Vibhuti Tripathi

Vibhuti Tripathi

Associate Professor
School of Management Studies
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: vibhuti[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 053222711558(O) 9935249342(M)

Research Publications


Geetika, Sahu, G.P., Nandan, T., Singh, T., Ghosh, P., & Tripathi, V. (2016). “Management and Technology: New Horizons of Research”, ISBN (13) 978-93-392-2075-4, McGraw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Geetika, Nandan, T., Singh, T., Ghosh, P., & Tripathi, V. (2015). “Advances in Management and Technology: Mapping Strengths with Opportunities”, ISBN (13) 978-93-392-2075-4, McGraw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Vibhuti Tripathi, Pooja Dwivedi, Rakesh Kumar (2022), “Digital Marketing Insights”, ISBN 978-93-94779-47-1, Bharti Publications, New Delhi

Book Chapter:

Tripathi,V. & Chandra, T. (2021). Resurrection of Vicco: A case study towards understanding Brand Revitalization. In G. Muruganantham (Ed.). Sustainable Marketing (pp. 43-53). KK Publication
Tripathi,V. & Mishra, A. (2021). Can Captive Banking Behaviour Propel Habit: Study of Online Banking during COVID-19. In G. Muruganantham (Ed.). Sustainable Marketing (pp. 248-257). KK Publication
Tripathi, V. & Mishra, S. (2021). Clustering Luxury Market: Profiling Indian Consumers. . In G. Muruganantham (Ed.). Sustainable Marketing (pp. 151-161). KK Publication
Vibhuti T, Kumar, S. (2017).”Impact of Annual Family Income on Sanitation Adoption: A comparative study of rural areas of Jharkhand, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh”, “Second conference on Emerging Trends in Computing & Management Technologies, pp 42-45, ISBN:978-93-86176-68-4.
Tripathi, V., Tandon, A. & Kumar, S. (2016). Role of Social Marketing Interventions for Influencing Social Behaviour : A Study of Tobacco Use, Chapter in Edited book ” Management and Technology: New Horizons of Research”, pp 100-110, ISBN (13) 978-93-85965-78-4.
Tripathi, V., Kumar, S. & Agarwal, T (2016). “An Empirical Study of Advertising Effectiveness of Vodafone’s Zoo Zoo Advertisement”, Chapter in Edited book” First conference on Emerging Trends in Computing & Management Technologies” pp 54-58, ISBN 978-93-85477-65-2.
Kochhar, P., & Tripathi, V.(2016). “Technology Environment Scanning for Semi Organizaed Retailers in India”, Chapter in Edited book “Computer, Communication & Management Technologies ICCCMT-2016, pp 165-169, ISBN 978-93-86176-12-7.
Tripathi, V., & Tandon, A. (2015). “Understanding Mall Shopping Experiences: Examining the Effect of Mall Attractiveness of Shoppers in a Tier III”, Chapter in Edited book “Advances in Management and Technology: Mapping Strengths with Opportunities” pp 230-234, ISBN (13) 978-93-392-2075-4.
Tripathi V. & Tandon, A. (2014). Identifying Dimensions of Mall Attractiveness: A Study of Shoppers in Metro Cities of India, edited book ‘Changing Face of Modern Retail: The New Economic Order ‘ pp 460-468, ISBN 978-93-83842-39-1
Agrawal P.R., Tripathi V. , (2012) Synthesis of Implications on FDI in Retail Business : Need of the Hour, edited book ‘Emerging Trends and Challenges in Management’, pp 333-340, ISBN 978-93-82062-09-7
Agrawal P.R., Tripathi V., Nandan S. (2012) Market Environment for Vegetables in Ganga Basin of Uttar Pradesh: The Supply Chain Issues, edited Book ‘Emerging Marketing Paradigm’, pp 172-180, ISBN 978-93-82062-73-8
Tripathi, V., & Tandon, A. (2011) Revisiting Organizational Offerings – The Commercial Perspective of Experience, Edited book ‘Management Perspective: Emerging Trends and Leadership Challenges’, pp 240-244, ISBN 978-81-86098-06-6
Tripathi V., Sondhi S., (2010) Retail Branding: Process and Dimensions, Chapter in Edited book “Modern Trends in Indian Retail Industry”, pp 102-114.
Tripathi,V., Dwivedi, A. (2023). Macro-environment Analysis for Strategic Choice: A study of e-Commerce Start-ups in India. In S. Gupta, A.Gupta, & J. Kumar (Eds.). Building Resilience in Global Business During Crisis: An Emerging Market Perspective. (pp.58-78) Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group). 10.4324/9781032719870-5
Mishra, S., & Tripathi, V. (2022). Dealing With Ethical Dilemma: Interventions for Sales Force. InHandbook of Research on Ethnic, Racial, and Religious Conflicts and Their Impact on State and Social Security (pp. 298-316). IGI Global.10.4018/978-1-7998-8911-3 (Scopus Indexed)


