Dr. Monika Prakash Rai

Dr. Monika Prakash Rai

Associate Professor
Department of Biotechnology
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: mprai[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: +91-532-227-1243(O) +91-9313887818 (M)

Other Academic Achievements

Keynote Address/Invited Talks in Conferences & Workshops:

1.Invited Talk on Photocatalytic nanomaterial GO@g-C3N4 stimulated biomass and lipid production in Chlorosarcinopsis sp. MAS04: A nano-bio hybrid approach in International Symposium on Advances in Algal Research held at IIT Guwahati in collaboration with DTU Copenhagen, CSIR IICT Hyderabad and GPBUAT Pantnagar on 12-14 June 2023. Session chair for technical session on Carbon dioxide sequestration. 2. Invited as keynote speaker, Title of the Talk: "Role of nanomaterials in microalgae biofuel and other industrial applications: a nano-bio approach" at Smart Engineering and Technology Innovation for Enhancing Economic Growth, held at Federal University of Technology Minna Nigeria during 22-23 March 2023. 3. Invited as Speaker in two-week refresher course held on the 22nd January,2022 Organized by Centre of Biotechnology, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj 10- 01-2022 to 23-01-2022. Title of the talk Microalgae cell factory: synthesis of metabolites and products for industrial application”. 4. Invited talk and session chair in the International Conference on “Biotechnological Interventions to Overcome the Challenges of Covid/ Post-Covid Era (BIOCoPE-2022)” (Online) organized by Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur during 24th to 25th March 2022. 5. Invited talk entitled “Microalgae-nanomaterial association as a potential solution for sewage wastewater treatment and improved biofuels” in Food Water Waste seminar at University of Nottingham, UK on 24 May 2021. (Virtual mode) 6. Invited talk and conference chair in Fifth International Online Conference on Reuse and Recycling of Materials (Polymers, Wood, Paper, Leather, Glass, Metals, Ceramics, Semi Conductors, Water etc) and their products (ICRM – 2020) December 13-15 2020. (virtual mode). Invited talk title: A novel integrated microalgae nanomaterial approach for nutrient removal from sewage wastewater and simultaneously lipid production for biodiesel application. 7. Invited talk at IIIT Allahabad, in National seminar cum workshop on recent developments in applied biotechnology. 6-8th March 2020. A novel approach to enhance lipid yield of microalgae providing waste molasses and metal oxide NPs based cell flocculation for improved biodiesel. 8. Invited for a talk on Integrated process of microalgae cell harvesting and lipid extraction using metal oxide nanoparticles for FAME production. Anwesha Khanra, Shrasti Vasistha, Monika Prakash Rai*. Energy for Life: sustainable development and economies, held on 16-17th Jan 2019, University of Nottingham, UK.

Chair in Conferences:

1. Session chair for technical session on Carbon dioxide sequestration in International Symposium on Advances in Algal Research held at IIT Guwahati in collaboration with DTU Copenhagen, CSIR IICT Hyderabad and GPBUAT Pantnagar on 12-14 June 2023. 2. Session chair in the International Conference on “Biotechnological Interventions to Overcome the Challenges of Covid/ Post-Covid Era (BIOCoPE-2022)” (Online) organized by Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur during 24th to 25th March 2022. 3. Conference session chair in Fifth International Online Conference on Reuse and Recycling of Materials (Polymers, Wood, Paper, Leather, Glass, Metals, Ceramics, Semi Conductors, Water etc) and their products (ICRM – 2020) December 13-15 2020. (virtual mode).

Conferences Attended for Presenting Paper:

1. Paper presentation entitled Microalgae Coelastrella sp. KJ04 assisted industrial effluent treatment and improved lipid production: An integrated approach presented in 11th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management & Circular Economy 2021 (11th IconSWM-CE) & IPLA Global Forum 2021, 1-4 December 2021 at Jadavpur University Kolkata. Paper received Icon SWM -CE Excellence Award 2021 for Best Paper Presentation. 2. ZrO2 nanoparticles mediated flocculation and increased lipid extraction in Chlorococcum sp. for biodiesel production: a cost- effective approach. International conference on aspects of materials science and engineering ICAMSE 2020. Punjab University. 29th- 30th May 2020. (Oral talk) 3. Potential of isolated green microalgae for improved biodiesel under mixotrophy. International conference on innovative applied energy IAPE 2019. March 14-15 2019, Oxford UK. 4. Isolation of Microalgae from waste water for nutrient removal and FAME production. Shrasti Vasistha, Monika Prakash Rai*. New frontiers in engineering, science and Technology, NFEST, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi. 2018. 5. Polymer degradation by microbial consortium isolated from landfill site of landfill site of New Delhi. Ashim Lakhera, Rishabh Pandey, Monika Prakash Rai*. New frontiers in engineering, science and Technology, NFEST, DTU, New Delhi. 2018. 6. Cultivation of Chlorosarsinopsis sp. in sewage wastewater for lipid production. Shrasti Vasistha, Anwesha Khanra, Monika Prakash Rai*. Bioprocessing India 2017, Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, December 2017, IIT- Guwahati. 7. Heterotrophic cultivation of Chlorella sp for the production biodiesel. Monika Prakash Rai*, Anwesha Khanra, Shrasti Vasistha. Current Scenario and Future Trends in Biotechnology, BIOFUTURITY, March 2018, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. 8. Optimization of Growth and Lipid Production in Euglena gracilis under Mixotrophic Cultivation. Anwesha Khanra, Nikunj Sharma, Monika Prakash Rai*. ISNPMP 2016, 1-2 March 2016, TERI, New Delhi. 9. Growth, Harvesting and Lipid Production from Microalgae for Biodiesel Production. Monika Prakash Rai, Vrinda, Anwesha Kjhanra, Arpita Bhattacharya International conference of material science and technology, 4th March 2016. University of Delhi. 10. Repetitive extractive fermentation of Bacillus cereus for protease production and its industrial application. Monika Prakash Rai. Bacillus Act 2015, 27-31 October 2015 JNU, New Delhi. 11. Sorption of lead, cadmium, and nickel with increase in lipid production by microalgae. Monika Prakash Rai. National seminar on innovative, advance research in bio-medical, and environmental dynamics. 9-10 October 2015, Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi, New Delhi. 12. Growth and lipid production from Chlorella sp. and Anabaena sp. for bioenergy application. Monika Prakash Rai and Nikunj Sharma. CHEMCON 2013, 66th Annual session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers & Joint Indo-North American Symposium, IICT-Mumbai, December 27-30, 2013. 13. Algae lipids and α/β hydrolase proteins as major regulators in cancer. Nikunj Sharma and Monika Prakash Rai*. International symposium on frontiers in cancer research: prevention to therapeutics, November 15-16, 2013, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida. 14. Potential of biologically active compounds from algae as anticancer agents. Shivani Gupta, Trishnamoni Gautam, Monika Prakash Rai*. International symposium on frontiers in cancer research: prevention to therapeutics, November 15-16 2013, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida. 15. Paper entitled “Growth of Chlorella pyrenoidosa in cow waste as a low cost medium for bio-diesel production. Monika Prakash Rai and Nikunj Sharma. Bioenergy and Environment Sustainable Technologies -2013, Arunai Engg College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, Jan 27-30 2013. (ISBN: 978-81-926424-0-6). 16. Oil extraction from Chlorella biomass for the production of biodiesel, Monika Prakash Rai and Subhasha Nigam. Global Vision 2020; May 3-4, 2013, EAST, Tiruneveli, Tamilnadu. 17. Paper entitled “Enhanced production of lipid from Chlorella pyrenoidosa under mixotrophy for bio-diesel application” Monika Prakash Rai, Subhasha Nigam, Rupali Gupta. International Bioenergy Summit- 2012, Algae & Synthetic Biology: Potential of Biofuels, organized by DBT and TERI, India Habitat Center, New Delhi., Nov 5-6 2012. 18. UK-India Teaching Partnership Development Forum- 2012, organized by University of Nottingham and Manipal University and supported by British Council, 26-27July 2012, India Habitat Center, New Delhi.(Participated) 19. International conference on Bioscience and Bioengineering: A Collaborative Approach. July 06-07 2012 held at IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad.(Participated) 20. National Workshop on “Pollution Prevention Paradigm” organized by Amity Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Safety and Management in association with Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, held on May 11, 2012, Amity University Noida.(Participated) 21. Paper entitled “Comparative study on production of biodiesel from Aphanothese and Fisherella sp. Monika Prakash Rai and Subhasha Nigam. International conference “Banglore India Bio-2011” at Banglore in May 2011. 22. Paper entitled “Microalgae: a renewable energy source for biodiesel production” Subhasha Nigam, Monika Prakash Rai, Vikalp Jain. International conference ISPR- 2010, held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during Feb 2010. 23. Paper entitled “Application of Aqueous Two-Phase System in Simultaneous Production and Separation of an industrially important Bacillus Protease” Monika Prakash Rai. National seminar on Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology” held at Indian Habitat center, New Delhi (22nd Jan 2008). 24. Paper entitled “Production and Separation of a Bacillus Protease in Aqueous Two- Phase System Suitable for detergent Industry” Monika Prakash Rai and R. M. Banik. National seminar on “Biotechnology in genomic era: Industrial Priorities- 2006” held at IILM- AHL, Greater Noida. 25. Paper entitled “The potential application of aqueous two-phase system in simultaneous production and separation of a Bacillus protease suitable for dairy industry” Monika Prakash and R. M. Banik. Published in “International Congress on Bioprocesses in food Industries-2004” held at Clermont-Ferrand, France. 26. Paper entitled “Laundry detergent compatibility of the alkaline protease from Bacillus cereus” R.M.Banik, Monika Prakash, Indian Science congress-2004 held at Chandigarh and adjudged as Best Paper in the congress. 27. Paper entitled “Extracellular protease from microbial sources and its industrial applications” R.M.Banik, Monika Prakash, “National Conference on Biomass as source of energy and chemicals-2004” held at I.T., B.H.U. 28. Paper entitled “Aqueous Two-Phase System- A Biofriendly Method for Separation of Biochemicals” R.M.Banik, Monika Prakash, A. Anand, A. Santiagu Best Paper in the “National Conference on Separation in Process Industry-2003” held at I.T., B.H.U.

Award and Honors:

• Received Travel award to deliver invited talk in international conference “Energy for Life” at University of Nottingham UK (14th- 18th Jan 2019). • Received Distinguished Visiting Scientist Award from University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (Year 2011) • Received Best paper presentation award in the 11th IconSWM-CE & IPLA Global Forum 2021 • Qualified Joint C.S.I.R – U.G.C NET- LS, Dec.2001& June 2002. • Qualified All India Graduate Aptitude Test (GATE) in LIFE SCIECES (G86.5 percentile, AIR 263) in 2001. • Best poster award in Indian science congress, Chandigarh, INDIA, 2004. • Best Poster award in “National Conference on Separation in Process Industry-2003”, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, 2003

Conferences/ Workshops/Symposium/ Short-term Courses Organized:

Convener of the INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING (ISBBE-2021) on “Waste Management and Innovation for Valorization: Enroute A Sustainable World and Future”. (26-27 October 2021)

On-going Projects:

1. PI on "Development of algal culture system for the production of enhanced biomass and bioproducts" funded by MNNIT Allahabad. Jan 2024.

Projects Completed:

GOVERNMENT FUNDED PROJECTS: 1. PI on International project entitled “Impact of Carbon Nanomaterial based Photocatalyst on Microalgae Growth and Lipid for Improved Biodiesel" in collaboration with University of Nottingham, UK, funding by Mission Innovation division, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi. (August 2019- August 2023). 2. PI on project entitled “A new approach to enhance lipid yield of microalgae in a photo-heterotrophic fed-batch bioreactor for biodiesel production” funded by CSIR-HRDG (Extramural Scheme-II) August 2016- Jan 2020. 3. PI on project entitled “Production of biodiesel from microalgae as a renewable energy source” funded by Technology System Development, Department of Science and Technology (DST) (December 2010- December 2012) 4. Mentor on A method for photoheterotrophic cultivation of microalgae targeting improved lipid production for various applications, Anwesha Khanra (SRF). CSIR EMR 1. (2018-2019)

Expert Lectures:

1. Guest Lecture on “Role of nanomaterials in microalgae applications: a nano-bio approach” at Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, UK, on 25 Nov 2022. 2. Guest Lecture on “Role of nanomaterials in microalgae biofuel and other industrial applicaytions: a nano-bio approach” at Energy Technologies Research Institute, University of Nottingham, UK on 24 Nov 2022. 3. Guest lecture entitled “Microalgae-nanomaterial association as a potential solution for sewage wastewater treatment and improved biofuels” in Food Water Waste seminar at University of Nottingham, UK on 24 May 2021. (Virtual mode).

Overseas Assignments:

- Post Ph.D. received Distinguished Indian Visiting Fellowship from University of Nottingham United Kingdom for collaborative research (2011) -Project entitled “Impact of Carbon Nanomaterial based Photocatalyst on Microalgae Growth and Lipid for Improved Biodiesel" in collaboration with University of Nottingham, UK, funding by Mission Innovation division, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi and Energy Technologies Research Institute, University of Nottingham, UK. (2019- 2023). - Joint Ph.D. program with University of Nottingham, UK (2020-continue).

Reviewer for Transactions / Journal / Conferences:

Peer Reviewed Journals 1. Energy conversion and management 2. Biomass and Bioenergy 3. Algal Research 4. Biomass conversion and biorefinery 5. Renewable Energy 6. Biochemical Engineering Journal 7. Frontiers in Microbiology 8. MDPI Molecules 9. Biofuel Journal

Other Significant Achievements:

PATENTS: 1. A method for hyeraccumulation of astaxanthin production in Monoraphidium sp. Monika Prakash Rai, Kushi Yadav, Anchala Singh. Indian Patent Office, New Delhi, September 2022 (Appl. No. TEMP/E-1/60206/2022-DEL) 2. A method for Sequential extraction of lipid, chlorophyll and carotenoids from fresh water green microalgae. Monika Prakash Rai, Kushi Yadav. Indian Patent Office, New Delhi, March 2022 (Appl. No 202211013460) 3. A method for evaluating anti-proliferating activity of Monoraphidium sp. carotenoid extract carrying astaxanthin on liver cancer cells huh-7. Monika Prakash Rai, Maryam Sarwat, Kushi Yadav, Indian Patent Office, New Delhi, June 20 ,2022 (Appl. No. 202211035351). 4. A METHOD BASED ON VISIBLE LIGHT ACTIVATED GO@G-C3N4 NANOCOMPOSITE CONCOMITANTLY STIMULATING CAROTENOIDS AND LIPIDS. Monika Prakash Rai, Reetu. Indian Patent Office, New Delhi, May 2022 (Appl. No. 202211022675) Provisional 18.04.22 5. A method for Enhancing Microalgae Biomass and Lipid Yield using g-C3N4-TiO2 for Biodiesel Production. Monika Prakash Rai, Reetu. Indian Patent Office, New Delhi, May 2022 (Appl. No. 202111027320) CAP filed 6. A biopolymer induced microalgae cell flocculation and enhanced lipid production for biodiesel application” Monika Prakash Rai, Shrasti Vasistha Application number 202011010829, filed in Inidian Patent office on 13 March, 2020. 7. Flocculation and lipid extraction proficiency of microalgae Chlorococcum sp. by using Zirchonium oxide nano-particle towards biodiesel production: a nano-bio interaction approach. Monika Prakash Rai*, Anwesha Khnara, Shrasti Vasistha. Indian Patent Office, New Delhi, October 2018 (Appl. No. 201811039752) (Completed) 8. Anticorrosion activity of mild steel from three novel and prospective microalgal strains. Monika Prakash Rai*, Anwesha Khanra. Indian Patent Office, New Delhi, Jan 2018 (Application no. 201711039756) (Completed). 9. Glycerol as enhancer for LC PUFA synthesis in Euglena sp. Monika Prakash Rai*, Anwesha Khanra. Indian Patent Office, New Delhi, March 2017 (Application no. 201711012585) (Published). 10. Synthesis of Linoleic acid from microalgae using magnetic core-shell nanoparticle. Monika Prakash Rai*, Arpita Bhattacharya, Anwesha Khanra. Indian Patent Office, New Delhi, Feb 2017 (Application no. 201711011619) (Published).
NOVEL MICROALGAE SEQUENCES SUBMITTED TO NCBI 1. Accession no. MH057849 from NCBI GenBank and identified as Coelastrella sp. KJ- 04 2. Chlorococcum sp. SVF (GenBank accession number by NCBI is MF860821.1) 3. Chlorella sorokiniana strain 2B3, GenBank accession no. MZ882158 4. Tetradesmus dimorphus strain BA1, GenBank Accession No. MZ890151 5. Asterarcys sp. submitted to NCBI, GenBank Accession No.: MZ367041