Neeraj Tyagi

Neeraj Tyagi

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: neeraj[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 05322271356(O) 05322271657(R)

Research Publications

Book Chapter:

Ali, Shabir, Shashwati Banerjea, Mayank Pandey, and Neeraj Tyagi. "Towards DHT-Based P2P Resource Sharing Over Hybrid Infrastructure of Wireless Mesh Network and Mobile Ad hoc Networks." In Computing and Network Sustainability, pp. 147-155. Springer, Singapore, 2019.
Ali, Shabir, Shashwati Banerjea, Mayank Pandey, and Neeraj Tyagi. "Wireless Fog-Mesh: A Communication and Computation Infrastructure for IoT Based Smart Environments." In International Conference on Mobile, Secure, and Programmable Networking, pp. 322-338. Springer, Cham, 2018.
Sandeep Singh Sengar, Neeraj Tyagi, 2011, Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 203),” Cell Range and Capability Analysis of WiMAX and LTE Network” 323-333, Print ISBN, 978-3-642-24036-2, Online ISBN, 978-3-642-24037-9, International Springer
Arun Prakash, Sarsij Tripathi, Rajesh Verma, Neeraj Tyagi, Rajeev Tripathi, 2010, Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 95), “A Cross Layer Seamless Handover Scheme in IEEE 802.11p Based Vehicular Networks” pp 84-95, print ISBN 978-3-642-14824-8 Online ISBN 978-3-642-14825-5, International Springer


Shabir Ali, Mayank Pandey and Neeraj Tyagi. “Wireless-Fog Mesh: A Framework for In-Network Computing of Microservices in Semi-permanent Smart Environments.” International Journal of Network Management. 2020; Vol 30: page e2125
Lal, Jokhu, and Neeraj Tyagi. "Performance Measurement and Analysis of Quality of Service in WiMAX Network using Network Simulator NS-2." International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Scopus), Volume 119 ISSN 1314 3395, 2018
Lal, Jokhu, and Neeraj Tyagi. "Performance Analysis of Quality of Service for Different Service Classes in WiMAX Network." In Recent Advances in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, pp. 381-392. 2016.
Agrawal Shilpy, Tyagi Neeraj, Misra AK , Shukla RS, Gupta Ashutosh “Position Based Seamless Connectivity for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, November 2016.
Agrawal Shilpy, Raw RS, Tyagi Neeraj, Misra AK “Fuzzy Logic based Greedy Routing (FLGR) in Multi-HopVehicular Ad hoc Networks.” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(30), 70085, November 2015.
Ravi Shankar Shukla and Neeraj Tyagi, “Global mobility And Handover management for heterogeneous network in VANETs” in International Journal of Next-Generation Networks (IJNGN), ISSN : 0975-7023 Online); 0975-7252 ( Print ), Vol.5, No.3, September 2013
Ravi Shankar Shukla and Neeraj Tyagi, “Routing Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Network in VANET” in IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p- ISSN: 2278-8727 Volume 13, Issue 6 (Jul. - Aug. 2013), PP 68-77.
Sandeep Harit, Sachin Saini, Neeraj Tyagi, K K mishra, “RSA Threshold Signature Based Node Eviction in Vehicular Ad hoc Network”, Published in International Journal of information Technology, Science Alert eISSN: 1812-5646 pISSN: 1812-5638, Newyork, Harvard Press USA, 2012.
Ravi Shankar Shukal and Neeraj Tyagi, “Network Mobility Approach in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network” in An International Journal of Management and Technology Vol. 3 .No 2. July- December 2012, ISSN 2229-3825.
Vimal Kumar and Neeraj Tyagi and Ranjan Baghel.”Realization of Seamless Mobility in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks based on IEEE 802.21 Framework”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA, 2012
Rajesh Verma, Arun Prakash, Rajeev Tripathi and Neeraj Tyagi "Improving Throughput of Starved TCP Flow by Sidestepping Bottleneck Nodes Using Concurrent Transmission," Published in International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), pages 68-83, vol. 2, issue 1, 2010
Ravi Shakar Shukla and Neeraj Tyagi “Performance Evaluation of Spider Mobility Model using AODV for VANET” Accepted for publication in Journal of International Academy of Physical Science volume 14, no.2 2010
Chiranjeev Kumar, Neeraj Tyagi & Rajeev Tripathi “Design & Simulation of Multicast Based Fast Handoff Scheme for HMIPv6,” Published in the International Journal of Advanced Computer Engineering (IJACE), Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2008.
Shabir Ali, Mayank Pandey, Neeraj Tyagi, "SDFog-Mesh: A software-defined fog computing architecture over wireless mesh networks for semi-permanent smart environments," Computer Networks, 2022. SCIE, IF: 5.493
Gore, Rajasi, Shashwati Banerjea, and Neeraj Tyagi. "A heterogeneous soft-hard fusion framework on fog based private SaS model for smart monitoring of public restrooms." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2022): 1-28.

Conference Proceedings:

Shabir Ali, Shashwati Banerjea, Mayank Pandey and Neeraj Tyagi, “Towards DHT based P2P Resource Sharing over Hybrid Infrastructure of Wireless Mesh Network and Mobile Adhoc Networks“, Second International Research Symposium on Computing and Network Sustainability ( IRSCNS 2018 ), Goa, India, August 30-31, 2018
Shabir Ali, Shashwati Banerjea, Mayank Pandey and Neeraj Tyagi, “Wireless Fog-Mesh: A Communication and Computation Infrastructure for IoT based Smart Environments ” in 2018 in 4th International conference on mobile, secure and programmable network (MSPN-2018), Paris, france, June 18-20, 2018
Shabir Ali, Anurag Sewak, Mayank Pandey and Neeraj Tyagi, "Simulation of P2P Overlays over MANETs: Impediments and Proposed Solution", in 2017 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS 2017), Bangalore, India, pp="338-345", 5-8 Jan, 2017
Vimal Kumar and Neeraj Tyagi “Optimal Ranking-based Discovery and Selection of WMAT using Information Service of IEEE 802.21 in Mobile Wireless Heterogeneous Networks” in ACM International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology & Computing (AICTC-2016), August 2016
Agrawal Shilpy, Tyagi Neeraj, Misra AK “Seamless VANET Connectivity through Heterogeneous Wireless Network on Rural Highways”. Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies-ICTCS-2016; March 04-05, 2016, Udaipur, India. Conference Proceedings by ACM – ICPS
Jokhu Lal and Neeraj Tyagi, “Performance Analysis of Quality of Service for Different Service Classes in WiMAX Network”,International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics, Statistics and Coputer Science, Bihar, India, 29-31 May 2015.
Vimal Kumar, Neeraj Tyagi “Mobility management in heterogeneous wireless networks based on IEEE 802.21 framework” in IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications (ICACEA), 19-20 March, 2015 (Received Best Paper Award)
Agrawal Shilpy, Raw RS, Tyagi Neeraj, “Enhancing Greedy Routing using Fuzzy Logic for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking-ACCN 2015; 2015 Feb 21-22; Bangkok, Thailand. 2015. P. 98-102
Jokhu Lal and Neeraj Tyagi, “Proposal of a Combined Downlink and Uplink Scheduling Architecture for Mobile WiMAX”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Engineering Central University, Bihar, Patna, February,2014.
Sandeep Singh Sengar and Neeraj Tyagi, “ Cell Range and Capability Analysis of WiMax and LTE Network” in International Conference on Parallel, Distributed Computingtechnologies and Applications (PDCTA-2011) to be held on September 23 – 25, 2011, at Tirunelveli, India.
Ravi S Shukla and Neeraj Tyagi, “Performance Evaluation of Mobility Model and Routing Protocols for Inter Vehicular Communication System” in International Conference on Networks and Computer Communications (ETNCC2011) April 22 – 24, 2011, at Udaipur, India
Sandeep Harit, Neeraj Tyagi and Chandre Shakher Josi “A survey on certificate Revocation and CRL Management Based on One Hop Request” in 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2011) held on, February 26-28, 2011, Singapore.
Sandeep Kumar Harit, Shruti Garg, Vaibhav Bansal, Sushant Singh and Neeraj Tyagi “Refined Approach for Certificate Revocation List Distribution based on One Hop Request” with in 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2011) held on, February 26-28, 2011, Singapore.
Sandeep Kumar Harit and Neeraj Tyagi, “A Refined Approch for Certification Revocation in Vehcular Ad Hoc Network” with, in 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2011) held on, February 26-28 2011 Singapore.
Sandeep Singh Sengar, Neeraj Tyagi and Akhilendra Pratap Singh “A servey on Wimax – 3g Internetworking” in International Conference on Information and Computer Networks Guiyang, China, January 26-28, 2011.
Vimal Kumar and Neeraj Tyagi“Media Independent Handover for Seamless Mobility in IEEE 802.11 and UTMS based on IEEE 802.11” in International Conference on computer science and Information Technology held at Chengdu, China July 9-11, 2010
Arun Prakash, Sarsij Tripathi, Rajesh Verma, Neeraj Tyagi, Rajeev Tripathi and Kshirsagar Naik, “A Cross layer Seamless Handover Scheme in IEEE 802.11p based Vehicular Network”, Accepted for publication in 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Computing Aug 9-11 2010.
Ravi Shanker Shukla and Neeraj Tyagi, “Behavior Analysis to enhance security in VANETS” in 11 th International Conference of the International Academy of Physical Science, Feb 20-22, 2010.
Rajesh Verma, Arun Prakash, Rajeev Tripathi and Neeraj Tyagi, “Throughput enhancement of starved TCP Flow Through concurrent transmission,” in WCSN 2009 Fifth IEEE Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks WCSN-2009: December 15-19, 2009, pp. 199-203.
Rajesh Verma, Arun Prakash, Rajeev Tripathi and Neeraj Tyagi, “Throughput Enhancement of Multi-hop Static Ad-hoc Networks through Concurrent Transmission,” Published in the Proceedings of First International Conference on Intelligence, Communication systems and Networks, CICSYN-2009, Indore, India, 23-25 July, 2009 (appeared in IEEE Xplore), pp. 482-485.12.
Ashish K Shukla and Neeraj Tyagi, "A New Route Maintenance in Dynamic Source Routing Protocol", published in 1st IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, held on 16-18 June 2006.
Trirumalesh Gundla, Neeraj Tyagi and Rajeev Tripathi "Improving the performance of Ad hoc On Demand Vector (AODV) Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks", at International Conference on Next Generation Communication Systems (ICONGENCOM-2006) held in J K Institute, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India, December 2006, pp 145-149.
Chiranjeev Kumar, Neeraj Tyagi and Rajeev Tripathi "Performance Improvement of Mobile IP", at International Conference on Next Generation Communication Systems (ICONGENCOM-2006) held in J K Institute, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India, December 2006, pp 90-94.
Chiranjeev Kumar, Neeraj Tyagi and Rajeev Tripathi "Performance Improvement of Mobile IP", at International Conference on Next Generation Communication Systems (ICONGENCOM-2006) held in J K Institute, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India, December 2006, pp 90-94.
Chiranjeev Kumar, Neeraj Tyagi and Rajeev Tripathi"Performance Improvement of Mobile IP with New Route Optimization Technique",, published in proceeding of 7th IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications. ICPWC-2005, pp 522-526. held on 23-25 January 2005.