Asheesh Kumar Singh

Asheesh Kumar Singh

Department of Electrical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: asheesh[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: +91-9455133600(O) +91-9455133600(R) +91-9455133600(M)

Other Academic Achievements

Chair in Conferences:

[1.] Organizing Co-Chair # International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems (ICPCES-2010) # Nov. 28- Dec. 01, 2010 # MNNIT Allahabad, India
[2.] Finance Chair # International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems (ICPCES-2012) # Dec. 17-19, 2012 # MNNIT Allahabad, India
[3.] Organizing Co-Chair # International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems (ICPCES-2014) # Nov. 13-15, 2014 # MNNIT Allahabad, India
[4.] Organizing Chair # Students’ Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2015) # Nov. 06-08, 2015 # MNNIT Allahabad, India
[5.] General Co-Chair # IEEE Region-10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC-2016) # Dec. 21-23, 2016 # DEI, Dayalbagh, Agra, India
[6.] Technical Program Chair # International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2016) # Dec. 09-11, 2016 # IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India
[7.] Organizing Chair # International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems (ICPCES-2017) # March 09-11, 2017 # MNNIT Allahabad, India
[8.] Technical Chair # International Conference on Innovations in Control, Communication and Information Systems (ICICCI-2017) # Aug. 12-14, 2017 # UCER, Gr. Noida, India
[9.] Technical Chair # International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2018) # Nov. 02-04, 2018 # MMMUT, Gorakhpur, India
[10.] Technical Program Chair # Students’ Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2019) # May 29-31, 2019 # MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, India
[11.] General Chair # International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2019) # Nov. 08-10, 2019 # AMU, Aligarh, India
[12.] General Chair # International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and its Control (PARC 2020) # Feb.28-29, 2020 # GLA University, Mathura, U.P., India
[13.] General Chair # Students’ Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2020) # July 10-12, 2020 # MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, India
[14.] General Chair # International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2020) # Nov. 27-29, 2020 # MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, India
[15.] Conference Chair # Advances in Computing and Future Communication Technologies (ICACFCT 2021) # Dec. 16-17, 2021 # Meerut Institute of Engineering & Technology
[16.] General Chair # International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and its Control (PARC 2022) # Jan. 21-22, 2022 # GLA University, Mathura, U.P., India
[17.] Member, Advisory Committee # International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC 2023) # Dec. 21-23 , 2023 # Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida
[18.] Patron # International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering (UPCON 2023) # Dec. 01-03, 2023 # Amity University Greater Noida
[19.] Panelist for panel discussion on “Digital Technologies in Sustainable Transformation of Utility” in Session IV of the 4th Edition of IEEE R10 PES India Chapters Annual Global Workshop, 2023 # Nov. 23, 2023 # Hotel Plaza, Begumpet, Hyderabad
[20.] General Chair # International Conference on Computing, Power, and Communication Technologies (IC2PCT-2024) # Feb. 9-10, 2024 Galgotias University, Greater Noida
[21.] General Chair # International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and its Control (PARC 2024) # Feb. 23-24, 2024 # GLA University, Mathura, U.P., India
[22.] Technical Program Committee # 4th International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering # May 14-15,2024 Galgotias University, Greater Noida
[23.] Conference Chair # International Conference on Signal Processing and Advance Research in Computing (SPARC-2024) # Sep. 12-13,2024 # Amity University, Lucknow

Conferences/ Workshops/Symposium/ Short-term Courses Organized:

