Dr. V. Murari

Dr. V. Murari

Associate Professor
Department of Applied Mechanics
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: vmurari[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 05322271211(O)

Thesis Supervised

S.No Research Topic Name of Student Completion/Registration Year
Ph.D. Completed:
1Finite Element Analysis of Thin Walled Beams (Co-Supervised with Prof. K.K. Shukla, MNNIT Allahabad)Tushar Sharma2019
2Crashworthy Behaviour Of Composite Tubes With Different Ply-Drop/Discontinuity ConfigurationsSaurabh Kureel2024
Ph.D. Ongoing
1Analysis of Repaired CompositesShashi Prakash2019
2Study of Ballistic Impact on Hybrid Composite for Armor ApplicationsRicha Verma2021
3Analysis of Membrane Structures for Space ApplicationsAmiy Chandraul2022
M.Tech Students
1Evaluation of Fracture Toughness of Sandwich CompositesA. Avenash2014
2Miniaturization of test specimen for compositesSaood Ali2014
3Effect of Skin-Core Delamination on the Interlaminar Stress Distribution in Sandwich CompositesAvnish Kumar Shukla2014
4Effect of Wedge geometry on mode mixity in the ”Wedge-driven delamination test specimen” for sandwich compositesRaviraj Verma2015
5Effect of variation in volume fraction on the damage behavior of unidirectional compositesManoj Kumar Tripati2015
6Study of effect of interphase property on the micro level damage growth scenario in unidirectional compositesPragati Javre2015
7Effect of Bend-Twist Coupling on the Performance of Stall Controlled Wind Turbine BladesD. Manikandan2016
8Damage Analysis of Composite Bolted Joint Subjected to Low Velocity ImpactVibhanshu Pandey2016
9Study on damage initiation in woven compositesDevashish Rajpoot2017
10Damage behavior of composite laminates with ply drops and discontinuitiesDipesh Mishra2017
11Active vibration control of rotor-shaft system (Co-Supervised with Dr. Anindya Bhar, MNNIT Allahabad)John Samson Khalkho2017
12Compression Response of Woven Composite Laminates with Ply DropsSaurabh Kureel2018
13Compression Response of Woven Composite Laminates with Discontinuous PliesKavindra Kumar2018
14Progressive Damage Analysis of Composite Tube with Ply-drop and DiscontinuityManish Kumar2019
15Effect of Damage on The Initiation and Growth of The Plastic Zone and Its Effect on Overall Mechanical ResponseDhananjay Tandel2019
16Damage response of composite laminate with ply drop/ply discontinuity under compressive loadingShikha Thakur2019
17A Study on the Energy Absorption Capabilities of Plain Woven Fiber Glass/Epoxy Composite Tubes with Varying ThicknessBibhuti Bikash Kagyung2020
18Damage Initiation and Progression in Composite Tubes Under Compressive LoadingMohit Ranjan2020
19Analysis of Composite SleepersPachipala Dharmateja2021
20Analysis of bolted composite laminatesRiya Mishra2021
21Deployment Analysis of Membrane Based Inflatable Structure (Co-Supervised with Dr. Satish Kumar, MNNIT Allahabad)Aquib Ahmad Siddiqui2021
22Analysis of Woven Glass/epoxy Composite Tubes Subjected to Torsion LoadingAnkit Kumar2022
23Analysis of Composite Tubes with Different Wrap Geometries Subjected to Impact LoadingAnkur2022
24Design and Analysis of FDM 3D Printer and 3D Printed PartsAnkit Gupta2023
25Effect of Delamination on the Flexural Response of Honeycomb Sandwich StructurePushpendra Singh2023
26Analysis of Repaired Composite Subjected to Flexural Loading.Dibosh Roy2024