Dr. Sumit Tiwari

Dr. Sumit Tiwari

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: sumit.tiwari[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 8586985510(O)

Other Academic Achievements

Keynote Address/Invited Talks in Conferences & Workshops:

Invited Lectures 1. Invited as Keynote speaker and delivered a lecture on "Machine Learning Applications in Solar Hybrid Systems" at IEEE International Conference on Communication, Computer Sciences and Engineering (IC3SE-2024, 9-11 May 2024) organized by Amity University Greater Noida. 2. Invited talk on "Solar Hybrid System: A Thermal Prospective" in Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College Ghaziabad (19.03.2024). 3. Invited as Keynote speaker at the International Conference "SOLARIS-2024: Energy, Ecology and Environment" on 7-9 February 2024, organized by BERS Public School, Ballia, Uttar Pradesh, India. 4. Keynote Speaker at an International Conference on "Advancements and Key Challenges in Green Energy and Computing (AKGEC-2023)" hosted by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, AKGEC, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, February 25, 2023. Delivered a talk on "Solar Hybrid System: A Green Energy Solution." 5. Invited talk on "Innovative Applications of Solar Energy" at HRIT Ghaziabad (28th January 2023). I got to interact with young minds and discuss the importance of research in the solar field and the research opportunities (M.Tech, Ph.D.) at Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University, Dadri, Uttar Pradesh. 6. Expert talk on "Solar: An Ultimate Source of Energy" at BBDIT, Lucknow, supported by the IEEE UP Section (29/12/2022). 7. Plenary talk on "Basics of Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) systems" in IEEE supported International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation and Optimization (ICCMSO-2022) during December 23-25, 2022, organized by Asian Institute of Technology Conference Center Bangkok. 8. Invited talk on "Photovoltaic materials and solar hybrid system" in the one-week short-term training program "Advances in Electric Vehicles and Energy Systems" organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur (UP), India and AICTE, during December 19-23, 2022 to be held at MMMUT, Gorakhpur. 9. Delivered a lecture and interacted with members of the IEEE Student Branch at ZHCET on the topic “Performance of Solar Photovoltaic Thermal Systems” during the Fifth International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing, and Communication Technologies organized by the Department of Electronics Engineering, A.M.U., Aligarh in online mode and co-sponsored by IEEE UP Sec-tionIEEE USA held from 26 November to 27 November 2022. 10. Worked as IEEE observer during the Fifth International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing, and Communication Technologies organized by the Department of Electronics Engineering, A.M.U., Aligarh, in online mode and co-sponsored by IEEE UP Sec-tionIEEE USA held from 26 November to 27 November 2022. 11. Invited talk in a one-week faculty development program on “Integration of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids for Smart Cities” during March 07-12, 2022, organized by the Electrical Engineering Department of Bansal Institute of Engineering and Technology Lucknow, UP, India. 12. Expert talk on “Exergy analysis of hybrid solar system” in Short Term Course on “Exergy Analysis in Industrial Applications” (online) from 25.10.2021 to 29.10.2021 organized by Mechanical Engineering Department of the J C Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad. 13. Keynote speaker at 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N-2021) held on 17th & 18th December- 2021, organized by Computer Science & Engineering Department, Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, India. 14. Invited speaker at International Conference on Innovation and Application in Science & Technology, December 21-23, 2021, Organized by the Department of Applied Sciences, Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology Greater Noida, U.P, India. 15. Invited talk on “Solar Hybrid Systems” in Short Term Training Programme (Online) on “Solar PV and Storage Systems" sponsored by AICTE from December 07-12, 2020, organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida 16. Invited talk on “Solar hybrid systems & study to improve the efficiency of C-Si in photovoltaic Material in Power Plant” in Short Term Training Programme (Online) on “Solar PV and Storage Systems" sponsored by AICTE from December 14-19, 2020 organized by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida. 17. Invited talk on “Photovoltaic Thermal and Study to Improve the Efficiency of Photovoltaic Power Plant” in “International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering" technically sponsored by IEEE from MARCH 04-05, 2021, organized by Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida. (IEEE Conference Record No.: #51222, IEEE Conference ISBN No.: 978-1-7281-7742-7). 18. Guest speaker at a National Seminar on ‘Restore Our Earth’ at Centre for Sustainability and Environmental Management, IIM Sirmaur, on 22 April 2021. 19. Keynote lecture on “Recent Advances in PVT Drying System” at an International conference, Solaris 2019 (Renewable energy and sustainable Climate), held on February 07-09, 2019, at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. 20. Technical talk in the National Workshop on “Advances in Clean Energy Conversion Technologies and Materials for Energy Storage Applications” on the topic “Recent Advancement in Hybrid Solar Thermal Systems” organized by SMVDU, Katra Jammu under TEQIP-III during 24-25 January 2019. 21. Technical talk at the International Seminar on “Research and Applications of Renewable Energy” on the topic “Recent Advances in PVT Greenhouse Drying System” was organized by GCET, Greater Noida under TEQIP-III from 11-12 June 2018. 22. Technical talk in an International Seminar on Solar Energy (ISSE-2015) on the topic “Solar Thermal” organized by Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida (Sponsored by IEEE UP Section, MNRE Gov. of India) from 21-22 September 2015. 23. Invited lecture on "Recent Advances in Solar Hybrid Systems" at “Solaris 2020- National Conference on Sustainable Environment and Climate” held in Shri Ram Swaroop Memorial University, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India” from 07-09, 2020. 24. Invited talk on "Solar energy and its utilization" in one week FDP on “Policy framework for Grid Renewable Energy Systems” from 6th Feb 2020 organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, S.V. Polytechnic College, Bhopal.

