Dr. Anindya Bhar

Dr. Anindya Bhar

Associate Professor
Department of Applied Mechanics
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, India-211004
E-mail: anindyab[at]mnnit[dot]ac[dot]in
Telephone: +915322271210(O) +915322271764(R)

Other Academic Achievements

Keynote Address/Invited Talks in Conferences & Workshops:

Invited Talk on Topic: Mechanics of Composite Materials; in TEQIP-III sponsored One Week Short Term Course on: Composite Materials: Overview, Characterization and Applications (CMOCA-2018), During July 16-20, 2018; Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad; July 16, 2018.

Chair in Conferences:

Session Chair [Session No-1, Topic: Computational Mechanics-1, Date: 28-05-2021, Time: 10:20 am to 12:00 pm], Virtual Seminar on Applied Mechanics (VSAM-2021), 28-29 May and 4-5 June, 2021; Organized by Indian Society for Applied Mechanics (ISAM), Online mode.

Conferences Attended for Presenting Paper:

International Conference on Ship & Offshore Technology (ICSOT INDIA 2013), IIT Kharagpur, India, 12-13 December, 2013.
58th Congress of ISTAM, Bengal Engineering and Science University (BESU), Shibpur, Howrah, India, 18-21 December, 2013.
16th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS16)’ A. J. M. Ferreira (Ed.), FEUP, Porto, Portugal, 28-30 June, 2011.
5th International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM-5), IIT Kharagpur, India, 27-29 December, 2010.
4th International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM-4), IIT Kharagpur, India, 27-29 December, 2007.
2nd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS-2), IIT Guwahati, India, 8-10 December, 2006.
3rd International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM-3), IIT Kharagpur, India, 28-30 December, 2004.

Award and Honors:

MHRD Scholarship, (Govt. of India), at B. E. College (DU), Shibpur, India, for Pursuing Masters of Engineering (M.E.).
Institute Research Scholarship [Sponsored by MHRD, Govt. of India], at IIT Kharagpur, India, for Pursuing PhD.

Conferences/ Workshops/Symposium/ Short-term Courses Organized:

Organizing Secretary: National Workshop on ‘Advanced Functional Materials and Structures (AFMS-2012)’ during 12-14 July, 2012 at MNNIT Allahabad, India in collaboration with University of Missouri (MU), Columbia, USA. Total Participants: 40.
Organizing Secretary: International Conference on Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Applications (ICMMSA-2014) during 22-24 December, 2014 at MNNIT Allahabad, India in collaboration with University of Missouri (MU), Columbia, USA.
Workshop Coordinator: Main Workshop on ‘Introduction to Structural Engineering’ under the National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT) Supported by MHRD, Govt. of India, during 04–09 January, 2016 at Nodal Centre MNNIT Allahabad (RC ID 1330), conducted by IIT Kharagpur, India.


Various Testing Projects in the areas of materials testing [e.g., Tensile Test, Bend and Re-bend Test, Plywood of Flush Door Moisture test & Screw Holding Test, End Immersion & Glue Adhesion Test, Tensile Test of Metal Pipes, Tensile & Bend Test of Welded Plates, Tensile Test of Galvanised Sheet, Testing of Connecting Rod and Cylinder Assembly for India Mark-II (SDWP) Hand Pump etc.]

Overseas Assignments:

Visiting Assistant Professor (non-salaried University affiliate) at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing, University of South Carolina, USA; during 17-21 March, 2014. [http://www.me.sc.edu/Research/iMAPS/pages/visiting-scholars.html]

Reviewer for Transactions / Journal / Conferences:

Journal of Structural Engineering (CSIR-SERC).
Computers and Concrete (Techno Press).
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering (Springer).
International Journal of Applied Mechanics (World Scientific).
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (Elsevier).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section-A, Physical Sciences.
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Springer).
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (MultiCraft Publishers).
Composites Part B (Elsevier).
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (Taylor & Francis).
International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Industrial, Automation and Management Systems (AMIAMS-2017), Organized by Mechanical Engineering Department, MNNIT Allahabad.
Indian National Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM-2017), Organized by Applied Mechanics Department, MNNIT Allahabad; in Association with Indian Society for Applied Mechanics.

Other Significant Achievements:

Attended ‘Faculty Orientation Program’ under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program – II (TEQIP-II), during 12-13 January, 2013, at MNNIT Allahabad, India.
Attended ISTE STTP for Coordinators, on ‘Introduction to Structural Engineering’ under the National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT) Supported by MHRD, Govt. of India, during 28 September – 02 October, 2015 at IIT Kharagpur, India.
Attended ‘Workshop on Pedagogy’ under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program – II (TEQIP-II), during 06-07 July, 2013, at MNNIT Allahabad, India.