tribology, Kuching, Sarawak - Malaysia.Hingawe,N D, Bhore, S P, 2019,“Effect of partial texture on the hydrodynamic performance of meso scale air bearings for mesoscale turbo machines”, Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Gas Turbine India Conference GTINDIA2019 https://doi.org/10.1115/GTINDIA2019-2517Vishal Mourya, Skylab P Bhore, 2021," Numerical Analysis of Stress Crack Intensity in Foil Journal Bearings withPre-existing Corrosion Pit", Proceedings of the ASME 2021,Gas Turbine India Conference
GTINDIA2021,December 2-3, 2021, Virtual ConferenceNilesh Hingawe and Skylab Bhore, 2021, " Effect of full and partial texture on the tribological performance of meso scale meso scale air journal bearing: an experimental study" 2nd virtual international tribology research symposium (ITRS 2021), 8-10 December 2021. Parag G. Wandale and Skylab P Bhore, 2022, "Modeling and simulation using physics informed neural network for textured surface", India Trib-2022, December 12-14, 2022, New DelhiManupratapsingh H. Parmar and Skylab P Bhore,2022, "Investigation on the tribological characteristics of 3D printed bionic textured surface", India Trib-2022, December 12-14, 2022, New DelhiVishal Kannaujia, Skylab P. Bhore and H.S. Goyal,2022,"Condition monitoring of Submersible Pumps-a review", 2nd International Conference on Future Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering (ICFTMME 2022),SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ghaziabad, August 19-20, 2022.Vishal Kannaujia, Skylab P. Bhore and H.S. Goyal,2022,"Failure analysis of Submersible Pumps- a Review", 2nd International & 14th National Conference on Industrial Problems on Machines & Mechanisms (IPRoMM 2022), IIT Dhanbad, Decemebr, 22-23, 2022.Uday Kiran Pala and Skylab P. Bhore, Numerical and experimental study on the metal mesh foil bearing structure, India Trib-2023, October 5-7, 2023, NIT Kashmir (Srinagar).Shrishti Massey and Skylab P Bhore, A review of extrusion
mechanisms in 3D food printing for affordable conversion of
conventional 3D printer 3 rd International and 15 th National
Conference on Industrial Problems on Machine and Mechanisms (IPRoMM-2024), December, 19-21, 2024, at NIT JamshedpurNilesh D Hingawe and Skylab P Bhore, Tribological Characteristics of Meso-scale Air Bearing with Texture, India Trib-2024, December 19-21, 2024, Kolkata