Dr. Rakesh Kumar

Dr. Rakesh Kumar

Assistant Professor
School of Management Studies
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: rakesh[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 7887277555(O)

Present Appointments Held

Member, Working Group, Central Library, MNNIT Allahabad (since 12/04/2022 )
Convener, Departmental Master Program Committee (DMPC) (Since 28/08/2023)
Member Departmental Doctoral Program Committee (DDPC) (Since 28/08/2023)
Member Department Under Graduate Committee (DUGC) (Since 28/08/2023)
Faculty-in-charge, Placements (SMS) (Since 07/01/2024)

Past Appointments Held

Convener Departmental Time Table Committee (2019-21)
Member, Departmental Library Committee (2019-21)
Member Departmental Doctoral Selection Committee
Member Departmental Masters Selection Committee
Member Departmental Doctoral Program Committee (DDPC) (2021-23)
Member Department Under Graduate Committee (DUGC) (2021-23)
Coordinator Examination Committee (SMS) (2021-23)
Coordinator Behavioral Dynamics Lab (2021-23)
Member, Library & Learning Resource Committee (LLRC), Central Library, MNNIT Allahabad (since 04/05/2022)
Coordinator Examination Committee (SMS)(Since 28/08/2023 to 07/01/2024)