Saumendra Sarangi
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: ssarangi[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: +917060832284(O) 7060832284(M)
Research Publications
V. K. Sood, Monalisa Biswal, S. Sarangi, Hassan Haes Alhelou , “Smart Metering: Infrastructure, Methodologies, Applications, and Challenges” Elsevier 2024
Book Chapter:
P.Kundu, S.Sarangi, A.K.Pradhan,"Wide area measurement based power system protection", Synchrophasor measurements for power systems, Publisher IETShipra Tiwari, S sarangi,” Proceedings of the 7th international conference on advances in energy Research feedback and feedforward control of the dual active bridge DC-DC converter using generalized average modelling,” pp. 547-557, 2021, Springer
Kirti gupta, S. Sarangi, “ Proceedings of the 7th international conference on advances in energy Research adaptive relaying scheme for a distribution network with highly penetrated inverter based distributed generations,” pp. 241- 251, 2021, Springer
Ankit Uniyal S. Sarangi,” Intelligent computing techniques for smart energy systems Opitimal DG allocation in a micro grid using droop controlled load flow,” 745- 752, 2020, Springer
Priya S Bhakar, S Sarangi K Gupta,” Intelligent computing techniques for smart energy systems A review and frequency control of micro hydro system”,pp. 693- 701,2020, Springer
A Uniyal, S Sarangi, M Singh Rawat,”Effect of Penetration Levels on Thermal Demands with V and f Regulation in Multi-energy Microgrid”, Renewable Energy Towards Smart Grid, 377-386, Springer 2022 H. Pachauri, A Uniyal, S. Sarangi, “An Efficient Planning to Improve the Resiliency During HILF Events Using DG Sources in the Distribution System”, Control Applications in Modern Power Systems, pp. 513-523, Springer 2022D. Guha and S. Sarangi, Nonlinear resilient frequency controller for hybrid interconnected power system, Advanced Frequency Regulation Strategies in Renewable-Dominated Modern Power Systems (AFRGRPS-2021), Elsevier
S. Sarangi, A.K.Pradhan “Adaptive backup protection scheme for series compensated line”,IET Gen. Trans. & Distribution. vol. 8, no.12 1979-1986,2014S. Sarangi, A.K.Pradhan,”Adaptive direct underrecahing transfer trip protection scheme for three terminal line,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,vol. 30, no. 6 ,2383-2392,2015S. Sarangi, A. K. Pradhan, “An adaptive alpha Plane Line Differential Protection", IET Gen. Trans. & Distribution”, vol. 11, no.10 2468-2477,2017
G Suryanarayana, G.K. Rao, S Sarangi, P Raja,”Directional Relay Using Parameter Estimation Technique”, EPES, Elsevier, vol 107, 597-604, 2019Ankit Uniyal, S. Sarangi, “Optimal Allocation of ELC in Microgrid using Droop Controlled Load Flow,” IET Gen. Trans. & Distribution,13,4566-4578,2019
Ankit Uniyal, S. Sarangi,” Optimal network reconfiguration and DG allocation using adaptive modified whale optimization algorithm considering probabilistic load flow
EPSR, Elsevier 192, 1-9, 2021
Kesava Rao, G., Gangwar, T. & Sarangi, S. Advanced Relaying for DG-Penetrated Distribution System. Arab J Sci Eng (2021). Uniyal, A., S. Sarangi, & Rawat, M.S. Optimal Dump Load Allocations in High RBDG Penetrated Microgrid for Voltage and Frequency Regulation. Arab J Sci Eng 46, 1511–1528 (2021). Gangolu, , S. Sarangi,” A novel complex current ratio-based technique for transmission line protection” Prot Control Mod Power Syst 5, 23 (2020). Kumar Senapati, S. Sarangi, “Secured zone 3 protection during load encroachment using synchrophasor data”, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, Volume 27, 2021, 100522, ISSN 2352-4677,
G Kesava Rao, T Gangwar, S Sarangi,”Advanced Relaying for DG-Penetrated Distribution System” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 46 (10), 9649-9661, 2021S Gangolu, S Sarangi ,A new differential current circle diagram based technique for long transmission line protection, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 2022, S Gangolu, S Sarangi,”A New Differential Current Protection Algorithm for Three-Terminal Line” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 46 (10), 9649-9661, 2022D.K Singh, S Sarangi, AK Singh, SR Mohanty,” Coordination of Dual-Setting Overcurrent and Distance Relays for Meshed Distribution Networks with Distributed Generations and Dynamic Voltage Restorer” Smart Science, Taylor and Science 2022Sunil Kumar Maurya, Suryanarayana Gangolu and Saumedra Sarangi,"A Modified Over Current Relaying Scheme for Highly PV Connected Distribution System", Accepted in Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2022, Suryanarayana Gangolu and S. Sarangi, “Fuzzy based Fault Detection and Classification in Grid-Connected Floating PV System ", Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, Springer US, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 324-332, 2023.Suryanarayana Gangolu and S. Sarangi, “A new pilot relaying technique for the STATCOM compensated transmission line”, International Journal of Electric Power and Energy Systems, vol. 146, pp.108759, 2023.Suryanarayana Gangolu, S. Sarangi, R. Mohanty, “ Relay algorithm for STATCOM compensated line using differential current ratio ” International Journal of Electric Power and Energy Systems, vol. 155, pp. 109473, 2024.
Conference Proceedings:
Ankit Uniyal Saumendra sarangi Himani kala,” Optimal dump load allocation to regulate voltage and frequency in microgrid” ”, 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), ICPS 2019, MNIT Jaipur, IndiaAnkit Uniyal, Saumendra sarangi Himani kala,” Droop based DG allocation in weakly meshed autonomous micro grid “”, 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS 2019), MNIT Jaipur, India.Kirti Gupta Saumendra sarangi S Gadari, Adaptive voltage based relay setting for PV connected distribution system, ”, 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS 2019), MNIT Jaipur, IndiaShipra Tiwari S Sarangi ,” Comparison of current stress for different Modulation techniques in dual active bridge converter”, UPCON 2019, Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, IndiaShipra Tiwari Omar Hanif s sarangi,” Fractional PI control of dual active bridge converter using generalized average modelling” 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems (ISAP).IIT Delhi , New Delhi, India Shipra Tiwari Omar Hanif, s sarangi ,”Modeling and control of Dual Active Bridge by Fractional order controllers International Conference on Power Electronics, Control and Automation (ICPECA), New Delhi,IndiaSunil K Maurya, S Gangolu S sarangi,” Quadrature based over current relay for PV penetrated primary Distribution system” 20th National Power System Conference(NPSC 2020) IIT Gandhinagar, IndiaSunil Kumar Maurya, Saumendra Sarangi, Surayanarayana Gangolu” Secondary Controller for PV Sources in DC/AC Hybrid Microgrid” UPCON 2019 UPCON 2019 Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, IndiaRajat Singh, Sunil Kumar Maurya, Saumendra Sarangi,” Improved Performance of PV Module by combining two MPPT Techniques”, UPCON 2019 Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, IndiaGade Kesava Rao, Premalata Jena, Saumendra Sarangi,” Adaptive Fault Location Algorithm for Series Compensated Line Using Relay data”, 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS 2019), Jaipur, India, Tripti Gangwar and S Sarangi, “Adaptive relay setting for distribution system during reconfiguration” INDICON 2017, December 2017, IIT Roorkee.A. Uniyal and S. Sarangi, “Optimal Allocation of Electronic Load Controller in Microgrid”, presented in ICPS college of engineering Pune Dec. 2017S. Sarangi and P. Jena,”Secured zone 3 protection during load encroachment using Synchrophasors” International conference on Computer application in electrical engineeringrecent advances (CERA) accepted for presentation on 5-7 th OCT 2017S. Sarangi and A. K. Pradhan, “Enhanced alpha plane line protection,” presented in NPSC2016,IIT, Bhubaneswar, India, Dec 2016. S. Sarangi and A. K. Pradhan, “Preventing zone 3 maloperation during load encroachment,” presented RAIEE-2014,VSSUT, BURLA, India, Dec., 2014.
S. Sarangi and A. K. Pradhan, “Adaptive POTT scheme for series compensated line using synchrophasors,” presented RAMPS-2012,VSSUT, Burla, , Dec., 2012.S. Sarangi and A. K. Pradhan, “Adaptive relay setting of series compensated line using phasor measurement unit data,” presented in ICEPES-2010, MNIT, Bhopal. H Pachauri, A Uniyal, S Sarangi,”Optimal Location and Sizing of Multiple DGs to Improve Resiliency of Power System after an HILF event” 2021 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 16th 18th Dec 2022, IIT Kharagpur, IndiaS Singh, S Sarangi,” Energy Based Fault Detection Scheme for Hybrid Microgrid” IEEE 8th Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), Nov 2021.A. Gupta, S. Sarangi and A. K. Singh, "Teager Energy Based Novel Relaying Scheme for DC Distribution Network," 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Bhubaneswar, India, 2023, pp. 1-6.A. Gupta, S. Sarangi and A. K. Singh, "Wavelet Based Enhanced Fault Detection Scheme for A Distribution System Embedded with Electric Vehicle Charging Station," 2023 5th International Conference on Power, Control & Embedded Systems (ICPCES), Allahabad, India, 2023, pp. 1-6,