Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: jcmohanta[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: 0532-2271527(O)
Session Chair in International Conference on Innovations in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (IMME-2022), conducted by Mechanical Engineering Department, MNNIT Allahabad.
Session Chair in 3rd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics: Developments & Applications (ICIDeA 2025), which is a flagship conference of the IEEE Kolkata Section and organized by the School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar during 21-22 February 2025.
Award and Honors:
Received Institute Fellowship for perusing Ph. D. at NIT, Rourkela from MHRD in the year 2006
Received MHRD Scholarship for perusing M. Tech. at NIT, Rourkela from July 2002- July 2004
Received Merit Scholarship for three years at OSME, Keonjhar from 1990-1993
Qualified National Rural Talent Search (NRTS) Examination and received scholarship for three years for pursuing HSC.
Qualified GATE-2002 with 95.97 Percentile score.
Received "Best Paper Award" in Springer International Conference EPREC-2022 in May 2022
Received the Honor; Letter of Appreciation from Director General of CPRI, Bangalore For outstanding achievements in exceeding the revenue target of 900 LAKHS [9-CRORES] for the financial year 2008-09 through Consultancy Projects in Mechanical Engineering Division of CPRI (Vide Letter No. CPRI/P & C/4/1/MoU/2009, dated: 13.04.2009)
PATENT: 1. J. C. Mohanta and G. C. Mohanta, "Development of stub setting mechanism for testing of Transmission line tower", Patent No. 431241, Date of Grant: 09.05.2023.
PATENT - 2. J. C. Mohanta and Faiyaz Ahmed, “A Site Inspection Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System” Patent No. 541950, Date of Grant: 14.06.2024
PATENT 3. Sri krishna singh, J. C. mohanta, "An automatic writing machine for drawing sketch and writing text and the method involved thereof", Patent application number: 201811045697, Date of Publication: 31/05/2019 (Hearing Completed on 19.02.2024, waiting for grant).
Ranked Top 7th in INDIA and 50th in Worldwide in Mobile Robotics researcher by ScholarGPS Ranking Analytics-2022
Coordinator, Short Term Training Program on "Robotics and Automation", from 08/06/2015 to 12/06/2015 at MNNIT Allahabad.
Coordinator, Short Term Course (STC) on "Robotics and Automation", from 11/04/2022 to 15/04/2022 at MNNIT Allahabad.
Coordinator for the National Conference on "Recent Trends in Transmission Lines Towers and its Future Prospectives" conducted by CPRI Bangalore for power utilities corporate/ entrepreneurs from 21/09/2012 to 21/09/2012
On-going Projects:
Principal Investigator (PI) for the DST sponsored project entitled “Quad-copter application for live-inspection of power transmission lines” Project No. DST/ICPS/Individual-CPS/2018/T-32, Date of sanction 03.01.2019, Project cost: Rs. 24.123 Lakhs.
Projects Completed:
Principal Investigator (PI) for the project "A Comparative Study on Navigational Behaviour of Mobile Robot In Various Environments Through Simulation and Real-time Experiments" (Sanction Order No. 134/R & C/13-14/Sl. No.16), TEQIP-II, MNNIT, Allahabad, Rs. 2.27 Lakhs
Principal Investigator (PI) for the project "Design and Development of Flying Robots for Real-time Experiments", TEQIP-II, MNNIT, Allahabad, 1year, Rs. 0.82 Lakhs, (As PI) (Sanction Order No. 184/R&C/ 13-14, dated: 14.10.2013
Co-Investigator in the Project “Design and development of transmission line tower using square and rectangular hollow sections and its environmental impact” by CPRI Bangalore with funding of Rs. 40 Lakhs (Under RC Project Grant, PROJECT CODE: 1/RC-TR/MED/2011).
Mechanical Strength Test of Tilt Frame, Referred by Tata Power Limited, Bangalore for VRDE, Ahmedabad, in the year 2011-12, , in the capacity of Engineering Officer in MED, CPRI Bangalore with the revenue of Rs.28.06375 Lakhs Bangalore.
Mechanical Strength Test of 765kv S/C Type “”B” Tower with +9 m Extension, For PGCIL, Gurgaon, in the year 2012-13, in the capacity of Engineering Officer in MED, CPRI Bangalore with the revenue of Rs. 26.27250 Lakhs.
Mechanical Strength Test of 275kV FRP Cross Arm, For HNC Technologies Sdn. Bhd. 12A, Jalan IKS M6, Taman Merdeka, 75350 Batu Berendam, Meleka, Malaysia, in the year 2011-12, in the capacity of Engineering Officer in MED, CPRI Bangalore with the revenue of Rs. 13.05115 Lakhs.
Mechanical Strength Test of 132kV D/C Type “DD60” Tower with +9m Extension, (Referred by Prem Power Construction Private Limited, 90 B, Phase-IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon - 122015, Haryana, (For Transmission Company of Nigeria.), in the year 2012-13, in the capacity of Engineering Officer in MED, CPRI Bangalore with the revenue of Rs. 15.68295 Lakhs.
Mechanical Strength Test of 400kV D/C Type “QDB” Tower with +6m Extension (for 640sqmm AAAC), as per IS 802 (Part III): 1978, R.A 2003, (Referred by: M/s. COBRA – KCL (J.V), No. 209, Sumel-2, Near Gurudwara, S. G. Highway, Thaltej,Ahmedabad – 380 054), in the year 2010-11, in the capacity of Engineering Officer in MED, CPRI Bangalore with the revenue of Rs. 16.08875 Lakhs.
Expert Lectures:
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang (IGIT) Sarang. on Roll of Robotics in Civil Engineering Contructions at TEQIP-III sponsored workshop on “ Automation and Robotics in Construction Industry (ARC-2021)
MITS, GWALIOR on Robotics: Past, Present and Future at AICTE Sponsored One Week Online STTP on Advances in Manufacturing Systems
MNNIT Allahabd on Theory of Stepper Motor, Application of Stepper & DC motor in Robotics, Types of Robot Programming Languages at SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAMME ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION
MNNIT Allahabd on Introduction to Automation, Robot sensors, Theory of various Sensors and its modelling in light of industrial robots. at SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAMME ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION
MNNIT Allahabd on Basic of Robotics Technology, Industrial robot and its evolution, Types, components, accuracy and applications of robots, General classifications of robots, Basic principle of a teach pendant. at SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAMME ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION