Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: sahadeo[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 05322271257(O) 05322271759(R) 9453256043(M)
S.No | Research Topic | Name of Student | Completion/Registration Year | Ph.D. Completed: |
1 | A Study of RSA type Cryptosystem and its Weak Keys | Mr. Navneet Kumar Ojha | 2012/2008 |
2 | Some Variants of ID-Based Proxy Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairing | Mr. Rajeev Ananad Sahu | 2013/2008 |
3 | A Study of Proxy Signatures and their Variants | Mrs. Namita Tiwari | 2013/2009 |
4 | A Study of NTRU Lattice Based Cryptography | Ms. Sonika Singh | 2020/2014 |
5 | Lattice Based Digital Signature Signature Schemes with Additional Functionalities | Ms. Swati Rawal | 2022/2017 |
6 | A Study of Multivariate Signature Schemes | Mr. Satyam Omer (Joint supervision with Dr. Dhananjoy Dey, IIIT Lucknow) | 2023/2019 | Ph.D. Ongoing |
1 | A Study of Lattice Based Cryptography | Mr Ramakant Kumar | Sept.2020 |
2 | Secure Computations with Post Quantum Security | Mr. Rohitkumar Rameshchandra Upadhyay | Jan. 2022 |
3 | Functional Analysis | Ms. Sonu Bai ( Cosupervisor with Dr Prashant Majee) | June 2021 |
4 | Functional Analysis | Mr. Sumit Gupta (Co-supervisor with Dr Prashant Majee) | Jan. 2022 |
5 | Cryptographic Primitives using Zero-knowledge Proofs | Shubham Khurana | July 2023 |
6 | Post Quantum Cryptography (Doing course work) | Pragati Pandey | Aug. 2024 |
7 | Cryptography (Doing Course Work) | Bikki Gond | Aug. 2024 | M.Sc. Students |
1 | Pell Equation and Its Application | Aditya Mani Mishra | 2010 |
2 | A Review on Some Digital Signatures | Gourav Tripathi | 2011 |
3 | A Review on RSA Based Blind Signature | Rajat Tripathi | 2012 |
4 | Certificate-less Proxy Signature | Ishita Gupta | 2013 |
5 | Diffie – Hellman Protocol | Ragini Tripathi | 2013 |
6 | Geometry of Riemann-Stieltjes Integral | Schindhiya Laxmi | 2015 |
7 | A Study of RSA and It’s Variants | Swati Rawal | 2016 |
8 | Mean Value Theorem | Rupali Pandey | 2016 |
9 | A Lattice based Cryptosystem : NTRU | Pranjal Ojha | 2017 |
10 | The ElGamal Cryptosystem | Satyam Omar | 2018 |
11 | A Study of Classical Cryptosystem and Secret Writing in Hindi Devnagri Script | Vipin Kumar | 2018 |
12 | Mode of Operations in Block Cipher | Ramakant Kumar | 2019 |
13 | Factoring Based Digital Signature | Amit Kumar | 2019 |
14 | Discrete Logarithm Problem and its Applications for Secure Communication | Yashika Agrawal | 2021 |
15 | Factoring Problem and its Applications for Secure Communication | Mohd Ahsan | 2021 |
16 | 3rd Stage Machine Learning | Sudhanshu Mishra | 2022 |
18 | Hash Function | 19. Anshdev Mishra | 2023 |
19 | Stream Cipher for Secure Communication | Deeksha Mishra | 2023 |