Ambak Kumar Rai

Ambak Kumar Rai

Associate Professor
Department of Biotechnology
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: ambakrai[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: +91-532-2271241(O) +91-8765787601(M)

Thesis Supervised

S.No Research Topic Name of Student Completion/Registration Year
Ph.D. Completed:
1Role of Vitamin A on immune response against Leishmania donovaniPankaj Verma2013-2018
2Study to investigate the expression and function of CD6 in human T cellsAmit Kumar Kureel2014-2020
3Role of eicosanoid(s) in immune response against Leishmania donovani infectionSheetal Saini2014-2020
4Study to understand the molecular mechanism(s) of exonal switch in human cd5 geneSmita Kumari2015 -2022
5Study to understand the impaired accumulation of cholesterol in L. donovani infected macrophages Satyaprakash2016 - 202
6Study to understand the expression and function of CD5 in geriatric individualsBharat Singh2017-2023
Ph.D. Ongoing
1Sate of Art deliveredRanjeet Bahadur Choubey2019 onwar
2State of Art deliveredSwetaAugust 202
3Completed course workVibhaJuly 2023
4Completed course workDebjani Sen July 2023
M.Tech Students
1Targeting Glyoxalase pathway in Leishmania donovani: A computational molecular docking approach.Adarsh Chiranjeevi2013
2To study the ATP metabolism and its effect on extracellular inorganic phosphate levels in romestigote from of L. donovani parasiteKashika Arora2014
3Study to understand the Phosphate Transpoter(s)in promestigote form of Leishmania donovaniSindhu K J2015
4Study to understand the detoxification of methylglyoxal in promastigote from Leishmania donovani parasitePavitra Ramdas2016
5Study to explore the presence of clinical isolates of Leishmania donovani Sonam2017
6Study to investigate the exonal switch of cd5 gene in hypoxia treated PBMCs samples among healthy humansSwarnima Gupta2018
7Study to understand the expression of non-conventional transcript of cd5 geneVaishali Shukla2021
8Study to demonstrate the HIF-1α mediated regulation of non-conventional mRNA of human CD5 geneSrishti Sahu 2022
B.Tech Students
1Study of Anti-Leishmania activity of Agave speciesAlok Singh and Dinesh Kumar Jaiswal2013
2A Study to Understand Accumulation of Methylglyoxal in L. donovani with Focus on Glyoxalase Pathway: a Potential Drug TargetPraachi Tiwari2014
3Molecular docking of ATP diphospho- hydrolase from L. donovani Akhilesh Kumar Gupta and Prashant Jaiswal2014
4Study to explore linkage between methylglyoxal and levels of Pi in L. donovaniArya2015
5Interactive voice response (IVR) based direct monitoring of drug adherence among tuberculosis patientsAshish Kumar and Gautam Amit Meena2015
6Transporter protein specific to methylglyoxal other than AQP1 in L. donovani Lisha Verma and Kumar Gaurav2016
7Targeting glycosomal and cytosolic GAPDH enzymes for development of drug against Leishmania donovaniManish Awasthi, Kuldeep and Priyanjali2017
8Study to investigate all isoforms of CD6 in hypoxia treated PBMCs samples among healthy humansKomal Sethia2018
9In-silico designing of inhibitor against phosphate transporters of L. donovani parasiteZeeshan Ali and Arvind B2018
10Study to design inhibitor(s) against aqua-glyceroporin transporters in L. donovaniKeshav Singh and Tejavath Ajith2019
11A computational study to understand the mechanism(s) of cd5 down regulation on the Leukemic T-cells of HTLV+ ATLL cases Nimisha Gupta2021
12In-silico approach to identify inhibitor against amastin surface protein of Leishmania to cure visceral leishmaniasisAman Joshi 2021
13To understand the role of myc protein in the expression of non-conventional isoform of CD5Bintee2022
14Computational approach to identify potential drug(s) against L. donovani specific amastin proteinRavi Prakash Mishra2022