Tripathi, V.; Rastogi, P. & Chandra, T. (2020). Unveiling Contemporary Dimensions Of Brand Revitalization Through Systematic Literature Review And Thematic Analysis. Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 19 (3), 3105-3134
Kumar, R., & Tripathi, V. (2022). Green advertising: Examining the role of celebrity’s credibility using SEM approach. Global Business Review, 0972150919862660. (ABDC-C, ESCI, Scopus Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.4)
Tripathi, V., Rastogi, P., & Kumar, S. (2018). Direct and Moderating Influence of Perceived Fit, Risk and Parent Brand Trust on Brand Extension Success of a Personal Care Brand in India. Global Business Review, 19(6), 1681-1692. . (ABDC-C, ESCI, Scopus Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.4)
Tripathi, V. and Kumar, S. (2017). Non-Users Have Different Expectations: A Modified SERVQUAL Approach To Urban Transport, in ‘Indian Journal of Economics & Business’, Vol. 16, No. 1. (Scopus Indexed , ABDC, till 2019)
Tripathi, V., Yadav, M. V., & Srivastava, M. A. (2017). Employer Branding: Strategic Move towards Attracting Young Talents. International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 4, 45-48.
Tripathi, V. and Kumar, S. (2016). Differential Effect of Government of India Initiative in Sanitation Awareness: A Study of Rural India, in Man in India, Vol. 97, No. 2.
Tripathi V et al., (2016). Purchase Intention towards Eco-friendly Electronic Products while incorporating Mediating Influence of Brand Image, in ‘International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, (Scopus Index Journal) Vol.14 No. 12.
Tripathi V. & Kumar S. (2016) Do Government Interventions Moderate Psycho-social Factors and Sanitation Behaviour? Study of Rural Uttar Pradesh in India, ‘The International Journal of Business & Management’, (ISSN 2321–8916), Vol 4 Issue 8.
Tandon A., Gupta, A. & Tripathi V. (2016) Managing Shopping Experience through Mall Attractiveness Dimensions: An Experience of Indian Metro Cities, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, vol. 28, Issue 4.(ABDC-A, SSCI, Scopus, Impact Factor: 4)
Tandon A., Gupta, A. & Tripathi V. (2016) The Viability of Benefit Segmentation in Tier II Cities of India - Identifying Benefits Sought by Indian Customers, International Journal of Business Innovation & Research, Vol. 10, No. 4, 501-518. (Scopus Indexed)
Tripathi V., Nema G. (2014) Service Quality Determinants for Public Transport and Use Intention: A Study of Commuters and Non-Commuters in India, Journal of Indian Transport, Institute of Urban Transport, 1(1), pp 50 – 58.
Tripathi V., Kumar A., (2013) Conquering the Spiralling Sponsorships through Ambush Marketing,
Tripathi V., Rastogi, P. (2012) Brand Architecture of Indian Hotels Company Limited: Perspectives and Strategies, International Journal of Management and Computing Sciences Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 34-45.
Tripathi V., Nema, G., (2012) Measuring Service Quality in Indian Public Transport System: A Comprehensive Review, Asia Pacific Marketing Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, 34 – 45
Tripathi V., Tandon A., Kumar A., (2011) Identifying New Organizational Offerings through User Experience: Case of Nokia N8, Indian Journal of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, vol. 7
Pathak S., Tripathi V., (2010) Recruitment and Retention of Sales-force in Indian Insurance Sector : An Empirical Study, Udyog Pragati, The Journal of Practicing Managers, National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, (October – December) Vol. 34, no. 4.
Agrawal P.R., Tripathi V (2010) Customer Loyalty Programs in Retail: Gauging Attitude of Indian Shoppers, The Journal of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, vol. 6, pp 32-60
Tripathi V., Sondhi S., Kumar A, (2010) Technology Adoption: Case Study of Organized and Semi-organized Retailers in India, VIRTUE Journal of Management, vol. 1, pp 36-45.
Tripathi, V., Ghosh, P., Saini, S., Agrawal S., (2010) Profiling Indian Shoppers: an exploratory study of organized retail, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Inderscience, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 669 – 683. (ESCI, Impact Factor: 1.1)
Pathak, S., Tripathi V. (2010). Sales Force Turnover: An Exploratory Study of Indian Insurance Sector, Management, Faculty of Management, University of Primoska, Koper, Czechoslovakia, vol. 5, no. 1, spring, pp. 3 – 19.
Ghosh, P., Tripathi, V. & Kumar, A. (2010). Customer Expectations of Store Attributes: A Study of Organized Retail Outlets in India, Journal of Retail Leisure Property, Palgrave, Vol.9 pp.75-87.
Ghosh, P., Tripathi, V., Saini, S. and Agrawal, S. (2009). Shopping Orientation and Behavioural Patterns of Indian Consumers: Study of a Tier II City, International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, Inderscience, Vol. 2, No.2 pp. 121 – 136. (Scopus-Indexed)
