Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: msalam[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532-2271584(O) 0532-2271716(R) 09412379090(M)

Other Academic Achievements

Keynote Address/Invited Talks in Conferences & Workshops:

Delivered Expert Lecture on “ENHACED HEAT & MASS TRANSFER OPERATIONS: APPLICATIONS OF NANOFLUIDS & MICROCHANNELS” in Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Next Generation of Chemical Manufacturing & Waste Management Organized by: Department of Chemical Engineering, I.E.T. Lucknow, July 31, 2020.

Chair in Conferences:

Title: Industrial Application of Nano-Science & Nanotechnology (IANN-2019), Sponsored by: TEQIP-III, MNNIT Allahabad+ Other agencies, Period: 02 Days (November 15-16, 2018), Number of participants attended: 50, Role in organizing the National Conference: Chairperson
Title: International conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development (CHEM-CONFLUX20), Sponsored by: TEQIP-III, MNNIT Allahabad + Other agencies, Period: 03 Days (14-16 February 2020), Number of participants attended: 161, Role in organizing the International Conference: Chairperson

Conferences Attended for Presenting Paper:

19th international conference on chemical engineering and single molecule microscopy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24-25/08/2017.

Conferences/ Workshops/Symposium/ Short-term Courses Organized:

Title: 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP-2016), Sponsored by: MNNIT Allahabad, Duration: 03 Days, (December 15-17, 2016), Number of participants attended: 633 Research Papers, Role in organizing the Conference: Coordinator (Technical Session).
Title: Application of Multiphysics and Inverse Modeling to Industrial Problems, Sponsored by: MNNIT Allahabad, Duration: 02 Days (December 18-19, 2016), Number of participants attended: 59, Role in organizing the Workshop: Technical (Chair)
Title: Hindi Typing Workshop, Sponsored by: MNNIT Allahabad, Duration: 01 Days (December 30, 2016), Number of participants attended: 63, Role in organizing the Workshop: Convener.
Title: Application of Multiphysics and Inverse Modeling to Industrial Problems, Sponsored by: MNNIT Allahabad, Duration: 02 Days (December 18-19, 2016), Number of participants attended: 59, Role in organizing the Workshop: Technical (Chair)
Title: Modeling and Optimization of Chemical & Biochemical Processes, Sponsored by: Self Financed, Duration: 06 Days (January 16-21, 2017), Number of participants attended: 37, Role in organizing the Short Term Course: Convener
Title: Experimental Approach in Analytical Electrochemistry, Sponsored by: MNNIT Allahabad, Duration: 01 Days (January 28, 2017), Number of participants attended: 57, Role in organizing the Workshop: Coordinator
Title: Energy Efficiency Management, Sponsored by: MNNIT Allahabad, Duration: 02 Days (24-25 March 2017), Number of participants attended: 47, Role in organizing the Workshop: Coordinator
कार्यशाला का शीर्षक: तकनीकी शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में हिन्दी भाषा का महत्व, अवधि: एक दिवसीय हिंदी कार्यशाला (दिनांक 27/06/2018), प्रायोजक: MNNIT Allahabad, प्रतिभागियों की संख्या: 65, कार्यशाला आयोजित करने में भूमिका: समन्वयक
Title: INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF HEAT TRANSFER OPERATIONS (IAHTO – I: 2018), Sponsored by: TEQIP-III, MNNIT Allahabad, Period: 05 Days (October 10-14, 2018), Number of participants attended: 49, Role in organizing the Short Term Course: Chairperson & Convener
Title: NEW TRENDS IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND ITS REUSE (NTWT – 2019), Sponsored by: TEQIP-III, MNNIT Allahabad, Period: 05 Days (March 12-16, 2019), Number of participants attended: 49, Role in organizing the Short Term Course: Chairperson & Coordinator
Title: RESEARCH ASPECTS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (RACE – 2019), Sponsored by: Self-Financed, Period: 45 Days (May 24 - July 06, 2019), Number of participants attended: 24, Role in organizing the Workshop cum Summer Training Programme: Chairperson & Coordinator
Title: INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF HEAT TRANSFER OPERATIONS (IAHTO – I: 2018), Sponsored by: TEQIP-III, MNNIT Allahabad, Period: 05 Days (October 10-14, 2018), Number of participants attended: 49, Role in organizing the Short Term Course: Chairperson & Convener
Title: Opportunity and challenge for employment and entrepreneurship in Chemical Bio Process (OCEE-2021), Sponsored by: MNNIT Allahabad, Period: One week (March 16-20, 2021), Role in organizing the Online One Week Short Term Course: Coordinator

On-going Projects:

Heat Transfer in Nucleate Pool Boiling of Multicomponent Mixtures on Modified Surfaces., Duration: 03 Years, Agency: AICTE, Amount: Rs. 18.67 Lakhs, Role: Co-PI

Projects Completed:

Analysis of convective heat transfer rate with nano-fluids on modified surfaces, Duration: 1 Year, Agency: TEQIP-II, Amount: Rs. 1.2 Lakhs, Role: PI
Treatment of heavy metals from waste water using nanofibres, Duration: 1 Year, Agency: TEQIP-II, Amount: Rs. 1.3 Lakhs, Role: PI


Inspection of 84 GPIs (Tanneries of Kanpur and Unnao District of U.P.) for compliance verification of effluents discharge standard, April-July 2017,Agency: CPCB, New Delhi, Team Member (Consultancy Project).
Inspection Of GPIs (Tanneries, Textile mills, slaughter houses, fertilizers industries etc.) by Technical Institutions In Ganga Main Stem States for compliance verification of effluents discharge standard, February- September 2018, Agency: CPCB, New Delhi, Team Member (Consultancy Project).
Inspection Of GPIs By Technical Institutions In Ganga Main Stem States for compliance verification of effluents discharge standard during DIVYA-KUMBH 2019, November 2018 - March 2019, Agency: CPCB, New Delhi, Team Member (Consultancy Project).
Inspection Of GPIs (Textile mills at Farukhabad) by Technical Institutions In Ganga Main Stem States for compliance verification of effluents discharge standard, 2020, Agency: CPCB, New Delhi, Team Member (Consultancy Project).

Expert Lectures:

Title: ADVANCES AND IN APPLICATIONS OF NANO FLUIDS, Sponsored by: TEQIP-III, MNNIT Allahabad, Period: 06 Days (October 23-28, 2018), Role in the Short Term Course: Expert Lecture with Lab demonstration (Topic: Enhanced boiling heat transfer: an application of nanofluids, 24th October 2018)
Title: EMERGING TRENDS IN THERMAL ENGINEERING (ETTE-2019), Sponsored by: Self-Financed, Period: 05 Days (March 01-05, 2019), Role in the Short Term Course: Expert Lecture (Topic: Enhanced boiling heat transfer: an application of nanofluids, 3rd March 2019).

Reviewer for Transactions / Journal / Conferences:

*Reviewer of Journal “Chemical Engineering Science”. *Reviewer of Journal “International Communications in Heat & Mass Transfer”. *Reviewer of Journal “Chemical Engineering Communications”. *Reviewer of Journal “Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly” *Reviewer of Journal of “The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E” *Reviewer of Journal “Chemical Engineering Research and Design”.