Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: deepak_kumar[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: +91-532-2271401(O)

Thesis Supervised

S.No Research Topic Name of Student Completion/Registration Year
Ph.D. Completed:
1Internal model control based Load frequency control of power systems using model reductionBheem Sonker2019/2014
2Optimized Power Harvesting and controller design for Power electronics converter used in wind energy conversionAkhilesh Kumar Gupta2019/2013
3Reduced Order Modelling of Linear Time Invariant Systems using Stability Preservation MethodsChhabindra Nath Singh2022/2015
4Controller Design for Load frequency control of multi-area power systemsTejavath Veerendar 2023/2018
5Singular value decomposition based model reduction of large-scale systemsVineet Sharma2024/2019
Ph.D. Ongoing
1Fractional order system modelling and its applicationsShekhar Gehlaut2020
2Model order reduction and its applicationsKumari Kanchan2020
3Modelling and Controller Design for Complex SystemsKhushboo Kumari2022
4Modelling and Controller DesignNavneet Pathak2024
M.Tech Students
1Weighted order reduction using Schur balanced truncationRavi Dutt Pal2014/2011
2Frequency weighted model reduction with square-root balanced approachMithlesh Kumar2014/2011
3Model order reduction of continuous-time interval systems by frequency-domain methodsAnkit Sachan2015/2013
4Order reduction of discrete interval systems by stability preservation methodsManish Kumar Sharma2015/2013
5Optimized stabilization and tracking control of linear inverted pendulum systemAnkur Gupta2016/2014
6Swing up and stabilization of rotary inverted pendulum and its implementationNavdeep Kumar Singh2016/2014
7Model reduction of interval systems using stability-preservation approachSunil Kumar Gautam2019/2017
8Model reduction of power system models using balanced truncationDevendra Verma2019/2017
9Frequency-weighted model reduction using balanced truncationSatya Prakash Singh2019/2017
10Model reduction using frequency interval GramiansAbhisek Satapathi2019/2017
11Application of single-phase current source modular multi-level converter in induction heatingSuranjan Dey2019/2017
12Passivity preserving Frequency-weighted model reductionPraveen Rao2021/2019
13Cross Gramian based Frequency-limited model reductionAfroz Alam2021/2019
14Frequency domain model reduction of fractional-order systemsAyush Pagey2021/2019
15Stable approximants of continuous and discrete time interval systemSudhakar Kumar2022/2020
16Frequency and time interval gramians based truncated realizationPriya Sahu2022/2020
17Positive real frequency weighted model order reductionChetna Singhal2022/2020
18Pole-clustering based model reduction of large-scale systemsMirnal Singh Rawat2022/2020
19Modeling and Controller Design for Nuclear Power ReactorAmit Randhawa2023/2021
20Controller Design for Automatic Voltage Regulator in A Power SystemPallavi Kumari2023/2021
21Modeling and Controller Design for Reduced-Order Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel CellVinay Kumar2023/2021
22Optimal Scheduling in Home Energy Management System with Renewable Energy ResourcesRajarshi Singh2023/2021
23Reduced Order Modelling of Fractional Order Systems Using Oustaloup ApproximationAbhishek Kumar2024/2022
24Model Order Reduction of Interval Systems Using Iterative Routh ApproximantsSubrata Ghosh2024/2022
25Modelling And Controller Design for Dc-Dc ConvertersPrity Kumari 2024/2022