Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: anojk[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 05322271363(O) 05322271725(R) 9415649165(M)
Research Publications
Book Chapter:
Lekhraj, Alok kumar, Anoj KumaMulti-attribute decision making based cluster head selection in WSN in in 5th International Conference on industrial Engineering (ICIE 2019) (e-Book Chapter),Springer , ISSN:2195-4356Alok kumar,Anoj Kumar"A brief literature on optimization techniques and their applications" In 7th International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering,by Springer (e-Book Chapter) in 2020.
Alok Kumar, Avjeet Singh,Anoj Kumar "Weighted Mean Variant with Exponential Decay Function of Grey Wolf Optimizer on Applications of Classification and Function Approximation Dataset"In International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Springer, 2020. (e -Book Chapter)Avjeet Singh, Alok Kumar,Anoj Kumar
"An Enhanced Differential Evolution Algorithm with New Environmental-Based Parameters for Solving Optimization Problems" In Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications, 26 May 2020 (e -Book Chapter) by Springer Lekhraj and Anoj Kumar “Load Balanced Clustering in WSN using MADM Approaches”. Accepted Book Chapter “Recent Developments in Artificial Intelligence Communication Technologies” in Bentham Science Publication 2020 ( e-book chapter)
Anupam Biswas, Bhaskar Biswas, Anoj Kumar and K. K. Mishra “Particle Swarm Optimization with Time Varying Cognitive Avoidance Component” International,Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (2016). Scopus (Elsevier)Prince Bhatia, K. K. Mishra, Divya Kumar, Anoj Kumar “An Improved-Time Varying Acceleration Coefficient Based PSO” Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing.(SCI/SCI-E Indexed):Shailendra Pratap Singh, and Anoj Kumar, “Multiobjective Differential Evolution using Homeostasis Based Mutation For Application in Software Cost Estimation”,Applied Intelligence, Springer.(SCI/SCI-E Indexed).Shailendra Pratap Singh, and Anoj Kumar, “Homeostasis Mutation Based Differential Evolution Algorithm”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 32, no. 5, pp.3525-3537, 2017.(SCI/SCI-E Indexed).Shailendra Pratap Singh, and Anoj Kumar, “Pareto Based Differential Evolution with Homeostasis Based Mutation”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 3245-3257, 2017.(SCI/SCI-E Indexed).A Popularity based Content Eviction scheme via Betweenness-centrality caching Approach for Content-centric Networking (CCN)”, Kumari Nidhi Lal, Anoj Kumar,Wireless Networks, Springer 2017.(SCI/SCI-E Indexed).“A Centrality-Measures Based Caching Scheme for Content-centric Networking (CCN)”, Kumari Nidhi Lal, Anoj Kumar, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS Springer 2017.(SCI/SCI-E Indexed).“An Efficient Lookup Search and Forwarding Mechanism for Content-centricNetworking (CCN)”, Kumari Nidhi Lal, Anoj Kumar, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer 2017.(SCI/SCI-E Indexed).Lekhraj, Anoj Kumar
"Clustering in wireless sensor network: A Review "in Journal of Innovation in Computer Science and Engineering (JICSE),Vol. 8, issue 2,ISSN:2278-0947Avjeet Singh,Anoj Kumar"Applications of Nature-Inspired Meta-heuristic Algorithms: A Survey" In International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP),DOI: 10.1504/IJAIP.2021.10027703,Inderscience,(Scopus Journal).Avjeet Singh, Anoj Kumar "Multi-Objective Differential Evolution Algorithm with a new Environmental parameter based mutation for solving multi-objective optimization problem" In Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST), .Applied Sciences,(Scopus Journal).Kumar Anoj, Mishra K.K, Misra A.K. "Improving the fault detection capability of test suite using elitist genetic algorithm" In Engineering and Technology Research 1(1): 001-013, December 2013,
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15413/etr.2013.0108Lekhraj, Alok Kumar, Anoj Kumar
