Ashutosh Kumar Upadhyay

Ashutosh Kumar Upadhyay

Associate Professor
Department of Applied Mechanics
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: ashutosh[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 5322271213(O) 5322271758(R)

Thesis Supervised

S.No Research Topic Name of Student Completion/Registration Year
Ph.D. Completed:
1Analysis of curved panels on rectangular and skew plan form (Co-Supervisor: Prof K.K. Shukla)Rajendra Bahadur2019/2013
2Experimental and Numerical Studies on Crashworthiness of Thin-Walled Grooved Tubes (Co-Supervisor: Dr. Ramesh Pandey)Sangharsh K. Singh 2024/2016
3Impact and post-impact behavior of single and multi-core honeycomb composite sandwich panels (Co-Supervisor: Prof. K.K. Shukla)Akhileshwar Pandey 2024/2018
Ph.D. Ongoing
1Low Velocity Impact and Energy absorption in Composite Sandwich Structures with Corrugated cores (Co-Supervisor: Prof. K.K. Shukla)Ashutosh Singh /2019
2Orthopaedic Biomechanics (Supervisor: Dr. A.K. Tiwari)Ratnesh Ranjan Srivastava/2021
3Multiphase flow and Optimization (Supervisor: Dr. Anubhav Rawat)Ankit Prakash/2021
M.Tech Students
1Linear static analysis of laminated composite skew platesPraveen Kumar2009
2Modeling and characterization of elastic properties of CNT NanocompositesKuldeep Saxena2010
3Static analysis of Doubly Curved laminated composite Panels on Rectangular Plan form. Ambuj Sharma2010
4Nonlinear dynamic response of laminated composite plates subjected to blast loadingSachin Kumar2010
5Low-velocity impact analysis of laminated composite platesS.M. Vishwanath2011
6Dynamic analysis of laminated composite skew platesK.V. Kulkarni2011
7Analysis of tapered laminated composite plates. S.C.Srivastava2011
8Low-velocity impact analysis of laminated composite stiffened plates.M.N.Javed2011
9Effective moduli of CNT reinforced composite with wavy CNT fibreRashank Sharma 2011
10Buckling analysis of laminated composite skew plates with and without cut-outPankaj Upadhyay 2012
11Stress analysis for an infinite plate with circular holes. Soni Kumari 2012
12Energy absorption by sandwich plates with hollow pyramidal truss coresRameez2013
13Post-buckling analysis of laminated composite skew plates with geometric imperfectionBharat Bhushan Sharma2013
14Post-buckling analysis of FGM skew plates with geometric imperfectionArvind Kumar Singh2013
15Energy absorption by circular tubes subjected to oblique loadingMd. Reyaz-Ur-Rahim2013
16Energy absorption in metallic thin-walled tubes Abhinav Srivastava2014
17Energy absorption in filled metallic thin-walled tubes Ishant Chandra2014
18Nonlocal analysis of orthotropic plates Vikash Yadav2014
19Nonlinear static analysis of functionally graded sandwich skew platesVinay Kumar Yadav 2014
20Energy absorption in thin-walled tubes subjected to bendingVirendra Kumar2014
21Instability of thin films: An Analytical ApproachAkash Srivastav2015
22Instability of thin films: Numerical SimulationRam Pratap Singh2015
23Experimental investigation of energy absorption in corrugated and grooved tubesAditya Kumar2016
24Analysis of skew plates with piezoelectric layersAshish Kumar Singh2016
25Static analysis of doubly curved sandwich panel on rectangular plan-formSaurabh Singh2016
26Dynamic analysis of functionally graded curved sandwich panelsTarun Kumar2017
27Linear static analysis of functionally graded sandwich curved panelsSudhir K. Singh2017
28Ballistic impact on sandwich platesManish K. Singh2017
29Experimental study on the dynamic response of corrugated sheet subjected to low-velocity impactAmit Vikram Rex2018
30Simulation and Analysis of Light Weight Bullet Proof PatkaMd. Shibli2018
31A numerical investigation of energy absorption in thin-walled grooved tubes subjected to quasi-static (loading) and low-velocity impactRanjeet Kr. Nayak2018
32Numerical Simulation of the Lightning strike on composite laminatesSudhir Pralhadrao Wakle2019
33Energy Absorption Behaviour of Corrugated Core SandwichAshutosh Singh 2019
34Low-Velocity Impact Analysis and Energy Absorption Behaviour of Honeycomb Core SandwichArurendra Pratap 2019
35Metal Additive Design Optimization, Analysis, and Development of CT X-RAY Collimator (Internship at GE)Basant Rawat2020
36Woven Fabric for Protection Against StabbingVivek Kumar2020
37Energy absorption in honeycomb sandwich structure subjected to oblique impactAnkit Singh Chandel 2021
38Woven fabric for protection against stabbing Sahil Kashyap 2021
39Projectile Penetration into Geo MediaSriharsha Pentyala 2021
40Numerical Analysis of Projectile Impact on Concrete and Granular MediaGourisankar Satapathy2022
41Trajectory Simulation of projectile Dropped From Moving Objects flows using CFDRohan Kumar Mishra2022
42Computational modeling of cellular structure used for impact protection and energy absorptionRupali Agrawal2022
43A Parametric Study of Avian Impact on Composite Wind Turbine BladesPrithviraj Deepak Naik2023
44Hail Impact on Wind Turbine BladesVivek Kumar Singh2023
B.Tech Students
1Crashworthiness of circular tubes with functionally graded corrugationsDeepak Agrawal, Affan Khan, Akash Yadav2015
2Analysis of energy absorption characteristics of S-framesDeepak Gupta, Aniruddha, Dip Jung Thapa2015
3Crashworthiness of Corrugated Tubes Subjected to Axial and Oblique ImpactSharad Rawat, Anirudh Narayanan, Theerthana Nagendiran2016
4Study of safety barriers and their design methodologyYatin Maini, Umang Jaiswal, Rafa Mahzabeen2016
5Fabrication of Hybrid Sled Testing Model and Finite Element Analysis for Full-Scale Testing.Kishan Kanhaiya, Bishal Subedi, Kishlay Kumar, Nikhil Chaudhary2019