Tripathi V., Kumar A. (2009). Consumption Patterns in Food and Beverages: A Study of Indian FMCG Sector during Economic Slowdown, The Indian Journal of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, Vol. 5, pp. 37-56.
Tripathi V., Sondhi, S., (2009). Differentiating Retail Stores : Relevance of Loyalty Programs and Co-branding, NIET Journal of Management, NIET, Vol. 1, no. 1, pp 31-38.
Tripathi V., Srivastava R. (2009). Stressors in Retail Sales Persons: Causes and Preventions, Journal of Social Sciences International, Centre for Good Living, Utkal University, Cuttak, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 96-104.
Agrawal P.R., Tripathi V., (2009). Ploughing Back to New Generation Agriculture: Food Security in India, Journal of Food Security, Food Corporation of India, Government of India. Volume 1, Number 1, 2009, pp 54-60.
Tripathi V., Sondhi, S. (2008) Improving Inventory Turnover Performance: Conceptual Framework for Retailers, Pragyan Journal of Management, Institute of Management Studies, Dehradun, Volume 06: Issue 2, pp 23-28.
Tripathi V., Pandey A., (2008) Multi Dimensional Approach to Brand Building: A Conceptual Model for Indian Retailers’, GRIN Publishing GmbH, Munich Germany, Paper cites on
Tripathi, V., (2008). Retail Differentiation Intentions: Relative Importance of Store Atmospherics, Prabandhan & Taqniki, Management Research Journal, Lakshmi Narayan College of Technology, Indore, September 2008, Volume 2, pp 86-92.
Tripathi V., (2008). Indian Organized Retail Industry: A Value-addition on Private Labels’; B’Cognizance, e- magazine of Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
Agrawal, P.R., Tripathi V., (2007-08). Retail Value Proposition: A Study of Malls in India’, The Commerce Journal, University of Allahabad, 2007-2008 Volume XXII, pp 11-21
Agrawal P.R., Tripathi V., (2007). Emerging Shoppers’ Paradise, the Mega Retail Outlets in India: A Survey Report on Preferences out of IT Implication’, (co-authored) Skyline Business Journal, Skyline Business School, Sharjah, UAE, Volume IV- No. 1, pp 26-31
Mishra, S., Tripathi V. (2021). Theoretical framework on state-of-the-art sales ethics in marketing. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. doi: 10.1007/s13198-021-01303-8 . (ESCI, Scopus-Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.0)
Chandra, T., & Tripathi, V. (2023). Antecedents and Mediators for Building and Integrated Research Framework towards Successful Brand Revitalisation. Central European Business Review, 12(1), 133-163.(Scopus Indexed, ESCI)
Tripathi, V., & Mishra, S. (2022). Is Internal Marketing Relevant Enough? Influencing Ethical Selling Behavior of Sales Executives in Indian FMCG Industry. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(9), 1853-1873.(Scopus Indexed)
Tripathi, V. & Dwivedi, A. (2023). Key Research Issues and Agendas in Start-up post-COVID-19. International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. (Scopus Indexed). Doi:10.1504/IJESB.2022.10051059 (under publication process)
Tripathi, V., & Chandra, T. (2023). The Role of Brand Salience and Nostalgia in Revitalizing Traditional Skincare Products with Advertising and Celebrity Endorsement Strategy as a Mediator. Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 26(2), 72-108 (ABDC-C)
Tripathi, V. and Yadav, V. (2017). Do Indian Women Get Their Share in QWL Pie? A Qualitative Study of Workplace Expectations, in South-Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 4(3), 27-46.
Chandra, T., Tripathi, V. (2024). Impact of Celebrity Credibility on Revitalization of Traditional Skincare Brands with mediating role of Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality. SCMS Journal of Indian Management (Scopus, UGC Care Group II)
Chandra, T., Tripathi, V. (2024). Revitalizing Traditional Multi-purpose Skincare Brands through Functional Utility: Mediating role of Television Advertising. International Journal of Internet Marketing & Advertising (Scopus, ABCD-C, Web of Science [ESCI])
Kumar, R., Tripathi, V., Yadav, V., Ashesh, G. and Mehrotra, R. (2024), "Modelling the role of perceived marketplace influence and moral norms in organic food consumption: a moderated mediation approach", Management of Environmental Quality. (Scopus (Q1), ABDC-C)
Das, S.S., Tripathi, V. (2024), "Role of SBI in Social Media Marketing", Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, E-ISSN: 2148-2403, P-ISSN: 1300-4832 (Scopus)
Pandey, V., & Tripathi, V. (2025). Four Decades of Sensory Marketing: A Hybrid Review and Future Research Agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 49(1), e70007. (ABDC-A)
Chandra, T., & Tripathi, V. (2024). Swimming Against the Current Yet Staying Strong!—A Case of Boroline. Emerging Economies Cases Journal, 0(0). (UGC-CARE (GROUP I))