Award and Honors:

Part of top 2% world scientist list jointly prepared by Stanford and Elsevier for three consecutive years i.e. 2022, 2023 and 2024
ASME India Faculty All-Star Supporter Award by American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2023
Best presentation award given by Pandit Deendayal Energy University- PDEU (Formerly PDPU) in 1st International Conference on “Advances in Water Treatment and Management (ICAWTM-22) during 25-26 March 2022.
The Young investigator Research Award by Shiv Nadar University
Shrimati Vijay-Usha Sodha Research Award given by IIT Delhi for session 2018-19.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship award -2019 by Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, State of Israel Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Not Availed)
Best Thesis Award in Ph.D. symposium (IEEE) organized by Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur (U.P) INDIA & University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan (2018).
Second Prize for Poster Presentation in India International Science Festival (IISF) 2016, during December 07-11, 2016 at National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.
Certificate of Appreciation for Expert lecture on solar thermal- In an international seminar on Solar Energy-2015 organized by GCET Greater Noida and supported by IEEE UP Section and MNRE.
Certificate for Best Paper in International Conference on Energy, Economics, and Environment (1st UPCON-ICEEE2015) - Organized by GCET Greater Noida and supported by IEEE UP Section.
Prasasti Patra (letter of appreciation) in Sardar Patel Sansthan Raibereli, 3227, Shanti Nagar, Raibareli-2001

On-going Projects:

Project CST/D-1182 UPCST (Co-PI) Topic: Research and development of Agrivotaics Duration: Oct. 2022- Oct. 2025 Amount: ₹12,95,000/-
Project CRG/2023/002595- SERB (Single PI) Topic: Adsorption Freezer Box to Preserve Vaccines/fisheries/milk products Duration: Apr. 2024- Apr. 2027 Amount: ₹28,00,000/-

Overseas Assignments:

BHAVAN Assistantship by Department of Science and Technology (DST) 2017 for research in Arizona State University USA
International Travel Grant by Institute (MHRD) Assistantship 2016 to present paper in Paris, France.

Reviewer for Transactions / Journal / Conferences:

Working as a reviewer in journals (SCI/SCIE) Applied Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, Biosystems Engineering, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Desalination, Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Energy Reports, Energy Strategy Reviews, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, Journal of Building Engineering, Journal of Cleaner Production, Materials Today: Proceedings, Renewable Energy, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Solar Energy, Sustainable Cities and Society, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress

Other Significant Achievements:

1. Session chair in the 3rd International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation, and Optimisation during June 14-16, 2024 (15 June) at Phuket, THAILAND jointly organized by Innovative Research Foundation (IRF), National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, INDIA, Andhra Loyola Institute of Engg. and Tech., Andhra Pradesh, INDIA, and Sampoerna University, Indonesia. 2. Session chair and special guest in the 12th IEEE Scopus Indexed International Conference on System Modelling & Advancement on Research Trends (SMART-2023), which is going to be held on DECEMBER 22-23, 2023, CCSIT TMU MORADABAD, UP, INDIA (online mode). 3. Session chair in the 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control, and Networking- ICAC3N (IEEE conference in hybrid mode) on 16th December 2023, organized by Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Knowledge Park I, Greater Noida. 4. Session chair (online) in the International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Simulation and Optimization (ICICSO-2023) from December 08-10, 2023, Vivanta, Taj, Panjim Goa INDIA and jointly organized by Innovative Research Foundation (IRF) INDIA, Ganga Institute of Technology and Management, Haryana INDIA, and St Mary’s Group of Institutions Guntur for Women, Andhra Pradesh, India. 5. The session chair in IEEE supported the International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation and Optimization (ICCMSO-2022) from December 23-25, 2022, organized by the Asian Institute of Technology Conference Center Bangkok. 6. Session Chair in 4th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N-2022) held on 16th & 17th December 2022, organized by the Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, India. 7. The session chair in IEEE supported the International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation and Optimization (ICCMSO-2023) from June 23-25, 2023, organized by the Asian Institute of Technology Conference Center Bangkok. 8. Programme Chair in IEEE supported International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation and Optimization (ICCMSO-2023) during June 23-25, 2023, organized by the Asian Institute of Technology Conference Center Bangkok. 9. Session chair in “International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering," technically sponsored by IEEE from MARCH 04-05, 2021, organized by Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida. (IEEE Conference Record No.: #51222, IEEE Conference ISBN No.: 978-1-7281-7742-7). 10. Chaired a Technical session at the 2nd International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCEMME-2019) from 3-5 May 2019 at GLBITM Greater Noida. 11. Chaired a Technical session at an International conference, Solaris 2019 (Renewable energy and sustainable Climate), held on February 07-09, 2019, at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. 12. Session Chair in UPCON-2018 (Jointly Organised By: Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur (U.P) INDIA & University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan) - 2-4 November 2018. 13. Session Chair in ICACCCN-2018 (IEEE international conference organized by GCET, Greater Noida) - 12-13th October 2018. 14. Co-chair a technical session in an International conference on “International Conference on Energy, economics, and Environment (1st UPCON-ICEEE2015)” at Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida (Sponsored by IEEE UP Section) from 26-28 March 2015. 15. Session Chair in the technical session of “International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICE3-2020) held at MMMUT, Gorakhpur” from 14-15, 2020. 16. Session Chair in the technical session of “Solaris 2020- National Conference on Sustainable Environment and Climate” held in Shri Ram Swaroop Memorial University, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India” from 07-09, 2020. 17. Session Chair for one of the technical sessions from 12:00 to 13:10 on 22-12-21 at ICIAST-2021 (An International Conference on Innovation and Application in Science and Technology) the conference which is scheduled for December 21--23, 2021, at Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida. India.