## Conducting National GIAN Programs ##
(1.) Co-Coordinator # Information Technology Service Management # Dec. 01-14, 2016 (Two weeks) # MNNIT Allahabad. ##
(2). Co-Coordinator # Managing Information Technology (IT) Outsourcing # Nov. 13-17, 2017 (One week) # MNNIT Allahabad.
## Short-term Courses ##
(1.) Course Coordinator # Power Quality: A Modern Power System Perspective # June 17- 21, 2013 # MNNIT Allahabad # Self-sponsored # No. of Attendees= 48 [Co-coordinator : Prof. R.K.Singh]
(2.) Course Coordinator # Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Techniques for Modern Power System. # June 24-28, 2013 # MNNIT Allahabad # Self-sponsored # No. of Attendees= 42 [Co-coordinator: Mr.Navneet K. Singh]
(3.) Course Coordinator # Industrial and Commercial Power Analysis: Recommended Practices # July 01- 05, 2013 # MNNIT Allahabad # Self-sponsored # No. of Attendees= 33 [Co-coordinator: Prof. R.K.Singh]
(4.) Course Coordinator # Electric Power Quality Analysis and Improvement # Jan. 21 -25, 2015 # MNNIT Allahabad # Self-sponsored # No. of Attendees= 45 [Co-coordinator: Prof. R.K.Singh, Prof. R.K.Tripathi].
(5.) Coordinator - Advances in Power Technologies (APT -2018) # Sep. 10-14, 2018 # EED, MNNIT Allahabad # TEQIP-III # Jointly organized by EED, MNNIT Allahabad and EED, KNIT Sultanpur # [Co-coordinator: Prof.R. K. Singh, Prof.R. K.Tripathi, Prof. Asheesh K. Singh, Prof.R Gupta, Prof.A. S. Pandey, Prof.R. P. Payasi].
(6.) Coordinator - Emerging Power Technologies & Management (EPTM-2019) # April 08 – 13, 2019 # EED, KNIT Sultanpur # TEQIP-III # Jointly organized by EED, KNIT Sultanpur and EED, MNNIT Allahabad # [Co-coordinator: Prof. R. P. Payasi, Dr. Y.K. Chauhan, Prof. Nand Kishor].
(7.) Coordinator SPARC Course on “Unpacking E-Mobility Technologies for India” Nov. 20-24 2021, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj

On-going Projects:

A Novel Resynchronization Methodology for Active Distribution Networks, Role: Co-PI, Funding agency: Science and Engineering Research Board - Core Research Grant Scheme, Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF), PI: Dr. Suman M (Assistant Professor) [NIT Trichy], Co-PI(s): Dr. Saumendra Sarangi (Assistant Professor) [MNNIT Allahabad] and Dr. Indrajit Sarkar (Assistant Professor) [NIT Rourkela], Sanction of the project: CRG/2023/004358 dated 23/09/2024, Sanctioned amount: Rs. 37,60,220/-
Sustainable & Smart Charging Infrastructure for Electric Ferries in Inland Waterways, Role: PI, Funding agency: Council of Science & Technology, Uttar Pradesh, Indian Co-PI(s): (i) Dr. Navneet Kumar Singh (Associate Professor), (ii) Dr. Nitin Singh (Professor), (iii) Dr. Niraj Kumar Choudhary (Associate Professor) [MNNIT Allahabad], Sanction of the project: CST/E&T/D-661 dated 01/08/2024, Sanctioned amount: Rs. 20,08,000/-
Development of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for Building Micro-Grids Containing Renewables for Smart City Applications, Role: Co-PI, PI: Dr. Prashant Kumar Tiwari (Associate Professor) [MNNIT Allahabad] Funding agency: Council of Science & Technology, U.P., Sanction of the project: Number: CSTID/1186/ date 29.08 2022, Sanctioned amount: Rs. 10.92 Lakhs

Projects Completed:

E-Mobility: An Electricity Grid Perspective; Role: Indian PI - Prof. Asheesh K Singh (MNNIT Allahabad); Funding agency: Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC) under Govt. of India; Indian Co-PI(s): Prof. Sri Niwas Singh (IIT Kanpur); International PI: Prof. Vassilios G. Agelidis, DTU, Denmark; International Co-PI(s): Dr. Jalal Kazempour, DTU, Denmark; Sanction of the project: SPARC/2018-2019/P1542/SL dated 25.06.2019; Sanctioned amount: Rs. 63,38,355/-; Status of the project: Ongoing
Integrated Renewable Resources and Storage: Operation and Management [IReSOpM]; Role: Co-PI; Funding agency: DST-RCN Call on Energy Research- 2018; Sanction of the project: INT/NOR/RCN/P-02/2019; Sanctioned amount: Rs. 46.52 Lakhs; Status of the project: Ongoing (2019-2022)
Developing a Model for Effective Adoption of Solar Energy System in India; Role: Co-PI; Funding agency: ICSSR; Sanction of the project: IMPRESS/P2103/346/2018-19/ICSSR, dated: 24-09-2019; Sanctioned amount: Rs. 12 Lakhs; Status of the project: Ongoing (2019-2022).
Implementation of fast charging/discharging PHEVs integrated with modern UPS for peak demand reduction in distribution system; Project coordinator: Dr. Asheesh Kumar Singh (PI) and Dr. P Karuppanan (Co-PI); Funding agency: Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Govt. of India; Sanction of the project: Sanction No. 22(0703)/15/EMR-II dated 23/11/2015; Status of the project: Completed; Total Budget: Rs. 29,25,300 /-
Design and Development of an FPGA Controller for PEM Fuel Cell Power Systems; Project coordinator: Dr. P Karuppanan (PI) and Dr. Asheesh Kumar Singh (Co-PI); Funding Agency: Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) under Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt. of India; Sanction of the project: Sanction No. 34/14/53/2014-BRNS dated 12/12/2014; Status of the project: Completed; Sanctioned amount: Rs. 18,89,200 /-


Technical Consultancy for "Project Solar Power System" to U.P. police Head Quarter Allahabad; [Ref. Letter No.: Mod Cel-XI-181 Dt. March 19,2016]; Year: 2015-16; Amount: Rs. 61.50 Crore; Co-Investigator[s]: Dr.Nand Kishore

Expert Lectures:

[1.] Moderated a special session on “IEEE SIGHT”, on December 26, 2024, at the 4th IEEE International Conference on "Power, Energy, Environment, and Intelligent Control" (PEEIC-2024), at GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Noida. [2.] Delivered a keynote talk titled “Digital Twins for Sustainable Energy Transition and Innovation”, on Sep. 27, 2024, at “International Conference on Energy Transition and Innovations in Green Technology (ICETIGT-2024),” [September 27-28, 2024] at MMMUT Gorakhpur (UP), India, jointly organized by Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur (U.P), India & Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. [3.] Delivered a lecture titled “Sustainable Microgrids: Architecture and Opportunities” on Sep. 23, 2024, at the short-term course on “Smart and Sustainable Strategy for Renewable Energy and E-Mobility (SUSTAIN-E 2024)” [September 23-27, 2024], organized by EED, SVNIT Surat (Gujarat). [4.] Delivered a talk titled “IEEE Membership Benefits & Opportunities” and organized a quiz on the topic “Green Quest: Exploring Sustainability and Innovation” on Sep. 19, 2024, at the IEEE Student Branch of Indraprastha Engineering College, Ghaziabad. [5.] Moderated a workshop on “Humanitarian Technology Activities”, on August 24, 2024, at the 1st International Conference on Advanced Computing and Emerging Technologies 2024 (ACET-2024), at Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad. [6.] Moderated a special session on “Humanitarian Technology Activities”, on August 11, 2024, at the 3rd International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials 2024 (ICCCCM’24), at United College of Engineering and Research, Prayagraj. [7.] Delivered a keynote address titled "Charging Infrastructure and Grid Integration for E-mobility" on August 10, 2024, at the 3rd International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials (ICCCCM 2024) [August 10-11, 2024], at United College of Engineering and Research, Prayagraj. [8.] Moderated a special session on “IEEE SIGHT”, on July 5, 2024, at the International Conference on Computer, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Their Applications (IC2E3-2024), at NIT Uttarakhand. [9.] Moderated a workshop on “IEEE SIGHT”, on July 5, 2024, at the International Conference on Computer, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Their Applications (IC2E3-2024), at NIT Uttarakhand. [10.] Delivered a talk titled “Empowering Innovation and Collaboration for a Sustainable Energy Future” in the valedictory session of an online event on “Nutruting Future Generations in Sustainable Energy (FUSEN-2024)” [June 11-12, 2024] on June 12, 2024. [11.] Moderated a special session on “Role of IEEE in Advancing Humanitarian Technology”, on May 10, 2024, at the IEEE International Conference on Communication, Computer Sciences and Engineering (IC3SE-2024), at Amity University. [12.] Moderated a workshop on “Humanitarian Technology and Funding Opportunities”, on April 26, 2024, at the 1st International Conference on Innovative Sustainable Technologies for Energy, Mechatronics and Smart System (ISTEMS-2024), at Graphic Era University, Dehradun. [13.] Delivered a talk titled “IEEE and PES” on April 24, 2024, at the IEEE PES Day Celebration at GL Bajaj Group of Institutions, Mathura, in IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section. [14.] Delivered an online talk titled “Sustainable AI for Cyber-Physical Systems” on April 17, 2024 in EA workshop titled “Green Horizons: Harnessing Digital Solutions for a Sustainable Future”, organized by IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section and supported by IEEE R10, to celebrate IEEE Education Week [April 14-20, 2024]. [15.] Delivered a talk titled “Sustainable AI for Cyber-Physical Systems” in Technical Session-4 of Day 1 of “Indo-German Science and Technology Centre Funded Bilateral Workshop” on “Information-centric Networks for Resilient Smart Urban Infrastructure (INSURE-2024) [22-23 February 2024], held at ABV-IIITM Gwalior, India, in collaboration with University of Göƫtingen, Germany. [16.] Delivered a keynote lecture titled “Digital Twin in Power and Energy Systems”, in the inaugural session of the 2024 5th International Conference on Computing, Power, and Communication Technologies (IC2PCT) at Galgotias University, Greater Noida on February 10, 2024. [17.] Conducted a workshop on “Humanitarian Technology Activities” with Mr. Sourabh Ghosh, in the inaugural session of the 2024 5th International Conference on Computing, Power, and Communication Technologies (IC2PCT) at Galgotias University, Greater Noida on February 10, 2024. [18.] Conducted a session on “IEEE Awareness Program” with Dr. Pushpendra Singh, at Gautam Buddha University on February 10, 2024. [19.] Panelist for panel discussion on “Digital Technologies in Sustainable Transformation of Utility” in Session IV of the 4th Edition of IEEE R10 PES India Chapters Annual Global Workshop, 2023, on November 25, 2023 at IEEE Hyderabad Section, Hotel Plaza, Begumpet, Hyderabad. [20.] Delivered a lecture titled “Digital Twin in Power Systems”, on “Digital Technologies in Sustainable Transformation of Utility” in Session IV of the 4th Edition of IEEE R10 PES India Chapters Annual Global Workshop on November 25, 2023. [21.] Conducted a session on “IEEE Women in Engineering: Meet and Greet” on December 3, 2023, at the 10th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering (UPCON), 2023, at Amity University Greater Noida. [22.] Moderated a workshop on “Humanitarian Technology Activities”, on December 2, 2023, at the 10th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering (UPCON), 2023, at Amity University Greater Noida. [23.] Delivered a lecture titled “Importance of IEEE Membership”, on November 25, 2023, at the 2nd International Conference on Communication, Security and Artificial Intelligence (ICCSAI-2023), at Galgotias University. [24.] Delivered a lecture titled “Renewable Energy Integration: Advancement and Challenges” on September 2, 2023 at Integral University Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. [25.] Delivered a lecture titled “The Vital Importance of Leadership” on August 3, 2023, at the IEEE Region 10 Young Professionals UpSkill-2023 program, (online). [26.] Delivered a lecture titled “IEEE Standards: An Overview” at the 3rd International Conference on Innovative Sustainable Computational Technologies - 2023, during September 8-9, 2023, technically sponsored by IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section, organized by Graphic Era University, Dehradun. [27.] Delivered a lecture titled “Education for Sustainable Development” at Shri Ramswaroop Memorial College of Engineering and Management (SRMCEM), Lucknow on November 11, 2023 on the occasion of National Education Day. [28.] Delivered 04 online lectures, during November 13-14, 2023 in “Module 7: Introduction to RE Integration in Power Markets” of curriculum teaching on the WePOWER-SAR100 PROGRAM of Technical Training for 100 Women Energy Professionals in South East Asia (SAR100) project, a DFAT-funded and World Bank-led program, on following topics: (i) Overview of Renewable Energy (RE) integration in South Asia region (ii) Key technical and economic considerations for RE integration (iii) Market design and regulatory framework for RE integration (iv) RE technologies and generation characteristics. [29.] Delivered the lecture on “Smart Cities for Sustainable Development” on September 20, 2021 in online FDP sponsored by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy on “Energy Management & Planning in Smart Cities for Sustainable Development (EMPSSD-2021)” during September 20-24, 2021 at Rajkiya Engineering College Sonbhadra (U.P.). [30.] [31.] Delivered the lecture on “Emerging Trends in Microgrid” on July 5, 2021 in online FDP under ATAL Academy on “Microgrid an Opportunity: Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy Resources” during July 05-09, 2021 at the Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University), Agra, India. [32.] Delivered the lecture on “Introduction to AI Techniques” on June 15, 2021 in online FDP under ATAL Academy on “Artificial Intelligence and Green Power Technology (AIGPT)” during June 14-18, 2021 at KNIT Sultanpur (U.P.). [33.] Delivered the Keynote lecture on “Artificial intelligence: A Modern Approach” on April 16, 2021 in the International Conference on Modern Approaches in Engineering, Science and Management (MAESM-2021), organized by Bansal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow, during April 16-17, 2021. [34.] Delivered the lecture on “Artificial Intelligence: An Overview” on July 19, 2021 in the Online Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence” organized during July 19-25, 2021, by Electrical Engineering Department, Bansal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow (UP) India. [35.] Delivered a lecture on “Microgrid and its Applications” on April 22, 2021, during PES DAY 2021 (Theme: Clean Energy Revolution), organized by IEEE Student Branch (SB), Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam, A.P., India [36.] Delivered the lecture on “Electric Vehicles & their Grid Integration” on January 1, 2021 in online FDP under ATAL Academy on “Electric Vehicles” [December 28 2020 to January 1, 2021], organized by Electrical Engineering Department, MANIT Bhopal (M.P.). [37.] Delivered the lecture on “Microgrids and their Control in Power System” on Dec. 25, 2020 in online FDP under ATAL Academy on “Smart Technologies and Communication Protocols in Power System (STCPPS-2020)” [Dec. 21-25, 2020] at REC, Sonebhadra (U.P.). [38.] Delivered the lecture on "Microgrid Technologies: Background, Drivers, & Challenges" on Oct. 19, 2020 in Online STTP on "Research Trends in Power and Energy Systems" [October 19-23, 2020], organized by Electrical Engineering Department, MANIT Bhopal (M.P.). [39.] Delivered the lecture on "Recent Trends in Microgrid Technologies" on Oct. 13, 2020, in online Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends in Power System (RTPS-2020)” [October 13-17, 2020], organized by of Electrical Engineering Department, GLA University Mathura. [40.] Delivered the lecture on "Emerging Trends in Microgrids" on Sep. 27, 2020 in TEQIP-III Sponsored Online Short Term Course on Stability Analysis, Protection and Control of Microgrid (SPCMG-2020) [September 25-29, 2020], organized by Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar (Punjab). [41.] Delivered the lecture on “Overview of AI and its application in Power Systems” on Sep. 21, 2020 in AICTE approved FDP on "Artificial Intelligence" (AI-2020), [Sep. 21-25, 2020], organized by Electrical Engineering Department, Rajkiya Engineering College Sonebhadra (U.P.). [42.] Lecture "Existing Challenges and Future Trends in Power Systems" on August 28, 2020 in online Short Term Course on "Emerging Trends in Power and Energy Systems (STC-ETPES-20)", during August 24-28, 2020, organized by Electrical Engineering Department, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida (U.P.). [43.] Delivered the Webinar on “Role of IEEE Professional Body in Enhancement of Technical and Research Knowledge of Professional and Students", on August 22, 2020, organized by Dean (Research & Development) GLA University, Mathura. [44.] Delivered the keynote lecture on “An overview on distribution automation system” at International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and its Control (PARC 2020)( IEEE Conference Record No.49193) on Feb. 29, 2020, organized during February 28-29, 2020. [45.] Delivered an expert lecture titled “Smart Energy Systems” in One week Short Term Cource on Smart Energy Systems: Operation and Control (SESOC-2019) on December 22, 2019 organized during December 17-22, 2019 at Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology (MMMUT) Gorakhpur. [46.] Delivered a keynote lecture titled “IEEE Conference Education” in 2019 IEEE Region 10 POCO on September 25, 2019 at Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology (MMMUT) Gorakhpur. [47.] Theme Speaker on the theme of “Engineering for Change” in 52nd Engineers Day Celebration on September 15, 2019 at IIT Kanpur. [48.] Delivered an expert lecture on “NBA accreditation” in One day workshop on NBA accreditation on August 3, 2019 at Aditya College of Technology & Science, Satna, M.P. [49.] Delivered an expert lecture titled “Smart Energy Systems” in Faculty Development Program on Smart Energy Delivery Systems on April 30, 2019 at SIET, Jhalwa, Prayagraj. [50.] Delivered Expert talk on Application of MATLAB in Electrical Engineering in TEQIP III sponsored One week workshop on “Microgrid Modeling and Simulation” on February 12, 2019 at Rajkiya Engineering College Banda (U.P). [51.] Delivered Expert talk on “Microgrid Modeling and Control” TEQIP III sponsored One week short term course on “Advances in Power System Engineering” on January 23, 2019 at Vindhya Institute of Technology and Science, Satna, M.P. [52.] Delivered keynote lecture titled “Power Quality Concerns & Emerging Challenges” in International Conference on “Sustainable Energy Electronics & coMputing Systems (SEEMS-2018)" on Oct 26, 2018 at I.T.S Engineering College, Greater Noida, India. [53.] Delivered lecture titled “Power Quality Issues: Existing and Emerging Challenges” in Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advances and Industrial Applications of Power Electronics Converters and Electrical Machines” on October 25, 2018 at AMU Aligarh. [54.] Delivered lecture titled “Energy Storage System in Microgrid”, in Short Term Course on “Emerging Trends in Smart Grid & Optimization Techniques (ETSGOT-2018), on Sept 15, 2018, at MMMUT Gorakhpur. [55.] Delivered lecture titled “Role of Smart Grid Technologies: A Comprehensive Assessment” in Short Term Course on “Emerging Trends in Smart Grid & Optimization Techniques (ETSGOT-2018), on Sept 14, 2018, at MMMUT Gorakhpur. [56.] Delivered lecture titled “Power Quality Issues and Their Mitigation” in Faculty Development Program on “Challenge & Opportunities in Energy Sector for Smart India” (Sponsored by AKTU, Lucknow) on September 12, 2018, at Moradabad Institute of Technology, Moradabad (U.P). [57.] Delivered lecture titled “Smart Grid: Vision and Framework” in Faculty Development Program on “Challenge & Opportunities in Energy Sector for Smart India” (Sponsored by AKTU, Lucknow) on September 11, 2018, at Moradabad Institute of Technology, Moradabad (U.P). [58.] Delivered lecture titled “Smart Grid Technologies and Applications” in Short Term Course on “Advances in Power Technologies (APT-2018)” on September 10, 2018, at MNNIT Allahabad. [59.] Delivered lecture titled “Power Quality Issues in Renewable Energy Systems” in short term course on “Modelling and Simulation of Renewable Energy Systems”, on June 01, 2018, at MNNIT Allahabad. [60.] Delivered lecture titled “Power Quality Issues: Existing and Emerging Challenges” in Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advances in Distributed Generation Systems and Management (RADGSM-18)” on April 06, 2018 at KNIT Sultanpur (U.P.) [61.] Delivered keynote lecture titled “Power Quality Monitoring and Mitigation Techniques” in International Conference on “Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics & Communication Systems (RIEECS-2017)” on October 28, 2017 at Graphic Era University, Dehradun, (Uttarakhand). [62.] Delivered keynote lecture titled “Control Strategies for Power Quality Enhancement” in IEEE International Conference on “Innovations in Control, Communication and Information Systems (ICICCI-2017)” on August 12, 2017 at United College of Engineering & Research, Greater Noida (U.P.). [63.] Delivered lecture titled “Emerging Power Quality Problems and State of the Art Solutions” in “Malaviya Research Conclave-2017” on July 11, 2017 on July 11, 2017 at Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology (MMMUT) Gorakhpur (U.P.). [64.] Delivered lecture titled “Electric Power Quality: Existing and Emerging Challenges” in “Malaviya Research Conclave-2017” on July 10, 2017 at Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology (MMMUT) Gorakhpur (U.P.). [65.] Delivered keynote lecture titled “Power Line Communication Technologies for Smart Grid Applications” on November 18, 2016 at IEEE International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Communication Technologies” at Graphic Era University, Dehradun (Uttarakhand). [66.] Delivered keynote lecture titled “Power Quality and its Impact, Assessment, Monitoring, and Mitigation,” on April 11, 2015 at 2nd National Power & Energy System Conference (NPESC-2015) at Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology (KNIT) Sultanpur (U.P.). [67.] Delivered an invited lecture on “Power Quality in IT Industry” at Knowledge Development Center (KDC), Technology Laboratory of Uruguay (Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay- LATU), Montevideo, Uruguay, Feb 2008. [68.] Delivered an invited lecture on “Power Quality, its economic impact and solutions” at Tata Consultancy Services, Zonamerica, Montevideo, Uruguay, Feb. 2008.

Other Significant Achievements:

Vice Chair - Section & Sub-Section Coordination, IEEE India Council [Year 2021].
Section Chair, IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section [Year 2019 & 2020].
Chapter Chair, Joint Chapter of Industrial Electronics, Power Electronics & Control System, IEEE U.P. Section [Year 2020 & 2021].
Vice-Chair, IEEE Uttar Pradesh. Section [2017 & 2018].
Secretary, PES Chapter, IEEE Uttar Pradesh. Section [Year 2014].
Convener, Educational Activities Committee IEEE Uttar Pradesh. Section [Year 2013].
Convenor, Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT), IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section [Year 2013 & 2014].
Secretary, PES/ IAS Joint Chapter, IEEE U.P. Section [Year 2013].
Chapter Coordinator, Joint Chapter of Industrial Electronics, Power Electronics & Control System (IEEE U.P. Section) [Year 2011 & 2012].
## Conducting Internships/ Training Programs for UG students. ##
## Coordinator, “Summer Internship Program in Electrical Engineering (SIPEE)” at EED, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj (U.P.) ## • SIPEE-2016 (during June 21 – July 16, 2016), ## • SIPEE-2017 (during June 19-July14, 2017), ## • SIPEE-2018 (during June 11 – July 06, 2018), and ## • SIPEE-2019 (during June 11, 2019 – July 08, 2019).