Conference Proceedings:

Tripathi V, & Rastogi, P. (2016). “Impact of perceived Fit and Risk on Brand Extension Success incorporating Moderating effect of Parent brand trust in a Personal care Brand” Conference on Brand management, p 146,ISBN:978-1-78635-411-2.
Tripathi V, Tandon A, Kumar, S. (2014) Social Marketing Effectiveness- Analyzing Government Policies & Interventions for Cessation of Tobacco Use, International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Colombo, Sri Lanka, November 4-5,
Tripathi V., Kumar, A. (2009) Store Atmospherics: A Differentiation Alternative for Retailers’, International Conference on Marketing & Business Strategy, 5th – 6th January, 2009.
Tripathi V. (2008). An Institutional Approach to Evolution and Development of Mega Retail Outlets in India’, Abstract Published in Proceedings of Second Doctoral Theses Conference, IBS, Hyderabad, pp 117-118.
Tripathi V., Sondhi, S. (2007). Private Labels: A Value-added Differentiator for Retailers’, Paper Published in proceeding of Techno Vision- 2007, National Seminar organized by Sri Shankracharya Institute of Management and Technology, Junawani, Bhilai, MP.
Tripathi V., Kumar, A. (2009) Store Atmospherics: A Differentiation Alternative for Retailers’, International Conference on Marketing & Business Strategy, 5th – 6th January, 2009.
Tripathi V., Pandey, A. (2008). Brand Building: A Model for Indian Retailers’, Paper published in the proceedings of The International Conference on Management Sciences and Arts, organized by Faculty of Management Studies, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar 15 - 17 September
Agrawal PR, Tripathi V. (2007) Widening Gap: R & D in IPR Regime’, Paper Presented in National Workshop on IPR, 14-15 December, 2007, Organised by Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad.
Tripathi V., (2007) ‘Knowledge Transfer: India as a Knowledge Process Outsourcing Hub’, Paper presented in National Seminar on ‘Intellectual Property Rights and Indian Wisdom’, 3- 4 February 2007, Organised by Allahabad Degree College, Allahabad funded by UGC.
Tripathi, V., Chandra, T. (2022). The Impact of Brand Revitalization Strategies on Revival of Skin Care Product Category with reference to Boroline: The Mediating Role of Integrated Marketing Communications in7th Biennial Conference of INDAM 2022 on TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE Developing Business Resilience, Ecological Sustainability and Social Well-being in Post-Pandemic World.
Chandra, T., Tripathi, V. (2019). “Impact of Brand Equity: A Study of Online Shopping Aggregators” Impact of Brand Equity: A Study of Online Shopping Aggregators.
Pooja, Dwivedi, A., Tripathi, V. (2024). Understanding Green Purchase Behaviour in Generation Y and Z: Mapping opportunities for Sustainable Entrepreneurship in International Conference on “Contemporary Issues in ESG” organized by GITAM University. (16-17 Feb, 2024)
Pooja, Tripathi, V., Pandey, V. (2024). Crafting the Green Pitch for Green Cosmetics: How Warmth-Competence and Self- Construal Congruency Shape Consumer Decision-making in 13th Annual Conference of EMCB organized by IIM-Lucknow (Noida Campus). (19th-21st Dec, 2024)
Rajratna, P., Tripathi, V. (2024). The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Purchase Intention of Lifestyle Products in the Health & Wellness Industry in 13th Annual Conference of EMCB organized by IIM-Lucknow (Noida Campus). (19th-21st Dec, 2024)
Pandey, V., Tripathi, V., Pooja (2024). Can Augmented Reality Compensate for the need of Touch to Enhance Customer Engagement? in 13th Annual Conference of EMCB organized by IIM-Lucknow (Noida Campus). (19th-21st Dec, 2024)
Pandey, V., Tripathi, V. (2024). The Visual language of Sustainability: Exploring the Impact of Product Shape on Organic Cosmetics Purchases in International Conference on “Contemporary Issues in ESG” organized by GITAM University. (16-17 Feb, 2024)
Pooja, Tripathi, V., Pandey, V., Mishra, R (2024). Greening the Digital Landscape: Unveilling influence of Social Media Communication on Green Purchase Intention in iMarC organized by IIM Shillong. (30th-31st January, 2024)
Rajratna, P., Tripathi, V. (2024). The Impact of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Scheme on The Lifestyle of Consumers in International Seminar on Integrating Indian Knowledge System (IKS) and Global Education organized by S.S. Khanna Girls Degree College. (23rd-24th November, 2024)