Manoj Kumar Gupta [ M. K. Gupta]

Manoj Kumar Gupta [ M. K. Gupta]

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: mkgupta[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532 2271529(O) 0532-2271710(R) 09454029454(M)

Thesis Supervised

S.No Research Topic Name of Student Completion/Registration Year
Ph.D. Completed:
1Preparation and characterization of Sisal/Epoxy biocomposites: Effect of eco-friendly treatment and coatingParul Sahu (2016RME06)2020/2016
2Synthesis and characterization of epoxy based hybrid wood particulates composites Zahid Khan (2016058002)2020/2016
3Nanocellulose from Hemp Fibres and its Epoxy based Bionanocomposites: Synthesis, Analysis and CharacterizationSunil Singh Rana, (2017RME07)2021/2017
4Sugarcane Bagasse Nanofibres Reinforced PLA Composites for Packaging ApplicationsRaj Kumar Gond (2018RME51) 2021/2018
5Development of Aluminium Alloy based Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites: Properties, Characterization and MachiningPankaj Kumar Gupta (2016RME09)2021/2016
Ph.D. Ongoing
1Preparation and Characterization of Green Nanocomposites for Sustainable ProductsAbhishek Gaikwad (P19ME012)/2019
2Nanocellulose and its composites for various advance applicationsAlok Kumar Trivedi (2021RME03)/2021
M.Tech Students
1Mechanical and thermal characterization of sisal fibre reinforced polymer compositeTanveer Alam (2012PD01)2014/2012
2Mechanical and viscoelastic properties of polymer composite using banana/sisal fibreAvinash Kumar (2012PD11)2014/2012
3Short sisal fibre reinforced epoxy composite: Fabrication, mechanical and wear propertiesHariom Mourya (2013PR15)2015/2013
4Manufacturing of short jute fibre reinforced epoxy composite: Mechanical and wear behaviour.Himanshu Bisaria (2013PR21)2015/2013
5Short sisal fibre reinforced epoxy composite: Thermal and Dynamic mechanical analysis.Sunil Singh Rana (2014TH10)2016/2014
6Investigations on glass fibre reinforced epoxy composite.Kunwar Rohit, (2014PR10)2016/2014
7Copper and graphite electrode performance in EDM of die steel. Punit Kumar Sonker (2014PR21)2016/2014
8Investigations on coated fibre reinforced polymer composite.Rohit Singh (2015DN03)2017/2015
9Effect of chemical treatments on mechanical properties of sisal composite.Raj Kumar Gond (2015DN08)2017/2015
10Water absorption and its influence on properties of hybrid glass/sisal polyester composite.Vipul Deep (2015 PR08)2017/2015
11FEA of hybrid fibres reinforced polymer composites using ABAQUS. Vivek Patel (2015CC08)2017/2015
12Preparation and characterization of hybrid shorea Robusta/teak wood reinforced polymer composites.Nitin Jain (2016PD16)2018/2016
13Investigations on hybrid shorea Robusta/mango wood reinforced polymer composites.Mohit Saxena (2016PR06)2018/2016
14Optical and mechanical evaluations of glass composite for sustainable products.Jeevesh Kumar Prajapati (2017PD16)2019/2017
15Bio-based coated jute fibre reinforced composites for sustainable products.Arun Kumar Yadav (2017PD14)2019/2017
16Mechanical and Vibration analysis of sisal biocompositesSamit Kumar (2018DN12)2020/2018
17Extraction of nanocellulose as a potential reinforcement for filmsArjun Kumar (2019PD050)2021/2019
18Preparation and characterization of nanocellulose biocompositesAlok Kumar Verma (2019DN03)2021/2019
19Preparation and characterization of biodegradable nanocellulose filmsSaini Malik (2019PD15)2021/2019
20Development and characterization of nanocellulose for energy storage devices.Umarav Singh (2020PD20)2022/2020
21Antibacterial properties and characterization of nanocellulose for advanced applicationsYash Vishnoi (2020PD23)2022/2020
22Investigation on Performance of Bio Composites: Effect of Addition of Hollow Glass MicrospheresAmarjeet Singh (2021CC27)2023/2021
23A Novel Cooling Plate Design of Battery Pack Module and its comparison with the already commercialized Cooling Plates Designs using Simulation ToolRatnesh Pandey2024
24Hybrid Nanomaterials Composite Films: Characterization and ApplicationsShubham Gupta2024
B.Tech Students
1Comparative evaluation on properties of banana fibre reinforced polymer compositeGurupreet Singh, K M Gupta and A Kumar2014
2Fabrication and modelling of helmet using fibre reinforced polymer compositesMahendra Singh, P Bhartee and R K Ram2015
3Study on wear properties of glass fibre reinforced polymer composite using developed wear test set-upUmang Jain, P Kumar and N Gaurav2016
4Wear property of sisal fibre reinforced polymer composite: Fabrication and testingUttkarsh Singh, S Yadav and S Singh2016
5Design and fabrication of a low cost wear testing machineHimanshu Singh, G Patel, V N Jha, B P Sharma and G Kumar2017
6Mini ball mill machine: Design, fabrication and applicationsRahul Singh, Syed Md. Ali, H Hanse, M Gurung and S Alam2018
7Design and fabrication of an affordable electric vehicle for the applications in urban, rural and industrial commutingAbhinav Gupta, SK Shivhare, SS Tomar and S verma2018
8Design and fabrication of portable water purifier using natural fibresDeepak Sengar, A Kumar, K Rathore and L Verma2019
9Preparation and testing of hybrid bio composites for acoustic applicationsAkash Jaiswal, A Khalik, Kuldeep, A Singh and R Kumar2019
10Development of paper recycling techniquesRaj Kumar & Amit Kumar2020
11Development of smart helmetAshutosh Kumar, Bhupesh Garg, Saurabh Kumar2020
12Design of a smart face shieldSegar Tiwari, Shivraj Meena & Sangita Brajraj2021
13FDM Based 3d Printer for the Development of Bio-NanocompositesKanak Agrawal, Rajat Gangwar, Kasat Siddhi Sunil, Pankaj Kumar2023/2019