"Multi criteria decision making based energy efficient clustered solution for wireless sensor networks" in International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT) (Jan-2022),ISBN/ISSN/DOI.10.1007/s41870-022-00878-0,Springer ,(SCOPUS Indexed )Alok Kumar, Lekhraj Avjeet Singh and Anoj Kumar1EaGWO: Extended algorithm of Grey Wolf Optimizer in Journal of Physics: Conference Series ,doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1998/1/012028.Published IOP Publishing Ltd.Alok Kumar,, Lekhraj and Anoj Kumar"WEIGHTED GREY WOLF OPTIMIZER WITH IMPROVEDCONVERGENCE RATE IN TRAINING MULTI-LAYERPERCEPTRON TO SOLVE CLASSIFICATION PROBLEMS" in Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 07, No. 03, September 2021.(SCOPUS Indexed) Alok Kumar, Lekhraj, Safalata Singh and Anoj Kumar "Grey wolf optimizer and other metaheuristic optimization techniques with image processing as their applications: areview"IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (SCOPUS Indexed)Bharat Mahaur, K. K. Mishra, and Anoj Kumar, "An improved lightweight small object detection framework applied to real-time autonomous driving," Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, 2023. [SCIE, Impact Factor - 8.665]Avinash Gupta, Anoj Kumar, "Standard Scaling and PCA based KNN Model for Detecting and Classifying DDoS Attack" in International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Sciences-IJAECS Volume-10, Issue-2 (Feb 2023)Challa Tejaswani, Anoj Kumar, " Whale Optimization Algorithm and its Application: A Survey" in International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Sciences-IJAECS Volume-10, Issue-2 (Feb 2023)Ashish Kumar Singh and Anoj Kumar " An improved dynamic weighted particle swarm optimization (IDW-PSO) for continuous optimization problem" In International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. volume 14, pages404–418 (2023) (SCOPUS Indexed)
https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-023-01868-6Bharat Mahaur, K. K. Mishra, and Anoj Kumar, “An improved lightweight smallobject detection framework applied to real-time autonomous driving,” Expert Systemswith Applications, Elsevier, 2023. [SCIE, Impact Factor – 8.665].
Conference Proceedings:
"A New Approach to Solve Mathematical Problems” with K. K. Mishra and
A.K.Misra, Word Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology, Amsterdam, Vol.57, ISSN 2070-3724, pp 463-464, September 2009“A variant of NSGA –II fo solving priority based Optimization Problems” with K. K.Mishra and A.K.Misra, IEEE proceedings of ICIS, 2009.. “Optimizing the reliability of Communication Network Using Specially Designed Genetic Algorithm” with K. K. Mishra and A.K.Misra , IEEE proceedings of NABIC, Dec 9-11 at Coimbatore 2009.“Generating efficient test cases using Elitist Genetic algorithm” with K. K. Mishra and A.K.Misra, Word Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology, WCSET2009,at Bangkok, Vol. 60, ISSN 2070-3724, pp 1333-1335, Dec 25-27 2009.Generating Efficient Test Cases using Genetic Algorithm, with K. K. Mishra, and A.K. Misra Accepted in ICAI 2010,WorldComp 2010,Las Vegas, July 12-15,2010 .Generation of efficient Test Data using path Selection strategy with Elitist Geneticalgorithm in Regression Testing. with K. K. Mishra, Shailesh Tiwari, and A.K. Misra in IEEE ICCSIT 2010, Chengdu,China, July 9-11, 2010.Path Selection Strategy for Regression Testing with K. K. Mishra, Shailesh Tiwari,and A.K. Misra in ”SERP 2010 in World Comp 2010,Las Vegas, July 12-15,2010An Approach for Mutation testing Using Elitist genetic algorithm” with K. K. Mishra,Shailesh Tiwari, and A.K. Misra Accepted in IEEE ICCSIT 2010, Chengdu,China,July 9-11, 2010Change Analysis Strategy using Program Spectra in Regression Testing” withK.K.Mishra, Shailesh Tiwari and A.K.Misra in International Conference of Intelligent Network & Computing (ICINC-2010) ,Proceeding of IEEE ,26-28,November, 2010, at Kulalumpur, Malaysia“An Integrated Approach for Regression Testing using Program Spectra and Path Selection” with K.K.Mishra, Shailesh Tiwari and A.K.Misra in International Conference on Test and Measurement (ICTM-2010),Proceeding of IEEE, 1-2,December, 2010, at Phuket, Thailand.