Dr. A.K. Upadhyay
Email: incam2017@gmail.com, ashutosh@mnnit.ac.in
Phone: 0532-2271213, 9795430647
Dr. V.K. Patel
Email: vivek@mnnit.ac.in
Phone: 0532-2271214, 9455120700
Department of Applied Mechanics
MNNIT Allahabad
Allahabad, UP(211004)
Motilal Nehru National Institude of Technology, Allahabad, India
July 5-7,2017
Prof. K. K. Shukla
AMD, MNNIT Allahabad
Dr. A. K. Upadhyay
Dr. V.K. Patel
AMD, MNNIT Allahabad
Extended Abstract submission: 15thMarch 2017
Registration: 30thMay 2017
Full length paper submission: 15th June 2017