Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: rkshastri[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532-2271294(O) 0532-2271709(R) 09919020401(M)
Seeking support in response to Health consequences due to Economic imbalance in India through Public and Private Partnership presented in International conference on Globalization and Economic Asymmetries in International trade and Development , IIM Lucknow
Conferences Attended for Presenting Paper:
New Industrial Policy: An Approach towards Settlement of Industrial Disputes in India, in the international Conference on Infrastructure Finance (ICIF 2010), during 03-05 June , 2010 organized by IIT Kharagpur
An Approach towards statutory obligation for Corporate Social Responsibility , presented in Fifth Annual Conference on Public Policy and Management ,IIM Bangalore
An empirical study on Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Indian Public Sector Companies presented in Emerging Challenges for Sustainable Development IIT Roorkee
Organised as Course Director a Short-term course on “Ten Days Research Methodology Programme for Ph.D. Students in Social Sciences” during 02-11 June,2017 in MNNIT Allahabad (sponsored by ICSSR)
Organized as Secretary a national seminar on “Managing Inclusive Growth: A relook in Socio-Economic Perspective” during 12-13 February, 2010
Organised as Course Director a short term course on “Ten Days Research Methodology Programme For Ph.D Students in Social Sciences” during 15-24 September, 2013 in MNNIT Allahabad (sponsored by ICSSR)
Organized as convener a national conference on “Dimension of Public Policy and Rural Development” during 08-09 march 2014 in MNNIT Allahabad. (Sponsored by TEQIP)
4Organised as convener a short-term course on “Research Methodology and Quantitative Analysis Through SPSS” during 14-21 December 2014 in MNNIT Allahabad
Organized as convener a national conference on “Managing Unorganized Sector in India” during 19-20 December 2014 in MNNIT Allahabad. (Sponsored by TEQIP)
Organized as Course Director a Short-term course on “Ten Days Research Methodology Programme for Ph.D. Students in Social Sciences” during 02-11 June,2017 in MNNIT Allahabad (sponsored by ICSSR)
Organized as Chairman and Convener “Seven Days on line Workshop on Research Methodology” during 8-14 December, 2020
Organized an International Conference on "Opportunities and Challenges in Techno-Management for Socio-Economic Development" from 11th to 13th November 2022
Projects Completed:
Successfully completed a ICSSR Sponsored Research Project entitled “A Study on Role of
NGOs in Capacity Building and Social Mobilization of Rural People: Comparative Study
Between Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh” during 2016-2018.
Other Significant Achievements:
Being as convenor in Seven Day Faculty Development Programme on "Fostering Multi-facets of Higher Education: Ensuring Educator`s Sustainability" from 27th September to 3rd October 2024