“A Variant of Genetic Algorithm for generating test cases for white box testing withK.K.Mishra, Shailesh Tiwari and A.K.Misra in 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing(ICMLC2011) Singapore, Proceeding of IEEE,February from 26-02-2011 to 28-02-2011“Spectrum - Based Fault Localization in Regression Testing” with Shailesh Tiwari,K. K. Mishra and A.K.Misra, In 8th International Conference on InformationTechnology : New Generations ,ITNG 2011, April 11-13, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada,USA,“Particle Swarm Optimization with Cognitive Avoidance Component “with Anupam biswas , K.K.mishra In ICACCI 2013 IEEE Computer society Sponsored, Aug 22-25,2013 held at Mysore,India.Shailendra Pratap Singh, and Anoj Kumar, “Differential Evolution Algorithm Using Population Based Homeostasis Difference Vector”, Springer’s International Conference on Computer, Communication and Computational Science(IC4S-2016),Ajmer, India, August 12-13(Presented), 2016.“A Cache Content Replacement Scheme for Information Centric Network”, Kumari Nidhi Lal, Anoj Kumar, IMCIP 2016. Shailendra Pratap Singh, and Anoj Kumar, “Software Cost Estimation UsingHomeostasis Mutation Based Differential Evolution Algorithm”, IEEE Sponsored,11thInternational Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO) - 5th and 6thJanuary 2017, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India,Kumari Nidhi Lal, Anoj Kumar, ICN-WiMAX: An Application of Network codingbased Centrality-measures caching over IEEE 802.16. ICSCC 2017, NITKurukshtera, 7-8 December, 2017Kumari Nidhi Lal, Anoj Kumar, E-Health application using network coding based caching in Information-centric Networking (ICN), 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on. Reliability, Infocom Technologies and. Optimization (ICRITO 2017), September 20-22 ,2017,"Dynamic Selection of Parameters In Differential Evolution Algorithm", Singh Avjeet and Anoj Kumar, In 2018 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing , Data Science & Engineering (Confluence), pp. 780-786. IEEE 2018"An approach of intrusion detection and prevention mechanism for AODV over mobile Ad-hoc Network", Lekhraj, Dalee kumawat and Anoj Kumar, In 2018 proceeding of 16th IRF intenational conference, New Delhi, p.p. 88-90.Alok Kumar, Anoj Kumar"Grey wolf optimizer and other metaheuristic optimization techniques with image processing as their applications: a review."In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2020Alok Kumar, lekhraj, Avjeet Singh, Anoj Kumar"EaGWO: Extended algorithm of Grey Wolf Optimizer" In Conference on Smart and Intelligent Learning for Information Optimization (CONSILIO)-2021 in July-2021.Ashish Kumar Singh, Anoj Kumar and Ved Prakash, “Importance and Needs of IoT in Develop-ing Smart Cities”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advance Computing And Software Engineering(ICACSE-2019), organized by Dept. of computer science and engineering, during February 08th-09th-2016 at K.N.I.T, Sultanpur, India, Pages: 308-311, ISBN:978-93-88237-44-4.Pankaj Joshi, Anoj Kumar:"A Novel Framework for Decentralized C2C E-commerce using Smart Contract". ICCCNT 2020: Page No. 1-5Alok Kumar and Anoj Kumar"A Brief Literature on Optimization Techniques and Their Applications." Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering. Springer, Singapore, 2020. 611-620.Lekhraj and Anoj Kumar “Multi-attribute decision making Entropy-TOPSIS based cluster head selection in WSN”. Accepted in “5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2019)’’ to be held in SV NIT Surat on 12th& 14thDecember, 2019 SpringerLekhraj and Anoj Kumar “Multi-Parameter Based Load Balanced Clustering in WSN Using MADM Techniques”. Accepted in “4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA 2020)” RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore and IndiaLekhraj, Alok Kumar,Anoj Kumar
"An improved approach based on multiple attribute decision making by passing minimum number of relevant parameters for clustering in wireless sensor networks" in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, (Feb-2022),Springer,SCOPUS Indexed
Avinash Gupta, Anoj Kumar, "Standard Scaling and PCA based KNN Model for Detecting and Classifying DDoS Attack" in the International conference on computer science and information technology (ICCSIT) on 25.01.2023. Challa Tejaswani, Anoj Kumar, " Whale Optimization Algorithm and its Application: A Survey"in International Conference on Smart
Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering (ICSTAICE) on 25.01.23Bharat Mahaur and Anoj Kumar, "Designing an Efficient Object Detection Model for Autonomous Driving Applications," 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2023) pp 1-5. held during 23-24 March, 2023 at Amity University Noida,( India )