Dr. Abhinav Kumar

Dr. Abhinav Kumar

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: abhik[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 9905456591(O)

Research Publications

Book Chapter:

Brijendra Pratap Singh, Abhinav Kumar, Dibya Ranjan Das Adhikari, Jitesh Pradhan, Durgesh Singh, and Debahuti Mishra. "Fundamental Theories Behind the Detection of Fake News and Rumors." In Cybercrime in Social Media, pp. 1-22. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Dibya, Ranjan Das Adhikary, Jitesh Pradhan, Abhinav Kumar, and Brijendra Pratap Singh. "A Multilingual Review of Hate Speech Detection in Social Media Content." In Cybercrime in Social Media, pp. 85-106. Chapman and Hall/CRC.


Abhinav Kumar and Jyoti Prakash Singh. "Deep neural networks for location reference identification from Bilingual disaster-related tweets." IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (2022). (SCIE) (IF = 4.5)

Abhinav Kumar, Jyoti Prakash Singh, and Amit Kumar Singh. "COVID-19 fake news detection using ensemble-based deep learning model." IT Professional 24, no. 2 (2022): 32-37. (SCIE) (IF = 2.2)

Abhinav Kumar, Jyoti Prakash Singh, Nripendra P. Rana, and Yogesh K. Dwivedi. "Multi-Channel Convolutional Neural Network for the Identification of Eyewitness Tweets of Disaster." Information Systems Frontiers 25, no. 4 (2023): 1589-1604. (SCIE) (IF = 6.9)

Abhinav Kumar, Jyoti Prakash Singh, and Amit Kumar Singh. "Randomized convolutional neural network architecture for eyewitness tweet identification during disaster." Journal of Grid Computing 20, no. 3 (2022): 20. (SCIE) (IF = 3.6)

Roy, Pradeep Kumar, and Abhinav Kumar. "Early prediction of COVID-19 using ensemble of transfer learning." Computers and Electrical Engineering 101 (2022): 108018. (SCIE) (IF = 4.0)

Abhinav Kumar, Jyoti Prakash Singh, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, and Nripendra P. Rana. "A deep multi-modal neural network for informative Twitter content classification during emergencies." Annals of Operations Research (2020): 1-32. (SCI) (IF = 4.4)

Abhinav Kumar, and Jyoti Prakash Singh. "Location reference identification from tweets during emergencies: A deep learning approach." International journal of disaster risk reduction 33 (2019): 365-375. (SCIE) (IF = 4.2)

Singh, Jyoti Prakash, Abhinav Kumar, Nripendra P. Rana, and Yogesh K. Dwivedi. "Attention-based LSTM network for rumor veracity estimation of tweets." Information Systems Frontiers (2020): 1-16. (SCIE) (IF = 6.9)

Pandey, Rajnish, Abhinav Kumar, Jyoti Prakash Singh, and Sudhakar Tripathi. "Hybrid attention-based long short-term memory network for sarcasm identification." Applied Soft Computing 106 (2021): 107348. (SCIE) (IF = 7.2)

Roy, Pradeep Kumar, Abhinav Kumar, Jyoti Prakash Singh, Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi, Nripendra Pratap Rana, and Ramakrishnan Raman. "Disaster related social media content processing for sustainable cities." Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021): 103363. (SCIE) (IF = 10.5)

Singh, Jyoti Prakash, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Nripendra P. Rana, Abhinav Kumar, and Kawaljeet Kaur Kapoor. "Event classification and location prediction from tweets during disasters." Annals of Operations Research 283 (2019): 737-757. (SCI) (IF = 4.4)

Singh, Ashish, Abhinav Kumar, Zahid Akhtar, and Muhammad Khurram Khan. "Guest Editorial: Cybersecurity Intelligence in the Healthcare System." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 19, no. 1 (2022): 809-812. (SCIE) (IF = 11.7)

Shikhar Biradar, Sunil Saumya, Abhinav Kumar, & Ashish Singh, A. (2022). Pradvis vac: A socio-demographic dataset for determining the level of hatred severity in a low-resource Hinglish language. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing. (SCIE) (IF = 1.8)

Abhinav Kumar, Sunil Saumya, and Ashish Singh, (2023). Detecting Dravidian Offensive Posts in MIoT: A Hybrid Deep Learning Framework. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing. (SCIE) (IF = 1.8)

Ashish Singh, Abhinav Kumar, and Suyel Namasudra, (2022).DNACDS: Cloud Data Security and Accessing Scheme Based on DNA Cryptography, Frontiers of Computer Science, Springer, (2022), DOI: 10.1007/s11704-022-2193-3, (SCIE) (IF = 3.4)

Ravishankar Mehta, Sindhuja Shukla, Jitesh Pradhan, Koushlendra Kumar Singh, Abhinav Kumar, A vision transformer-based automated human identification using ear biometrics, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 78, 2023, 103599, ISSN 2214-2126, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jisa.2023.103599. (IF = 3.8)

Debendra Muduli, Rakesh Ranjan Kumar, Jitesh Pradhan & Abhinav Kumar. An empirical evaluation of extreme learning machine uncertainty quantification for automated breast cancer detection. Neural Computing & Applications (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-023-08992-1 (IF = 4.5)

Pradeep Kumar Roy, Abhinav Kumar, Ashish Singh, and Arun Kumar Sangaiah. Forecasting Bitcoin Prices using Deep Learning for Consumer Centric Industrial Applications. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. (IF = 4.3)

Roy, Soumen, Jitesh Pradhan, Abhinav Kumar, Dibya Ranjan Das Adhikary, Utpal Roy, Devadatta Sinha, and Rajat Kumar Pal. "A systematic literature review on latest keystroke dynamics based models." IEEE Access (2022). (IF = 3.4)

Santosh Kumar Sharma, Debendra Muduli, Rojalina Priyadarshini, Rakesh Ranjan Kumar, Abhinav Kumar, Jitesh Pradhan, An evolutionary supply chain management service model based on deep learning features for automated glaucoma detection using fundus images, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 128, 2024, 107449, ISSN 0952-1976, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2023.107449 (IF = 7.5)

Abhinav Kumar, Jyoti Kumari, and Jitesh Pradhan. Explainable Deep Learning for Mental Health Detection from English and Arabic Social Media Posts. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing. (2023) (SCIE) (IF = 1.8)

Abhinav Kumar, Jyoti Prakash Singh, and Amit Kumar Singh. Explainable BERT-LSTM Stacking for Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. (SCIE) (IF = 4.5)

Saumya, Sunil, Abhinav Kumar, and Jyoti Prakash Singh. "Filtering offensive language from multilingual social media contents: A deep learning approach." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 133 (2024): 108159. (SCIE) (IF = 7.5)

Sunil Dalal, Jyoti Prakash Singh, Arvind Kumar Tiwari, Abhinav Kumar . "Identification of COVID-19 with CT Scans using Radiomics and DL-based Features." Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, Springer, (2024). (IF = 2.0)

Biswas, Amit, Gaurav Baranwal, and Abhinav Kumar . "A Blockchain-Based Framework to Resolve the Oligopoly Issue in Cloud Computing." IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (2024). (IF = 6.5)

Roy, Pradeep Kumar, Abhinav Kumar , and Ashish Singh. "Advanced Learning for Phishing URLs Detection to Secure Consumer-Centric Applications." IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (2024). (IF = 4.3)

Pandey, Rajnish, Abhinav Kumar, Jyoti Prakash Singh, and Sudhakar Tripathi. "A hybrid convolutional neural network for sarcasm detection from multilingual social media posts." Multimedia Tools and Applications (2024): 1-29. (IF = 3.0)

Jitesh Pradhan, Ashish Singh, Abhinav Kumar, Muhammad Khurram Khan. "Skin lesion classification using modified deep and multi-directional invariant handcrafted features." Journal of Network and Computer Applications (2024). (IF = 7.7)

Ashish Singh, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Abhinav Kumar. "Guest Editorial: Advanced Learning Intelligence in Quantum-Enabled Consumer Applications." IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (2024). (IF = 4.3)

Pradeep Kumar Roy and Abhinav Kumar. "Ensuring safety in digital spaces: Detecting code-mixed hate speech in social media posts" Data & Knowledge Engineering (2025). (IF = 2.7)

Conference Proceedings:

Abhinav Kumar, Jyoti Prakash Singh, and Nripendra P. Rana. Authenticity of geo-location and place name in tweets.” In 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)”, (2017). (Scopus Indexed).

Abhinav Kumar, Jyoti Prakash Singh, and Sunil Saumya. A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Disaster-Related Tweet Classification. In 2019 IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (47129), pp. 222-227. IEEE, (2019). DOI: 10.1109/R10-HTC47129.2019.9042443.

Abhinav Kumar and Jyoti Prakash Singh. Disaster severity prediction from Twitter Images., Doctoral Symposium on Intelligence Enabled Research (DoSIER), Springer, (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9290-4_7.

Abhinav Kumar and Nemi Chandra Rathore. “Relationship strength based access control in online social networks.” In Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems: Volume 2, pp. 197-206. Springer, Cham, (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-30927-9_20.

Abhinav Kumar, and Jyoti Prakash Singh. "Demonetization in India: Good or Bad in Context of Social Media." In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering (ICACSE). (2019), http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3349021

Abhinav Kumar, Sunil Saumya, and Jyoti Prakash Singh. (2020). NITP-AI-NLP@ HASOC-Dravidian-CodeMix-FIRE2020: A Machine Learning Approach to Identify Offensive Languages from Dravidian Code-Mixed Text. In FIRE (Working Notes) (pp. 384-390).

Abhinav Kumar, Sunil Saumya, and Jyoti Prakash Singh. (2020). NITP-AI-NLP@ HASOC-FIRE2020: Fine Tuned BERT for the Hate Speech and Offensive Content Identification from Social Media. In FIRE (Working Notes) (pp. 266-273). (Scopus Indexed).

Abhinav Kumar, Sunil Saumya, and Jyoti Prakash Singh. (2020). NITP-AI-NLP@ Dravidian-CodeMix-FIRE2020: A Hybrid CNN and Bi-LSTM Network for Sentiment Analysis of Dravidian Code-Mixed Social Media Posts. In FIRE (Working Notes) (pp. 582-590). (Scopus Indexed).

Abhinav Kumar, Sunil Saumya, and Jyoti Prakash Singh (2020). NITP-AI-NLP@ UrduFake-FIRE2020: Multi-layer Dense Neural Network for Fake News Detection in Urdu News Articles. In FIRE (Working Notes) (pp. 458-463). (Scopus Indexed).

Abhinav Kumar, Sunil Saumya, and Pradeep Kumar Roy, SOA_NLP@LT-EDI-ACL2022: An Ensemble Model for Hope Speech Detection from YouTube Comments, In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Association of Computer Linguistics, (2022). (Scopus Indexed).

Abhinav Kumar, Sunil Saumya and Jyoti Prakash Singh. (2021), An ensemble-based model for Sentiment Analysis of Dravidian Code-mixed Social Media Posts. In FIRE-2021 (Working Notes), (Scopus Indexed).

Abhinav Kumar, Pradeep Kumar Roy and Jyoti Prakash Singh. (2021), Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers for the COVID-19 vaccine stance classification. In FIRE-2021 (Working Notes), (Scopus Indexed).

Abhinav Kumar, Pradeep Kumar Roy and Jyoti Prakash Singh. (2021), A deep Learning Approach for Identification of Arabic Misogyny from Tweets. In FIRE-2021 (Working Notes), (Scopus Indexed).

Abhinav Kumar, Pradeep Kumar Roy and Sunil Saumya. (2021), An Ensemble Approach for Hate and Offensive Language Identification in English and Indo-Aryan Languages. In FIRE-2021 (Working Notes), (Scopus Indexed).

Abhinav Kumar, Sunil Saumya and Pradeep Kumar Roy. (2021), Abusive and Threatening Language Detection from Urdu Social Media Posts: A machine learning approach. In FIRE-2021 (Working Notes), (Scopus Indexed).

Abhinav Kumar and Jyoti Kumari, A Machine Learning Approach for Fake News Detection from Urdu Social Media Posts. In FIRE-2021 (Working Notes), (Scopus Indexed).

Anu Priya and Abhinav Kumar. (2021), Hate and Offensive content identification from Dravidian social media posts: A deep learning approach. In FIRE-2021 (Working Notes), (Scopus Indexed).

Jyoti Kumari and Abhinav Kumar. (2021), A Deep Neural Network-based Model for the Sentiment Analysis of Dravidian Code-mixed Social Media Posts. In FIRE-2021 (Working Notes), (Scopus Indexed).

