Samir Saraswati

Samir Saraswati

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: samir[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532-2271518(O) 8004926324(M)

Thesis Supervised

S.No Research Topic Name of Student Completion/Registration Year
Ph.D. Completed:
1Cylinder pressure estimation for SI engine using crankshaft speed fluctuationsDr. Syed Abbas Ali2015
2Study of cycle to cycle variations in engine fuelled with natural gas and gasolineDr. Pawan Kumar Singotia2017
3Performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with Ether/Alcohol/Diesel blendsDr. Jitendra Gangwar2017
4Effect of gasoline ethanol blends and lubricants on spark plug deposit characteristics and adsorption/desorption process of SI engineDr. Garima Kushwaha2021
5Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Thermal Performance of Air-Cooled Lithium-Ion Battery Packs with Different Cell Arrangement StructuresSatya Prakash Verma2024
Ph.D. Ongoing
1Energy Management of Lithium-Ion batteries.Mr. Chandresh Tripathi2019
M.Tech Students
1Experimental Investigation of Deposits on Spark Plug using Ethanol Blended Gasoline and Different Lubricating OilsPradeep Kumar Gupta2017
2 Combustion Modeling and Experimental Validation of CI Engine Performance and Combustion using Multi-Blended Diesel FuelsRahul Chauhan2017
3 Effect of Lubricating Oils on Hydrocarbon Emission in SI EnginesChandra Kishore Yadav2016
4Stability and Performance Analysis of CI engine fuelled with DME based Dieshol blend Vikas Kumar2016
5Linearized Neural Model for Turbocharged Diesel EngineGovind Varshney2015
6Energy Input/Output Analysis of Biodiesel fuelled multi-cylinder Diesel engineArvind Kumar Madheshiya2015
7A study of the in cylinder flow of SI engines using CFDRavikant Brar2014
8 A comparative study of performance and emission from diesel and biodiesel fuelled engine.Ravikumar Gupta2014
9Modelling and control of turbocharged diesel engine.Garima Kushwaha2014
10Novel PI control strategy to control turbocharged diesel engineKhushbu Yadav2013
11Investigation of in-cylinder flow for SI engine using CFDAshish Agrahari2013
12 Development of a multizone model for SI engine Ayushi Bansal2013
13Development of a Two zone model for predicting performance of SI engine fuelled with CNGArvind Katyayan2013
14 CFD Analysis of airflow through intake manifold of spark ignition engineArvind Kumar Verma2013
15Analysis of unsteady flow through a throttle valve of IC engine during transient operationRangesh Pandey2012
16A study of flow pattern inside the combustion chamber for different piston shapes using CFDManikandan M.2012
17A study of flow pattern inside the combustion chamber for different intake valve lift using CFDAnantha Krishnan2012
18 Diesel Engine ControlParmeshwara Rao2012
19Two zone combustion analysis of alternate fuels for SI enginesAshish Sharma2011
20Air Path Modelling of Diesel Engine Using Artificial IntelligencePawan Kumar Singotia2010
21AI based fault tolerant control system for SI engineDharmendra Kumar Dangi2010
22Fuzzy identification of SI engine dynamics for AFR ControlSankalp Marghade2010
23Modeling of Vapor Jet Refrigeration SystemShivaji Dahiya2009
24Prediction of Nitric Oxide in SI EngineGanapathi S. Kanaji2008
25Spark Advance control using ionization currentDeepak Parate2008
26Nonlinear control of spark ignition engine Lokesh Kumar Gupta2008
27Modeling, Simulation and Control of Boiler.Alok Singh Mehar2007
28Closed loop control of Spark Advance for Spark Ignition Engine based on cylinder pressureSridama Yadava2004
29Modeling and Simulation of Spark Ignition Engine for Fuel Injection Control.Nand Lal2004
30Thermodynamic Analysis of Intercooled Gas-Steam Combined and Steam Injected Gas Turbine Power PlantsSunil Kumar Jhumare2004
31Thermodynamic Evaluation of Humidified Air Turbine (HAT) Cycle.Pawan Krishan Dwivedi2004
32Ignition Management in Modern Spark Ignition EnginesArvind Kumar Srivastava2003
33Fuel Management in Modern Spark Ignition EnginesPrateek Agarwal2003
34Thermo-Economic Analysis of Combined CyclePriyesh Srivastava2003
35Performance Prediction of Hydrogen Fuelled Combustion Turbine Cycle for Power GenerationNagendra Prasad Yadava2003
36Comparative Thermodynamic Analysis of Combined and Steam Injected Gas Turbine Cycles.Pradeep Kumar2003
37Misfire Detection In A Spark Ignition EngineVinay Kumar Sahoo2018
38Artificial Intelligence Approach For The Prediction Of Performance And Exhaust Emission In SI Engine Using Ethanol- Gasoline BlendsRamendra Pratap Gond2018
39Thermal Investigation of Li-Ion Battery Pack with Different Cell Arrangement StructuresShailesh Yadav2020
40Mathematical modelling and thermal analysis of lithium ion batterySamar Singhal2020
41Development of variable flow oil pump for improving the fuel efficiency on BS VI diesel engine applicationHimanshu Bharati2020
42State of Charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries using deep learning neural network.Deepti Joshi 2021