Submission of final paper for presentation in Poster session:
You are requested to follow instructions below very carefully for your Registration and Final paper submission.
- Authors are required to submit their camera-ready paper and pay registration fees on or before April 30, 2019. Please visit the registration page for more details on conference website.
- Please note that at least one registration among the authors of each paper is necessary in the conference. Multiple authors can also register for the same paper but each author has to pay applicable registration fee separately. The certificate and conference kit will only be given to registered authors. No request for issuing certificate will be entertained for non-registered authors.
- Your final submission of paper will be checked to verify the format and compliance with the comments of the reviewers as mentioned below this mail. As per Conference SCES 2019 policy, papers accepted in POSTER SESSION shall be included in the conference proceedings ONLY, subjected to successful registration by one of the author within the last registration date. Such registered papers will not be sent to IEEEXplore.
- Regarding Final paper format and submission instructions:
- Your final paper must be in IEEE double column format and limited to six (A4) sized pages. You can refer to the paper template available in the Paper Submission page of the conference website.
- Papers must be converted to IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF format. Information about proper PDF format can be visited at:
- You need to use IEEE PDF eXpress service to generate the PDF version of your final paper at:
- Please enter the Conference ID= “46477X ” and create your login password by visiting the website given above.
- Only the PDF version generated from the IEEE PDF eXpress will be accepted in this conference.
- It may be noted that submitting a paper to IEEE PDF eXpress is only for generating a IEEE compatible PDF version for your paper. You need to submit this PDF to the SCES2019 conference Email ID as given below.
- One of the authors (preferably who registers to attend the conference) should submit the completed copyright form.
- In summary your submission consisting of following five documents in a zipped folder is to be sent as an attachment via email to:
- Final paper in IEEE double column format generated from IEEE PDF eXpress
- Final paper with IEEE double column in MSWord format
- Scanned copy of duly signed IEEE Copyright Form
- Scanned copy of Printed Registration Form with payment details
- Scanned copy of online payment receipt for paid Registration fee.
The email sent by one of the authors should have subject of email written as: SCES2019_Poster_Paper_ID_Number
and zipped folder named as: SCES2019_Poster_Paper_ID_Number
It may be noted that you need to submit separately the original copy of online Registration Form along with the payment (online submission receipt) at the time of receiving Conference kit at Registration desk on the first day of conference.
For any queries please contact:
Submission of final accepted paper for presentation in Oral session:
- Early bird registration is open until April 30, 2019. Please visit the registration page for more details on conference website.
- Please note that at least one registration among the authors of each paper is necessary in the conference. Multiple authors can also register for the same paper but each author have to pay same registration fee separately. The certificate and conference kit will only be given to registered authors. No request for issuing certificate will be entertained for non-registered authors.
- The Final paper submission is open until April 30, 2019. The paper in final form must be sent via Email ID: The details on submission guidelines are provided at Sl. No. 6 below.
- Your final submission of paper will be checked to verify the format and compliance with the comments of the reviewers as mentioned below this mail.
- Final paper format and submission instructions:-
- Your final paper has to be in IEEE double column format and limited to six (A4) sized pages. You can refer to the paper template available in the Paper Submission page of the conference website:
- Papers must be converted to IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF format. Information about proper PDF format can be visited at:
- You need to use IEEE PDF eXpress service to generate the PDF version of your final paper:
- Please enter the Conference ID= “46477X ” and create your login password by visiting the website given above.
- Only the PDF file generated from the IEEE PDF eXpress will be accepted in this conference.
- It may be noted that submitting a paper to IEEE PDF eXpress is only for generating a IEEE compatible PDF version for your paper. You need to submit this PDF to the SCES2019 conference Email ID as given below.
- One of the authors (preferably who registers to attend the conference) should submit the completed copyright form.
- In summary your submission consisting of following five documents in a zipped folder is to be sent as an attachment via Email to:
- Final paper in IEEE double column format generated from IEEE PDF eXpress
- Final paper with IEEE double column in MSWord DOC format
- Scanned copy of duly signed IEEE Copyright Form
- Scanned copy of Printed Registration Form with payment details
- Scanned copy of online payment receipt for paid Registration fee.
The email sent by one of the authors should have subject of email written as: SCES2019_Oral_Paper_ID_Number
and zipped folder named as: SCES2019_Oral_Paper_ID_Number
It may be noted that you need to submit separately the original copy of online Registration Form along with the payment (online submission receipt) at the time of receiving Conference kit at Registration desk on the first day of conference.
For any queries please contact: