Dr. Brij Kishor

Dr. Brij Kishor

Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Mechanics
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: bkishor[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: +91-5322271229(O) +91-9451953598(M)

Research Publications

Book Chapter:

Sachin Kumar, Brij Kishor, Ultrasound Added Additive Manufacturing for Metals and Composites: Process and Control, Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing of Composites (pp.53-72), DOI:10.1007/978-981-16-3184-9_3, 2021.


Brij Kishor, G. P. Chaudhari, S. K. Nath,Cavitation erosion of thermomechanically processed 13/4 martensitic stainless steel, Wear, 319, 150-159, 2014.
Brij Kishor, G. P. Chaudhari, S. K. Nath, Hot deformation characteristics of 13Cr-4Ni stainless steel using constitutive equation and processing map, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 25 2651-2660,2016.
Brij Kishor, G. P. Chaudhari, S. K. Nath, Slurry erosion of thermo- mechanically processed 13Cr4Ni stainless steel,Tribology International, 93 Part A,50-57,2016.
Brij Kishor, G. P. Chaudhari, S. K. Nath, Slurry erosion behaviour of thermomechanically treated 16Cr5Ni stainless steel, Tribology International, 119, 411-418,2018.
Brij Kishor, G. P. Chaudhari, S. K. Nath, Hot workability of 16Cr-5Ni stainless steel using constitutive equation and processing map, Materials Today: Proceedings, 5,17213–17222, 2018.
Y. K. Baghel, J. Kumar, Brij Kishor, A. Rawat V. K. Patel, Effect of hot forging on the slurry erosion wear of AISI 316 and AISI 410 Steel, Materials Today: Proceedings, 26 Part 2,1740-1745, 2020.
A. Bharti, Brij Kishor, G. Verma, R. Goutam, Prediction of wear characteristics of severe plastically deformed Al2024, Indian Journal of Scientific Research,17 (2), 74-76, 2017.

Conference Proceedings:

Brij Kishor, G. P. Chaudhari, S. K. Nath, Thermomechanical processing of 13/4 martensitic stainless steel, 3rd International conference on thermo-mechanical simulation and processing of steels, SAIL Ranchi India, 111-118, 12-14 December 2012.
Brij Kishor, G. P. Chaudhari, S. K. Nath, Processing map for thermomechanical processing of 13/4 martensitic stainless steel, National seminar on metallurgical problems in power projects in India, MNIT Jaipur India, 22-23 February 2013.
Brij Kishor, G. P. Chaudhari, S. K. Nath, Slurry erosion behaviour of thermo-mechanically processed 13/4 martensitic stainless steel, National conference on recent trends in materials engineering, BRCM College of Engineering & Technology, Bahal, Bhiwani Haryana India, 4- 5 October 2013.
Brij Kishor, G. P. Chaudhari, S. K. Nath, Hot deformation behaviour of 16Cr-5Ni martensitic stainless steel,International conference, Materials Science & Technology conference and exhibition 2015, MS and T 2015, 1, 909-916, 4-8 October 2015, (Scopus Indexed).
Brij Kishor, G. P. Chaudhari, S. K. Nath, Cavitation erosion behaviour of thermomechanically processed 16Cr5Ni stainless steel, National Tribology Conference 2016 NTC 2016, 8-10 December 2016, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India.
Brij Kishor, G. P. Chaudhari, S. K. Nath, Hot workability of 16Cr-5Ni stainless steel using constitutive equation and processing map, International conference on Advances in Materials & Processing: Challenges & Opportunities, AMPCO 2017, 30 November to 2 December 2017.