Dr. Rajesh Kumar Shastri

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Shastri

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: rkshastri[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532-2271294(O) 0532-2271709(R) 09919020401(M)

Thesis Supervised

S.No Research Topic Name of Student Completion/Registration Year
Ph.D. Completed:
1Corporate Social Responsibility: A Comparative Study of Public & Private Sector Enterprises in India.Dr. Anushree Singh2013
2Managing Human Resources Towards Corporate Excellence: A Comparative Study of High & Low on Excellence Organizations in IndiaDr. Malavika Sinha2013
3An Analysis of Prospects & Constraints of Public Private Partnership: An Empirical Study on Health Care Services with Special Reference to Uttar Pradesh, IndiaDr. Rinki Verma2014
4An Impact Study of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act on Quality of Life of rural People with Special Reference to Uttar Pradesh, IndiaDr. Shilpi Srivastava2014
5A Study on Household Food Security of Wage Workers in Uttar Pradesh, IndiaDr. Surendra Kumar2015
6Food Security in SAARC Countries: An analytical study with reference to India and NepalDr. Abhishek2018
7Price Discovery of Equity Shares in Indian Stock Market: An Empirical Study of SensexDr. Nikhil Yadav2019
8Role of Government Training Institutes in Women Skills Development with Special Reference to Regional Vocational Training InstitutesDr. Tauffiqu Ahamad2019
9Impact of quality of work - life on job embeddedness and Intention to stay among generation – Y hotel employees in Uttar Pradesh, IndiaDr. Neeraj Gautam (2016RHU51)2023
10Factors Determining Effectiveness of Skill Development Programs in India: An Empirical Study of Pradhan Mantri Kushal Vikas Yojana in Uttar PradeshDr. Ananta Narayana (2017RHU03)2023
11An Empirical Study of Human Capital Formation and its Association with Financial Development and Economic Growth in IndiaMr. Shekhar Saroj (2018RHU03)2023
12E-Learning Practices in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study with Special Reference to Experience of Teachers & Students in IndiaDr. Priyanka Singh (2018RHU04)2023
13Impact of Human Resource Analytics on Organizational Performance Mediating with Managerial Skills and Talent Management: An Empirical Study of Organizations Working in IndiaDr. Saaema Akhtar (2019RHU04)2023
14A Study on The Impact of Hereditary and Acquired Skills of the Chenchu Tribe for Socio-Economic Development in Telangana State, IndiaDr. P Ravi Kiran (2019RHU02)2024
15Managing the Gig Economy Workforce: A Study of Indian Gig Workers and Their Work Life BalanceDr. Garvita Singh (2021RHU31)2025
16Role of Training and Development in Human Resource Capitalization through improved Efficiency, Effectiveness and Organizational Development: an Empirical Study with Selected Organizations in IndiaDr. Raj Kumar Jain (2021RHU53)2025
Ph.D. Ongoing
1FinTechMr. Deepak Vinod Kesarwani (2022RHU01)2022
2Behavioural economicMs. Sandhya Rani (2022RHU04)2022
3Human Resource ManagementMs. Kamini Sharma (2022RHU02)2022
4Course workMs. Rashmi Singh (2024RHU02)2024
5Course workMr. Shubham kishore (2024RHU04)2024