Dr. Vivek Kumar Patel

Dr. Vivek Kumar Patel

Associate Professor
Department of Applied Mechanics
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: vivek[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: +91-532-227-1214(O) +91-9990692127(R) +91-9455120700(M)

Thesis Supervised

S.No Research Topic Name of Student Completion/Registration Year
Ph.D. Completed:
1Studies on Slurry Erosion Behavior of Industrial Centrifugal Pump MaterialsJitendra Kumar2021
2Studies on Hydrodynamic Design and Performance Analysis of a Prototype Francis Turbine Using CFDGyanendra Tiwari 2021
3Studies on the Flow Characteristics and Erosion Behaviour of Slurry Transportation Pipelines Yatish Kumar Baghel 2023
4Studies on Heat Transfer and Friction Characteristics of Turbulent Decaying Flow in Heat Exchanger TubePrashant Sharma2025
Ph.D. Ongoing
1Ongoing (State of art completed)Latchupatula Ananya 2021
2Ongoing (State of art completed)Ritesh Srivastava2022
M.Tech Students
1Effect of Single and Double Offset on the Performance of Butterfly ValveNivedita Bhadauria2014
2Study on the Design of Centralized Air-Conditioning Duct Outlets for Effective Room CoolingBrij Mohan Chauhan2014
3Study on Turbulent Convective Heat Transfer in Circular Pipes using RibsKushal Saxena2014
4Effect of Location and Orientation of Primary Holes on the Flow Characteristics of a Combustor ModelManiraj Singh2014
5Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement of Plate-Fin and Tube Heat Exchanger using Vortex GeneratorsAnkit Negi2015
6Studies on the Various Aerodynamic Characteristics of Non Air-conditioned BusAshok Singh Bisht2015
7Effect of Primary, Secondary and Dilution Holes on Flow Characteristics of Swirling Co-axial JetsMunendra Singh2015
8CFD Analysis on Hydraulic Performance of Drip Irrigation EmittersRaghunath Vishwakarma2015
9Experimental and Computational Studies on Tangential Turbine Flow metersRatnesh Chandra Srivastava2015
10Numerical Analysis on the Performance of Air-blast AtomizerShashi Kumar2015
11CFD Analysis on Adjustable Type Drip Irrigation EmittersJitendra Pal2016
12Study on the Atomization of Fuels using Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach Kulkarni Amrut Hanumant2016
13Computational Analysis of Heat Transfer Enhancement in Fin and Tube Heat Exchanger using Rectangular Vortex GeneratorsPrabhakar Pandey2016
14Experimental Study on Tangential and Axial Turbine Flow metersSaurabh Kumar Sahu2016
15Experimental and Computational Analysis of Heat Transfer by a Turbulent Air Jet Impinging on a Flat PlateYatish Kumar Baghel2017
16A Computational Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement in Two Pass Ribbed ChannelsShashank Patel2017
17Computational Study on Effect of Swirl Induction on Bend Erosion in Pneumatic Conveying PipelineSandeep Kumar Shah2017
18Design and Performance Evaluation of Modified Cone Flowmeter using CFDPrem Kumar2017
19Numerical Analysis on Fluid Flow and Thermal Characteristics of Staggered Type Plate Fin-Tube Heat Exchanger with Rectangular Vortex GeneratorsNitin Kumar2017
20Flow Characteristics and Combustion Analysis in a Can-Type CombustorAbhishek Shrivastava2017
21Design and Fabrication of Pot Tesater for Evaluation of Erosion WearYogendra Yadawa2018
22Effect of Hot Deformation on Erosion in Pump MaterialsPankaj Kumar2018
23Comparative Study on Effects of Heat Treatment on Pump MaterialsPradeep Kumar Yadav2018
24Heat Transfer Enhancement by using Swirl Induced DevicesRakesh Kumar Jena2018
25Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Circular Pipe using Conical InsertsSandeep Kumar Vishwakarma2018
26Investigation of Erosion Wear on Slurry Transportation Pipeline Materials using CFDPankaj Israni2019
27Heat Transfer Enhancement of Counter Flow Double Pipe Heat Exchanger using Winglet Type Vortex GeneratorsChitrapu Raju2019
28Comparative Study of Jet Slurry Erosion on Pump MaterialsSachin Kumar2019
29Aerodynamic Performance of Rear Spoiler on a Generic Car ModelSatya Prakash Gupta2020
30CFD analysis on turbulent multiphase flow of fly ash-water in slurry transportation pipelinesManglesh Singh2020
31Computational Investigation of Heat Transfer and Friction Characteristics in Corrugated TubesGautam Kashyap Yogeshwar2020
32Experimental and Computational Investigation on Slurry Erosion Behavior of SS304 SteelAshutosh Yadav2020
33Computational Assessment of Thermo-Fluid Performance Characteristics of Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger Using Novel Vortex GeneratorsAmit Kumar Mishra2020
34Computational Study of Active and Passive Methods for Heat Transfer EnhancementAishwary Pratap2020
35Computational Investigation For Heat Transfer Augmentation in Serpentine Tube Heat Exchangers using Nano-FluidRishika Tiwari2021
36Computational Analysis of Slurry Erosion Wear in Bend PipesLatchupatula Ananya2021
37Effect of V-cut on the performance of Longitudinal Vortex Generator in a Counter Flow Heat ExchangerIshu Shukla2021
38Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Combustion in a 2D and 3D Micro-Cylinderical CombustorsGopal Ranjan2021
39Study on Performance and Cavitation Characterization of Centrifugal Pump ImpellerAshutosh Dwivedi2021
40Heat Transfer Enhancement in Fin and Tube Heat Exchanger using Punched Delta-Winglet Type Vortex GeneratorAmbuj Shukla2022
41CFD Analysis of the Slurry Erosion Wear in 90° Bend for Different Pipe MaterialsJay Singh Yadav2022
42CFD Analysis on the Aerodynamics Behavior of Slotted Swirl CombustorRajneesh Kumar Yadav2022
43Effect of Swirl on the Thermohydraulic Performance of Heat Exchanger with and without Nanofluid Swati Prajapati2022
44Comparative Assessment of Turbine Stage High Cycle Fatigue Risk from Full Stage AnalysisAraadhanaa Jha2023
45Computational Analysis of Active Soot Regeneration in Diesel Particulate FilterPremanjan Parida2023
46Numerical Investigation on Mitigating Slurry Erosion Wear in 90° Bend Pipe using Active Flow Control MethodZainab Khatoon2023
47Numerical Analysis for Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transfer Enhancement in Heat Exchanger Tube with Static SwirlersRaipilli Ashok Kumar2023
48Numerical Investigation of Coaxial Swirling Jets and Combustion Characteristics in Gas Turbine CombustorRoopak Baliyan 2024
49OngoingDevesh Shukla--/2025
B.Tech Students
1B.Tech. ProjectNaveen Kumar Himanshu 2017
2B.Tech. ProjectVarun Kumar Verma 2017
3B.Tech. ProjectVinay Chandra Joshi 2017
4B.Tech. ProjectUmesh Barnwal 2017
5B.Tech. ProjectAditya Rastogi 2017
6B.Tech. ProjectMahesh Kumar 2019
7B.Tech. ProjectRakesh Kumar 2019
8B.Tech. ProjectRaghav Srivastav2019
9B.Tech. ProjectYashvardhan Pal Singh Jadan2019