Prof. Raj Mohan Singh

Prof. Raj Mohan Singh

Department of Civil Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: rajm[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 1314(O) 1741(R) 6387867960(M)

Present Appointments Held

Member, Departmental Faculty Advisory Committee (DFAC)
External member, DUGC in the department Chemical Engineering
Professor and Head, Civil Engineering Department

Past Appointments Held

Associate Dean [Faculty Welfare]
Deputy Dean [Academic]
Warden, S. V. Patel Hostel
Warden, M. M. Malviya Hostel
Deputy Centre In‐charge at MNNIT Allahabad for joint counselling for B.Tech programmes in various IITs/ISM/NITs/IIITs/GFTIs for Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB)
Centre In‐charge at MNNIT Allahabad for Centralized Counselling for M. Tech./M. Arch./M. Plan. programmes, in various National Institute of Technology NITs across the country and some Centrally Funded Technical Institutions
Convener, Departmental Doctoral Program Committee (DDPC)
Convener, Departmental Master Program Committee (DMPC)
Member, Department Purchase Committee (DPC)
Member, Department B.Tech. Project Evaluation Committee
External member, DDPC in the department of Biotechnology
External member, DDPC in the department of Chemistry
OC, Geology Lab