Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: vps15783[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 9628574540(O)
Dr. Vishwajeet Pratap Singh has received Appreciation letter in September 2017, from students of CED, Batch 2013-17, who scored top rank in GATE-2017 and ESE-2017 for his guidance and supports.
Best paper award for his work "Assessment of engineering behaviour and health risk of metal complex acid dye contaminated expansive soil", in Geo-Environmental Issues and Sustainable Urban Development (GEN - 2014), MNNIT Allahabad.
Short term course; Geotechnical investigation for structural engineering IIT Gandhinagar, 13-15 Nov., 2014
Short term course; Earthquake resistance design and detailing of structures; MNNIT Allahabad, 24-28 Nov., 2014
International conference, Geo Chicago 2016, Chicago US, 14-18 Aug., 2016
Workshop; Indo-US Bilateral Workshop, Chicago US, 18 Aug., 2016
Workshop, Landfills and Waste to Resource, IIT Delhi, 19 Apr. 2017
International conference 17th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech, AIT Bangkok 21-22 July, 2017
Workshop, National networking Workshop, IIT Delhi, 12-13 July, 2018
On-going Projects:
Title: Development of web-based tool for selection of sustainable remediation option for soil contaminated with organic contaminants, Agency: MHRD sponsored project "Design and Innovation Centre", Role: PI
Projects Completed:
Title: Laboratory Scale Model of Electrokinetic Remediation, Agency: MNNIT Allahabad, Role: PI.
Title: Human Health Risk Assessment Based on Total Concentration and Bioavailability of contaminants in Urban Dust/Soil, Agency: MHRD sponsored project "Design and Innovation Centre", Role: PI.
Title: Risk-Based Assessment of Contaminated Land and Remediation Selection Protocol, Agency: TEQIP-2, MNNIT Allahabad, Role: PI
Title: Evaluation of Contaminated Land Site and its Remediation Modeling in Laboratory, Agency: Institute R&C, MNNIT Allahabad, Role: PI
Waste Management; Waste Management, IFFCO Phulpur, Allahabad 04-05 June 2015.
Human Health Risk Assessment of Contaminated Environment; Waste Management, IFFCO Phulpur, Allahabad, 28/03/2017
Strategies for waste management practice at community level; Waste Management, IFFCO Phulpur, Allahabad, 29/03/2017
Strategies for Sustainable Development: Goals and Issues; Department of Civil Engineering MMMUT Gorakhpur, 19/02/2018
Sustainable Management of Contaminated site; Department of Civil Engineering MMMUT Gorakhpur; 22/02/2018
Human Health Risk due to Contaminated Site: Assessment and Management; Training programme on Environment & Pollution Control, IFFCO Phulpur Prayagraj, 20/03/2018
Water and Human Health; Training programme on Environment & Pollution Control, IFFCO Phulpur Prayagraj, 21/03/2018
Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering; One Week National Workshop on Civil Engineering for Green and Inclusive Sustainable Development, CED, REC Ambedkar Nagar; 16/09/2019
Foundation in Difficult Ground; One Week National Workshop on Civil Engineering for Green and Inclusive Sustainable Development, CED, REC Ambedkar Nagar, 17/09/2019
Selection & evaluation of parameters for design of building’s foundation One Week short term Training program on “shallow and deep foundations” at CED, REC Ambedkar Nagar, 15-19, Oct. 2019
Low rise building foundation: selection and design One Week short term Training program on “shallow and deep foundations” at CED, REC Ambedkar Nagar, 15-19, Oct. 2019
Future in civil engineering; One Week short term Training programme on “recent trends in civil engineering” at CED, REC Ambedkar Nagar, 13-17, Nov. 2019
Mega infrastructure projects in India; One Week short term Training program on “recent trends in civil engineering” at CED, REC Ambedkar Nagar, 13-17, Nov. 2019
Books Reviewed:
Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer, 01/2017
Indian Geotechnical Journal; Springer; 04/2017
Other Significant Achievements:
V. P. Singh & R. K. Srivastava; Geoenvironmental Practices and Sustainability: Linkages & Directions,; Human Health Risk Based Sustainable Management for a Contaminated Site: A case Study; Springer, 978-981-10-4077-1