Hukum Chand Dewangan

Hukum Chand Dewangan

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: hcdewangan[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: +91-7999970875(O) +91-9907150464(M)

Thesis Supervised

S.No Research Topic Name of Student Completion/Registration Year
Ph.D. Ongoing
1Geometrical Nonlinear Structural Analysis of Laminated Flat/Curved Shell PanelsAbu Saad (2024RME03)2024
M.Tech Students
1Burst Pressure Analysis of Type IV Pressure VesselAlok Kumar (2023DN03)2024-25
2CFD Analysis of HVAC in Electric CarShubham Singh Chauhan (2023TH07)2024-25
B.Tech Students
1Surface Defect Detection using CNN ModelAnkush (20213045) Harsh Raghuwanshi (20213009) Sakshi Sonal (20213151) Anushka Khare (20213120)2025