Dr. Anubhav Rawat

Dr. Anubhav Rawat

Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Mechanics
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: anubhav-r[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 8800990759(O) 8800990759(R) 8800990759(M)

Present Appointments Held

Officer In-charge, AMD Workshop (September 3rd 2021-till date).
Officer In-charge, Dynamics of Machines Laboratory (September 3rd 2021-till date).
Officer Incharge Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Laboratory
Associate Faculty Incharge (EDC-MNNIT)

Past Appointments Held

Officer In-charge, DST-FIST Laboratory (Aug 2019-Sep 2021).
Officer In-charge Computational Laboratory (Aug 2019-Sep 2021).
Officer In-charge, Fluids Engineering Laboratory (Aug 2019-Sep 2021)
Member DUGC (Aug-2019- Sep 2021).
Member Fluids Engineering advisory Committee (Sept 2019-Sep 2021)
Member Department Doctoral Search Committee (DDSC) (July- August 2021).
Member Document verification and Shortlisting committee for Ph.D. candidates (July-August 2020)
Member Document verification and Shortlisting committee for Ph.D. candidates (July-August 2021)
Officer In-charge, Information & Website, RTI (September 3rd 2021-till date).
Associate Faculty Incharge (Examination)
Warden on Special Duty