Mitu Mandal
Assistant Professor
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: mitumandal[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 9971621201(O) 9971621201(M)
Research Publications
Book Chapter:
Mandal, M. (2018). “Mapping Organizational Culture of Indian Banks: An OCTAPACE Approach”. In Sharma, M (Ed), Contemporary Research in Business & Management (pp 74-84). CreateSpace Independent Publishing.Mandal, M. (2017). Motivation through Job Enrichment: Impact of Job Characteristics on Employee Internal Work Motivation & Job Satisfaction in Public Sector Banks. In Bhatt, P. & Verma, S (Eds), Riding the New Tides: Navigating the Future through Effective People Management. Emerald Group.Mandal, M. (2015). Learning through Dialogue. In Biech, E.(Ed). 101 More Ways to Make Training Active (pp162-164). USA: John Wiley and Sons.Mandal, M., & Sokhi, R. K. (2015). Understanding Organizational Narratives through Appreciative Inquiry. In Dalal, A.K. & Priya, K.R. (Eds), Qualitative Research on Illness, Wellbeing and Self-Growth: Contemporary Indian perspectives (pp 263-276). London: Routledge Publishers (Taylor & Francis Group).
Sharma, S.K. and Mandal, M. (2019). [Review of the book Managing Human Resources in Health Care Organizations by Leiyu Shi], FIIB Business review,1-2. DOI: 10.1177/2319714519838935. Sage Publications. SCOPUS.Mandal, M. (2022).Team Building and Appreciative Inquiry
in Research and Development Teams.
Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective. Sage Publications. Ranked C in ABDC ranking and SCOPUS.Kumar, A, Mandal, M and Yadav, U. (2022). Business and Entrepreneurial Strategies for Development of Indian Small Industries (MSME) during Post-Pandemic COVID-19 Indian Artisans as Entrepreneurs. Empirical Economics Letters. 21(4).Ranked C in ABDC ranking. Kumar, A, Mandal, M and Yadav, U. (2023).Role of women in micro or unorganized enterprises by the use of fin-tech for sustainable development India and effect of digital and financial awareness: Investigation of the relation with (UTAUT) model. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 27(2). Ranked B in ABDC ranking.
Conference Proceedings:
Mandal, M. (2015). Appreciative Team Building Intervention in R&D organization: An Experiential Exercise. In Barua, M.K. & Pandya, K.V. (Eds), Research & Business Sustainability. Proceedings of the International Conference ICRBS-2015, organized by IIT Roorkee, Department of Management Studies, Delhi, India, 566-570 (ISBN: 978-93- 84935-59-7).