Pradeep Kumar Roy and Abhinav Kumar. (2021), Sentiment Analysis on Tamil Code-Mixed Text using Bi-LSTM. In FIRE-2021 (Working Notes), (Scopus Indexed).

Snehaan Bhawal, Pradeep Roy and Abhinav Kumar. (2021). Hate Speech and Offensive Language Identification on Multilingual Code-Mixed Text using BERT. In FIRE-2021 (Working Notes), (Scopus Indexed).

Ankit Kumar Mishra, Sunil Saumya and Abhinav Kumar. (2021), Sentiment analysis of Dravidian-CodeMix language. In FIRE-2021 (Working Notes), (Scopus Indexed).

Jyoti Kumari and Abhinav Kumar (2021), Offensive Language Identification on Multilingual Code-Mixing Text, In FIRE-2021 (Working Notes), (Scopus Indexed).

Jyoti Kumari, R. Rajesh, and Abhinav Kumar. "Fusion of features for the effective facial expression recognition." In 2016 international conference on communication and signal processing (ICCSP), pp. 0457-0461. IEEE, (2016), DOI: 10.1109/ICCSP.2016.7754178. (Scopus Indexed).

Saumya, Sunil, Jyoti Prakash Singh, and Abhinav Kumar. "A Machine Learning Model for Review Rating Inconsistency in E-commerce Websites." In Data Management, Analytics and Innovation, pp. 221-230. Springer, Singapore, (2020), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5616-6_16. (Scopus Indexed).

Gunjan Kumar, Jyoti Prakash Singh, and Abhinav Kumar. “A Deep Multi-modal Neural Network for the Identification of Hate Speech from Social Media.” In Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society (pp. 670-680). Springer, Cham (2021, September), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85447-8_55. (Scopus Indexed).

Anu Priya and Abhinav Kumar. “Deep ensemble approach for COVID-19 fake news detection from social media.” In 2021 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), IEEE, (26-27 August, 2021) DOI: 10.1109/SPIN52536.2021.9565958, (Scopus Indexed).

Ashish Kumar Singh, Abhinav Kumar, and Zahid Akhtar. “Bitcoin price prediction: A deep learning approach.” In 2021 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), IEEE, (26-27 August, 2021), DOI: 10.1109/SPIN52536.2021.9565988, (Scopus Indexed).

Pradeep Kumar Roy and Abhinav Kumar. “Convolutional Neural Network for Text: A stepwise working guidance” In 2021 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (Yukthi), (24-26 September, 2021), http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3973041.

Suprakash Samantaray and Abhinav Kumar. “Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory Network for Fake News Detection from Social Media” In 2021 International Conference on Intelligent and Cloud Computing (ICICC-2021), (22-23 October, 2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9873-6_42. (Scopus Indexed).

Manswini Swain, Manish Biswal, Priya Raj, Abhinav Kumar, and Debahuti Mishra. “Hate and Offensive Language Identification from Social Media: A Machine Learning Approach” In 2021 International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing (ESIC-2021), (5-6 November, 2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9488-2_30.

Ankit Kumar Mishra, Sunil Saumya, and Abhinav Kumar (2020). IIIT_DWD@ HASOC 2020: Identifying offensive content in Indo-European languages. In FIRE (Working Notes) (pp. 266-273). (Scopus Indexed).

Sunil Saumya, Abhinav Kumar, and Jyoti Prakash Singh. (2021, April). Offensive language identification in Dravidian code mixed social media text. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages (pp. 36-45). (Scopus Indexed).

Rakshita Jain, Devanshi Goel, Prashant Sahu, Abhinav Kumar, and Jyoti Prakash Singh. (2021). Profiling Hate Speech Spreaders on Twitter. In CLEF. (Scopus Indexed).

Pradeep Kumar Roy, Snehaan Bhawal, Abhinav Kumar, and Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi, IIITSurat@LT-EDI-ACL2022: Hope Speech Detection using Machine Learning, In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Association of Computer Linguistics, (2022). (Scopus Indexed).

Jyoti Kumari and Abhinav Kumar, JA-NLP@LT-EDI-2023: Empowering Mental Health Assessment: A RoBERTa-Based Approach for Depression Detection, The Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 89-96, (2023)