Dr. Swastik Acharya

Dr. Swastik Acharya

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: swastik[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 7504684413(O) 7504684413(M)

Research Publications


Acharya, S. and Dash, S.K., 2017. Natural convection heat transfer from a short or long, solid or hollow horizontal cylinder suspended in air or placed on ground, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 139(7), 072501-1
Acharya, S. and Dash, S.K., 2018. Natural convection heat transfer from perforated hollow cylinder with inline and staggered holes, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 140(3), 032501
Acharya, S., Agrawal, S. and Dash, S.K., 2018. Numerical analysis of natural convection heat transfer from a vertical hollow cylinder suspended in air, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 140(5), p.052501.
Acharya, S. and Dash, S.K., 2018. Natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal hollow cylinder with internal longitudinal fins, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 134, pp.40-53
Acharya, S. and Dash, S.K., 2018.Natural Convection Heat Transfer From a Hollow Horizontal Cylinder with External Longitudinal Fins: A numerical approach, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications 74,pp1405-23
Acharya, S. and Dash, S.K., 2019. Natural convection in a cavity with undulated walls filled with water-based non-Newtonian power-law CuO–water nanofluid under the influence of the external magnetic field, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 76(7), pp.552-575.
Acharya, S. and Dash, S.K., 2020. Turbulent natural convection heat transfer from a vertical hollow cylinder suspended in air: A numerical approach, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 15, p.100449.
Behera, S., Acharya, S. and Dash, S.K., 2020. Natural convection heat transfer from linearly, circularly and parabolically bent plates: A study of shape effect, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 150, p.106219.
Acharya, S. and Dash, S.K., 2021 Natural Convection Heat Transfer from a Vertical Hollow Cylinder with Surface Holes, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 143 (4), 042602-1
Acharya, S. and Dash, S.K., 2021, Natural convection and entropy generation in porous enclosure filled with non-Newtonian nanofluid, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2514/1.T6126
Acharya. S, 2022, "Natural Convection Heat Transfer from Upward, Downward, and Sideward Solid/Hollow Hemispheres, " JTHT, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2022), pp. 141-153 doi: https://doi.org/10.2514/1.T6273
Acharya, S. and Dash, S.K., 2022. Natural-Convection Heat Transfer from Upward/Downward/Sideward Converged or Parallel Finned Hemispheres. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, pp.1-15.
Acharya, S. and Bhargawa, 2022, Electro -Thermal actuated micromixer with VU/VIU/VUVIU/VIUVU patterned microgrooves, 2022, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, pp 1-21 (DOI:10.1007/s43153-022-00293-9)
Acharya. S, 2023, " Effect of cavity undulations and thermal boundary conditions on natural convection and entropy generation in CuO - Water/Al2O3-Water nanofluid, Journal of nanofluids. Vol. 12, pp. 687–698, 2023
Acharya S., Khan R., Agarwal P.K., 2023, Heat Transfer and Entropy Generation in a Lithium-ion Battery Pack against Battery Spacing and Discharge Rate, ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, DOI: 10.1115/1.4062759
Acharya S., 2023, Thermo-fluidic analysis of Microchannel Heat Sink with Square/Elliptical Fins, International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, 147, 106961.
Kumar A. & Acharya S. 2023 Reduction of heat load in an air-conditioned bus employing phase change material integrated glass window and roof: A coupled numerical and analytical approach, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, DOI: 10.1080/10407782.2023.2278693
Khan R, Agarwal P.K, Acharya S., 2024, “Thermo-economic analysis of a compact active coolant system for Lithium-ion battery pack”, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 2024, https://doi.org/10.2514/1.T6899

Conference Proceedings:

Acharya, S. and Dash, S.K., 2017. Three - dimensional Modelling of Natural Convection Heat Transfer From A Short or Long Cylinder with Constant Wall Heat Flux,Proceedings of the 24thNational and 2ndInternationalISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2017), DOI:10.1615/IHMTC-2017.3120; pp: 2231-2239
Kachhadiya. J., Shukla. M., Acharya S., 2021, CFD Analysis of Ventilation of Indian Railway 2 Tier AC Sleeper Coach, Recent Advances in Fluid Dynamics: Select Proceedings of ICAFFTS 2021, pp. 57-71
Saurabh, Acharya, Dubey, 2021 Modelling and Analysis of AC System in Bus Considering Indian Drive Condition, Recent Advances in Fluid Dynamics: Select Proceedings of ICAFFTS 2021, pp. 29-41
Kumar A., Paul. B And Acharya. S, 2022, Analysis of Solar Air Heater with Circular Finned Absorber Plate, FMFP Conference, IIT Roorkee
Kumar V. And Acharya. S, 2022, A Numerical Analysis of Baffled Solar Air Heater, FMFP Conference, IIT Roorkee
Kumar A., Acharya S., 2023, Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer in A Phase Change Materia Filled Double Pane Window of an Electric Bus, ICMech-REC-2023, NIT Warangal
Acharya S., Anand C., 2024, Thermal management of a battery pack using fin-embedded phase change material, ICMAA, 2024